package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation::VariationSummary;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation);
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::LDFeatureContainerAdaptor;
sub _init {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->cacheable( 0 );
  $self->ajaxable(  0 );

sub content {
  my $self = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;
  my $html = '';
  ## first check we have a location
  unless ($object->core_objects->{'parameters'}{'vf'} ){
   $html = "<p>You must select a location from the panel above to see this information</p>";
   return $self->_info(
   'A unique location can not be determined for this Variation',
  ## set path information for LD calculations
  $Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::LDFeatureContainerAdaptor::BINARY_FILE = $object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_CALC_GENOTYPES_FILE;
  $Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::DBSQL::LDFeatureContainerAdaptor::TMP_PATH = $object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_TMP_TMP;

  ## Add validation status
  my $stat;
  my @status = @{$object->status};
  if ( @status ) {
  my $snp_name = $object->name;
  my (@status_list, $hapmap_html);
  foreach my $status (@status) {
    if ($status eq 'hapmap') {
      $hapmap_html = "<b>HapMap SNP</b>", $object->get_ExtURL_link($snp_name, 'HAPMAP', $snp_name);
    elsif ($status eq 'failed') {
      my $description = $object->vari->failed_description;
      return $status;
    else {
      $status = "frequency" if $status eq 'freq';
      push @status_list, $status;
  $stat = join(", ", @status_list);
  if ($stat) {
    if ($stat eq 'observed' or $stat eq 'non-polymorphic') {
      $html = '<b>'.ucfirst($stat).'</b> ';
    } else {
      $stat = "Proven by <b>$stat</b> ";
    $stat .= ' (<i>Feature tested and validated by a non-computational method</i>).<br /> ';
   $stat .= $hapmap_html;
  } else { 
   $stat = "Unknown";

   unless ($stat=~/^\w/) { $stat = "Undefined"; }
   $html .= qq(
       <dl class="summary">
      <dt>Validation status</dt>
      <dd> $stat</dd>);

  ## Add LD data  
  my $ld_html;
  my $label = "Linkage disequilibrium data";

   ## First check that a location has been selected:
  if  ($object->core_objects->location ){ 
    if  ($object->species_defs->databases->{'DATABASE_VARIATION'}{'DEFAULT_LD_POP'}) {
      my %pop_names = %{_ld_populations($object) ||{} };
      my %tag_data  = %{$object->tagged_snp ||{} };
      my %ld = (%pop_names, %tag_data);
      if  (keys %ld) {
        $ld_html = link_to_ldview( $object, \%ld); 
      } else {
        $ld_html = "<h5>No linkage data for this SNP</h5>";
    } else {
      $ld_html = "<h5>No linkage data available for this species</h5>";
  } ## If no location selected direct the user to pick one from the summary panel 
   else {
     $ld_html = "You must select a location from the panel above to see Linkage disequilibrium data";
   $html .= qq(<dt>$label</dt>
      <dd> $ld_html</dd></dl>);
  return $html;

sub link_to_ldview {

  ### LD
  ### Arg1        : object
  ### Arg2        : hash ref of population data
  ### Example     : link_to_ldview($object, \%pop_data);
  ### Description : Make links from these populations to LDView
  ### Returns  Table of HTML links to LDView

  my ($object, $pops ) = @_;
  my $output = "<table width='100%'  border=0><tr>";
  $output .="<td> <b>Links to Linkage disequilibrium data  per population:</b></td></tr><tr>";
  my $count = 0; 
  for my $pop_name (sort {$a cmp $b} keys %$pops) {
    my $tag = $pops->{$pop_name} eq 1 ? "" : " (Tag SNP)";
    my $pop_on = $pop_name .":on";
    my $url = $object->_url({ 'type' => 'Location', 'action' =>'LD', 'v' => $object->name, 'vf' =>$object->vari->dbID, 'opt_pop' => $pop_on  });
     $output .= "<td><a href=$url>$pop_name</a>$tag</td>";  
    if ($count ==3) {
      $count = 0;
      $output .= "</tr><tr>";
  $output .= "</tr></table>";
  return  $output;

sub _ld_populations {

  ### LD
  ### Arg1        : object
  ### Example     : ld_populations()
  ### Description : data structure with population id and name of pops
  ### with LD info for this SNP
  ### Returns  hashref

  my $object = shift; 

  my $pop_ids = $object->ld_pops_for_snp; 
  return {} unless @$pop_ids;

  my %pops;
  foreach (@$pop_ids) {
    my $pop_obj = $object->pop_obj_from_id($_);
    $pops{ $pop_obj->{$_}{Name} } = 1;
  return \%pops;
