package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::_repeat;

use strict;
use base qw( Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple );

sub features {
  my $self = shift;
## Need to add code to restrict by logic_name and by db!

  my $types      = $self->my_config( 'types'      );
  my $logicnames = $self->my_config( 'logicnames' );

  my @repeats = sort { $a->seq_region_start <=> $b->seq_region_end }
                 map { my $t = $_; map { @{ $self->{'container'}->get_all_RepeatFeatures( $t, $_ ) } } @$types }
  return \@repeats;

sub colour_key {
  my( $self, $f ) = @_;
  return 'repeat';

sub image_label {
  my( $self, $f ) = @_;
  return '', 'invisible';

sub title {
  my( $self, $f ) = @_;
  my($start,$end) = $self->slice2sr( $f->start(), $f->end() );
  my $len   = $end - $start + 1;
  return sprintf "%s; bp: %s; length: %s",

sub tag {

sub export_feature {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($feature) = @_;
  my $id = "repeat:$feature->{'dbID'}";
  return if $self->{'export_cache'}->{$id};
  $self->{'export_cache'}->{$id} = 1;
  return $self->_render_text($feature, 'Repeat', undef, { 'source' => $feature->display_id });

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