package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::histone_modifications;
use strict;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_wiggle_and_block);

sub get_block_features {

  ### block_features

  my ( $self, $db ) = @_;
  unless ( $self->{'block_features'} ) {  
    my $data_set_adaptor = $db->get_DataSetAdaptor(); 
    if (!$data_set_adaptor) {
      warn ("Cannot get get adaptors: $data_set_adaptor");
      return [];
    #my $features = $feature_adaptor->fetch_all_displayable_by_feature_type_class('HISTONE') || [] ;
    ### Hack to display features for release 51
    my $features = $data_set_adaptor->fetch_by_name('Vienna MEFf H3K4me3');
    my @feat = ($features);
    $self->{'block_features'} = \@feat;

  my $colour = "blue";
  return ( $self->{'block_features'}, $colour);
sub draw_features {

  ### Description: gets features for block features and passes to draw_block_features
  ### Draws wiggles if wiggle flag is 1
  ### Returns 1 if draws blocks. Returns 0 if no blocks drawn

  my ($self, $wiggle)= @_;
  my $db =  $self->dbadaptor( 'mus_musculus', 'FUNCGEN' );
  my ($block_features, $colour) = $self->get_block_features($db);
  my $drawn_flag = 0;
  my $drawn_wiggle_flag = $wiggle ? 0: "wiggle";
  my $slice = $self->{'container'};
  my $wiggle_colour = "contigblue1";
  foreach my $feature ( @$block_features ) {
    # render wiggle if wiggle
    if ($wiggle) {
      #foreach my $result_set  (  @{ $feature->get_displayable_supporting_sets() } ){
	    foreach my $result_set  (  @{ $feature->get_supporting_sets() } ){

		    next if $result_set->set_type ne 'result';
	      #get features for slice and experimtenal chip set
	     # my @features = @{ $result_set->get_displayable_ResultFeatures_by_Slice($slice) };
        my @features = @{ $result_set->get_ResultFeatures_by_Slice($slice) };

	      next unless @features;
	      $drawn_wiggle_flag = "wiggle";
	      @features   = sort { $a->score <=> $b->score  } @features;
	      my ($min_score, $max_score) = ($features[0]->score || 0, $features[-1]->score|| 0);
        #	$self->render_wiggle_plot(\@features, $wiggle_colour, $min_score, $max_score, $result_set->display_label);
          \@features,                      ## Features array
          { 'min_score' => $min_score, 'max_score' => $max_score }
      $self->draw_space_glyph() if $drawn_wiggle_flag;

    # Block features
  # foreach my $fset ( @{ $feature->get_displayable_product_FeatureSet() }){
      my $fset = $feature->get_displayable_product_FeatureSet;
      my $display_label = $fset->display_label();
      #my $features = $fset->get_AnnotatedFeatures_by_Slice($slice ) ;
      my $features = $fset->get_Features_by_Slice($slice ) ;
      next unless @$features;
      $drawn_flag = "block_features";
      $self->draw_block_features( $features, $colour );
      $self->draw_track_name($display_label, $colour);
   # }

  $self->draw_space_glyph() if $drawn_flag;
  my $error = $self->draw_error_tracks($drawn_flag, $drawn_wiggle_flag);
  return $error;

sub draw_error_tracks {
  my ($self, $drawn_blocks, $drawn_wiggle) = @_;
  return 0 if $drawn_blocks && $drawn_wiggle;

  # Error messages ---------------------
  my $wiggle_name   =  $self->my_config('wiggle_name');
  my $block_name =  $self->my_config('block_name') ||  $self->my_config('label');
  # If both wiggle and predicted features tracks aren't drawn in expanded mode..
  my $error;
  if (!$drawn_blocks  && !$drawn_wiggle) {
    $error = "$block_name or $wiggle_name";
  elsif (!$drawn_blocks) {
    $error = $block_name;
  elsif (!$drawn_wiggle) {
    $error = $wiggle_name;
  return $error;

sub block_features_zmenu {

  ### Predicted features
  ### Creates zmenu for predicted features track
  ### Arg1: arrayref of Feature objects

  my ($self, $f ) = @_;
  my $offset = $self->{'container'}->strand > 0 ? $self->{'container'}->start - 1 :  $self->{'container'}->end + 1;
  my $pos =  ($offset + $f->start )."-".($f->end+$offset);
  my $score = sprintf("%.3f", $f->score());
  my %zmenu = ( 
    'caption'               => ($f->display_label || ''),
    "03:bp:   $pos"       => '',
    "05:description: ".($f->feature_type->description() || '-') => '',
    "06:analysis:    ".($f->analysis->display_label() || '-')  => '',
    "09:score: ".$score => '',
  return \%zmenu || {};
### Contact: Fiona Cunningham