package EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation::PopulationGenotypes;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";
use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Component::Variation);
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);

sub _init {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->cacheable( 0 );
  $self->ajaxable(  1 );
sub content {
  my $self = shift;
  my $object = $self->object;

  ## Check we have uniquely determined variation
  unless ($object->core_objects->{'parameters'}{'vf'} ){
    my $html = "<p>You must select a location from the panel above to see this information</p>";
    return $self->_info(
    'A unique location can not be determined for this Variation',
  ## Hacked version of $objects->freqs to allow the return of multiple rows of data per population
  my $freq_data = $object->freqs_hack; 
  #my $freq_data = $object->freqs; 
  unless (%$freq_data ){
    my $html = "<p>No genotypes for this variation</p>"; 
    return $self->_info(
    'Variation: '. $object->name,
    $html );

  my $table = format_frequencies($object, $freq_data);
  return $table->render;
sub format_frequencies {
  my ( $object, $freq_data ) = @_;
  my %freq_data = %{ $freq_data };
  my %columns;
  my @rows;
  my $table = new EnsEMBL::Web::Document::SpreadSheet( [], [], {'margin' => '1em 0px' } );
  foreach my $pop_id (sort { $freq_data{$a}{pop_info}{Name} cmp $freq_data{$b}{pop_info}{Name}} keys %freq_data) {
    my %pop_row;

    # Freqs alleles ---------------------------------------------
    my @allele_freq = @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{AlleleFrequency} }; 
    foreach my $gt (  @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{Alleles} } ) { 
      my $freq = _format_number(shift @allele_freq);
      $pop_row{"Alleles&nbsp;<br />$gt"} = $freq;
    # Freqs genotypes ---------------------------------------------
    my @genotype_freq = @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{GenotypeFrequency} || [] };
    foreach my $gt ( @{ $freq_data{$pop_id}{Genotypes} } ) {
      my $freq = _format_number(shift @genotype_freq);
      $pop_row{"Genotypes&nbsp;<br />$gt"} = $freq;

    # Add a name, size and description if it exists ---------------------------
    $pop_row{pop}= _pop_url( $object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{Name}, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{PopLink})."&nbsp;";
    $pop_row{Size} = $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{Size};

    # Descriptions too long. Only display first sentence
    (my $description = $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{Description}) =~ s/International HapMap project.*/International HapMap project\.\.\./;
    $description =~ s/<.*?>//g;
    if (length $description > 220) {
      $description = substr($description, 0, 220) ."...";
    $pop_row{Description} = "<small>". ($description ||"-") ."</small>";

    # Super and sub populations ----------------------------------------------
    my $super_string = _sort_extra_pops($object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{"Super-Population"});
    $pop_row{"Super-Population"} =  $super_string;

    my $sub_string = _sort_extra_pops($object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{"Sub-Population"});
    $pop_row{"Sub-Population"} =  $sub_string;
    push (@rows, \%pop_row);
    map {  $columns{$_} = 1 if $pop_row{$_};  } (keys %pop_row);

 # Format table columns ------------------------------------------------------
  my @header_row;
  foreach my $col (sort {$b cmp $a} keys %columns) {
    next if $col eq 'pop';
    if ($col !~ /Population|Description/) {
      unshift (@header_row, {key  =>$col,  'align'=>'left',
           title => $col });
    else {
      push (@header_row, {key  =>$col, 'align'=>'left', title => "&nbsp;$col&nbsp;"  });
  unshift (@header_row,  {key  =>"pop",'align'=>'left',  title =>"Population"} );
  foreach my $column  (@header_row){ 
    my %col_info  = %{$column};  
     { 'key' => $col_info{'key'}, 'title' => $col_info{'title'}, 'align' => $col_info{'align'} }, 

  foreach my $r (@rows){
   my %temp = %{$r};
   my $tmp_row = {};
   foreach my $key (keys %temp){
      if ($temp{$key}) {  $tmp_row->{$key} = $temp{$key}; }

 return $table;

sub _sort_extra_pops {

    ### Population_table
    ### Arg1      : data object
    ### Arg2      : hashref with population data
    ### Example   :     my $super_string = _sort_extra_pops($object, $freq_data{$pop_id}{pop_info}{"Super-Population"});
    ### Description : returns string with Population name (size)<br> description
    ### Returns  string

  my ( $object, $extra_pop ) = @_;

  my @pops;
  foreach my $pop_id (keys %$extra_pop  ) {
    my $display_pop = _pop_url( $object, $extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Name},
    my $size = $extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Size};
    $size = " (Size: $size)" if $size;
    my $string = "$display_pop $size";
       $string .= "<br /><small>".$extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Description}."</small>" if $extra_pop->{$pop_id}{Description};
  return  (join "<br />", @pops);
sub _format_number {

  ### Population_genotype_alleles
  ### Arg1 : null or a number
  ### Returns "unknown" if null or formats the number to 3 decimal places

  my $number = shift;
  if ($number) {
    return sprintf("%.3f", $number );
  return  "unknown";

sub _pop_url {

   ### Arg1        : data object
   ### Arg2        : Population name (to be displayed)
   ### Arg3        : dbSNP population ID (variable to be linked to)
   ### Example     : _pop_url($object, $pop_name, $pop_dbSNPID);
   ### Description : makes pop_name into a link
   ### Returns  string

  my ($object, $pop_name, $pop_dbSNP) = @_;
  return $pop_name unless $pop_dbSNP;
  return $object->get_ExtURL_link( $pop_name, 'DBSNPPOP',$pop_dbSNP->[0] );