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Listed at the top of this page are the gene name, description, source of the description (for example UniProtKB Swiss-Prot), location (chromosome and base pairs), and any transcripts associated with this gene.

Note- Links at the left of the page are for gene-related information only. For more specific information on the transcript level, such as the cDNA or protein sequence, click on a transcript (either the transcript tab, or an ENST... ID).

Ensembl gene IDs begin with 'ENSG' for human, and a three-letter code is inserted for non-human species. (For example, ENSMUSG for a mouse gene). The 11-digit number following each ID is unique for that gene, and stable (unchanging) from release to release, unless the gene model drastically changes. Transcripts represent splice variants, and have IDs beginning with ENST (for human). Click on any ENST... ID for transcript-specific pages. ENSP IDs are assigned to proteins. OTT... IDs are manually curated transcripts by HAVANA also viewable in the Vega Browser.

Ensembl includes both automatically annotated transcripts (annotated on a genome-wide level) from the genebuild procedure and manually curated transcripts (annotated on a case-by-case basis) by HAVANA Annotators. All transcripts are based on mRNA and protein, which can be viewed by clicking on the 'Supporting evidence' link. Gene annotation, including Immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor segments, non-coding RNA (ncRNA) generated by RFAM, transient EST gene models and pseudogenes is described in articles listed here.

The gene name refers to the HGNC symbol, for human, or the best match to a species-specific protein or mRNA. If the gene is a member of the 'consensus coding sequence set',the CCDS ID is listed.

Individual transcripts for a gene are drawn as boxes for exons and connecting lines for introns. Filled or darkened boxes show coding sequence, which empty boxes show UTR (Untranslated Region).

Transcripts drawn above the chromosome (blue bar) are on the forward strand, while genes below are on the reverse strand. All transcripts annotated for this gene are drawn, and listed. Status is as follows:

  • Known gene has atleast one transcript with a sequence match in a sequence repository external to Ensembl for the same species.
  • Known by Projection refers to genes that are homologous, based on Ensembl comparative analysis, to genes with Known status in another species.
  • Novel gene contains only transcripts that have a sequence match outside Ensembl for an alternate species. (Can be read as novel gene or transcript for this species).
  • Merged gene has atleast one merged transcript that is known, and has another layer of confidence. An identical coding sequence (CDS) to the Ensembl prediction has been determined by the VEGA project. This transcript can be thought of as reviewed or curated. Two distinctions are made. If the coding sequence (CDS) is the same, but the UTR differs, the link to the Havana ID (OTT...) will read: "Havana transcript having same CDS". If the entire transcript (both UTR and CDS) is the same in Havana and Ensembl, the link to the Havana transcript will read: "Transcript having exact match between Ensembl and Havana".

For more, please see the gene annotation articles.