package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::TSE_transcript;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet;
#@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_transcript);
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Eprof qw(eprof_start eprof_end);
use Data::Dumper;

sub _init {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $wuc  = $self->{'config'};
  my $h       = 8;   #Increasing this increases glyph height

  my $pix_per_bp  = $wuc->transform->{'scalex'};
  my $length      = $wuc->container_width();

  my $trans_obj    = $self->cache('trans_object');
  my $coding_start = $trans_obj->{'coding_start'};
  my $coding_end   = $trans_obj->{'coding_end'  };

  #need both gene and transcript to get the colour
  my $transcript   = $trans_obj->{'transcript'};
  my $gene         = $trans_obj->{'web_transcript'}->core_objects->gene;
  my $colour_key   = $self->transcript_key($transcript,$gene);
  my $colour       = $self->my_colour($colour_key);

  my $strand       = $transcript->strand;
  my $tsi          = $transcript->stable_id;

  my @introns_and_exons = @{$trans_obj->{'introns_and_exons'}};

  my $tags;
  foreach my $obj (@introns_and_exons) {
	#if we're working with an exon then draw a box
	if ( $obj->[2] ) {
	    my $exon_start = $obj->[0];
	    my $exon_end   = $obj->[1];

	    #set the exon boundries to the image boundries in case anything odd has happened
	    $exon_start    = 1 if $exon_start < 1 ;
	    $exon_end      = $length if $exon_end > $length;

	    my $t_url =  $self->_url({
		'type'   => 'Transcript',
		'action' => 'Evidence',
		't'      => $tsi,

	    my $col1 = $self->my_colour('noncoding_join','join' );
	    my $col2 = $self->my_colour('coding_join','join' );

	    my ($G,$G2,$tag);
	    my $G = $self->Rect({
		'bordercolour' => $colour,
		'absolutey'    => 1,
		'title'        => $obj->[2]->stable_id,
		'href'         => $t_url,

	    #draw and tag completely non-coding exons
	    if ( ($exon_end < $coding_start) || ($exon_start > $coding_end) ) {
		$G->{'x'}      = $exon_start;
		$G->{'y'}      = 0.5*$h;
		$G->{'width'}  = $exon_end - $exon_start;
		$G->{'height'} = $h;
		$tag = "@{[$exon_end]}:@{[$exon_start]}";
		push @{$tags}, ["X:$tag",$col1];
		$self->join_tag( $G, "X:$tag", 0,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99 );
		$self->join_tag( $G, "X:$tag", 1,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99  );
		$self->push( $G );
	    elsif ( ($exon_start >= $coding_start) && ($exon_end <= $coding_end) ) {
		##draw and tag completely coding exons
		$G->{'x'}      = $exon_start;
		$G->{'y'}      = 0;
		$G->{'width'}  = $exon_end - $exon_start;
		$G->{'height'} = 2*$h;
		$G->{'colour'} = $colour;
		$tag = "@{[$exon_end]}:@{[$exon_start]}";
		push @{$tags}, ["X:$tag",$col2];
		$self->join_tag( $G, "X:$tag", 0,  0, $col2, 'fill', -99 );
		$self->join_tag( $G, "X:$tag", 1,  0, $col2, 'fill', -99  );
		$self->push( $G );

	    elsif ( ($exon_start < $coding_start) && ($exon_end > $coding_start) ) {
		$G2 =  $self->Rect({
		    'bordercolour' => $G->{'bordercolour'},
		    'absolutey'    => $G->{'absolutey'},
		    'title'        => $G->{'title'},
		    'href'         => $G->{'href'},
		##draw and tag partially coding transcripts on left hand
		#non coding part
		$G2->{'x'}      = $exon_start;
		$G2->{'y'}      = 0.5*$h;
		$G2->{'width'}  = $coding_start-$exon_start;
		$G2->{'height'} = $h;
		$tag = "@{[$coding_start]}:@{[$exon_start]}";
		push @{$tags}, ["X:$tag",$col1];
		$self->join_tag( $G2, "X:$tag", 0,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99 );
		$self->join_tag( $G2, "X:$tag", 1,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99  );
		$self->push( $G2 );
		#coding part
		my $G3 =  $self->Rect({
		    'bordercolour' => $G->{'bordercolour'},
		    'absolutey'    => $G->{'absolutey'},
		    'title'        => $G->{'title'},
		    'href'         => $G->{'href'},
		my $width = ($exon_end > $coding_end) ? $coding_end - $coding_start : $exon_end - $coding_start;
		my $y_pos = ($exon_end > $coding_end) ? $coding_end : $exon_end;
		$G3->{'x'}      = $coding_start;
		$G3->{'y'}      = 0;
		$G3->{'width'}  = $width;
		$G3->{'height'} = 2*$h;
		$G3->{'colour'} = $colour;
		$tag = "@{[$y_pos]}:@{[$coding_start]}";
		push @{$tags}, ["X:$tag",$col2];
		$self->join_tag( $G3, "X:$tag", 0,  0, $col2, 'fill', -99 );
		$self->join_tag( $G3, "X:$tag", 1,  0, $col2, 'fill', -99  );
		$self->push( $G3 );
		#draw non-coding part if there's one of these as well
		if ($exon_end > $coding_end) {
		    my $G4 =  $self->Rect({
			'bordercolour' => $G->{'bordercolour'},
			'absolutey'    => $G->{'absolutey'},
			'title'        => $G->{'title'},
			'href'         => $G->{'href'},
		    $G4->{'x'}      = $coding_end;
		    $G4->{'y'}      = 0.5*$h;
		    $G4->{'width'}  = $exon_end-$coding_end;
		    $G4->{'height'} = $h;
		    $tag = "@{[$exon_end]}:@{[$coding_end]}";
		    push @{$tags}, ["X:$tag",$col1];
		    $self->join_tag( $G4, "X:$tag", 0,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99 );
		    $self->join_tag( $G4, "X:$tag", 1,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99  );
		    $self->push( $G4 );
	    elsif ( ($exon_end > $coding_end) && ($exon_start < $coding_end) ) {
		##draw and tag partially coding transcripts on the right hand
		$G2 =  $self->Rect({
		    'bordercolour' => $G->{'bordercolour'},
		    'absolutey'    => $G->{'absolutey'},
		    'title'        => $G->{'title'},
		    'href'         => $G->{'href'},
		#coding part
		$G2->{'x'}      = $exon_start;
		$G2->{'y'}      = 0;
		$G2->{'width'}  = $coding_end-$exon_start;
		$G2->{'height'} = 2*$h;
		$G2->{'colour'} = $colour;
		$tag = "@{[$coding_end]}:@{[$exon_start]}";
		push @{$tags}, ["X:$tag",$col2];
		$self->join_tag( $G2, "X:$tag", 0,  0, $col2, 'fill', -99 );
		$self->join_tag( $G2, "X:$tag", 1,  0, $col2, 'fill', -99  );
		$self->push( $G2 );

		#non coding part
		$G->{'x'}      = $coding_end;
		$G->{'y'}      = 0.5*$h;
		$G->{'width'}  = $exon_end-$coding_end;
		$G->{'height'} = $h;
		$tag = "@{[$exon_end]}:@{[$coding_end]}";
		push @{$tags}, ["X:$tag",$col1];
		$self->join_tag( $G, "X:$tag", 0,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99 );
		$self->join_tag( $G, "X:$tag", 1,  0, $col1, 'fill', -99  );
		$self->push( $G );
	    $wuc->cache('vertical_tags', $tags);
	else {
	    #otherwise draw a line to represent the intron context
	    my $G = $self->Line({
		'x'        => $obj->[0]+1/$pix_per_bp,
		'y'        => $h,
		'h'        => 1,
		'width'    => $obj->[1] - $obj->[0] - 2/$pix_per_bp,
		'colour'   => $colour,

    #draw a direction arrow
	'x'         => 0,
	'y'         => -4,
	'width'     => $length,
	'height'    => 0,
	'absolutey' => 1,
	'colour'    => $colour
	if($strand == 1) {
	    $self->push( $self->Poly({
		'points' => [
		    $length - 4/$pix_per_bp,-2,
		    $length                ,-4,
		    $length - 4/$pix_per_bp,-6],
		'colour'    => $colour,
		'absolutey' => 1,
	} else {
		'points'    => [ 4/$pix_per_bp,-6,
				 0            ,-4,
		'colour'    => $colour,
		'absolutey' => 1,
