Raw content of BioMart::Formatter::MAF # # BioMart module for BioMart::Formatter::MAF # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl # itself. # POD documentation - main docs before the code. =head1 NAME BioMart::Formatter::MAF =head1 SYNOPSIS TODO: Synopsis here. =head1 DESCRIPTION MAF Formatter For more documentation see : http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat.html#format5 =head1 EXAMPLE ##maf version=1 scoring=tba.v8 # tba.v8 (((human chimp) baboon) (mouse rat)) # multiz.v7 # maf_project.v5 _tba_right.maf3 mouse _tba_C # single_cov2.v4 single_cov2 /dev/stdin a score=23262.0 s hg16.chr7 27578828 38 + 158545518 AAA-GGGAATGTTAACCAAATGA---ATTGTCTCTTACGGTG s panTro1.chr6 28741140 38 + 161576975 AAA-GGGAATGTTAACCAAATGA---ATTGTCTCTTACGGTG s baboon 116834 38 + 4622798 AAA-GGGAATGTTAACCAAATGA---GTTGTCTCTTATGGTG s mm4.chr6 53215344 38 + 151104725 -AATGGGAATGTTAAGCAAACGA---ATTGTCTCTCAGTGTG s rn3.chr4 81344243 40 + 187371129 -AA-GGGGATGCTAAGCCAATGAGTTGTTGTCTCTCAATGTG =head1 AUTHORS =over =item * benoit@ebi.ac.uk =back =head1 CONTACT This module is part of the BioMart project http://www.biomart.org Questions can be posted to the mart-dev mailing list: mart-dev@ebi.ac.uk =head1 METHODS =cut package BioMart::Formatter::MAF; use strict; use warnings; use Log::Log4perl; #use Readonly; # Extends BioMart::FormatterI use base qw(BioMart::FormatterI); my $logger; # master logger my $aln_nb = 0 ; sub _new { my ($self) = @_; $self->SUPER::_new(); $aln_nb = 0 ; # Get reference to logger $logger = Log::Log4perl->get_logger(__PACKAGE__); } sub processQuery { my ($self, $query) = @_; $self->set('original_attributes',[@{$query->getAllAttributes()}]) if ($query->getAllAttributes()); $self->set('query',$query); return $query; } sub nextRow { my $self = shift; my @data ; my $HEADER = ""; my $PROCESSED_SEQS ; my $SCORE2 ; my $new_start_time = time(); $logger->debug("START NEXT ROW "); my $rtable = $self->get('result_table'); my $row = $rtable->nextRow; if (!$row){ return; } #********** #my $aln_nb = 0; #rint "\n\n+++++++++++++++++++ $aln_nb \n\n"; ### Print maf comments using the $aln_nb variable $HEADER = &_printHeader if ($aln_nb == 0); # Need to test if the data comes from MLAGAN # in that case the row contain [seq1 seq2 seqN data1 data2 dataN] if ( ( ($$row[0]=~/^(A|C|G|T|N)/) && ($$row[0]!~/^(Chr)/) ) && ( ($$row[1]=~/^(A|C|G|T|N)/) && ($$row[1]!~/^(Chr)/) ) ){ # 15/08/06 removed /i # added a hack for 'Ch' @data = &preProcessRowMlagan(\@{$row}); my $score ; # score is now in data[$i][8] my $size_chro = 0 ; # calculate the size of the longuest chro # for sprintf foreach my $value (@data){ my $chr = $value->[1]; if ($size_chro < length($chr) ){$size_chro = length($chr);} } foreach my $foo (@data){ my $seq = $foo->[0] ; my $chr = $foo->[1] ; my $start = $foo->[2] ; my $end = $foo->[3] ; my $strand = $foo->[4] ; my $length = $foo->[5] ; my $genome = $foo->[6] ; my $cigar = $foo->[7] ; $score = $foo->[8] ; if (($score) && (!$SCORE2)){ $SCORE2 .= "a score=$score\n"; } if ($seq ne 'N'){ # means that there is no data for that species $PROCESSED_SEQS .= &returnMAFline4Mlagan($seq,$chr,$start,$end,$strand,$length,$genome,$size_chro,$cigar); } } $aln_nb++; #-- if score is undefined, put 0 instead of nothing if (!$SCORE2){ $SCORE2 .= "a score=0\n";} return $HEADER . $SCORE2 . $PROCESSED_SEQS . "\n"; } else { warn "MAF.pm -- Error processing data (attribute list)\n"; } my $time_elapsed = round(time() - $new_start_time); $logger->debug("END NEXT ROW : $time_elapsed to format in MAF "); } #-------------------------------------------- sub returnMAFline4Mlagan{ my $size = @_; my ($seq,$chr,$start,$end,$strand,$length,$gdb_id,$size_chro,$cigar) = @_; my $chr2; if (length($gdb_id) > 3){ $gdb_id = &trimspe($gdb_id); }else{ $gdb_id = "sp".$gdb_id ; } if (length($chr) > 2){ $chr2 = $chr; }# add 'chr' to the chromosome name if <=2 else { $chr2 = "chr".$chr; } my ($length_seq,$hstrand,$hstart,$hend); if ($strand > 0){ $length_seq = length($seq); $hstrand = "+"; $hstart = $start; } elsif ($strand < 0){ $length_seq = length($seq); $hstrand = "-"; $hstart = $length - $end + 1; } else { warn "\n\n\nProblem in returning maf formated lines \n\n\n";} my $formated_seq = _get_aligned_sequence_from_original_sequence_and_cigar_line($seq, $cigar); # was "%1s %16s %10d %10d %-5s %10d %10s \n","s",$chr etc. # $size_chro+8 mean that I add 8 to make some space for 'hsap'+'.chr' my $maf_line = sprintf ("%1s %-".($size_chro+8)."s %10d %7d %-5s %10s %5s \n","s",$gdb_id.".".$chr2 ,$hstart ,$length_seq ,$hstrand ,$length ,$formated_seq); return $maf_line; } #-------------------------------------------- sub returnMAFline{ my $size = @_; my ($seq,$chr,$start,$end,$strand,$length,$cigar) = @_; #warn "\n\n###### size returnMAFline $size \n\n"; my ($length_seq,$hstrand,$hstart,$hend); if ($strand > 0){ $length_seq = length($seq); $hstrand = "+"; $hstart = $start; } elsif ($strand < 0){ $length_seq = length($seq); $hstrand = "-"; $hstart = $length - $end + 1; } else { warn "\n\n\nProblem in returning maf formated lines \n\n\n";} my $formated_seq = _get_aligned_sequence_from_original_sequence_and_cigar_line($seq, $cigar); # was "%1s %16s %10d %10d %-5s %10d %10s \n","s",$chr etc. my $maf_line = sprintf ("%1s %5s %10d %5s %-5s %10s %5s \n","s",$chr ,$hstart ,$length_seq ,$hstrand ,$length ,$formated_seq); return $maf_line; } #-------------------------------------------- sub getDisplayNames { my $self = shift; return '' ; } #-------------------------------------------- sub preProcessRow{ my $row = shift ; my @want ; my $to = 0; my $score; my $size_row = @{$row}; #print "size_row subroutine $size_row\n"; while ($size_row > 0) { #print "rentre loop while $to \n"; if ($to == 0) { for (my $i=0;$i<=6;$i++){ #print "==$to $i\n"; $want[$to][$i] = shift (@{$row}); #print " ---- $want[$to][$i]\n"; } $score = shift (@{$row}); #print "==score $to $score\n"; $to++; } else { for (my $i=0;$i<=6;$i++){ #print "==$to $i\n"; $want[$to][$i] = shift (@{$row}); #print " ---- $want[$to][$i]\n"; } $to++; } $size_row = @{$row}; } my $size = @want; return (@want, $score); } #-------------------------------------------- sub preProcessRowMlagan{ my $row = shift ; my @want ; my $score; my $k = 0; my $size_row = @{$row}; # print "\nsize_row subroutine : $size_row\n"; while ( ($$row[0]=~/^(A|C|G|T|N)/) && ($$row[0]!~/^Chr/i) && ($$row[0]!~/\_/) ){ # get all seq out $want[$k][0] = shift (@{$row}); $k++; } # my $o = 0; # # $k-1 is equal to the number of seqs (=nb of species) for (my $j=0;$j<=$k-1;$j++){ # print "== $j 0 ";print " ->>--- $want[$j][0]\n"; for (my $i=1;$i<=8;$i++){ #IMPORTANT changed from 7 to 8, as I have now a score for all species # print "== $j $i "; $want[$j][$i] = shift (@{$row}); # $want[$j][$i] = $row->[$o]; # print " ->>--- $want[$j][$i]\n"; # $o++; } #### #if ($j == 0){#if ($j == 0){ #for the first species which contain the score #### # $score = shift (@{$row}); #### # print "==score $j $score\n"; #### #} } return (@want); } #-------------------------------------------- sub preProcessRowMlaganOLD{ my $row = shift ; my @want ; my $score; my $k = 0; my $size_row = @{$row}; print "\nsize_row subroutine : $size_row\n"; while ( ($$row[0]=~/^(A|C|G|T|N)/i) && ($$row[0]!~/^Chr/i) ) { # get all seq out $want[$k][0] = shift (@{$row}); print "Get seq out: $want[$k][0]\n"; $k++; print "k= $k\n\n"; } # $k-1 is equal to the number of seqs (=nb of species) for (my $j=0;$j<=$k-1;$j++){ print "== $j 0 ";print " ---- $want[$j][0]\n"; for (my $i=1;$i<=7;$i++){ print "== $j $i "; $want[$j][$i] = shift (@{$row}); print " ---- $want[$j][$i]\n"; } if ($j == 0){#if ($j == 0){ #for the first species which contain the score $score = shift (@{$row}); print "==score $j $score\n"; } } return (@want, $score); } #-------------------------------------------- sub preProcessRow2{ my @row = @_ ; my @want ; my $to = 0; my $score; my $size_row = @row; print "size_row subroutine : $size_row\n"; while ($size_row > 0) { #print "rendre loop while $to \n"; if ($to == 0) { for (my $i=0;$i<=6;$i++){ #print "==$to $i\n"; $want[$to][$i] = shift (@row); #print " ---- $want[$to][$i]\n"; } $score = shift (@row); #print "==score $to $score\n"; $to++; } else { for (my $i=0;$i<=6;$i++){ #print "==$to $i\n"; $want[$to][$i] = shift (@row); #print " ---- $want[$to][$i]\n"; } $to++; } $size_row = @row; } my $size = @want; return (@want, $score); } #-------------------------------------------- sub _printHeader { my $date = localtime(); my $p1 = sprintf "##maf version=1\n"; my $p2 = sprintf "#".localtime()."\n"; my $p3 = sprintf "#The start coordinate is a zero-based number.\n"; my $p4 = sprintf "#For segments in the negative strand, the start\n"; my $p5 = sprintf "#is relative to the end of the chromosome. Please, refer to\n"; my $p6 = sprintf "#http://genome.ucsc.edu/FAQ/FAQformat#format5 for a\n"; my $p7 = sprintf "#description of this file format.\n\n"; #print $p1; #print $p2; return $p1.$p2.$p3.$p4.$p5.$p6.$p7; } # subroutines from AXT.pm <alpha version> #-------------------------------------------- sub _get_aligned_sequence_from_original_sequence_and_cigar_line { my ($original_sequence, $cigar_line) = @_; my $aligned_sequence = ""; return undef if (!$original_sequence or !$cigar_line); my $seq_pos = 0; my @cig = ( $cigar_line =~ /(\d*[GMD])/g ); for my $cigElem ( @cig ) { my $cigType = substr( $cigElem, -1, 1 ); my $cigCount = substr( $cigElem, 0 ,-1 ); $cigCount = 1 unless ($cigCount =~ /^\d+$/); #print "-- $cigElem $cigCount $cigType\n"; if( $cigType eq "M" ) { $aligned_sequence .= substr($original_sequence, $seq_pos, $cigCount); $seq_pos += $cigCount; } elsif( $cigType eq "G" or $cigType eq "D") { $aligned_sequence .= "-" x $cigCount; } } warn ("Cigar line ($seq_pos) does not match sequence lenght (".length($original_sequence).")") if ($seq_pos != length($original_sequence)); return $aligned_sequence; } #-------------------------------------------- sub _rc{ my ($seq) = @_; $seq = reverse($seq); $seq =~ tr/YABCDGHKMRSTUVyabcdghkmrstuv/RTVGHCDMKYSAABrtvghcdmkysaab/; return $seq; } #-------------------------------------------- sub _rcCigarLine{ my ($cigar_line) = @_; #print STDERR "###cigar_line $cigar_line\n"; my @cig = ( $cigar_line =~ /(\d*[GMD])/g ); my @rev_cigar = reverse(@cig); my $rev_cigar; for my $cigElem ( @rev_cigar ) { $rev_cigar.=$cigElem; } #print STDERR "###rev_cigar $rev_cigar\n"; return $rev_cigar; } #----------------------------------------- sub trimspe { my $short_spec; my $spec = $_[0]; $spec =~ tr[A-Z][a-z]; if ($spec =~ /(\w+)\s+(\w+)/){ $short_spec = substr($1,0,1).substr($2,0,3) ; } return $short_spec; } #-------------------------------------------- sub isSpecial { return 1; } 1;