package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::Vsupercontigs;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
use Data::Dumper;

sub _init {

  my ($self)      = @_;
  my $Config      = $self->{'config'};
  my $chr         = $self->{'extras'}->{'chr'} || $self->{'container'}->{'chr'};

  my $chr_slice   = $self->{'container'}->{'sa'}->fetch_by_region('chromosome', $chr); 
  my $ctgs        = $chr_slice->get_all_MiscFeatures('superctgs' );
  my ($w,$h)      = $Config->texthelper->Vpx2bp('Tiny');
  my $chr_length  = $chr_slice->length || 1;
  my $max_len     = $Config->container_width(); 

  my $v_offset    = $Config->container_width() - $chr_length;
  my $bpperpx     = $Config->container_width()/$self->get_parameter('image_height');

  my $padding     = $self->my_config('padding') || 6;
  my $wid         = $self->my_config('width');
  my $h_wid       = int($wid/2);
  my $style       = $self->my_config('style'); 

  my $h_offset;

  # get text labels in correct place!
  if ($style eq 'text') {
      $h_offset = $padding;
  else {
      # max width of band label is 6 characters
      $h_offset    = int($self->my_config('totalwidth')
       - $wid
       - ($self->{'config'}->{'_ctg_labels'} eq 'on' ? ($w * 6 + 4) : 0 )
  my @decorations;
  if($padding) {
      # make sure that there is a blank image behind the chromosome so that the
      # glyphset doesn't get "horizontally" squashed.
      my $gpadding = $self->Space({
    'x'         => 0,
    'y'         => $h_offset - $padding,
    'width'     => 10000,
    'height'    => $padding * 2 + $wid,
    'absolutey' => 1,
  my @ctgs =  sort{$a->seq_region_start <=> $b->seq_region_start } @$ctgs;
  my $include_labelling = $self->my_config('include_labelling');
  if( @ctgs ) {
    foreach my $ctg(@ctgs){
      my $ctgname       = $ctg->get_scalar_attribute('name');
      my $vc_ctg_start  = $ctg->seq_region_start() + $v_offset;
      my $vc_ctg_end    = $ctg->seq_region_end()   + $v_offset;
      my $c = $ctg->slice->seq_region_name; 
      my $region = "$c:$vc_ctg_start-$vc_ctg_end";
      my $href = $self->_url ({'type' => 'Location', 'action' => 'Supercontigs', 'r' => $region, 'ctg' => $ctgname });
      ##$HREF =  "/@{[$self->{container}{web_species}]}/cytoview?chr=$chr;vc_start=$vc_ctg_start;vc_end=$vc_ctg_end"
      $self->{'_colour_flag'} = $self->{'_colour_flag'}==1 ? 2 : 1;
      my $ctg_col  = $self->my_colour("col_ctgs$self->{'_colour_flag'}");
      my $g_x = $self->Rect({
        'x'         => $vc_ctg_start,
        'y'         => $h_offset+ int($wid/4),
        'width'     => $vc_ctg_end - $vc_ctg_start,
        'height'    => $h_wid,
        'colour'    => $ctg_col,
        'absolutey' => 1,
        'href'     => $href
      push @decorations, $g_x;
      next unless $include_labelling; 
      ## label
      my $labely;
      $labely = $h_offset+$wid+4;
  #    if( $self->{'_colour_flag'}==1 ) {
  #      $labely = $h_offset+$wid+4;
  #    } else { 
  #     # $labely = ($h_offset) -  ($w * length($ctgname));
  #    }
      my $tglyph = $self->Text({
        'x'                => ($vc_ctg_end + $vc_ctg_start - $h)/2,
        'y'                => $labely,
        'width'            => $h,
        'height'           => $w * length($ctgname),
        'font'             => 'Tiny',
        'colour'           => $ctg_col,
        'text'             => $ctgname,
        'absolutey'        => 1,
        ##'href'             => $HREF
  foreach( @decorations ) {  $self->push($_); }
