package EnsEMBL::Web::Object::DAS;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';

use base qw(EnsEMBL::Web::Object);

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ );
  $self->real_species = $ENV{ENSEMBL_SPECIES};
  $self->{'_slice_hack'} = {};
  $self->{'_features'}   = {};
  return $self; 

sub real_species       :lvalue {
  my $self = shift;

sub ori {
  my($self,$strand,$tl_strand) = @_;
  if (!$tl_strand || ($tl_strand > 0) ) {
	  return $strand>0 ? '+' :
		     $strand<0 ? '-' :
			             '0' ;
  else {
	  return $strand>0 ? '-' :
		     $strand<0 ? '+' :
			             '0' ;

sub slice_cache {
  my( $self, $slice ) = @_;
  my $slice_name = $slice->seq_region_name.':'.$slice->start.','.$slice->end.':'.$slice->strand;
  unless( exists $self->{'_features'}{$slice_name} ) {
    $self->{'_features'}{$slice_name} = {
      'REGION' => $slice->seq_region_name,
      'START'  => $slice->start,
      'STOP'   => $slice->end,
      'FEATURES' => [],
    if( $slice->strand > 0 ) {
      $self->{'_slice_hack'}{$slice_name} = [  1, $self->{'_features'}{$slice_name}{'START'}-1 ];
    } else {
      $self->{'_slice_hack'}{$slice_name} = [ -1, $self->{'_features'}{$slice_name}{'STOP'} +1 ];
  return $slice_name;

sub base_features {
  my( $self, $feature_type, $feature_label ) = @_;

  $self->{_feature_label} = $feature_label;
  my @segments      = $self->Locations;
  my %feature_types = map { $_ ? ($_=>1) : () } @{$self->FeatureTypes  || []};
  my @group_ids     = grep { $_ }               @{$self->GroupIDs      || []};
  my @feature_ids   = grep { $_ }               @{$self->FeatureIDs    || []};

  my $dba_hashref;
  my( $db, @logic_names ) = split /-/, $ENV{'ENSEMBL_DAS_SUBTYPE'};
  $db = 'core' unless $db;
  my @features;
  foreach ($db) {
    my $T = $self->{data}->{_databases}->get_DBAdaptor($_,$self->real_species);
    $dba_hashref->{$_}=$T if $T;
  if( $db eq 'userdata' && ! @logic_names ) {
  @logic_names = (undef) unless @logic_names;
    warn "Databases:   ",join ' ', sort keys %$dba_hashref;
    warn "Logic names: @logic_names";
    warn "Segments:    ",join ' ', map { $_->slice->seq_region_name } @segments;
    warn "Group ids:   @group_ids";
    warn "Feature ids: @feature_ids";
  my $call         = "get_all_$feature_type".'s';
  my $adapter_call = "get_$feature_type".'Adaptor';

  foreach my $segment (@segments) {
    if( ref($segment) eq 'HASH' && ($segment->{'TYPE'} eq 'ERROR'||$segment->{'TYPE'} eq 'UNKNOWN') ) {
      push @features, $segment;
    my $slice_name = $segment->slice->seq_region_name.':'.$segment->slice->start.','.$segment->slice->end.':'.$segment->slice->strand;
    $self->{_features}{$slice_name}= {
      'REGION'   => $segment->slice->seq_region_name,
      'START'    => $segment->slice->start,
      'STOP'     => $segment->slice->end,
      'FEATURES' => [],

    foreach my $db_key ( keys %$dba_hashref ) {
      foreach my $logic_name (@logic_names) {
        foreach my $feature ( @{$segment->slice->$call($logic_name,undef,$db_key) } ) {
          $self->_feature( $feature );
  my $dafa_hashref = {};
  foreach my $id ( @group_ids, @feature_ids ) {
    foreach my $db ( keys %$dba_hashref ) {
      $dafa_hashref->{$db} ||= $dba_hashref->{$db}->$adapter_call;
      foreach my $logic_name (@logic_names) {
        foreach my $align ( @{$dafa_hashref->{$db}->fetch_all_by_hit_name( $id, $logic_name )} ) {
          $self->_feature( $align );
  push @features, values %{ $self->{'_features'} };
  return \@features;

sub loc {
  my( $self, $slice_name, $start, $end, $strand ) = @_;
  return (
    'START'       => $self->{_slice_hack}{$slice_name}[0] * $start + $self->{_slice_hack}{$slice_name}[1],
    'END'         => $self->{_slice_hack}{$slice_name}[0] * $end   + $self->{_slice_hack}{$slice_name}[1],
    'ORIENTATION' => $self->{_slice_hack}{$slice_name}[0] * $strand > 0 ? '+' : '-'

#sub Obj { 
#  return $_[0]{'data'}{'_object'}[0]->Obj; 

sub Locations { return @{$_[0]{data}{_object}}; }

sub FeatureTypes { 
  my $self = shift;
  push @{$self->{'_feature_types'}}, @_ if @_;
  return $self->{'_feature_types'};

sub FeatureIDs { 
  my $self = shift;
  push @{$self->{'_feature_ids'}}, @_ if @_;
  return $self->{'_feature_ids'};

sub GroupIDs { 
  my $self = shift;
  push @{$self->{'_group_ids'}}, @_ if @_;
  return $self->{'_group_ids'};

sub Stylesheet { 
  my $self = shift;

sub _Stylesheet {
  my( $self, $category_hashref ) = @_;
  $category_hashref ||= {};
  my $stylesheet = qq(<STYLESHEET version="1.0">\n);
  foreach my $category_id ( keys %$category_hashref ) {
    $stylesheet .= qq(  <CATEGORY id="$category_id">\n);
    my $type_hashref = $category_hashref->{$category_id};
    foreach my $type_id ( keys %$type_hashref ) {
      $stylesheet .= qq(    <TYPE id="$type_id">\n);
      my $glyph_arrayref = $type_hashref->{$type_id};
      foreach my $glyph_hashref (@$glyph_arrayref ) {
        $stylesheet .= sprintf qq(      <GLYPH%s>\n        <%s>\n),
          $glyph_hashref->{'zoom'} ? qq( zoom="$glyph_hashref->{'zoom'}") : '',
        foreach my $key (keys %{$glyph_hashref->{'attrs'}||{}} ) {
          $stylesheet .= sprintf qq(          <%s>%s</%s>\n),
        $stylesheet .= sprintf qq(        </%s>\n      </GLYPH>\n),  uc($glyph_hashref->{'type'});
      $stylesheet .= qq(    </TYPE>\n);
    $stylesheet .= qq(  </CATEGORY>\n);
  $stylesheet .= qq(</STYLESHEET>\n);
  return $stylesheet;

sub EntryPoints {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $collection;
  return $collection;

sub Types {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $collection;
  return $collection;

#projects a slice onto a particular coord system and returns arrayref containing details of those projections.
sub get_projections {
	my $self = shift;
	my ($object_slice,$cs_wanted) = @_;
	return [] unless $cs_wanted;
	my $projections = $object_slice->project($cs_wanted);
	my $last_end = 0;
	my $all_mappings;
	foreach my $proj (@$projections) {
		my $mappings;
		my $slice = $proj->to_Slice();				
		my $proj_slice_name = $slice->seq_region_name.':'.$slice->start.','.$slice->end.':'.$slice->strand;

		#get positions of start and end of each projection slice on the original slice
		#need to subtract the previous slice coordinates since top level positions of all subsequent slices are relative
		my $start_pos = ($slice->strand == 1 ) ? $proj->from_start - $last_end : $proj->from_end - $last_end;
		my $end_pos   = ($slice->strand == 1 ) ? $proj->from_end   - $last_end : $proj->from_start - $last_end;
		my $start_pos_slice = $slice->sub_Slice($start_pos,$start_pos,$slice->strand);
		my $top_level_start = $start_pos_slice->project('toplevel')->[0]->to_Slice->start;
		my $end_pos_slice   = $slice->sub_Slice($end_pos,$end_pos,$slice->strand);
		my $top_level_end   = $end_pos_slice->project('toplevel')->[0]->to_Slice->start;

		#calculate orientation of projection with respect to top level - needs to account for the fact
		#that either the requested slice or the projected slice can be in the reverse orientation
		my $top_level_strand = ($object_slice->strand == $slice->strand) ? 1 : -1;

		$last_end = $proj->from_end;		
		$mappings->{'slice_full_name'} = $proj_slice_name;
		$mappings->{'slice_name'}      = $slice->seq_region_name;
		$mappings->{'slice_start'}     = $slice->start;
		$mappings->{'slice_end'}       = $slice->end;
		$mappings->{'original_slice_strand'} = $object_slice->strand;
		$mappings->{'projected_slice_strand'} = $slice->strand;
		$mappings->{'top_level_strand'}= $top_level_strand;
		#reverse start and stop if the strand is negative
		$mappings->{'top_level_start'} = ($top_level_strand > 0) ? $top_level_start : $top_level_end;
		$mappings->{'top_level_end'}   = ($top_level_strand > 0) ? $top_level_end : $top_level_start;		
		push @{$all_mappings}, $mappings;
	return $all_mappings;
