Raw content of Bio::Tools::BPlite # $Id: BPlite.pm,v 2003/02/20 00:39:03 jason Exp $ ############################################################################## # Bioperl module Bio::Tools::BPlite ############################################################################## # # The original BPlite.pm module has been written by Ian Korf ! # see http://sapiens.wustl.edu/~ikorf # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself =head1 NAME Bio::Tools::BPlite - Lightweight BLAST parser =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::Tools::BPlite; my $report = new Bio::Tools::BPlite(-fh=>\*STDIN); { $report->query; $report->database; while(my $sbjct = $report->nextSbjct) { $sbjct->name; while (my $hsp = $sbjct->nextHSP) { $hsp->score; $hsp->bits; $hsp->percent; $hsp->P; $hsp->EXP; $hsp->match; $hsp->positive; $hsp->length; $hsp->querySeq; $hsp->sbjctSeq; $hsp->homologySeq; $hsp->query->start; $hsp->query->end; $hsp->hit->start; $hsp->hit->end; $hsp->hit->seq_id; $hsp->hit->overlaps($exon); } } # the following line takes you to the next report in the stream/file # it will return 0 if that report is empty, # but that is valid for an empty blast report. # Returns -1 for EOF. last if ($report->_parseHeader == -1); redo; } =head1 DESCRIPTION BPlite is a package for parsing BLAST reports. The BLAST programs are a family of widely used algorithms for sequence database searches. The reports are non-trivial to parse, and there are differences in the formats of the various flavors of BLAST. BPlite parses BLASTN, BLASTP, BLASTX, TBLASTN, and TBLASTX reports from both the high performance WU-BLAST, and the more generic NCBI-BLAST. Many people have developed BLAST parsers (I myself have made at least three). BPlite is for those people who would rather not have a giant object specification, but rather a simple handle to a BLAST report that works well in pipes. =head2 Object BPlite has three kinds of objects, the report, the subject, and the HSP. To create a new report, you pass a filehandle reference to the BPlite constructor. my $report = new Bio::Tools::BPlite(-fh=>\*STDIN); # or any other filehandle The report has two attributes (query and database), and one method (nextSbjct). $report->query; # access to the query name $report->database; # access to the database name $report->nextSbjct; # gets the next subject while(my $sbjct = $report->nextSbjct) { # canonical form of use is in a while loop } A subject is a BLAST hit, which should not be confused with an HSP (below). A BLAST hit may have several alignments associated with it. A useful way of thinking about it is that a subject is a gene and HSPs are the exons. Subjects have one attribute (name) and one method (nextHSP). $sbjct->name; # access to the subject name $sbjct->nextHSP; # gets the next HSP from the sbjct while(my $hsp = $sbjct->nextHSP) { # canonical form is again a while loop } An HSP is a high scoring pair, or simply an alignment. HSP objects inherit all the useful methods from RangeI/SeqFeatureI/FeaturePair, but provide an additional set of attributes (score, bits, percent, P, match, EXP, positive, length, querySeq, sbjctSeq, homologySeq) that should be familiar to anyone who has seen a blast report. For lazy/efficient coders, two-letter abbreviations are available for the attributes with long names (qs, ss, hs). Ranges of the aligned sequences in query/subject and other information (like seqname) are stored in SeqFeature objects (i.e.: $hsp-E<gt>query, $hsp-E<gt>subject which is equal to $hsp-E<gt>feature1, $hsp-E<gt>feature2). querySeq, sbjctSeq and homologySeq do only contain the alignment sequences from the blast report. $hsp->score; $hsp->bits; $hsp->percent; $hsp->P; $hsp->match; $hsp->positive; $hsp->length; $hsp->querySeq; $hsp->qs; $hsp->sbjctSeq; $hsp->ss; $hsp->homologySeq; $hsp->hs; $hsp->query->start; $hsp->query->end; $hsp->query->seq_id; $hsp->hit->primary_tag; # "similarity" $hsp->hit->source_tag; # "BLAST" $hsp->hit->start; $hsp->hit->end; ... So a very simple look into a BLAST report might look like this. my $report = new Bio::Tools::BPlite(-fh=>\*STDIN); while(my $sbjct = $report->nextSbjct) { print ">",$sbjct->name,"\n"; while(my $hsp = $sbjct->nextHSP) { print "\t",$hsp->start,"..",$hsp->end," ",$hsp->bits,"\n"; } } The output of such code might look like this: >foo 100..155 29.5 268..300 20.1 >bar 100..153 28.5 265..290 22.1 =head1 AUTHORS Ian Korf (ikorf@sapiens.wustl.edu, http://sapiens.wustl.edu/~ikorf), Lorenz Pollak (lorenz@ist.org, bioperl port) =head1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This software was developed at the Genome Sequencing Center at Washington Univeristy, St. Louis, MO. =head1 CONTRIBUTORS Jason Stajich, jason@bioperl.org =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 1999 Ian Korf. All Rights Reserved. =head1 DISCLAIMER This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. =cut package Bio::Tools::BPlite; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); use Bio::Root::Root; use Bio::Root::IO; use Bio::Tools::BPlite::Sbjct; # we want to use Sbjct use Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI; use Symbol; @ISA = qw(Bio::Root::Root Bio::SeqAnalysisParserI Bio::Root::IO); # new comes from a RootI now =head2 new Title : new Function: Create a new Bio::Tools::BPlite object Returns : Bio::Tools::BPlite Args : -file input file (alternative to -fh) -fh input stream (alternative to -file) =cut sub new { my ($class, @args) = @_; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@args); # initialize IO $self->_initialize_io(@args); $self->{'QPATLOCATION'} = []; # Anonymous array of query pattern locations for PHIBLAST if ($self->_parseHeader) {$self->{'REPORT_DONE'} = 0} # there are alignments else {$self->{'REPORT_DONE'} = 1} # empty report return $self; # success - we hope! } # for SeqAnalysisParserI compliance =head2 next_feature Title : next_feature Usage : while( my $feat = $res->next_feature ) { # do something } Function: SeqAnalysisParserI implementing function. This implementation iterates over all HSPs. If the HSPs of the current subject match are exhausted, it will automatically call nextSbjct(). Example : Returns : A Bio::SeqFeatureI compliant object, in this case a Bio::Tools::BPlite::HSP object, and FALSE if there are no more HSPs. Args : None =cut sub next_feature{ my ($self) = @_; my ($sbjct, $hsp); $sbjct = $self->{'_current_sbjct'}; unless( defined $sbjct ) { $sbjct = $self->{'_current_sbjct'} = $self->nextSbjct; return undef unless defined $sbjct; } $hsp = $sbjct->nextHSP; unless( defined $hsp ) { $self->{'_current_sbjct'} = undef; return $self->next_feature; } return $hsp || undef; } =head2 query Title : query Usage : $query = $obj->query(); Function : returns the query object Example : Returns : query object Args : =cut sub query {shift->{'QUERY'}} =head2 qlength Title : qlength Usage : $len = $obj->qlength(); Function : returns the length of the query Example : Returns : length of query Args : =cut sub qlength {shift->{'LENGTH'}} =head2 pattern Title : pattern Usage : $pattern = $obj->pattern(); Function : returns the pattern used in a PHIBLAST search =cut sub pattern {shift->{'PATTERN'}} =head2 query_pattern_location Title : query_pattern_location Usage : $qpl = $obj->query_pattern_location(); Function : returns reference to array of locations in the query sequence of pattern used in a PHIBLAST search =cut sub query_pattern_location {shift->{'QPATLOCATION'}} =head2 database Title : database Usage : $db = $obj->database(); Function : returns the database used in this search Example : Returns : database used for search Args : =cut sub database {shift->{'DATABASE'}} =head2 nextSbjct Title : nextSbjct Usage : $sbjct = $obj->nextSbjct(); Function : Method of iterating through all the Sbjct retrieved from parsing the report Example : while ( my $sbjct = $obj->nextSbjct ) {} Returns : next Sbjct object or null if finished Args : =cut sub nextSbjct { my ($self) = @_; $self->_fastForward or return undef; ####################### # get all sbjct lines # ####################### my $def = $self->_readline(); while(defined ($_ = $self->_readline() ) ) { if ($_ !~ /\w/) {next} elsif ($_ =~ /Strand HSP/) {next} # WU-BLAST non-data elsif ($_ =~ /^\s{0,2}Score/) {$self->_pushback($_); last} elsif ($_ =~ /^Histogram|^Searching|^Parameters|^\s+Database:|^\s+Posted date:/) { $self->_pushback($_); last; } else {$def .= $_} } $def =~ s/\s+/ /g; $def =~ s/\s+$//g; $def =~ s/Length = ([\d,]+)$//g; my $length = $1; return undef unless $def =~ /^>/; $def =~ s/^>//; #################### # the Sbjct object # #################### my $sbjct = new Bio::Tools::BPlite::Sbjct('-name'=>$def, '-length'=>$length, '-parent'=>$self); return $sbjct; } # begin private routines sub _parseHeader { my ($self) = @_; # normally, _parseHeader will break out of the parse as soon as it # reaches a new Subject (i.e. the first one after the header) if you # call _parseHeader twice in a row, with nothing in between, all you # accomplish is a ->nextSubject call.. so we need a flag to # indicate that we have *entered* a header, before we are allowed to # leave it! my $header_flag = 0; # here is the flag/ It is "false" at first, and # is set to "true" when any valid header element # is encountered $self->{'REPORT_DONE'} = 0; # reset this bit for a new report while(defined($_ = $self->_readline() ) ) { s/\(\s*\)//; if ($_ =~ /^Query=(?:\s+([^\(]+))?/) { $header_flag = 1; # valid header element found my $query = $1; while( defined($_ = $self->_readline() ) ) { # Continue reading query name until encountering either # a line that starts with "Database" or a blank line. # The latter condition is needed in order to be able to # parse megablast output correctly, since Database comes # before (not after) the query. if( ($_ =~ /^Database/) || ($_ =~ /^$/) ) { $self->_pushback($_); last; } $query .= $_; } $query =~ s/\s+/ /g; $query =~ s/^>//; my $length = 0; if( $query =~ /\(([\d,]+)\s+\S+\)\s*$/ ) { $length = $1; $length =~ s/,//g; } else { $self->debug("length is 0 for '$query'\n"); } $self->{'QUERY'} = $query; $self->{'LENGTH'} = $length; } elsif ($_ =~ /^(<b>)?(T?BLAST[NPX])\s+([\w\.-]+)\s+(\[[\w-]*\])/) { $self->{'BLAST_TYPE'} = $2; $self->{'BLAST_VERSION'} = $3; } # BLAST report type - not a valid header element # JB949 # Support Paracel BTK output elsif ( $_ =~ /(^[A-Z0-9_]+)\s+BTK\s+/ ) { $self->{'BLAST_TYPE'} = $1; $self->{'BTK'} = 1; } elsif ($_ =~ /^Database:\s+(.+)/) {$header_flag = 1;$self->{'DATABASE'} = $1} # valid header element found elsif ($_ =~ /^\s*pattern\s+(\S+).*position\s+(\d+)\D/) { # For PHIBLAST reports $header_flag = 1; # valid header element found $self->{'PATTERN'} = $1; push (@{$self->{'QPATLOCATION'}}, $2); } elsif (($_ =~ /^>/) && ($header_flag==1)) {$self->_pushback($_); return 1} # only leave if we have actually parsed a valid header! elsif (($_ =~ /^Parameters|^\s+Database:/) && ($header_flag==1)) { # if we entered a header, and saw nothing before the stats at the end, then it was empty $self->_pushback($_); return 0; # there's nothing in the report } # bug fix suggested by MI Sadowski via Martin Lomas # see bug report #1118 if( ref($self->_fh()) !~ /GLOB/ && $self->_fh()->can('EOF') && eof($self->_fh()) ) { $self->warn("unexpected EOF in file\n"); return -1; } } return -1; # EOF } sub _fastForward { my ($self) = @_; return 0 if $self->{'REPORT_DONE'}; # empty report while(defined( $_ = $self->_readline() ) ) { if ($_ =~ /^Histogram|^Searching|^Parameters|^\s+Database:|^\s+Posted date:/) { return 0; } elsif( $_ =~ /^>/ ) { $self->_pushback($_); return 1; } } unless( $self->{'BTK'} ) { # Paracel BTK reports have no footer $self->warn("Possible error (1) while parsing BLAST report!"); } } 1; __END__