Search Archive EnsEMBL C.elegans
Assembly and Annotation
The data on this site is a direct import of the WormBase 180 frozen dataset. Included are annotated operons, genes, transcripts and CDSs as well as RNAi and BLAST/BLAT homology data. Information about the location of available fosmid clones is also included.
The WS190 dataset is the tenth frozen release of WormBase C.elegans data. All data used in the frozen releases is available from the WormBase FTP site and links to permanent websites can be found on the WormBase home page.
We have included C.elegans in the Ensembl system to allow people to access the data through the Ensembl user interface (both for visualisation and data mining) and to provide cross-species integration through our comparative genomics resources (such as homologous gene links and protein family pages).