Bio::Biblio::IO medline2ref
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Bio::Biblio::IO::medline2ref - A converter of a raw hash to MEDLINE citations
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
 # to be written
 # to be written
No description
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No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
None available.
Methods code
     # set the version for version checking
$VERSION = do { my @r = (q$$Revision: 1.10 $ =~ /\d+/g); sprintf "%d.%-02d", @r }; $Revision = q$$Id:,v 1.10 2002/10/22 07:45:13 lapp Exp $;
sub _convert_article {
    my ($article, $source) = @_;
    my $from_article = $$source{'article'};

    $article->title ($$from_article{'articleTitle'}) if defined $$from_article{'articleTitle'};
    $article->affiliation ($$from_article{'affiliation'}) if defined $$from_article{'affiliation'};
    $article->vernacular_title ($$from_article{'vernacularTitle'}) if defined $$from_article{'vernacularTitle'};
	($$from_article{'dateOfElectronicPublication'}) if defined $$from_article{'dateOfElectronicPublication'};

    if (defined $$from_article{'pagination'}) {
	my $pagination = $$from_article{'pagination'};
	$article->first_page ($$pagination{'startPage'}) if defined $$pagination{'startPage'};
	$article->last_page ($$pagination{'endPage'}) if defined $$pagination{'endPage'};
	$article->medline_page ($$pagination{'medlinePgn'}) if defined $$pagination{'medlinePgn'};

    if (defined $$from_article{'abstract'}) {
	my $abstract = $$from_article{'abstract'};
	$article->abstract ($$abstract{'abstractText'}) if defined $$abstract{'abstractText'};
	$article->abstract_type ('text/plain');
	$article->rights ($$abstract{'copyrightInformation'}) if defined $$abstract{'copyrightInformation'};

    if (defined $$from_article{'languages'}) {
	my $languages = $$from_article{'languages'};  # ref-array
if ( @{ $languages } > 0) { $article->language ( $$languages[0] ); } if ( @{ $languages } > 1) { $article->other_languages (join (',', @{ $languages })); } } my @authors = &_convert_providers ($$from_article{'authors'}); if (@authors) { $article->authors (\@authors); $article->author_list_complete ($$from_article{'authorListComplete'}) if defined $$from_article{'authorListComplete'}; } # references to database entries are prefixed with database name
# (separated by a slash)
use Bio::Annotation::DBLink; if (defined $$from_article{'dataBanks'}) { my $databanks = $$from_article{'dataBanks'}; # a ref-array
my @references; foreach my $bank ( @{ $databanks } ) { my $db_name = $$bank{'dataBankName'}; if (defined $$bank{'accessionNumbers'}) { foreach my $accn ( @{ $$bank{'accessionNumbers'} } ) { my $dblink = new Bio::Annotation::DBLink (-primary_id => $accn); $dblink->database ($db_name); # it does not matter if it is undef
push (@references, $dblink); } } } if (@references) { $article->cross_references (\@references); $article->cross_references_list_complete ($$from_article{'dataBankListComplete'}) if defined $$from_article{'dataBankListComplete'}; } } # grants are stored in an array of hashtables (each of the
# hashtables has keys agency, grantID and acronym)
$article->grants ($$from_article{'grants'}) if defined $$from_article{'grants'}; $article->grant_list_complete ($$from_article{'grantListComplete'}) if defined $$from_article{'grandListComplete'}; } #
# takes a ref-array of providers - they can be persons or
# organisations, and returns an array of converted providers
sub _convert_book_article {
    my ($result, $source) = @_;
    my $article = $$source{'article'};

    # create and populate both book and resulting article objects
my $from_book = $$article{'book'}; my $book = new Bio::Biblio::MedlineBook; $book->title ($$from_book{'title'}) if defined $$from_book{'title'}; $book->volume ($$from_book{'volume'}) if defined $$from_book{'volume'}; $book->series ($$from_book{'collectionTitle'}) if defined $$from_book{'collectionTitle'}; if (defined $$from_book{'pubDate'}) { my $pub_date = $$from_book{'pubDate'}; my $converted = &_convert_date ($pub_date); $result->pub_date ($converted) if defined $converted; # Some parts of a MEDLINE date are stored just as properties
# because they have almost non-parseable format :-).
$result->medline_date ($$pub_date{'medlineDate'}) if defined $$pub_date{'medlineDate'}; $result->season ($$pub_date{'season'}) if defined $$pub_date{'season'}; } if (defined $$from_book{'publisher'}) { my $publisher = new Bio::Biblio::Organisation; $publisher->name ($$from_book{'publisher'}); $book->publisher ($publisher); } my @authors = &_convert_providers ($$from_book{'authors'}); $book->authors (\@authors) if @authors; $result->book ($book); &_convert_article ($result, $source); } #
# takes from $source article related attributes and convert them into
# $article (these attributes are the same both for journal and book
# articles
sub _convert_date {
    my ($date) = @_;
    return undef unless
	exists $$date{'year'} or
	    exists $$date{'month'} or
		exists $$date{'day'} or
		    exists $$date{'hour'} or
			exists $$date{'minute'} or
			    exists $$date{'second'};

    my $converted = (exists $$date{'year'} ? $$date{'year'} : '0000');

    if (exists $$date{'month'}) {
	$converted .= '-' . $$date{'month'};
    } elsif (exists $$date{'day'}) {
	$converted .= '-00';

    if (exists $$date{'day'}) {
	$converted .= '-' . $$date{'day'};
    } elsif (exists $$date{'hour'}) {
	$converted .= '-00';

    if (exists $$date{'hour'}) {
	$converted .= 'T' . $$date{'hour'} .
	    ':' . (exists $$date{'minute'} ? $$date{'minute'} : '00') .
		':' . (exists $$date{'second'} ? $$date{'second'} : '00') . 'Z';
    return $converted;

# $person is a hash with persons attributes - we need to create and
# return a Bio::Biblio::Person object
sub _convert_journal_article {
    my ($result, $source) = @_;
    my $article = $$source{'article'};

    # create and populate both a Journal and a resulting Article objects
my $from_journal = $$article{'journal'}; my $journal = new Bio::Biblio::MedlineJournal; $journal->name ($$from_journal{'title'}) if defined $$from_journal{'title'}; $journal->issn ($$from_journal{'iSSN'}) if defined $$from_journal{'iSSN'}; $journal->abbreviation ($$from_journal{'iSOAbbreviation'}) if defined $$from_journal{'iSOAbbreviation'}; $journal->coden ($$from_journal{'coden'}) if defined $$from_journal{'coden'}; if (defined $$from_journal{'journalIssue'}) { my $issue = $$from_journal{'journalIssue'}; $result->volume ($$issue{'volume'}) if defined $$issue{'volume'}; $result->issue ($$issue{'issue'}) if defined $$issue{'issue'}; if (defined $$issue{'pubDate'}) { my $pub_date = $$issue{'pubDate'}; my $converted = &_convert_date ($pub_date); $result->date ($converted) if defined $converted; # Some parts of a MEDLINE date are stored just as properties
# because they have almost non-parseable format :-).
$result->medline_date ($$pub_date{'medlineDate'}) if defined $$pub_date{'medlineDate'}; $result->season ($$pub_date{'season'}) if defined $$pub_date{'season'}; } } # ...some attributes are in journalInfo (which is outside of the article)
my $journal_info = $$source{'journalInfo'}; if (defined $journal_info) { $journal->country ($$journal_info{'country'}) if defined $$journal_info{'country'}; $journal->medline_ta ($$journal_info{'medlineTA'}) if defined $$journal_info{'medlineTA'}; $journal->medline_code ($$journal_info{'medlineCode'}) if defined $$journal_info{'medlineCode'}; $journal->nlm_unique_id ($$journal_info{'nlmUniqueID'}) if defined $$journal_info{'nlmUniqueID'}; } $result->journal ($journal); &_convert_article ($result, $source); } #
# takes book article related attributes from $article and convert
# them into $result and at the end call _convert_article (which is
# shared with journal article)
sub _convert_personal_name {
    my ($person) = @_;
    foreach my $key (keys %$person) {
	$$person{"_$key"} = $$person{$key};
	delete $$person{$key};
    new Bio::Biblio::Person (%$person);

# takes journal article related attributes from $article and convert
# them into $result and at the end call _convert_article (which is
# shared with book article)
sub _convert_providers {
    my ($providers) = @_;
    return () unless defined $providers;

    my @results;
    foreach my $provider ( @{ $providers } ) {
	if (defined $$provider{'personalName'}) {
	    my $converted = &_convert_personal_name ($$provider{'personalName'});
	    push (@results, $converted) if defined $converted;
	} elsif (defined $$provider{'collectiveName'}) {
	    push (@results, new Bio::Biblio::Organisation (-name => $$provider{'collectiveName'}));
	} else {
            new Bio::Biblio::Provider;
    return () unless @results;
    return @results;

sub _load_instance {
    my ($self, $source) = @_;

# MEDLINE has only JournalArticles and BookArticles
# but we may create a general Ref if there is no attribute 'article'
my $result; my $article = $$source{'article'}; if (defined $article) { if (defined $$article{'journal'}) { $result = $self->_new_instance ('Bio::Biblio::MedlineJournalArticle'); $result->type ('JournalArticle'); } elsif (defined $$article{'book'}) { $result = $self->_new_instance ('Bio::Biblio::MedlineBookArticle'); $result->type ('BookArticle'); } else { $result->type ('MedlineArticle'); } } $result = $self->_new_instance ('Bio::Biblio::Ref') unless defined $result; return $result;
sub _new_instance {
    my ($self, $module) = @_;
    my ($filename);
    ($filename = $module . '.pm') =~ s|\:\:|/|g;
    eval { require $filename; };
    $self->throw ("Loading error when trying '$filename'. $@\n") if $@;
    return $module->new;

# see OpenBQS specification ( how
# a date should be coded;
# TBD: this can be improved - checking is missing, timezones,
# converting to UTC...
# Also note that this routine does not convert 'medline_date' - it
# is stored in a separate attribute without ant conversion.
sub convert {
   my ($self, $source) = @_;
   my $result = $self->_load_instance ($source);

   if (defined $result->type) {
       if ($result->type eq 'JournalArticle') {
	   &_convert_journal_article ($result, $source);
       } elsif ($result->type eq 'BookArticle') {
	   &_convert_book_article ($result, $source);
       } elsif ($result->type eq 'Article') {
	   &_convert_article ($result, $source);

# now do the attributes which are the same for all resource types
# ...identification is now by MedlineID but the trend is to replace
# it by PMID (I have heard) theefore we keep both also separately
# from the 'identifier'
if (defined $$source{'medlineID'}) { $result->identifier ($$source{'medlineID'}); } else { $result->identifier ($$source{'PMID'}); } $result->pmid ($$source{'PMID'}) if defined $$source{'PMID'}; $result->medline_id ($$source{'medlineID'}) if defined $$source{'medlineID'}; # ...few others
$result->citation_owner ($$source{'owner'}) if defined $$source{'owner'}; $result->status ($$source{'status'}) if defined $$source{'status'}; $result->number_of_references ($$source{'numberOfReferences'}) if defined $$source{'numberOfReferences'}; # ...entry status of the citation in the repository
my $date; if (defined $$source{'dateRevised'}) { $result->last_modified_date (&_convert_date ($$source{'dateRevised'})); $date = &_convert_date ($$source{'dateCreated'}); $result->date_created ($date) if defined $date; $date = &_convert_date ($$source{'dateCompleted'}); $result->date_completed ($date) if defined $date; } elsif (defined $$source{'dateCompleted'}) { $result->last_modified_date (&_convert_date ($$source{'dateCompleted'})); $date = &_convert_date ($$source{'dateCreated'}); $result->date_created ($date) if defined $date; } elsif (defined $$source{'dateCreated'}) { $result->last_modified_date (&_convert_date ($$source{'dateCreated'})); } # ...put citation subsets in a comma-separated string
if (defined $$source{'citationSubsets'}) { $result->repository_subset (join (',', @{ $$source{'citationSubsets'} })); } # ...MEDLINE's Comments & Corrections will be arrays of hashes
if (defined $$source{'commentsCorrections'}) { my $corr = $$source{'commentsCorrections'}; $result->comment_ons ($$corr{'commentOns'}) if defined $$corr{'commentOns'}; $result->comment_ins ($$corr{'commentIns'}) if defined $$corr{'commentIns'}; $result->erratum_ins ($$corr{'erratumIns'}) if defined $$corr{'erratumIns'}; $result->erratum_fors ($$corr{'erratumFors'}) if defined $$corr{'erratumFors'}; $result->original_report_ins ($$corr{'originalReportIns'}) if defined $$corr{'originalReportIns'}; $result->republished_froms ($$corr{'republishedFroms'}) if defined $$corr{'republishedFroms'}; $result->republished_ins ($$corr{'republishedIns'}) if defined $$corr{'republishedIns'}; $result->retraction_ofs ($$corr{'retractionOfs'}) if defined $$corr{'retractionOfs'}; $result->retraction_ins ($$corr{'retractionIns'}) if defined $$corr{'retractionIns'}; $result->summary_for_patients_ins ($$corr{'summaryForPatientsIns'}) if defined $$corr{'summaryForPatientsIns'}; $result->update_ins ($$corr{'updateIns'}) if defined $$corr{'updateIns'}; $result->update_ofs ($$corr{'updateOfs'}) if defined $$corr{'updateOfs'}; } # ...MEDLINE's GeneSymbols are put in a comma-separated string
if (defined $$source{'geneSymbols'}) { $result->gene_symbols (join (',', @{ $$source{'geneSymbols'} })); } # ...MEDLINE's GeneralNotes into an array of hashtables, each one
# having keys for the 'owner' and the 'note'
$result->general_notes ($$source{'generalNotes'}) if defined $$source{'generalNotes'}; # ...MEDLINE's PersonalNameSubjects into contributors (TBD: is that correct?)
if (defined $$source{'personalNameSubjects'}) { my @contributors; foreach my $person ( @{ $$source{'personalNameSubjects'} } ) { push (@contributors, &_convert_personal_name ($person)); } $result->contributors (\@contributors); } # ...MEDLINE's OtherAbstract into an array of hashtables, each one
# having keys for the 'type', 'AbstractText' and the 'copyright'
$result->other_abstracts ($$source{'otherAbstracts'}) if defined $$source{'otherAbstracts'}; # if (defined $$source{'otherAbstracts'}) {
# my @other_abstracts = ();
# foreach my $oa ( @{ $$source{'otherAbstracts'} } ) {
# if (defined $$oa{'abstractText'}) {
# my $abstract = $$oa{'abstractText'};
# delete $$oa{'abstractText'};
# $$oa{'abstract'} = $$abstract{'abstractText'};
# $$oa{'rights'} = $$abstract{'copyrightInformation'} if defined $$abstract{'copyrightInformation'};
# push (@other_abstracts, $oa);
# }
# }
# $result->other_abstracts (\@other_abstracts);
# }
# ...MEDLINE's OtherIDs into an array of hashtables, each one
# having keys for the 'id', and 'source'
$result->other_ids ($$source{'otherIDs'}) if defined $$source{'otherIDs'}; # ...MEDLINE's Chemicals - store them as an array of hashtables
# (each one for each Chemical)
$result->chemicals ($$source{'chemicals'}) if defined $$source{'chemicals'}; # MeshHeadings are put on two places:
# - a complete information in a property called "MeshHeadings", and
# - only descriptors in the hashtable "subject_headings", together
# with the word "MeSH" in "subject_headings_source"
if (defined $$source{'meshHeadings'}) { $result->mesh_headings ($$source{'meshHeadings'}); my %subject_headings; foreach my $mesh ( @{ $$source{'meshHeadings'} } ) { $subject_headings{ $$mesh{'descriptorName'} } = 1 if defined $$mesh{'descriptorName'}; } if (%subject_headings) { $result->subject_headings (\%subject_headings); $result->subject_headings_source ('Mesh'); } } # ...MEDLINE's keyword lists are merger all together (this may not
# be good idea - but again the keywords are better accessible
# -TBD?)
if (defined $$source{'keywordLists'}) { my %keywords; foreach my $keywords ( @{ $$source{'keywordLists'} } ) { if ($$keywords{'keywords'}) { foreach my $keyword ( @{ $$keywords{'keywords'} } ) { $keywords{$keyword} = 1; } } } $result->keywords (\%keywords) if %keywords; } # Done!
return $result; } # load a module (given as a real module name, e.g. 'Bio::Biblio::MedlineJournalArticle'),
# call new() method on it, and return the instance returned by the new() method
sub new {
    my ($caller, @args) = @_;
    my $class = ref ($caller) || $caller;

    # object creation and blessing    
my ($self) = $class->SUPER::new (@args); # make a hashtable from @args
my %param = @args; @param { map { lc $_ } keys %param } = values %param; # lowercase keys
# copy all @args into this object (overwriting what may already be
# there) - changing '-key' into '_key', and making keys lowercase
my $new_key; foreach my $key (keys %param) { ($new_key = $key) =~ s/^-/_/; $self->{ lc $new_key } = $param { $key }; } # done
return $self; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Here is the core...
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
General documentation
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Here is the rest of the object methods. Internal methods are preceded
with an underscore _.