package EnsEMBL::Web::Form;

use strict;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Root;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Form::FieldSet;
use CGI qw(escapeHTML);
our @ISA = qw( EnsEMBL::Web::Root );

sub new {
  my( $class, $name, $action, $method, $style ) = @_;
  my $self = {
    '_attributes' => {
        'action'   => $action,
        'method'   => lc($method) || 'get' ,  
        'id'       => $name,
        'class'    => $style || 'std check',
    '_buttons'        => [],
    '_extra_buttons'  => '',
    '_fieldsets'      => [],
    '_form_id'        => 1
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

sub add_button {
### Add a button element to the form - used particularly for adding multiple buttons, e.g. on wizards
  my( $self, %options ) = @_;
  my $type = $options{'type'};
  if ($type eq 'Submit' || $type eq 'Button') {
    my $module = "EnsEMBL::Web::Form::Element::$type";
    if( $self->dynamic_use( $module ) ) {
      my $button = $module->new( 'form' => $self->{'_attributes'}{'id'}, %options );
      push @{$self->{'_buttons'}}, $button;
    else {
      warn "Button module $module appears to be missing!";
  else {
    warn "Not a button module!";

sub extra_buttons {
  my ($self, $buttons) = @_;
  if ($buttons) {
    $self->{'_extra_buttons'} = $buttons;
  return $self->{'_extra_buttons'};

sub add_attribute {
### Add an attribute to the FORM tag
  my( $self, $type, $value ) = @_;
  if( $type eq 'class' && $self->{'_attributes'}{'class'} ) {
    $self->{'_attributes'}{$type}.= " $value";
  } else {
    $self->{'_attributes'}{$type} = $value;

sub add_fieldset {
### Add a fieldset object to the form
  my( $self, %options ) = @_;
  my $fieldset = EnsEMBL::Web::Form::FieldSet->new('form' => $self->{'_attributes'}{'id'}, %options );
  if (!$fieldset->{'_name'}) {
    $fieldset->{'_name'} =  $self->_next_id();
  push @{$self->{'_fieldsets'}}, $fieldset;
  return $fieldset;

sub _next_id {
### Returns an autoincremented ID for fieldset (used if not defined manually in the component) 
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->{'_attributes'}{'id'}.'_'.($self->{'_form_id'}++);

sub _render_buttons {
  my $self = shift;
  return unless  @{$self->{'_buttons'}};
  my $class = $self->{'_attributes'}{'class'};
  my $output = qq(<table style="width:100%" class="$class"><tbody>
  foreach my $button ( @{$self->{'_buttons'}}) {
    $output .= $button->render;
  $output .= qq(</td>

  return $output;

sub add_hidden {
  my $self = shift;
  my $hash_ref = shift;
  foreach (keys %{ $hash_ref || {} } ) {

sub add_notes {
  my ($self, $notes) = @_;
  my @fieldsets = @{$self->{'_fieldsets'}};
  my $fieldset = $fieldsets[0];
  if ($fieldset && $notes) {

sub render {
### Render the FORM tag and its contents
  my $self = shift;

  my $widgets = '';
  my $has_file = 0; 
  my $required = 0;
  my @A = @{$self->{'_fieldsets'}};
  foreach my $fieldset ( @{$self->{'_fieldsets'}} ) {
    $has_file = 1 if $fieldset->{'_file'};
    $required = 1 if $fieldset->{'_required'};
    $widgets .= $fieldset->render;

  if( $has_file ) { # File types must always be multipart Posts 
    $self->add_attribute( 'method',  'post' );
    $self->add_attribute( 'class',   'upload' );
    $self->add_attribute( 'enctype', 'multipart/form-data' );
  $self->add_element( 'type' => 'Hidden',
    'name' => '__submit',
    'value' => ''

  my $output = "<form";
  while (my ($k, $v) = each ( %{$self->{'_attributes'}} )) {
    $output .= sprintf ' %s="%s"', CGI::escapeHTML($k), CGI::escapeHTML($v);
  $output .= '>';

  if ($self->{'_extra_buttons'} eq 'top') {
    $output .= $self->_render_buttons;

  $output .= $widgets;
  if ($required) {
    $self->add_element( 'type' => 'Information', 
    'value' => 'Fields marked with <strong>*</strong> are required'

  $output .= $self->_render_buttons;
  $output .= "\n</form>\n";
  $output .= '<div style="height:1px;overflow: hidden;clear:both;font-size:1pt">&nbsp;</div>';
  return $output;

sub add_element {
### x
### Replacement for old method, included for backwards compatibility
### Tries to add the element to the last fieldset, or creates a new one if none exist

  my( $self, %options ) = @_;

  my $fieldset = $self->{'_fieldsets'}[-1];
  if (!$fieldset) {
    $fieldset = EnsEMBL::Web::Form::FieldSet->new('form' => $self->{'_attributes'}{'id'});
    push @{$self->{'_fieldsets'}}, $fieldset;
