package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::Vannotation_status;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;

  ## get NoAnnotation features from db
  my $chr = $self->{'container'}->{'chr'};
  my $slice_adapt   = $self->{'container'}->{'sa'};  
  my $chr_slice = $slice_adapt->fetch_by_region('chromosome', $chr);
  my $bp_per_pixel = ($chr_slice->length)/450;

  my @features;
  push @features,
    @{ $chr_slice->get_all_MiscFeatures('NoAnnotation') },
    @{ $chr_slice->get_all_MiscFeatures('CORFAnnotation') };

  ## get configuration
  my $tag_pos = $self->{'config'}->get($self->check, 'tag_pos');
  my %colour = (
    'NoAnnotation'      => 'gray75',
    'CORFAnnotation'    => 'EEEEFF',

  ## draw the glyphs
  foreach my $f (@features) {
    my ($ms) = @{ $f->get_all_MiscSets('NoAnnotation') };
    ($ms) = @{ $f->get_all_MiscSets('CORFAnnotation') } unless $ms;

    #set length of feature to the equivalent of 1 pixel if it's less than 1 pixel
    my $f_length = $f->end - $f->start;
    my $width = ($f_length > $bp_per_pixel) ? $f_length : $bp_per_pixel;

    #hack for zfish karyotype display - don't show small bands
#    next F if ( ($bp_per_pixel/$f_length) > 2);

    my $glyph = $self->Rect({
      'x'      => $f->start,
      'y'      => 0,
      'width'  => $width,
      'height' => 1,
      'colour' => $colour{$ms->code},

    ## tagging
    $self->join_tag($glyph, $f->end."-".$f->start, $tag_pos, $tag_pos, $colour{$ms->code}, 'fill', -10);
    $self->join_tag($glyph, $f->end."-".$f->start, 1-$tag_pos, $tag_pos, $colour{$ms->code}, 'fill', -10);
