Raw content of Bio::Assembly::Scaffold # $Id: Scaffold.pm,v 1.2 2002/11/11 18:16:30 lapp Exp $ # # BioPerl module for Bio::Assembly::Scaffold # # Copyright by Robson F. de Souza # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself # # POD documentation - main docs before the code =head1 NAME Bio::Assembly::Scaffold - Perl module to hold and manipulate sequence assembly data. =head1 SYNOPSYS # Module loading use Bio::Assembly::IO; # Assembly loading methods my $aio = new Bio::Assembly::IO(-file=>"test.ace.1", -format=>'phrap'); my $assembly = $aio->next_assembly; foreach my $contig ($assembly->all_contigs) { # do something... (see Bio::Assembly::Contig) } =head1 DESCRIPTION Bio::Assembly::Scaffold was developed to store and manipulate data from sequence assembly programs like Phrap. It implements the ScaffoldI interface and intends to be generic enough to be used by Bio::Assembly::IO drivers written to programs other than Phrap. =head1 FEEDBACK =head2 Mailing Lists User feedback is an integral part of the evolution of this and other Bioperl modules. Send your comments and suggestions preferably to the Bioperl mailing lists Your participation is much appreciated. bioperl-l@bioperl.org - General discussion http://bio.perl.org/MailList.html - About the mailing lists =head2 Reporting Bugs Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track the bugs and their resolution. Bug reports can be submitted via email or the web: bioperl-bugs@bio.perl.org http://bugzilla.bioperl.org/ =head1 AUTHOR - Robson Francisco de Souza rfsouza@citri.iq.usp.br =head1 APPENDIX The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _ =cut package Bio::Assembly::Scaffold; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); use Bio::Root::Root; use Bio::Assembly::ScaffoldI; use Bio::Annotation::Collection; $VERSION = '0.0.1'; @ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::Assembly::ScaffoldI); =head2 new () Title : new Usage : $assembly = new (-source=>'program_name', -contigs=>\@contigs, -id=>"assembly 1"); Function: creates a new assembly object Returns : Args : -source : [string] sequence assembly program -contigs : reference to array of Bio::Assembly::Contig objects -id : [string] assembly name =cut sub new { my($class,@args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); my ($src,$contigs,$id) = $self->_rearrange([qw(SOURCE CONTIGS ID)], @args); $self->{'_contigs'} = {}; $self->{'_singlets'} = {}; $self->{'_seqs'} = {}; $self->{'_annotation'} = Bio::Annotation::Collection->new(); $self->{'_id'} = 'NoName'; if (defined $contigs && ref($contigs = 'ARRAY')) { foreach my $contig (@{$contigs}) { $self->add_contig($contig); } } $self->{'_id'} = $id if (defined $id); return $self; } =head1 Accessing general assembly data =cut =head2 id Title : id Usage : $assembly->id() Function: Get/Set assembly ID Returns : string or undef Args : string =cut sub id { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; $self->{'_id'} = $id if (defined $id); return $self->{'_id'}; } =head2 annotation Title : annotation Usage : $assembly->annotation() Function: Get/Set assembly annotation object Returns : Bio::Annotation::Collection Args : none =cut sub annotation { my ($self,$ref) = shift; $self->{'_annotation'} = $ref if (defined $ref); return $self->{'_annotation'}; } =head2 get_nof_contigs Title : get_nof_contigs Usage : $assembly->get_nof_contigs() Function: Get the number of contigs included in the assembly Returns : integer Args : none =cut sub get_nof_contigs { my $self = shift; return scalar( $self->get_contig_ids() ); } =head2 get_nof_sequences_in_contigs Title : get_nof_sequences_in_contigs Usage : $assembly->get_nof_sequences_in_contigs() Function: Get the number of sequences included in the assembly. This number refers only to the sequences used to build contigs in this assembly. It does not includes contig consensus sequences or singlets. Returns : integer Args : none =cut sub get_nof_sequences_in_contigs { my $self = shift; my $nof_seqs = 0; foreach my $contig ($self->all_contigs) { $nof_seqs += scalar( $contig->get_seq_ids() ); } return $nof_seqs; } =head2 get_nof_singlets Title : nof_singlets Usage : $assembly->nof_singlets() Function: Get the number of singlets included in the assembly Returns : integer Args : none =cut sub get_nof_singlets { my $self = shift; return scalar( $self->get_singlet_ids() ); } =head2 get_seq_ids Title : get_seq_ids Usage : $assembly->get_seq_ids() Function: Get the ID of sequences from all contigs. This list refers only to the aligned sequences in contigs. It does not includes contig consensus sequences or singlets. Returns : array of strings Args : none =cut sub get_seq_ids { my $self = shift; return keys %{ $self->{'_seqs'} }; } =head2 get_contig_ids Title : get_contig_ids Usage : $assembly->get_contig_ids() Function: Access list of contig IDs from assembly Returns : an array, if there are any contigs in the assembly. An empty array otherwise Args : none =cut sub get_contig_ids { my $self = shift; return sort keys %{$self->{'_contigs'}}; } =head2 get_singlet_ids Title : get_singlet_ids Usage : $assembly->get_singlet_ids() Function: Access list of singlet IDs from assembly Returns : array of strings if there are any singlets otherwise an empty array Args : none =cut sub get_singlet_ids { my $self = shift; return sort keys %{$self->{'_singlets'}}; } =head2 get_seq_by_id Title : get_seq_by_id Usage : $assembly->get_seq_by_id($id) Function: Get a reference for an aligned sequence This sequence must be part of a contig in the assembly. Returns : a Bio::LocatableSeq object undef if sequence $id is not found in any contig Args : [string] sequence identifier (id) =cut sub get_seq_by_id { my $self = shift; my $seqID = shift; return undef unless (exists $self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID}); return $self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID}->get_seq_by_name($seqID); } =head2 get_contig_by_id Title : get_contig_by_id Usage : $assembly->get_contig_by_id($id) Function: Get a reference for a contig Returns : a Bio::Assembly::Contig object or undef Args : [string] contig unique identifier (ID) =cut sub get_contig_by_id { my $self = shift; my $contigID = shift; return undef unless (exists $self->{'_contigs'}{$contigID}); return $self->{'_contigs'}{$contigID}; } =head2 get_singlet_by_id Title : get_singlet_by_id Usage : $assembly->get_singlet_by_id() Function: Get a reference for a singlet Returns : Bio::PrimarySeqI object or undef Args : [string] a singlet ID =cut sub get_singlet_by_id { my $self = shift; my $singletID = shift; return undef unless (exists $self->{'_singlets'}{$singletID}); return $self->{'_singlets'}{$singletID}; } =head1 Modifier methods =cut =head2 add_contig Title : add_contig Usage : $assembly->add_contig($contig) Function: Add a contig to the assembly Returns : 1 on success Args : a Bio::Assembly::Contig object order (optional) =cut sub add_contig { my $self = shift; my $contig = shift; if( !ref $contig || ! $contig->isa('Bio::Assembly::Contig') ) { $self->throw("Unable to process non Bio::Assembly::Contig object [", ref($contig), "]"); } my $contigID = $contig->id(); if( !defined $contigID ) { $contigID = 'Unknown_' . ($self->get_nof_contigs() + 1); $contig->id($contigID); $self->warn("Attributing ID $contigID to unidentified Bio::Assembly::Contig object."); } $self->warn("Replacing contig $contigID with a new contig object") if (exists $self->{'_contigs'}{$contigID}); $self->{'_contigs'}{$contigID} = $contig; foreach my $seqID ($contig->get_seq_ids()) { if (exists $self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID}) { $self->warn( "Sequence $seqID already assigned to contig ". $self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID}->id().". Moving to contig $contigID") unless ($self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID} eq $contig); } $self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID} = $contig; } return 1; } =head2 add_singlet Title : add_singlet Usage : $assembly->add_singlet($seq) Function: Add a singlet to the assembly Returns : 1 on success, 0 otherwise Args : a Bio::PrimarySeqI object order (optional) =cut sub add_singlet { my $self = shift; my $singlet = shift; if( !ref $singlet || ! $singlet->isa('Bio::PrimarySeqI') ) { $self->warn("Unable to process non Bio::SeqI object [", ref($singlet), "]"); return 0; } my $singletID = $singlet->id(); $self->warn("Replacing singlet $singletID wih a new sequence object") if (exists $self->{'_contigs'}{$singletID}); $self->{'_singlets'}{$singletID} = $singlet; return 1; } =head2 update_seq_list Title : update_seq_list Usage : $assembly->update_seq_list() Function: Synchronizes the assembly registry for sequences in contigs and contig actual aligned sequences content. You probably want to run this after you remove/add a sequence from/to a contig in the assembly. Returns : nothing Args : none =cut sub update_seq_list { my $self = shift; $self->{'_seqs'} = {}; foreach my $contig ($self->all_contigs) { foreach my $seqID ($contig->get_seq_ids) { $self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID} = $contig; } } return 1; } =head2 remove_contigs Title : remove_contigs Usage : $assembly->remove_contigs(1..4) Function: Remove contig from assembly object Returns : an array of removed Bio::Assembly::Contig objects Args : an array of contig IDs See function get_contig_ids() above =cut #--------------------- sub remove_contigs { #--------------------- my ($self,@args) = @_; my @ret = (); foreach my $contigID (@args) { foreach my $seqID ($self->get_contig_by_id($contigID)->get_seq_ids()) { delete $self->{'_seqs'}{$seqID}; } push(@ret,$self->{'_contigs'}{$contigID}); delete $self->{'_contigs'}{$contigID}; } return @ret; } =head2 remove_singlets Title : remove_singlets Usage : $assembly->remove_singlets(@singlet_ids) Function: Remove singlet from assembly object Returns : the Bio::SeqI objects removed Args : a list of singlet IDs See function get_singlet_ids() above =cut #--------------------- sub remove_singlets { #--------------------- my ($self,@args) = @_; my @ret = (); foreach my $singletID (@args) { push(@ret,$self->{'_singlets'}{$singletID}); delete $self->{'_singlets'}{$singletID}; } return @ret; } =head1 Contig and singlet selection methos =cut =head2 select_contigs Title : select_contigs Usage : $assembly->select_contigs(@list) Function: Select an array of contigs from the assembly Returns : an array of Bio::Assembly::Contig objects Args : an array of contig ids See function get_contig_ids() above =cut #--------------------- sub select_contigs { #--------------------- my ($self,@args) = @_; my @contigs = (); foreach my $contig (@args) { unless (exists $self->{'_contigs'}{$contig}) { $self->warn("$contig contig not found. Ignoring..."); next; } push(@contigs, $self->{'_contigs'}{$contig}); } return @contigs; } =head2 select_singlets Title : select_singlets Usage : $assembly->select_singlets(@list) Function: Selects an array of singlets from the assembly Returns : an array of Bio::SeqI objects Args : an array of singlet ids See function get_singlet_ids() above =cut #--------------------- sub select_singlets { #--------------------- my ($self,@args) = @_; my @singlets = (); foreach my $singlet (@args) { unless (exists $self->{'_singlets'}{$singlet}) { $self->warn("$singlet singlet not found. Ignoring..."); next; } push(@singlets, $self->{'_singlets'}{$singlet}); } return @singlets; } =head2 all_contigs Title : all_contigs Usage : my @contigs = $assembly->all_contigs Function: Returns a list of all contigs in this assembly. Contigs are both clusters and alignments of one or more reads, with an associated consensus sequence. Returns : array of Bio::Assembly::Contig (in lexical id order) Args : none =cut #--------------------- sub all_contigs { #--------------------- my ($self) = @_; my @contigs = (); foreach my $contig (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{ $self->{'_contigs'} }) { push(@contigs, $self->{'_contigs'}{$contig}); } return @contigs; } =head2 all_singlets Title : all_singlets Usage : my @singlets = $assembly->all_singlets Function: Returns a list of all singlets in this assembly. Singlets are isolated reads, without non-vector matches to any other read in the assembly. Returns : array of Bio::SeqI (in lexical order by id) Args : none =cut #--------------------- sub all_singlets { #--------------------- my ($self) = @_; my @singlets = (); foreach my $singlet (sort { $a cmp $b } keys %{ $self->{'_singlets'} }) { push(@singlets, $self->{'_singlets'}{$singlet}); } return @singlets; } # =head1 Internal Methods 1;