package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Location::MarkerDetails;

# outputs chunks of XHTML for marker-based displays

use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component);
use EnsEMBL::Web::Document::HTML::TwoCol;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";

my $MAX_MAP_WEIGHT = 15;
my $MAP_WEIGHT = 2;
my $PRIORITY   = 50;

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->ajaxable( 0 );

sub content {
	my $self = shift;
	my $object = $self->object;
	my $species = $object->species;
	my $html;
	my $to_list = 1;
	my $mfs = [];
	my $markers = [];
	my $found_mf = [];
	if (my $m = $object->param('m')) {
		my $adap = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($species,'core','Marker');
		$markers = $adap->fetch_all_by_synonym($m);
		$html = $self->render_marker_details($markers);
	else {
		my $threshold   = 1000100 * ($object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_GENOME_SIZE||1);
		if( $object->length > $threshold ) {
	    return $self->_warning( 'Region too large',
															'<p>The region selected is too large to display in this view</p>' );
		foreach my $mf (@{$object->Obj->{'slice'}->get_all_MarkerFeatures()}) {
	    push @{$found_mf}, $mf;
		$html = $self->render_marker_features($found_mf);
	return $html;

# depending on number print a list of marker_features, or show details for markers
sub render_marker_features {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($found_mf)  = @_;
	my $object   = $self->object;
	my $species  = $object->species;
	my %mfs;
	foreach my $mf (@$found_mf) {
		my $name = $mf->marker->display_MarkerSynonym->name;
		my $sr_name = $mf->seq_region_name;
		my $cs = $mf->coord_system_name;
		push @{$mfs{$name}->{$sr_name}}, {
																			'cs' => $cs,
																			'mf' => $mf,
																			'start'   => $mf->seq_region_start,
																			'end'     => $mf->seq_region_end, };
	my $html;
	my $c =  keys %mfs;
	#print a list if we have more than one marker
	if ($c > 1 ) {
		$html = qq(<h3>$c mapped markers found:</h3>);
		$html .= "<table>";
		foreach my $name (sort keys %mfs) {
	    my ($link,$r);
	    foreach my $chr (keys %{$mfs{$name}}) {
				my $cs = $mfs{$name}->{$chr}[0]{'cs'};
				$link .= qq(<td><strong>$cs $chr:</strong></td>);
				foreach my $det (@{$mfs{$name}->{$chr}}) {
					$link .= "<td>".$det->{'start'}.'-'.$det->{'end'}."</td>";
					$r = "$chr:".$det->{'start'}.'-'.$det->{'end'};
	    $html .= sprintf(qq(<tr><td><a href="/%s/Location/Marker?m=%s;r=%s">%s</a></td>%s</tr>),
		$html .= "</table>";
		return $html;
	#otherwise print details
	else {
		my $markers = [];
		foreach my $mf (@$found_mf) {
	    push @{$markers}, $mf->marker;
		return $self->render_marker_details($markers);

sub render_marker_details {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($markers)  = @_;
	my $object   = $self->object;
	my $species  = $object->species;
	my $html;
	if (! @$markers) {
		return qq(<h3>No markers found</h3>);
	foreach my $m (@$markers) {
		my $table  = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::HTML::TwoCol;
		my $m_name = $m->display_MarkerSynonym ? $m->display_MarkerSynonym->name : '';
		$html .= qq(<h3>Marker $m_name</h3>);
		#location of marker features
		my $loc_text = $self->render_location($m);
		if (my @important_syns = @{$self->markerSynonyms($m,1)}) {
			my $syn_text;
			foreach my $syn (@important_syns){
				my $db = $syn->source;
				my $id = $syn->name;
				my $url = $object->get_ExtURL($db, $id) ;
				$id  = sprintf( qq(<a href="%s">%s</a>), $url, $id) if $url;
				$syn_text .= qq(<table><tr><td>$id ($db)</td></tr></table>);
		#other synonyms (rows of $max_cols entries)
		if (my @other_syns = @{$self->markerSynonyms($m,0)}) {
	    my $max_cols = 8;
	    my $syn_dbs;		
	    foreach my $syn (@other_syns) {
				my $db_name = $syn->source;
				push @{$syn_dbs->{$db_name}},$syn->name;
	    my $other_syn_text = qq(<table><tr>);
	    foreach my $db (keys %{$syn_dbs}) {
				my $c = 0;
				$other_syn_text .= qq(<td><strong>$db:</strong></td>);
				foreach my $id (@{$syn_dbs->{$db}}) {
					my $url = $object->get_ExtURL_link( $id, uc($db), $id);
					if ($c < $max_cols) {
						$other_syn_text .= qq(<td>$url</td>);
					else {
						$other_syn_text .= qq(</tr>
						$c = 1;
				$other_syn_text .= qq(</tr>);
	    $other_syn_text .= qq(</table>);
		#primer details
		my $l = $m->left_primer;
		my $r = $m->right_primer;
		my $min_psize = $m->min_primer_dist;
		my $max_psize = $m->max_primer_dist;
		my $product_size;
		if (!$min_psize) {
	    $product_size = "&nbsp";
		elsif ($min_psize == $max_psize) {
	    $product_size = "$min_psize";
		else {
	    $product_size = "$min_psize - $max_psize";
		my $primer_txt;
		if ($r) {
	    $l =~ s/([\.\w]{30})/$1<br \/>/g;
	    $r =~ s/([\.\w]{30})/$1<br \/>/g;
	    $primer_txt .= qq(<table>
                                    <tr><td><strong>Expected Product Size:</strong></td><td>$product_size</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><strong>Left Primer:</strong></td><td>$l</td></tr>
                                    <tr><td><strong>Right Primer:</strong></td><td>$r</td></tr>
		else {
	    $primer_txt = qq(Marker $m_name primers are not in the database);
		$html .= $table->render;
		if (my @mml = @{$m->get_all_MapLocations()}) {
	    my $map_table = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet( [], [], {'margin' => '1em 0px'} );
	    $map_table->add_columns({ 'key' => 'map', 'align'=>'left', 'title' => 'Map Name'});
	    $map_table->add_columns({ 'key' => 'syn', 'align'=>'left', 'title' => 'Synonym'    });
	    $map_table->add_columns({ 'key' => 'chr', 'align'=>'left', 'title' => 'Chromosome' });
	    $map_table->add_columns({ 'key' => 'pos', 'align'=>'left', 'title' => 'Position'   });
	    $map_table->add_columns({ 'key' => 'lod', 'align'=>'left', 'title' => 'LOD Score'  });
	    foreach my $ml (@mml) {
				my $row = {'map' => $ml->map_name,
									 'syn' => $ml->name || '-',
									 'chr' => $ml->chromosome_name || '&nbsp;' ,
									 'pos' => $ml->position || '-',
									 'lod' => $ml->lod_score || '-',
									 '_raw' => $ml,};
	    $html .= $map_table->render;
	return $html;

sub markerSynonyms {
	my $self = shift;
	my $m = shift;
	my $important = shift;
	my $syns = [];
	my %IS_IMPORTANT = map { $_, 1 } qw( rgd oxford unists mgi:markersymbol );
	foreach my $ms ( @{ $m->get_all_MarkerSynonyms } ) {
		if ($important) {
	    push @{$syns}, $ms if $IS_IMPORTANT{ lc($ms->source) };
		else {
	    push @{$syns}, $ms unless $IS_IMPORTANT{ lc($ms->source) };
	return $syns;

sub render_location {
	my $self = shift;
	my $m = shift;
	my $m_name = $m->display_MarkerSynonym ? $m->display_MarkerSynonym->name : '';
	my $object   = $self->object;
	my $species  = $object->species;
	my $sitetype = $object->species_defs->ENSEMBL_SITETYPE;
	my $mfs;
	my $c = ($mfs = $m->get_all_MarkerFeatures) ? scalar(@$mfs) : 0;
	my $loc_text = qq(<table>);
	if ($c) {
		if ($c > 1) {
	    my $extra = ($c > $MAP_WEIGHT) ? ' (note that for clarity markers mapped more than twice are not shown on location based views)' : '';
	    $loc_text .= sprintf (qq(<tr><td>%s is currently mapped to %d different %s locations%s%s%s</td></tr>),
														( $c > $MAX_MAP_WEIGHT ? '.' : ':' ),
		foreach my $mf (@$mfs){
	    my $sr_name = $mf->seq_region_name;
	    my $start   = $mf->start;
	    my $end     = $mf->end;
	    my $url = sprintf(qq(<a href="%s">%s:%d-%d</a>),
	    my $extra;
	    if ($m->priority < $PRIORITY) {
				$extra = qq([Note that for reasons of clarity this marker is not shown on 'Region in detail']);
	    $loc_text .= sprintf (qq(<tr><td>%s%s %s %s</td></tr>),
														($c > 1) ? '&nbsp;' : '',
	else {
		$loc_text .= qq(<tr><td>Marker $m_name is not mapped to the assembly in the current $sitetype database</td></tr>);
	$loc_text .= qq(</table>);
	return $loc_text;
