package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript::SupportingEvidence;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Transcript);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron;

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->cacheable( 1 );
  $self->ajaxable(  1 );

sub caption {
  return undef;

sub content {
  my $self = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;
  my $html = qq(<div class="content">);
  if (! $object->count_supporting_evidence) {
    $html .=  qq( <dt>No Evidence</dt><dd>);
    #show message for transcripts with no evidence
    if ($object->type =~ /otter/ || $object->db_type eq 'vega' ){
      $html .= qq(<p>Although this Vega Havana transcript has been manually annotated and it's structure is supported by experimental evidence, this evidence is currently missing from the database. We are adding the evidence to the database as time permits</p>);
    else {
      $html .= qq(<p>There is no supporting evidence available for this transcript</p>);
  else {
    $html .= $self->_content();
  $html .=  "</dd>";
  return $html;

sub _content {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $object  = $self->object;

  #dbentry adaptor used to get db_name of the hit
  my $species = $object->species;
  my $dbentry_adap = Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry->get_adaptor($species, "core", "DBEntry");

  #slight differences for vega objects...
  my $o_type = lc($object->db_type);

  #user defined width in pixels
  my $image_width  = $self->image_width ? $self->image_width : 700;
  #context is user defined size of introns
  my $context    = $object->param('context') ? $object->param('context') : 100;
  #set 5' and 3' extensions to the image depending on the context
  my $extent     = $context eq 'FULL' ? 1000 : $context;

  my $wuc = $object->get_imageconfig( "supporting_evidence_transcript" );
  my $length = $object->Obj->length;
      'container_width' => $length,
      'image_width'     => $image_width,

  my $trans_obj = {}; # used to store details of transcript
  my $al_obj    = {}; #used to store all details of alignments

  #add transcript itself
  my $transcript = $object->Obj;
  $trans_obj->{'transcript'}     = $transcript;
  $trans_obj->{'web_transcript'} = $object;

  ## Turn on track associated with this db/logic name
    [$wuc->get_track_key( 'TSE_transcript', $object )],
    {qw(display supporting_evidence_transcript strand f)}  ## show on the forward strand only

  #info needed to get at web_data
  my $db           = $object->get_db();
  my $db_key       = 'DATABASE_'.uc($db);
  my $info_summary = $object->species_defs->databases->{$db_key}{'tables'};

  #get both real slice and normalised slice (ie introns set to fixed width)
  my @slice_defs = ( [ 'supporting_evidence_transcript', 'munged', $extent ] );
  foreach my $slice_type (@slice_defs) {
    $object->__data->{'slices'}{$slice_type->[0]} = $object->get_transcript_slices($slice_type) || warn "Couldn't get slice";

  my $transcript_slice = $object->__data->{'slices'}{'supporting_evidence_transcript'}[1];
  my $sub_slices     = $object->__data->{'slices'}{'supporting_evidence_transcript'}[2];
  my $fake_length    = $object->__data->{'slices'}{'supporting_evidence_transcript'}[3];

  $wuc->container_width( $fake_length ); #sets width of image
  $trans_obj->{'subslices'}   = $sub_slices; #used to draw lines for exons
  $trans_obj->{'extent'}      = $extent; #used for padding between exons and at the end of the transcript
  $trans_obj->{'object_type'} = $o_type; #used for drawing the legend for vega / E! transcripts

  #identify coordinates of the portions of introns and exons to be drawn. Include the exon object
  my $intron_exon_slices;
  my $ens_exons;
  my $offset = $transcript_slice->start -1;
  my $exons = $object->Obj->get_all_Exons();
  foreach my $exon (@{$exons}) {
    my $es   = $exon->start - $offset;
    my $ee   = $exon->end   - $offset;
    my $munge  = $object->munge_gaps('supporting_evidence_transcript', $es);
    push @$ens_exons, [ $es + $munge, $ee + $munge, $exon ];
  my $e_counter = 0;
  my $e_count   = scalar(@$ens_exons);

  #reverse the order of exons if the strand is negative
  my @exons = $transcript->strand == 1 ? @{$ens_exons} : reverse(@{$ens_exons});
  foreach my $subslice (@{$sub_slices}) {
    my $subslice_start = $subslice->[0]+$subslice->[2];
    my $subslice_end   = $subslice->[1]+$subslice->[2];
    my ($exon_start,$exon_end);
    for (; $e_counter < $e_count; $e_counter++) {
      my $exon  = $exons[$e_counter];
      $exon_start = $exon->[0];
      $exon_end   = $exon->[1];

      #if the exon is still within the subslice then work with it
      if ( ($subslice_end > $exon_end) ){
        push @{$intron_exon_slices}, [$subslice_start, $exon_start] if $intron_exon_slices; #don't add the first one
        push @{$intron_exon_slices}, $exon;

        #set subslice to the end of the ready for the next exon iteration
        $subslice_start = $exon_end;
      else {
        #otherwise draw a line to the end of the subslice and move on
        push @{$intron_exon_slices}, [$exons[$e_counter-1]->[1], $subslice_end];
        next SUBSLICE;
    #push @{$intron_exon_slices}, [$subslice_start, $subslice_end]; #uncomment to add last intron to display
  $trans_obj->{'introns_and_exons'} = $intron_exon_slices;

  #add info on normalised coding region
  my $raw_coding_start = defined($transcript->coding_region_start) ? $transcript->coding_region_start-$offset : '';
  my $raw_coding_end   = defined($transcript->coding_region_end)   ? $transcript->coding_region_end-$offset   : '';
  my $coding_start = $raw_coding_start + $object->munge_gaps( 'supporting_evidence_transcript', $raw_coding_start );
  my $coding_end   = $raw_coding_end   + $object->munge_gaps( 'supporting_evidence_transcript', $raw_coding_end );
  $trans_obj->{'coding_start'} = $coding_start;
  $trans_obj->{'coding_end'}   = $coding_end;

  #get introns (would be nice to have an API call but until this is there do this)
  my @introns;
  my $s = 0;
  my $e = 1;
  my $t = scalar(@{$exons});
  while ($e < $t) {
    my $i = Bio::EnsEMBL::Intron->new($exons->[$s],$exons->[$e]);
    push @introns, [ $i, $exons->[$s]->stable_id, $exons->[$e]->stable_id ];

  #add info on non_canonical splice site sequences for introns
  my @canonical_sites = ( ['GT', 'AG'],['GC', 'AG'], ['AT', 'AC'], ['NN', 'NN'] ); #these are considered not to be non-canonical
  my $non_can_introns;
  my $hack_c = 1; #set to zero to tag first intron - used for development to highlight first intron
  foreach my $i_details (@introns) {
    my $i = $i_details->[0];
    my $seq = $i->seq;
    my $l = length($seq);
    my $donor_seq = substr($seq,0,2); #5'
    my $acceptor_seq = $hack_c ? substr($seq,$l-2,2) : 'CC';
    my $e_details = "Non-canonical splice site ($donor_seq:$acceptor_seq) between exons ".$i_details->[1].' and '.$i_details->[2];
    my $canonical = 0;
    foreach my $seqs (@canonical_sites) {
      $canonical = 1 if ( ($donor_seq eq $seqs->[0]) && ($acceptor_seq eq $seqs->[1]) );
    unless ($canonical) {
      my $is = $i->start - $offset;
      my $ie = $i->end - $offset;
      my $munged_start = $is + $object->munge_gaps( 'supporting_evidence_transcript', $is );
      my $munged_end   = $ie + $object->munge_gaps( 'supporting_evidence_transcript', $ie );
      push @$non_can_introns, [ $munged_start, $munged_end, $donor_seq, $acceptor_seq, $e_details, $i ];
  $trans_obj->{'non_can_introns'} = $non_can_introns ;

  #add info on normalised transcript_supporting_evidence
  my $t_evidence = {};
  my %t_ids;
  foreach my $evi (@{$transcript->get_all_supporting_features}) {
    my $coords;
    my $hit_name = $evi->hseqname;

    #don't store any transcript_supporting_features for a vega gene
    next if ($o_type eq 'vega');

    $t_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_name'} = $hit_name;
    $t_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_db'}   = $dbentry_adap->get_db_name_from_external_db_id($evi->external_db_id);
    $t_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_type'} = ($evi->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature')) ? 'protein' : $self->hit_type($info_summary,$evi);

    #split evidence into ungapped features (ie parse cigar string),
    #map onto exons ie determine mismatches
    #and munge (ie account for gaps)
    my $first_feature = 1;
    my $last_end = 0;
    my @features = $evi->ungapped_features;
    for (my $c; $c < scalar(@features); $c++) {
      my $feature = $features[$c];
      my $munged_coords = $self->split_evidence_and_munge_gaps($feature,$exons,$offset, [ $raw_coding_start+$offset,$raw_coding_end+$offset ], ref($evi));
      if ($last_end) {
        if ($evi->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature')) {
          if (abs($feature->hstart - $last_end) > 3) {
            $munged_coords->[0]{'hit_mismatch'} =  $feature->hstart - $last_end;
        else {
          if (abs($feature->hstart - $last_end) > 1) {
            $munged_coords->[0]{'hit_mismatch'} =  $feature->hstart - $last_end;
          elsif ($feature->hstart == $last_end) {
            $munged_coords->[0]{'hit_mismatch'} = 0;
      #is the first feature beyond the end of the transcript
      if ($first_feature){
        if ($transcript->strand == 1) {
          if ($feature->end <  $exons->[0]->seq_region_start) {
            $munged_coords->[0]{'lh-ext'} = $exons->[0]->seq_region_start - $feature->end;
        else {
          if ($feature->start > $exons->[0]->seq_region_end) {
            $munged_coords->[0]{'rh-ext'} = $feature->start - $exons->[0]->seq_region_end;
        $first_feature = 0
      #is the last feature beyond the end of the transcript
      if ($c == scalar(@features)-1) {
        if ($transcript->strand == 1) {
          if ($feature->start > $exons->[-1]->seq_region_end) {
            $munged_coords->[0]{'rh-ext'} = $feature->start - $exons->[-1]->seq_region_end;
        else {
          if ($feature->end < $exons->[-1]->seq_region_start) {
            $munged_coords->[0]{'lh-ext'} = $exons->[-1]->seq_region_start - $feature->end;
      $last_end = $feature->hend;

      #reverse the exon order if on the reverse strand
      if ($transcript->strand == 1) {
        push @{$t_evidence->{$hit_name}{'data'}},$munged_coords->[0];
      else {
        unshift  @{$t_evidence->{$hit_name}{'data'}},$munged_coords->[0];

  #calculate total length of the hit (used for sorting the display)
  while ( my ($hit_name, $hit_details) = each (%{$t_evidence})  ) {
    my $tot_length;
    foreach my $match (@{$hit_details->{'data'}}) {
      my $len = abs($match->{'munged_end'} - $match->{'munged_start'}) + 1;
      $tot_length += $len;
    $t_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_length'} = $tot_length;
  $al_obj->{'transcript_evidence'} = $t_evidence;

  #add info on additional supporting_evidence (exon level)
  my $e_evidence = {};
  my $evidence_checks;
  my %evidence_ends;
  foreach my $exon (@$exons) {
    foreach my $evi (@{$exon->get_all_supporting_features}) {
      my $hit_name = $evi->hseqname;
      my $hit_seq_region_start = $evi->seq_region_start;
      my $hit_seq_region_end = $evi->seq_region_end;
      if ($o_type eq 'vega') {
        ###only proceed for vega if this hit name has been used as transcript evidence
        next EVI unless ($t_ids{$hit_name});
      else {
        #only proceed for ensembl if this hit name has *not* been used as transcript evidence
        next EVI if (exists($t_evidence->{$hit_name}));

      #calculate beginning and end of the combined hit (first steps are needed to autovivify)
      $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'start'} = $hit_seq_region_start unless exists($evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'start'});
      $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'start'} = $hit_seq_region_start if ($hit_seq_region_start < $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'start'});
      $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'end'} = $hit_seq_region_end unless exists($evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'end'});
      $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'end'} = $hit_seq_region_end if ($hit_seq_region_end > $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'end'});

      #ignore duplicate entries
      if ( defined(@{$evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'starts_and_ends'}})
           && grep {$_ eq "$hit_seq_region_start:$hit_seq_region_end"} @{$evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'starts_and_ends'}}) {
        next EVI;
      push @{$evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'starts_and_ends'}}, "$hit_seq_region_start:$hit_seq_region_end";

      my $hit_mismatch;
      my $hit_start = $evi->hstart;

      #compare the start of this hit with the end of the last one -
      #only DNA features have to match exactly, protein features have a tolerance of +- 3
      if ($evi->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature')) {
        if (   ($evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'})
               && (abs($hit_start - $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'}) > 3 )) {
          $hit_mismatch = $hit_start - $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'};
      else {
        if (   ($evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'})
               && (abs($hit_start - $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'}) > 1) ) {
          $hit_mismatch = $hit_start - $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'};
        elsif ($hit_start == $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'}) {
          $hit_mismatch = 0;

      #don't show duplicated bits of the hit for vega since sadly the data has lots of this
      $hit_mismatch = 0 if ($o_type eq 'vega' && $hit_mismatch < 0);

      #note position of end of the hit for next iteration
      $evidence_ends{$hit_name}{'last_end'} = $evi->hend;

      # coordinate munging:
      # pass it a single exon but could pass it all if them if we wanted to match the hit across all exons
      my $munged_coords = $self->split_evidence_and_munge_gaps($evi,[$exon],$offset,[$raw_coding_start+$offset,$raw_coding_end+$offset],ref($evi));
      foreach my $munged_hit (@$munged_coords) {
        #add tag if there is a mismatch between exon / hit boundries
        if (defined($hit_mismatch)) {
          $munged_hit->{'hit_mismatch'} = $hit_mismatch;
        if ($transcript->strand == 1) {
          push @{$e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'data'}}, $munged_hit ;
        else {
          unshift @{$e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'data'}}, $munged_hit ;
      $e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_name'} = $hit_name;
      $e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_db'}   = $dbentry_adap->get_db_name_from_external_db_id($evi->external_db_id);
      $e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_type'} = ($evi->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature')) ? 'protein' : $self->hit_type($info_summary,$evi);

  #remove any non-perfect matching evidence where it overlaps perfect matching evidence
  while ( my ($hit, $det) = each (%{$e_evidence})) {
    foreach my $this_match (@{$det->{'data'}}) {
      next THIS_MATCH unless $this_match;
      next THIS_MATCH unless ($this_match->{'left_end_mismatch'} || $this_match->{'right_end_mismatch'});
      my $this_start = $this_match->{'hit'}->seq_region_start;
      my $this_end   = $this_match->{'hit'}->seq_region_end;
      foreach my $check_match (@{$det->{'data'}}) {
        next unless $check_match;
        my $checked_start = $check_match->{'hit'}->seq_region_start;
        my $checked_end   = $check_match->{'hit'}->seq_region_end;
        next if ( ($checked_start == $this_start) && ($checked_end == $this_end) );
        if (   ( ($checked_start == $this_start) && ($checked_end   != $this_end) )
          || ( ($checked_end   == $this_end)   && ($checked_start != $this_start) )
          || ( ($this_end > $checked_end) && ($this_start < $checked_start) )
          || ( ($this_end < $checked_end) && ($this_start > $checked_start) ) ) {
            $this_match = undef;
            next THIS_MATCH;

  #add tags if the merged hit extends beyond the end of the transcript (but not for Vega db genes since they don't mean anything)
  if ($o_type ne 'vega') {
    while ( my ($hit_name, $coords) = each (%evidence_ends)) {
      if ( @{$e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'data'}}) {
        if ($coords->{'start'} < $transcript->start) {
          my $diff =  $transcript->start - $coords->{'start'};
          $e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'data'}[0]{'lh_ext'}  = $transcript->start - $coords->{'start'};
        if ($coords->{'end'} > $transcript->end) {
          $e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'data'}[-1]{'rh_ext'} = $coords->{'end'} - $transcript->end;

  #calculate total length of the hit (used for sorting the display)
  while ( my ($hit_name, $hit_details) = each (%{$e_evidence})  ) {
    my $tot_length;
    foreach my $match (@{$hit_details->{'data'}}) {
      my $l = abs($match->{'munged_end'} - $match->{'munged_start'}) + 1;
      $tot_length += $l;
    $e_evidence->{$hit_name}{'hit_length'} = $tot_length;

  #we want to show the vega evidence as transcript evidence but we can't munge the cigar strings for vega evidence
  #therefore use the supporting_features as transcript_supporting_features - they should be the same anyway
  if ($o_type eq 'vega') {
      $al_obj->{'transcript_evidence'} = $e_evidence;
      $al_obj->{'evidence'} = {};
  else {
      $al_obj->{'evidence'} = $e_evidence;

  #modify track captions if there is no evidence for a particular type
  if (! %{$al_obj->{'transcript_evidence'}}) {
	  [ 'TSE_generic_match_label' ],
	  { 'caption', 'Transcript evi. (none)'}
  if (! %{$al_obj->{'evidence'}}) {
	  [ 'SE_generic_match_label' ],
	  { 'caption', 'Exon evi. (none)'}

  #store everything needed for drawing
  $wuc->cache( 'trans_object', $trans_obj );
  $wuc->cache( 'align_object', $al_obj );

  #draw and render image
  my $image = $self->new_image(
    [ $object->stable_id ]
  return if $self->_export_image($image, 'no_text');
  $image->imagemap = 'yes';
  $image->{'panel_number'} = 'top';
  $image->set_button( 'drag', 'title' => 'Drag to select region' );
  return $image->render;
=head2 split_evidence_and_munge_gaps

  Arg [1]  : B::E::DnaDnaAlignFeature, B::E::DnaPepAlignFeature or B::E::FeaturePair
  Arg [2]  : Arrayref of B::E::Exons
  Arg [3]  : Transcript start (ie offset to convert genomic to transcript genomic coordinates)
  Arg [4]  : Arrayref of coding positions
  Arg [5]  : type of evidence (B::E::DnaDnaAlignFeature or B::E::DnaPepAlignFeature)
  Description: Takes a supporting feature and maps to all exons supplied - depending on usage either all exons
         in the transcript or just a single exon. Coordinates returned are relevant to the munged slice,
         ie fixed length introns, and are those used for drawing.
         Also looks for mismatches between the end of the hit and the end of the exon; takes into account
         the end of the CDS if the evidence is a DnaPepAlignFeature, ie evidence that stops at the end of
         the CDS is not tagged if it's protein evidence.
         Also looks for 'extra' exons, ie those that are in the parsed cigar string or combined exon hits
         but not in the transcript.
  Returntype : Arrayref of hashrefs - positions for drawing and also tags for hit/exon boundry mismatches and
         extra exons


sub split_evidence_and_munge_gaps {
  my $self =  shift;
  my ($hit,$exons,$offset,$coding_coords,$obj_type) = @_;
  my $object  = $self->object;
  my $hit_seq_region_start = $hit->start;
  my $hit_seq_region_end   = $hit->end;
  my $hit_name       = $hit->hseqname;
  my ($cod_start,$cod_end);
  my $coords;
  my $last_end;
  my $past_hit_end = 0;
  my $evidence_type;

  # note evidence type
  if ( ($obj_type eq 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature') || ($hit_name =~ /^CCDS/) ) {
    $cod_start = $coding_coords->[0];
    $cod_end   = $coding_coords->[1];

    #if protein evidence lies completely outside of the CDS then treat it as a DnaDnaAlignFeature
    if ( ($hit_seq_region_start > $cod_end) || ($hit_seq_region_end < $cod_start) ) {
      $evidence_type = 'pretend_this_is_dna';
    else {
      $evidence_type = 'protein';
  else {
    $evidence_type = 'dna';

  foreach my $exon (@{$exons}) {
    next if $past_hit_end;
    my $estart = $exon->start;
    my $eend   = $exon->end;
    my $ename  = $exon->stable_id;

    #catch any extra 'exons' that are in a parsed hit
    my $extra_exon = 0;
    if ( $last_end && ($last_end < $hit_seq_region_end) && ($estart > $hit_seq_region_end) ) {
      $extra_exon = $hit;
      $last_end = $eend;

    elsif ( ($eend < $hit_seq_region_start) || ($estart > $hit_seq_region_end) ) {
      $last_end = $eend;

    #set this to save any further iteration if we're past the end of the exon
    $past_hit_end = 1 if ($eend >= $hit_seq_region_end);

    #add tags for hit/exon start/end mismatches - protein evidence has some leeway (+-3), DNA has to be exact
    #CCDS evidence is considered as protein evidence even though it is a DNA feature
    my ($left_end_mismatch, $right_end_mismatch);
    my ($b_start,$b_end);

    if ( $evidence_type eq 'protein' ) {
      $b_start =  $eend < $cod_start  ? $estart
               : $cod_start > $estart ? $cod_start
               : $estart;
      $b_end =   $estart > $cod_end ? $eend
             : $cod_end < $eend     ? $cod_end
             : $eend;
      $left_end_mismatch  = (abs($b_start - $hit_seq_region_start) < 4) ? 0 : $b_start - $hit_seq_region_start;
      $right_end_mismatch = (abs($b_end - $hit_seq_region_end) < 4)   ? 0 : $hit_seq_region_end - $b_end;
    else {
      $left_end_mismatch  = $estart == $hit_seq_region_start ? 0 : $estart - $hit_seq_region_start;
      $right_end_mismatch = $eend   == $hit_seq_region_end   ? 0 : $hit_seq_region_end - $eend;

    #Map start and end positions of the hit from genomic coordinates to transcript genomic coordinates.
    #Account for off-by-three errors (which can impact on the display as just a pixel off) by setting
    #the boundry of the hit to the exon boundry in these cases
    my $start;
    if ( $evidence_type eq 'protein' ) {
      $start =   ($b_start - $hit_seq_region_start) > 4 ? $b_start
             : ($hit_seq_region_start - $b_start) < 4 ? $b_start
             : $hit_seq_region_start;
    else {
      $start = $hit_seq_region_start >= $estart ? $hit_seq_region_start : $estart;
    $start -= $offset;
    my $munged_start = $start + $object->munge_gaps( 'supporting_evidence_transcript', $start );
    my $end;
    if ( $evidence_type eq 'protein' ) {
      $end =  ($b_end - $hit_seq_region_end ) < 4 ? $b_end
           : ($hit_seq_region_end - $b_end ) > 4 ? $b_end
           : $hit_seq_region_end;
    else {
      $end = $hit_seq_region_end <= $eend ? $hit_seq_region_end : $eend;
    $end -= $offset;
    my $munged_end = $end + $object->munge_gaps( 'supporting_evidence_transcript', $end );

    #don't even attempt to show any end mismatches for vega db genes, data won't allow it!
    if (lc($object->db_type) eq 'vega') {
      $left_end_mismatch = 0;
      $right_end_mismatch = 0;

    #store everything so far
    my $details = {
      'munged_start'       => $munged_start,
      'munged_end'         => $munged_end,
      'left_end_mismatch'  => $left_end_mismatch,
      'right_end_mismatch' => $right_end_mismatch,
      'extra_exon'         => $extra_exon,
      'exon'               => $exon,
      'hit'                => $hit,
      'evidence_type'      => $evidence_type,
      'exon_length'        => $eend-$estart+1,
      'hit_length'         => $hit_seq_region_end-$hit_seq_region_start+1,
    push @{$coords}, $details;
  return $coords;

sub hit_type {
    #get type of evidence (to use as a key into the colour hash)
    my ($self,$info_summary,$evi) = @_;
    my %evidence_table_types = (
	'Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaDnaAlignFeature' => 'dna_align_feature',
	'Bio::EnsEMBL::DnaPepAlignFeature' => 'protein_align_feature',
    my $ln = $evi->analysis->logic_name;
    my $evi_object = ref($evi);
    my $evi_type = $evidence_table_types{$evi_object};
    my $type = $info_summary->{$evi_type}{'analyses'}{$ln}{'web'}{'type'} || 'other';
    return $type;