package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet;
use strict;

use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Bezier;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Circle;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Composite;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Diagnostic;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Ellipse;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Intron;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Line;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Poly;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Rect;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Space;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Sprite;
use Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Text;

use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;

use GD;
use GD::Simple;
use GD::Text;
use CGI qw(escapeHTML escape);
use POSIX qw(floor ceil);


use base qw(Sanger::Graphics::GlyphSet);

our %cache;

# constructor

sub _colour_background {
  return 1;
sub error_track_name {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->my_config('caption');

sub render_normal {
  my $self = shift;
  my $rtn = $self->_init(@_);
  return $self->{'text_export'} && $self->can('render_text') ? $rtn : undef;

sub render {
  my $self = shift;
 # warn ">>> DISPLAY ".$self->{'display'};
  my $method = 'render_' . $self->{'display'};
  $self->{'text_export'} = $self->{'config'}->get_parameter('text_export');
  my $text_export = $self->can($method) ? $self->$method(@_) : $self->render_normal;
  return $self->{'text_export'} ? $text_export : undef;

sub _render_text {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($feature, $feature_type, $extra, $defaults) = @_;
  return unless $feature;
  $extra = { 'headers' => [], 'values' => [] } unless keys %$extra;
  $defaults ||= {};
  my $format = $self->{'text_export'};
  my $header;
  if (!$self->{'export_header'}) {
    my @default_fields = qw( seqname source feature start end score strand frame );
    $header = join ("\t", @default_fields, @{$extra->{'headers'}}) . "\r\n" if ($format ne 'gff');
    $self->{'export_header'} = 1;
  my $score   = $defaults->{'score'}  || ($feature->can('score') ? $feature->score : undef) || '.';
  my $frame   = $defaults->{'frame'}  || ($feature->can('frame') ? $feature->frame : undef) || '.';
  my $source  = $defaults->{'source'} || ($feature->can('source') ? $feature->source : ($self->my_config('db') eq 'vega' ? 'Vega' : 'Ensembl'));
  my $seqname = $defaults->{'seqname'};
  my $strand  = $defaults->{'strand'};
  my $start   = $defaults->{'start'};
  my $end     = $defaults->{'end'};
  $feature_type ||= $feature->can('primary_tag') ? $feature->primary_tag : '.';
  $seqname ||= 
    ($feature->can('seq_region_name') ? $feature->seq_region_name : undef) || 
    ($feature->can('entire_seq') && $feature->entire_seq ? $feature->entire_seq->name : $feature->can('seqname') ? $feature->seqname : undef) ||
  $strand ||= 
    ($feature->can('seq_region_strand') ? $feature->seq_region_strand : undef) || 
    ($feature->can('strand') ? $feature->strand : undef) ||
  $start ||= ($feature->can('seq_region_start') ? $feature->seq_region_start : undef) || ($feature->can('start') ? $feature->start : undef);
  $end   ||= ($feature->can('seq_region_end')   ? $feature->seq_region_end : undef)   || ($feature->can('end')   ? $feature->end : undef);
  $feature_type =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $source =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $seqname =~ s/\s+/ /g;
  $source = ucfirst $source;
  $strand = '+' if $strand == 1;
  $strand = '-' if $strand == -1;
  my @results = ($seqname, $source, $feature_type, $start, $end, $score, $strand, $frame);
  if ($format eq 'gff') {
    my @ex;
    for (0..scalar @{$extra->{'headers'}}-1) {
      push @ex, "$extra->{'headers'}->[$_]=$extra->{'values'}->[$_]" if $extra->{'values'}->[$_];
    push (@results, join ("; ", @ex));
  } else {
    push (@results, @{$extra->{'values'}});
  return "$header" . join ("\t", @results) . "\r\n";

sub dbadaptor  {
  my $self = shift;
  return Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_DBAdaptor( @_ );
sub species {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'container'}{'web_species'};
sub timer_push {
  my($self,$capt,$dep,$flag) = @_;
  $dep  ||= 3;
  $flag ||= 'draw';

### Helper functions to wrap round Glyphs...

sub Bezier     { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Bezier(     @_ ); }
sub Circle     { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Circle(     @_ ); }
sub Composite  { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Composite(  @_ ); }
sub Diagnostic { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Diagnostic( @_ ); }
sub Ellipse    { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Ellipse(    @_ ); }
sub Intron     { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Intron(     @_ ); }
sub Line       { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Line(       @_ ); }
sub Poly       { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Poly(       @_ ); }
sub Rect       { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Rect(       @_ ); }
sub Space      { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Space(      @_ ); }
sub Sprite     { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Sprite(     @_ ); }
sub Text       { my $self = shift; return new Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Text(       @_ ); }

sub core {
  my $self = shift;
  my $k    = shift;
  return $self->{'config'}{_core}{'parameters'}{$k};
sub _url {
  my $self = shift;
  my $params  = shift || {};
  my $species = exists( $params->{'species'} ) ? $params->{'species'} : $self->{'container'}{'web_species'};
  my $type    = exists( $params->{'type'}    ) ? $params->{'type'}    : $ENV{'ENSEMBL_TYPE'};
  my $action  = exists( $params->{'action'}  ) ? $params->{'action'}  : $ENV{'ENSEMBL_ACTION'};
  my $function  = exists( $params->{'function'}) ? $params->{'function'}: $ENV{'ENSEMBL_FUNCTION'};
  $function = '' if $action ne $ENV{'ENSEMBL_ACTION'};

  my %pars = $params->{'__clear'} || !exists $self->{'config'}{_core}{'parameters'}
           ? () 
           : %{$self->{'config'}{_core}{'parameters'}}
  delete $params->{'__clear'} if exists $params->{'__clear'};
  delete $pars{'t'}  if $params->{'pt'};
  delete $pars{'pt'} if $params->{'t'}; 
  delete $pars{'t'}  if $params->{'g'} && $params->{'g'} ne $pars{'g'};

  foreach( keys %$params ) {
    $pars{$_} = $params->{$_} unless $_ =~ /^(species|type|action|function)$/;
  my $URL = sprintf '/%s/%s/%s', $species, $type, $action.( $function ? "/$function" : "" );
  my $join = '?';
## Sort the keys so that the URL is the same for a given set of parameters...
  foreach ( sort keys %pars ) {
    if (defined $pars{$_}) {
      $URL .= sprintf '%s%s=%s', $join, escapeHTML($_), escapeHTML($pars{$_});
      $join = ';';
  return $URL;

sub get_font_details {
  my( $self, $type ) = @_;
  my $ST = $self->{'config'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_STYLE;
  return (
    $type =~ /fixed/i ? $ST->{'GRAPHIC_FONT_FIXED'} : $ST->{'GRAPHIC_FONT'},
    $ST->{'GRAPHIC_FONTSIZE'} * ($ST->{'GRAPHIC_'.uc($type)}||1)

sub init_label {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->label(undef) if defined $self->{'config'}->{'_no_label'};
  my $text = $self->my_config( 'caption' );
  return $self->label(undef) unless $text;
  my $name = $self->my_config( 'name'    );
  my $desc = $self->my_config( 'description' );
  my $ST = $self->{'config'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_STYLE;
  my $font = $ST->{'GRAPHIC_FONT'};
  my $fsze = $ST->{'GRAPHIC_FONTSIZE'} * $ST->{'GRAPHIC_LABEL'};

  my @res = $self->get_text_width(0,$text,'','font'=>$font,'ptsize'=>$fsze);

  $self->label( $self->Text({
    'text'      => "$text",
    'font'      => $font,
    'ptsize'    => $fsze,
    'title'     => "$name; $desc",
#    'href'      => '#'.$self->_url({ 'contigviewbottom', $self->{'my_config'}->key.'=off'}),
    'colour'    => $self->{'label_colour'} || 'black',
    'absolutey' =>1,'height'=>$res[3]}

sub species_defs {
### a
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'config'}->{'species_defs'};

sub get_textheight {
  my( $self, $name ) = @_;
  my( $fontname, $fontsize ) = $self->get_font_details( $name );
  my @res = $self->get_text_width( 0, 'X', '', 'font'=>$fontname, 'ptsize' => $fontsize );
  return $res[3];

sub get_text_simple {
### Simple function which calls the get_font_details and caches the result!!
  my( $self, $text, $text_size ) =@_;
  $text     ||='X';

  my( $f, $fs ) = $self->get_font_details( $text_size );
  my @T = $self->get_text_width( 0, $text, '', 'ptsize' => $fs, 'font' => $f );

  return {
    'original' => $text,
    'text'     => $T[0],
    'bit'      => $T[1],
    'width'    => $T[2],
    'height'   => $T[3],
    'font'     => $f,
    'fontsize' => $fs

sub get_text_width {
  my( $self, $width, $text, $short_text, %parameters ) = @_;

  # Adjust the text for courier fonts
  if( length($text)==1 && $parameters{'font'} =~ /Cour/i ){ $text = 'X' }

  # Look in the cache for a previous entry 
  my $KEY = "$width--$text--$short_text--"
      . "$parameters{'font'}--$parameters{'ptsize'}";
  return @{$cache{$KEY}} if exists $cache{$KEY};

  # Get the GD::Text object for this font/size
  my $gd = $self->get_gd_simple($parameters{'font'},$parameters{'ptsize'})      || return(); # Ensure we have the text obj
#use Data::Dumper; warn Dumper( $gd->fontMetrics($parameters{'font'},$parameters{'ptsize'},$text) );
  # Use the text object to determine height/width of the given text;
  $width ||= 1e6; # Make initial width very big by default
  my($w,$h) = $gd->stringBounds($text); 
  my @res;
  if($w<$width) { 
    @res = ($text,      'full', $w,$h);
  } elsif($short_text) {
    ($w,$h) = $gd->stringBounds($text);
    if($w<$width) { 
      @res = ($short_text,'short',$w,$h);
    } else {
      @res = ('',         'none', 0, 0 );
  } elsif( $parameters{'ellipsis'} ) {
    my $string = $text;
    while( $string ) {
      chop $string;
      ($w,$h) = $gd->stringBounds("$string...");
      if($w<$width) { 
        @res = ("$string...",'truncated',$w,$h);
  } else {
    @res = ('',         'none', 0, 0 );
  $self->{'_cache_'}{$KEY} = \@res; # Update the cache
  $cache{$KEY} = \@res;
  return @res;

sub get_gd_simple {
### Returns the GD::Text object appropriate for the given fontname
### and fontsize. GD::Text objects are cached against fontname and fontsize.
  my $self   = shift;
  my $font   = shift || 'arial';
  my $ptsize = shift || 10;

  my $FONT_KEY = "${font}--${ptsize}"; 
  return $cache{"2:".$FONT_KEY} if exists( $cache{"2:".$FONT_KEY} );
  my $fontpath = $self->{'config'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_STYLE->{'GRAPHIC_TTF_PATH'}."/$font.ttf";
  my $gd = GD::Simple->new( 400,400 );
  eval {
    if( -e $fontpath ) {
      $gd->font( $fontpath, $ptsize );
    } elsif( $font eq 'Tiny' ) {
      $gd->font( gdTinyFont );
    } elsif( $font eq 'MediumBold' ) {
      $gd->font( gdMediumBoldFont );
    } elsif( $font eq 'Large' ) {
      $gd->font( gdLargeFont );
    } elsif( $font eq 'Giant' ) {
      $gd->font( gdGiantFont );
    } else {
      $font = 'Small';
      $gd->font( gdSmallFont );
  warn $@ if $@;

  $cache{"2:".$FONT_KEY} = $gd; # Update font cache
  return $cache{"2:".$FONT_KEY};

sub get_gd_text {
### Returns the GD::Text object appropriate for the given fontname
### and fontsize. GD::Text objects are cached against fontname and fontsize.
  my $self   = shift;
  my $font   = shift || 'arial';
  my $ptsize = shift || 10;

  my $FONT_KEY = "${font}--${ptsize}"; 
  return $cache{$FONT_KEY} if exists( $cache{$FONT_KEY} );
  my $fontpath 
      = $self->{'config'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_STYLE->{'GRAPHIC_TTF_PATH'}
        . '/' . $font . '.ttf';
  my $gd_text = GD::Text->new();
  eval {
    if( -e $fontpath ) {
      $gd_text->set_font( $font, $ptsize );
    } elsif( $font eq 'Tiny' ) {
      $gd_text->set_font( gdTinyFont );
    } elsif( $font eq 'MediumBold' ) {
      $gd_text->set_font( gdMediumBoldFont );
    } elsif( $font eq 'Large' ) {
      $gd_text->set_font( gdLargeFont );
    } elsif( $font eq 'Giant' ) {
      $gd_text->set_font( gdGiantFont );
    } else {
      $font = 'Small';
      $gd_text->set_font( gdSmallFont );
  warn $@ if $@;

  $cache{$FONT_KEY} = $gd_text; # Update font cache
  return $cache{$FONT_KEY};

sub commify {
### Puts commas into numbers over 1000
  my( $self, $val ) = @_;
  return $val if $val < 1000;
  $val = reverse $val;
  $val =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
  return reverse $val;

sub slice2sr {
  my( $self, $s, $e ) = @_;

  return $self->{'container'}->strand < 0 ?
    ( $self->{'container'}->end   - $e + 1 , $self->{'container'}->end   - $s + 1 ) : 
    ( $self->{'container'}->start + $s - 1 , $self->{'container'}->start + $e - 1 );

sub sr2slice {
  my( $self, $s, $e ) = @_;

  return $self->{'container'}->strand < 0 ?
    (   $self->{'container'}->end   - $e + 1 ,   $self->{'container'}->end   - $s + 1 ) :
    ( - $self->{'container'}->start + $s + 1 , - $self->{'container'}->start + $e + 1 );

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $data  = shift;
  if(!$class) {
    warn( "EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::failed at: ".gmtime()." in /$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'}/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SCRIPT'}" );
    warn( "EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::failed with a call of new on an undefined value" );
    return undef;
  my $self = {
    'glyphs'     => [],
    'x'          => undef,
    'y'          => undef,
    'width'      => undef,
    'highlights' => $data->{'highlights'},
    'strand'     => $data->{'strand'},
    'minx'       => undef,
    'miny'       => undef,
    'maxx'       => undef,
    'maxy'       => undef,
    'label'      => undef,
    'bumped'     => undef,
    'bumpbutton' => undef,
    'label2'     => undef,
    'container'  => $data->{'container'},
    'config'     => $data->{'config'},
    'my_config'  => $data->{'my_config'},
    'display'    => $data->{'display'}||'off',
    'extras'     => $data->{'extra'}||{}
  bless($self, $class);

  return $self;

sub bumpbutton {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->{'bumpbutton'} = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'bumpbutton'};

sub label2 {
  my ($self, $val) = @_;
  $self->{'label2'} = $val if(defined $val);
  return $self->{'label2'};

sub get_parameter {
  my( $self, $key ) = @_;
  return $self->{'config'}->get_parameter( $key );

sub my_config {
  my( $self, $key ) = @_;
  return $self->{'my_config'}->get( $key );  ## Get value from track configuration...

use Data::Dumper;
our $CC = 0;

sub my_colour {
  my( $self, $colour, $part, $default ) = @_;
  $self->{'colours'} ||= $self->my_config('colours')||{};
  if( $part eq 'text' || $part eq 'style' ) {
    if( $self->{'colours'} ) {
      return $self->{'colours'}->{$colour  }{$part}     if exists $self->{'colours'}->{$colour  }{$part    };
      return $self->{'colours'}->{'default'}{$part}     if exists $self->{'colours'}->{'default'}{$part    };
    return defined( $default ) ? $default : 'Other (unknown)' if $part eq 'text';
    return '';
  if( $self->{'colours'} ) {
    return $self->{'colours'}->{$colour  }{$part}     if exists $self->{'colours'}->{$colour  }{$part    };
    return $self->{'colours'}->{'default'}{$part}     if exists $self->{'colours'}->{'default'}{$part    };
    return $self->{'colours'}->{$colour  }{'default'} if exists $self->{'colours'}->{$colour  }{'default'};
    return $self->{'colours'}->{'default'}{'default'} if exists $self->{'colours'}->{'default'}{'default'};
  return defined( $default ) ? $default : 'black';

sub _c {
  my( $self, $key ) = @_;
  my $T = $self->{'my_config'}->get( $key );
     $T = $self->{'config'}->get_parameter( $key ) unless defined $T;
  return $T;

sub _type {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'my_config'}->key;

sub _pos {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'my_config'}->left; ## Return left hand value... [ means legends will get rendered in order!! ]

sub set_my_config {
## Used to dynamically hack the configuration of this node... ## used by threshold calculation only at the moment...
## will sort this at some point not to need it - only used by clones [ although not in new code!! ]
  my( $self, $key, $val ) = @_;
  $self->{'my_config'}->set( $key, $val );
  return $val;

sub check {
  my( $self ) = @_;
  return $self->{'my_config'}{'_key'};

## Stuff copied out of so that can use it!

sub HASH_URL {
  my($self,$db,$hash) = @_;
  return "/@{[$self->{container}{web_species}]}/r?d=$db;".join ';', map { "$_=$hash->{$_}" } keys %{$hash||{}};

sub ID_URL {
  my($self,$db,$id) = @_;
  return undef unless $self->species_defs;
  return undef if $db eq 'NULL';
  return exists( $self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_EXTERNAL_URLS->{$db}) ? "/@{[$self->{container}{web_species}]}/r?d=$db;ID=$id" : "";


sub zoom_URL {
  my( $self, $PART, $interval_middle, $width, $factor, $highlights, $config_number, $ori) = @_;
  my $extra;
  if( $config_number ) {
    $extra = "o$config_number=c$config_number=$PART:$interval_middle:$ori;w$config_number=$width"; 
  } else {
    $extra = "c=$PART:$interval_middle;w=$width";
  return qq(/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'}/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SCRIPT'}?$extra$highlights);

sub zoom_zoom_zmenu {
  my ($self, $chr, $interval_middle, $width, $highlights, $zoom_width, $config_number, $ori) = @_;
  $chr =~s/.*=//;
  return qq(zz('/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'}/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SCRIPT'}', '$chr', '$interval_middle', '$width', '$zoom_width', '$highlights','$ori','$config_number', '@{[$self->{container}{web_species}]}'));
sub zoom_zmenu {
  my ($self, $chr, $interval_middle, $width, $highlights, $config_number, $ori ) = @_;
  $chr =~s/.*=//;
  return qq(zn('/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'}/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SCRIPT'}', '$chr', '$interval_middle', '$width', '$highlights','$ori','$config_number', '@{[$self->{container}{web_species}]}' ));


sub draw_cigar_feature {
  my( $self, $Composite, $f, $h, $feature_colour, $delete_colour, $pix_per_bp, $DO_NOT_FLIP ) = @_;
## Find the 5' end of the feature.. (start if on forward strand of forward feature....)
  #return unless $f;
  my $Q = ref($f); $Q="$Q";
    if($Q eq '') { warn("DRAWINGCODE_CIGAR < $f > ",$self->label->text," not a feature!"); }
    if($Q eq 'SCALAR') { warn("DRAWINGCODE_CIGAR << ",$$f," >> ",$self->label->text," not a feature!"); }
    if($Q eq 'HASH') { warn("DRAWINGCODE_CIGAR { ",join( "; ", keys %$f)," }  ",$self->label->text," not a feature!"); }
    if($Q eq 'ARRAY') { warn("DRAWINGCODE_CIGAR [ ", join( "; ", @$f ), " ] ",$self->label->text," not a feature!"); }
  my $S = (my $O = $DO_NOT_FLIP ? 1 : $self->strand ) == 1 ? $f->start : $f->end;
  my $length = $self->{'container'}->length;
  my @delete;

  my $cigar;
  eval { $cigar = $f->cigar_string; };
  if($@ || !$cigar) {
    my($s,$e) = ($f->start,$f->end);
    $s = 1 if $s<1;
    $e = $length if $e>$length; 
      'x'          => $s-1,            'y'          => 0,
      'width'      => $e-$s+1,         'height'     => $h,
      'colour'     => $feature_colour, 'absolutey'  => 1,

## Parse the cigar string, splitting up into an array
## like ('10M','2I','30M','I','M','20M','2D','2020M');
## original string - "10M2I30MIM20M2D2020M"
  foreach( $f->cigar_string=~/(\d*[MDI])/g ) {
## Split each of the {number}{Letter} entries into a pair of [ {number}, {letter} ] 
## representing length and feature type ( 'M' -> 'Match/mismatch', 'I' -> Insert, 'D' -> Deletion )
## If there is no number convert it to [ 1, {letter} ] as no-number implies a single base pair...
    my ($l,$type) = /^(\d+)([MDI])/ ? ($1,$2):(1,$_);
## If it is a D (this is a deletion) and so we note it as a feature between the end
## of the current and the start of the next feature...
##                      ( current start, current start - ORIENTATION )
## otherwise it is an insertion or match/mismatch
##  we compute next start sa ( current start, next start - ORIENTATION ) 
##  next start is current start + (length of sub-feature) * ORIENTATION 
    my $s = $S;
    my $e = ( $S += ( $type eq 'D' ? 0 : $l*$O ) ) - $O;
## If a match/mismatch - draw box....
    if($type eq 'M') {
      ($s,$e) = ($e,$s) if $s>$e;      ## Sort out flipped features...
      next if $e < 1 || $s > $length;  ## Skip if all outside the box...
      $s = 1       if $s<1;            ## Trim to area of box...
      $e = $length if $e>$length;

        'x'          => $s-1,            'y'          => 0, 
        'width'      => $e-$s+1,         'height'     => $h,
        'colour'     => $feature_colour, 'absolutey'  => 1,
## If a deletion temp store it so that we can draw after all matches....
    } elsif($type eq 'D') {
      ($s,$e) = ($e,$s) if $s<$e;
      next if $e < 1 || $s > $length || $pix_per_bp < 1 ;  ## Skip if all outside box
      push @delete, $e;

## Draw deletion markers....
  foreach (@delete) {
      'x'          => $_,              'y'          => 0, 
      'width'      => 0,               'height'     => $h,
      'colour'     => $delete_colour,  'absolutey'  => 1,

sub no_features {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->errorTrack( "No ".$self->my_label." in this region" ) if $self->{'config'}->get_parameter( 'opt_empty_tracks')==1;

sub errorTrack {
  my ($self, $message, $x, $y) = @_;
  my $ST = $self->{'config'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_STYLE;
  my $font = $ST->{'GRAPHIC_FONT'};
  my $fsze = $ST->{'GRAPHIC_FONTSIZE'} * $ST->{'GRAPHIC_TEXT'};
  my @res = $self->get_text_width( 0, $message, '', $font, $fsze );

  my $length = $self->{'config'}->image_width();
  $self->push( $self->Text({
    'x'         => $x || int(($length - $res[2])/2 ),
    'y'         => $y || 2,
    'width'     => $res[2],
    'textwidth' => $res[2],
    'height'    => $res[3],
    'halign'    => 'center',
    'font'      => $font,
    'ptsize'    => $fsze,
    'colour'    => "red",
    'text'      => $message,
    'absolutey' => 1,
    'absolutex' => 1,
    'absolutewidth' => 1,
    'pixperbp'  => $self->{'config'}->{'transform'}->{'scalex'} ,
  }) );

  return $res[3];
sub get_featurestyle {
  my ($self, $f, $configuration) = @_;
  my $style;
  if($configuration->{'use_style'}) {
    $style = $configuration->{'styles'}{$f->das_type_category}{$f->das_type_id};
    $style ||= $configuration->{'styles'}{'default'}{$f->das_type_id};
    $style ||= $configuration->{'styles'}{$f->das_type_category}{'default'};
    $style ||= $configuration->{'styles'}{'default'}{'default'};
  $style ||= {};
  $style->{'attrs'} ||= {};

  # Set some defaults
  my $colour = $style->{'attrs'}{'fgcolor'} || $configuration->{'colour'} || $configuration->{'color'} || 'blue';
  $style->{'attrs'}{'height'} ||= $configuration->{'h'};
  $style->{'attrs'}{'colour'} ||= $colour;
  return $style;
sub get_featuredata {
  my ($self, $f, $configuration, $y_offset) = @_;

  # keep within the window we're drawing
  my $START = $f->das_start() < 1 ? 1 : $f->das_start();
  my $END   = $f->das_end()   > $configuration->{'length'}  ? $configuration->{'length'} : $f->das_end();
  my $row_height = $configuration->{'h'};

  # truncation flags
  my $trunc_start = ($START ne $f->das_start()) ? 1 : 0;
  my $trunc_end   = ($END ne $f->das_end())        ? 1 : 0;
  my $orientation = $f->das_orientation;

  my $featuredata = {
    'row_height'    => $row_height,
    'start'         => $START,
    'end'           => $END ,
    'pix_per_bp'    => $self->{'pix_per_bp'},
    'y_offset'      => $y_offset,
    'trunc_start'   => $trunc_start,
    'trunc_end'     => $trunc_end,
    'orientation'   => $orientation,
  return $featuredata;

# Function will display DAS features with variable y-offset depending on SCORE attribute
# Similar to tiling array but allows for multiple types to be drawn side-by side 
# when 2 or more features are merged due to resolution the highest score will be used to determine the feature height
# Bumping code support!

### _init_bump <- initialise the bumping code to be able to pack track...
### moved from separate Bump module so that it can be used in an OO way!!
### parameter passed is the maximum number of rows to bump... (optional)

sub _init_bump {
### Initialize bumping - single parameter - max depth - if undefined it is "infinite"
  my $self = shift;
  my $key  = shift || '_bump';
  $self->{$key} = {
    'length' => $self->{'config'}->image_width(),
    'rows'   => @_ ? shift : 1e8,
    'array'  => []

sub _max_bump_row {
  my( $self, $key ) = @_;
  return scalar @{$self->{$key}{'array'}||[]};

sub bump_row {
### compute the row to bump the feature to.. parameters are start/end in
### drawing (pixel co-ordinates)
  my( $self, $start, $end, $truncate_if_outside, $key ) = @_;

  ($end,$start) = ($start,$end) if $end < $start;

  $start = 1 if $start < 1;
  return -1 if $end > $self->{$key}{'length'} && $truncate_if_outside; # used to not display partial text labels
  $end   = $self->{$key}{'length'} if $end > $self->{$key}{'length'};

  my $row = 0;
  $start = floor($start);
  $end   = ceil($end);
  my $len = $end-$start + 1 ;

  my $element = '0' x $self->{$key}{length};

  substr ($element,$start,$len) = '1' x $len;

    if($self->{$key}{array}[$row]) {
      if( ( $self->{$key}{array}[$row] & $element ) == 0 ) {
        $self->{$key}{array}[$row] |= $element;
      } else {
        return 1e9 if $row > $self->{$key}{rows};
        redo LOOP;
    } else {
      $self->{$key}{array}[$row] |= $element;
  return $row;

# Return the das URL for the feature type....

sub de_camel { 
  my( $self, $string ) = @_;
  $string =~ s/([a-z])([A-Z])/$1_$2/g;
  return lc($string);

sub human_readable {
  my($self,$species) = @_;
  $species =~ s/_/ /g;
  return $species

sub readable_strand {
  my( $self, $strand ) = @_;
  return $strand < 0 ? 'rev' : 'fwd';

sub cache {
  my $self = shift;
  my $key  = shift;
  $self->{'config'}{'_cache'}{ $key } = shift if @_;
  return $self->{'config'}{'_cache'}{$key};

sub legend {

  $self->{'config'}{'legends'}{ $key } ||= { 'priority' => $priority, 'legend' => [] }

sub scalex {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'config'}->transform->{'scalex'};

sub image_width {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'config'}->get_parameter('panel_width')||$self->{'config'}->image_width;

sub das_link {
  my $self     = shift;
  my $slice    = $self->{'container'};
  my $das_type = $self->_das_type;
  my $species  = $self->species;
  return undef unless $das_type;
  return sprintf "/das/%s.%s.%s/features?segment=%s:%d-%d",

# Threshold update function to update parameters dependent on the width of the slice - this is a first stage
# approach of "context sensitive" track displays.

sub _threshold_update {
### Update parameters of the display based on the size of the
### slice... threshold_array contains a hash of values:
### 'threshold_array' => { 
###   slice_length_1 => { k=>v, .... } # hash 1
###   slice_length_2 => { k=>v, .... } # hash 2
### }
### If slice_length <= slice_length_1 - do nothing
### If slice_length_1 < slice_length <= slice_length_2 - update configuration values from - hash 1
### If slice_length_2 < slice_length ...               - update configuration values from - hash 2
### etc...

  my $self = shift;
  my $thresholds = $self->my_config( 'threshold_array' );
  return unless $thresholds;
  my $container_length = $self->{'container'}->length();
  foreach my $th ( sort { $a<=>$b} keys %$thresholds ) {
    if( $container_length > $th * 1000 ) {
      foreach (keys %{$thresholds->{$th}}) {
        $self->set_my_config( $_, $thresholds->{$th}{$_} );

# Shared by a number of the transcript/gene drawing code - so putting here!

sub transcript_label {
  my( $self, $transcript, $gene ) = @_;
  my $pattern = $self->my_config('label_key') || '[text_label]';
  return '' if $pattern eq '-';
  $pattern =~ s/\[text_label\]/$self->my_colour($self->transcript_key($transcript,$gene),'text')/eg;
  $pattern =~ s/\[gene.(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' || $1 eq 'display_label' ? $gene->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;
  $pattern =~ s/\[(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' || $1 eq 'display_label' ? $transcript->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;

sub gene_label {
  my( $self, $gene ) = @_;
  my $pattern = $self->my_config('label_key') || '[text_label]';
  return '' if $pattern eq '-';
  $pattern =~ s/\[text_label\]/$self->my_colour($self->gene_key($gene),'text')/eg;
  $pattern =~ s/\[gene.(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' || $1 eq 'display_label' ? $gene->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;
  $pattern =~ s/\[(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' || $1 eq 'display_label' ? $gene->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;

sub transcript_key {
  my( $self, $transcript, $gene ) = @_;
  my $pattern = $self->my_config('colour_key') || '[biotype]_[status]';
  $pattern =~ s/\[gene.(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' ? $gene->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;
  $pattern =~ s/\[(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' ? $transcript->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;
  return lc( $pattern );

sub gene_key {
  my( $self, $gene ) = @_;
  my $pattern = $self->my_config('colour_key') || '[biotype]_[status]';
  $pattern =~ s/\[gene.(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' ? $gene->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;
  $pattern =~ s/\[(\w+)\]/$1 eq 'logic_name' ? $gene->analysis->$1 : $gene->$1/eg;
  return lc( $pattern );
