# Author:        rmp@sanger.ac.uk
# Maintainer:    webmaster@sanger.ac.uk
# Created:       2001
# Last Modified: $Date: 2008/07/08 13:57:40 $
# Id:            $Id: Glyph.pm,v 1.7 2008/07/08 13:57:40 js5 Exp $
# Source:        $Source: /cvsroot/ensembl/ensembl-draw/modules/Sanger/Graphics/Glyph.pm,v $
# $HeadURL$
package Sanger::Graphics::Glyph;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings qw(uninitialized);
use Sanger::Graphics::ColourMap;
use vars qw($AUTOLOAD);

our $VERSION = do { my @r = (q$Revision: 1.7 $ =~ /\d+/mxg); sprintf '%d.'.'%03d' x $#r, @r };

# constructor
# _methods is a hash of valid methods you can call on this object
sub new {
  my ($class, $params_ref) = @_;
  my $self = {
	      'background' => 'transparent',
	      'composite'  => undef,          # arrayref for Glyph::Composite to store other glyphs in
	      'points'     => [],             # listref for Glyph::Poly to store x,y paired points
	      (ref $params_ref eq 'HASH')?%{$params_ref} : (),
  bless $self, $class;
  return $self;

# read-write methods
  my ($self, $val) = @_;
  no strict 'refs';
  (my $field      = $AUTOLOAD) =~ s/.*:://mx;
  *{$AUTOLOAD}    = sub {
    if(defined $_[1]) {
      $_[0]->{$field} = $_[1];
    return $_[0]->{$field};
  use strict;

  if(defined $val) {
    $self->{$field} = $val;
  return $self->{$field};

#sub alt {
#  my $self = shift;
#  return $self->id();

# apply a transformation.
# pass in a hashref containing keys
#  - translatex
#  - translatey
#  - scalex
#  - scaley
sub transform {
  my ($self, $transform_ref) = @_;

  my $scalex     = $transform_ref->{'scalex'} || 1;
  my $scaley     = $transform_ref->{'scaley'} || 1;
  my $scalewidth = $scalex;
  my $translatex = $transform_ref->{'translatex'};
  my $translatey = $transform_ref->{'translatey'};

  # override transformation if we've set x/y to be absolute (pixel) coords
  if($self->{'absolutex'})     { $scalex     = $transform_ref->{'absolutescalex'}; }
  if($self->{'absolutewidth'}) { $scalewidth = $transform_ref->{'absolutescalex'}; }
  if($self->{'absoltey'})      { $scaley     = $transform_ref->{'absolutescaley'}; }

  # copy the real coords & sizes if we don't have them already
  $self->{'pixelx'}      ||= ($self->{'x'}      || 0);
  $self->{'pixely'}      ||= ($self->{'y'}      || 0);
  $self->{'pixelwidth'}  ||= ($self->{'width'}  || 0);
  $self->{'pixelheight'} ||= ($self->{'height'} || 0);

  # apply scale
  if(defined $scalex) {
    $self->{'pixelx'}      = $self->{'pixelx'} * $scalex;

  if(defined $scalewidth) {
    $self->{'pixelwidth'}  = $self->{'pixelwidth'}  * $scalewidth;

  if(defined $scaley) {
    $self->{'pixely'}      = $self->{'pixely'}      * $scaley;
    $self->{'pixelheight'} = $self->{'pixelheight'} * $scaley;

  # apply translation
  $translatex and $self->pixelx($self->pixelx() + $translatex);
  $translatey and $self->pixely($self->pixely() + $translatey);

sub centre {
  my ($self, $arg) = @_;

  my ($x, $y);
  $arg ||= q();

  if($arg eq 'px') {
    # return calculated px coords
    # pixel coordinates are only available after a transformation has been applied
    $x = $self->{'pixelx'} + $self->{'pixelwidth'} / 2;
    $y = $self->{'pixely'} + $self->{'pixelheight'} / 2;

  } else {
    # return calculated bp coords
    $x = $self->{'x'} + $self->{'width'} / 2;
    $y = $self->{'y'} + $self->height() / 2;

  return ($x, $y);

sub pixelcentre {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return ($self->centre('px'));

sub end {
  my ($self) = @_;
  return $self->{'x'} + $self->{'width'};
