package ExaLead;
use strict;

### The Exalead class heirarchy is a Perl wrapper around the Exalead one
### XML search engine output

## packages used to grab content of XML
use XML::Simple;
use LWP;
use CGI;

use ExaLead::SpellingSuggestion;
use ExaLead::Keyword;
use ExaLead::Query;
use ExaLead::QueryParameter;
use ExaLead::QueryTerm;
use ExaLead::TextSeg;
use ExaLead::Value;
use ExaLead::Group;
use ExaLead::Category;
use ExaLead::Link;
use ExaLead::Hit;
use ExaLead::HitGroup;
use ExaLead::HitCategory;

sub new {
### c
### Store information about hits
  my( $class ) = @_;
  my $self = {
    'engineURL'  => '',
    'rootURL'    => '',
    'nmatches'  => 0,
    'nhits'     => 0,
    'start'     => 0,
    'end'       => 0,
    'last'      => 0,
    'estimated' => 0,
    'keywords'  => [],
    'spellings' => [],
    'groups' => [],
    'hits'   => [],
    'query_string' => '',
    'hidden_fields' => [],
    '__status'      => 'no_search',
    '__error'       => undef,
    '__timeout'     => 30
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

sub __timeout :lvalue {
### a
### Sets the timeout period for XML retrival

sub __status :lvalue {
### a
### either 'no_search', 'search' or 'failure'

sub __error :lvalue {
### a
### error string if failure occurs

sub engineURL :lvalue {
### a
### URL for search engine itself - that generates the XML hits

sub rootURL   :lvalue {
### a
### URL for the wrapper script

sub nmatches  :lvalue {
### a
### Taken from <Hits> element of the XML returned
sub nhits     :lvalue {
### a
### Taken from <Hits> element of the XML returned
sub start     :lvalue {
### a
### Taken from <Hits> element of the XML returned
sub end       :lvalue {
### a
### Taken from <Hits> element of the XML returned
sub last      :lvalue { 
### a
### Taken from <Hits> element of the XML returned
sub estimated :lvalue {
### a
### Taken from <Hits> element of the XML returned

sub query :lvalue {
### a
### get/set {{Exalead::Query}} object, which summarises the
### query that was sentto the sarch engine

sub addGroup  {
### Add a {{Exalead::Query}} object - these are used to hold the different
### categorisation of matches (in Ensembl's case these
### are Feature type and Species)
  push @{$_[0]{'groups'}}, $_[1];
sub addSpellingSuggestion  {
### Add a {{Exalead::SpellingSuggestion}} object - exalead comes back with
### alternative spellings if it cannot find the requested ID
  push @{$_[0]{'spellings'}}, $_[1];
sub addKeyword  {
### Add a {{Exalead::Keyword}} object
  push @{$_[0]{'keywords'}}, $_[1];
sub addHit      {
### Add a {{Exalead::Hit}} object - these are the actual URL responses
### for "pages" which match the request.
 push @{$_[0]{'hits'}},   $_[1];

sub groups {
### Returns array of {{Exalead::Group}} objects previously added
  return @{$_[0]{'groups'}};
sub spellingsuggestions {
### Returns array of {{Exalead::SpellingSuggestion}} objects previously added
  return @{$_[0]{'spellings'}};
sub keywords {
### Returns array of {{Exalead::Keywords}} objects previously added
 return @{$_[0]{'keywords'}};
sub hits   {
### Returns array of {{Exalead::Hits}} objects previously added
  return @{$_[0]{'hits'}};

## Parser and associated functions...

sub parse {
### Main function in the Exalead module, constructs the approprate request URL,
### and retrieves the XML, which then calls the inner function _parse, which
### actually parses the XML created the Exalead::* objects
  my( $self, $q, $flag ) = @_;
  my $search_URL = $self->engineURL;
#  my $host = `hostname`; chomp $host;
#  $host.=':'.gmtime();
  if( $flag > 20 ) {
#warn "[EXALEAD:$host:$$] $search_URL :FAIL: Exalead search engine failure\n";
    $self->__status = 'failure';
    $self->__error  = 'Exalead search engine failure';
# $search_URL =~ s/1/2/;
  my $join = '?';
  foreach my $VAR ( $q->param() ) {
    $search_URL .= $join. join( '&', map { "$VAR=".CGI::escape($_) } $q->param( $VAR ) );
    $join = '&';
  my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new();
     $ua->timeout( $self->__timeout ); ## Allow 30 seconds for a response!!
  my $res = $ua->get( $search_URL );
  $self->{'search_URL'} = $search_URL;
  if( $res->is_success ) {
#warn "[EXALEAD:$host:$$] $search_URL ".length($res->content)." bytes\n";
    if( length( $res->content ) < 100 ) {
#warn "[EXALEAD:$host:$$] rerunning $flag due to null response\n";
      sleep 1;
      return $self->parse( $q, $flag );
    $self->_parse( $res->content );
  } else {
#warn "[EXALEAD:$host:$$] $search_URL :FAIL: ",$res->message,"\n";
    $self->__status = 'failure';
    $self->__error  = $res->message eq 'read timeout' ? 'Exalead search engine timed out after '.$self->__timeout.' seconds' : $res->message;

sub _parse {
### The guts of the parser, takes an XML string, and converts it into a nested hash/array
### data structure using XML::Simple, which is then traversed to store the results
### returned by the search engine for later use
  my( $self, $XML ) = @_;
## Convert XML to object hash....
  my $xml = eval { XMLin( $XML, ForceArray=>1, KeyAttr=>[] ) };
  if( $@ ) {
    $self->__status = 'failure';
    (my $error = $@) =~ s/ at \/.*/./sm;
    $self->__error  = $error;
  $self->{'raw_XML'} = $XML;
  $self->{'XML'} = $xml;
  $self->__status = 'search';
## Parse Query....
  my $Q = $xml->{'Query'}[0];
  my $query = new ExaLead::Query( $Q->{'query'}, $Q->{'context'} );
  foreach my $qt_xml ( @{$Q->{'QueryTerm'}} ) {
    $query->addTerm( new ExaLead::QueryTerm( $qt_xml->{'regexp'}, $qt_xml->{'level'} ) );
  foreach my $qp_xml ( @{$Q->{'QueryParameter'}} ) {
    $query->addParameter( new ExaLead::QueryParameter( $qp_xml->{'name'}, $qp_xml->{'value'} ) );
  $self->query = $query;
## Parse Groups....
  foreach my $T ( @{$xml->{'Groups'}[0]{'Group'}||[]} ) {
    my $group = new ExaLead::Group( $T->{'title'}, $T->{'count'} );
    $group->link( 'reset' ) = new ExaLead::Link( $T->{'resetHref'}, $self ) if exists $T->{'resetHref'};
    $group->addChildren( $self->_parse_category_tree( $T->{'Category'} ) );
    $self->addGroup( $group );

## Parse Hits....
  $self->nmatches  = $xml->{'Hits'}[0]{'nmatches'};
  $self->nhits     = $xml->{'Hits'}[0]{'nhits'};
  $self->start     = $xml->{'Hits'}[0]{'start'};
  $self->end       = $xml->{'Hits'}[0]{'end'};
  $self->estimated = $xml->{'Hits'}[0]{'estimated'};
  $self->last      = $xml->{'Hits'}[0]{'last'};
  foreach my $hit_xml ( @{$xml->{'Hits'}[0]{'Hit'}||[]} ) {
    my $hit = new ExaLead::Hit( $hit_xml->{'url'}, $hit_xml->{'score'} );
    foreach my $hit_field_xml ( @{$hit_xml->{'HitField'}||[]} ) {
      my $name = $hit_field_xml->{'name'};
      if( exists($hit_field_xml->{'TextSeg'} ) ) {
        my $TS = new ExaLead::TextSeg();
        foreach my $ts_xml ( @{$hit_field_xml->{'TextSeg'}} ) {
          $TS->addPart($ts_xml->{'content'}||' ', $ts_xml->{'highlighted'});
        $hit->addField( $name, $TS );
      } elsif( exists($hit_field_xml->{'value'} ) ) {
        my $TS = new ExaLead::Value( $hit_field_xml->{'value'}, $query );
        $hit->addField( $name, $TS );
    foreach my $hit_group_xml( @{$hit_xml->{'HitGroup'}||[]} ) {
      my $hitgroup = new ExaLead::HitGroup( $hit_group_xml->{'title'} );
      $hitgroup->addChildren( $self->_parse_hit_category_tree( $hit_group_xml->{'HitCategory'} ) );
      $hit->addGroup( $hitgroup );
    $self->addHit( $hit );
## Parse spelling suggestions....
  foreach my $spelling_xml ( @{$xml->{'SpellingSuggestions'}[0]{'SpellingSuggestion'}||[]} ) {
    foreach my $T ( @{$spelling_xml->{'SpellingSuggestionVariant'}||[]} ) {
      $self->addSpellingSuggestion( new ExaLead::SpellingSuggestion( 
        $T->{'query'}, $T->{'display'}
## Parse relevant keywords....
  foreach my $k_xml ( @{$xml->{'Keywords'}[0]{'Keyword'}||[]} ) {
    my $K = new ExaLead::Keyword( $k_xml->{'display'}, $k_xml->{'count'} );
    my @links = qw( exclude reset refine );
    foreach my $n ( @links ) {
      $K->link( $n ) = new ExaLead::Link( $k_xml->{ $n."Href" }, $self ) if exists( $k_xml->{$n."Href"} );
    $self->addKeyword( $K );

sub _parse_category_tree {
### Recursive parser for the main category trees (stored in {{Exalead::Group}} object)
  my( $self, $category ) = @_;
  my @links = qw( exclude reset refine );
  my $cat_array = [];
  foreach my $cat (@$category) {
    my $entry = new ExaLead::Category( $cat->{'name'}, $cat->{'count'}, $cat->{'gcount'} );
    foreach my $n ( @links ) {
      $entry->link( $n ) = new ExaLead::Link( $cat->{ $n."Href" }, $self ) if exists( $cat->{$n."Href"} );
    $entry->addChildren( $self->_parse_category_tree( $cat->{'Category'} ) ) if exists $cat->{'Category'};
    push @$cat_array, $entry;
  return $cat_array;

sub _parse_hit_category_tree {
### Recursive parser for the hit category trees (stored in {{Exalead::Hit}} object)
  my( $self, $category ) = @_;
  my $cat_array = [];
  foreach my $cat (@$category) {
    my $entry = new ExaLead::HitCategory( $cat->{'name'} );
    $entry->link( 'browse' ) = new ExaLead::Link( $cat->{ "browseHref" }, $self ) if exists $cat->{"browseHref"};
    $entry->addChildren( $self->_parse_hit_category_tree( $cat->{'HitCategory'} ) ) if exists $cat->{'HitCategory'};
    push @$cat_array, $entry;
  return $cat_array;
