Bio::Tree TreeFunctionsI
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Bio::Tree::TreeFunctionsI - Decorated Interface implementing basic Tree exploration methods
Package variables
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Included modules
  use Bio::TreeIO;
my $in = new Bio::TreeIO(-format => 'newick', -file => 'tree.tre');
my $tree = $in->next_tree; my @nodes = $tree->find_node('id1'); if( $tree->is_monophyletic(-clade => @nodes, -outgroup => $outnode) ){ }
Describe the interface here
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Methods description
delete_edgecode    nextTop
 Title   : delete_edge
Usage : $node->reverse_edge(child);
Function: makes child be a parent of node
Requires: child must be a direct descendent of node
Returns : nothing
Args : Bio::Tree::NodeI that is in the tree
 Title   : distance
Usage : distance(-nodes => \@nodes )
Function: returns the distance between two given nodes
Returns : numerical distance
Args : -nodes => arrayref of nodes to test
 Title   : find_node
Usage : my @nodes = $self->find_node(-id => 'node1');
Function: returns all nodes that match a specific field, by default this
is id, but different branch_length,
Returns : List of nodes which matched search
Args : text string to search for
-fieldname => $textstring
 Title   : get_lca
Usage : get_lca(-nodes => \@nodes )
Function: given two nodes, returns the lowest common ancestor
Returns : node object
Args : -nodes => arrayref of nodes to test
 Title   : is_monophyletic
Usage : if( $tree->is_monophyletic(-nodes => \@nodes,
-outgroup => $outgroup)
Function: Will do a test of monophyly for the nodes specified
in comparison to a chosen outgroup
Returns : boolean
Args : -nodes => arrayref of nodes to test
-outgroup => outgroup to serve as a reference
 Title   : is_paraphyletic
Usage : if( $tree->is_paraphyletic(-nodes =>\@nodes,
-outgroup => $node) ){ }
Function: Tests whether or not a given set of nodes are paraphyletic
(representing the full clade) given an outgroup
Returns : [-1,0,1] , -1 if the group is not monophyletic
0 if the group is not paraphyletic
1 if the group is paraphyletic
Args : -nodes => Array of Bio::Tree::NodeI objects which are in the tree
-outgroup => a Bio::Tree::NodeI to compare the nodes to
 Title   : remove_Node
Usage : $tree->remove_Node($node)
Function: Removes a node from the tree
Returns : boolean represent status of success
Args : either Bio::Tree::NodeI or string of the node id
 Title   : reroot_tree
Usage : $tree->reroot($node);
Function: Reroots a tree either making a new node the root
Returns : 1 on success, 0 on failure
Args : Bio::Tree::NodeI that is in the tree, but is not the current root
 Title   : reverse_edge
Usage : $node->reverse_edge(child);
Function: makes child be a parent of node
Requires: child must be a direct descendent of node
Returns : nothing
Args : Bio::Tree::NodeI that is in the tree
Methods code
sub _check_two_nodes {
    my ($self, $nodes) = @_;

   if( ref($nodes) !~ /ARRAY/i ||
       !ref($nodes->[0]) ||
       ) {
       $self->warn("Must provide a valid array reference for -nodes");
       return undef;
   } elsif( scalar(@$nodes) > 2 ){
       $self->warn("More than two nodes given, using first two");
   } elsif( scalar(@$nodes) < 2 ){
       $self->warn("-nodes parameter does not contain reference to two nodes");
       return undef;
    unless( $nodes->[0]->isa('Bio::Tree::NodeI') &&
	    $nodes->[1]->isa('Bio::Tree::NodeI') ) {
	$self->warn("Did not provide valid Bio::Tree::NodeI objects as nodes\n");
	return undef;
    return @$nodes;
sub delete_edge {
    my ($self,$node) = @_;
    unless (defined $self && $self->isa("Bio::Tree::NodeI")) {
        $self->warn("Must provide a valid Bio::Tree::NodeI when rerooting");
        return 1;
    unless (defined $node && $node->isa("Bio::Tree::NodeI")) {
        $self->warn("Must provide a valid Bio::Tree::NodeI when rerooting");
        return 1;
    if( $self->{'_desc'}->{$node->internal_id} ) {
        delete $self->{'_desc'}->{$node->internal_id};
    } else {
        $self->warn("First argument must be direct parent of node");
        return 1;
sub distance {
    my ($self,@args) = @_;
    my ($nodes) = $self->_rearrange([qw(NODES)],@args);
    if( ! defined $nodes ) {
	$self->warn("Must supply -nodes parameter to distance() method");
	return undef;
    my ($node1,$node2) = $self->_check_two_nodes($nodes);
    # algorithm:
# Find lca: Start with first node, find and save every node from it
# to root, saving cumulative distance. Then start with second node;
# for it and each of its ancestor nodes, check to see if it's in
# the first node's ancestor list - if so it is the lca. Return sum
# of (cumul. distance from node1 to lca) and (cumul. distance from
# node2 to lca)
# find and save every ancestor of node1 (including itself)
my %node1_ancestors; # keys are internal ids, values are objects
my %node1_cumul_dist; # keys are internal ids, values
# are cumulative distance from node1 to given node
my $place = $node1; # start at node1
my $cumul_dist = 0; while ( $place ){ $node1_ancestors{$place->internal_id} = $place; $node1_cumul_dist{$place->internal_id} = $cumul_dist; if ($place->branch_length) { $cumul_dist += $place->branch_length; # include current branch
# length in next iteration
} $place = $place->ancestor; } # now climb up node2, for each node checking whether
# it's in node1_ancestors
$place = $node2; # start at node2
$cumul_dist = 0; while ( $place ){ foreach my $key ( keys %node1_ancestors ){ # ugh
if ( $place->internal_id == $key){ # we're at lca
return $node1_cumul_dist{$key} + $cumul_dist; } } # include current branch length in next iteration
$cumul_dist += $place->branch_length; $place = $place->ancestor; } $self->warn("Could not find distance!"); # should never execute,
# if so, there's a problem
return undef; } # helper function to check lca and distance arguments
sub find_node {
   my ($self,$type,$field) = @_;
   if( ! defined $type ) { 
       $self->warn("Must request a either a string or field and string when searching");

   # all this work for a '-' named field
# is so that we could potentially
# expand to other constraints in
# different implementations
# like 'find all nodes with boostrap < XX'
if( ! defined $field ) { # only 1 argument, default to searching by id
$field= $type; $type = 'id'; } else { $type =~ s/^-//; } # could actually do this by testing $rootnode->can($type) but
# it is possible that a tree is implemeted with different node types
# - although it is unlikely that the root node would be richer than the
# leaf nodes. Can't handle NHX tags right now
unless( $type eq 'id' || $type eq 'name' || $type eq 'bootstrap' || $type eq 'description' || $type eq 'internal_id') { $self->warn("unknown search type $type - will try anyways"); } my @nodes = grep { $_->can($type) && defined $_->$type() && $_->$type() eq $field } $self->get_nodes(); if ( wantarray) { return @nodes; } else { if( @nodes > 1 ) { $self->warn("More than 1 node found but caller requested scalar, only returning first node"); } return shift @nodes; }
sub findnode_by_id {
    my $tree = shift;
    my $id = shift;
    my $rootnode = $tree->get_root_node;
    if ( ($rootnode->id) and ($rootnode->id eq $id) ) {
        return $rootnode;
    # process all the children
foreach my $node ( $rootnode->get_Descendents ) { if ( ($node->id) and ($node->id eq $id ) ) { return $node; } } } 1;
sub get_lca {
    my ($self,@args) = @_;
    my ($nodes) = $self->_rearrange([qw(NODES)],@args);
   if( ! defined $nodes ) {
       $self->warn("Must supply -nodes parameter to get_lca() method");
       return undef;
    my ($node1,$node2) = $self->_check_two_nodes($nodes);
    return undef unless $node1 && $node2;

    # algorithm: Start with first node, find and save every node from it to
# root. Then start with second node; for it and each of its ancestor
# nodes, check to see if it's in the first node's ancestor list - if
# so it is the lca.
# This is very slow and naive, but I somehow doubt the overhead
# of mapping the tree to a complete binary tree and doing the linear
# lca search would be worth the overhead, especially for small trees.
# Maybe someday I'll write a linear get_lca and find out.
# find and save every ancestor of node1 (including itself)
my %node1_ancestors; # keys are internal ids, values are objects
my $place = $node1; # start at node1
while ( $place ){ $node1_ancestors{$place->internal_id} = $place; $place = $place->ancestor; } # now climb up node2, for each node checking whether
# it's in node1_ancestors
$place = $node2; # start at node2
while ( $place ){ foreach my $key ( keys %node1_ancestors ){ # ugh
if ( $place->internal_id == $key){ return $node1_ancestors{$key}; } } $place = $place->ancestor; } $self->warn("Could not find lca!"); # should never execute,
# if so, there's a problem
return undef; } # Added for Justin Reese by Jason
sub is_monophyletic {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;
   my ($nodes,$outgroup) = $self->_rearrange([qw(NODES OUTGROUP)],@args);

   if( ! defined $nodes || ! defined $outgroup ) {
       $self->warn("Must supply -nodes and -outgroup parameters to the method
       return undef;
   if( ref($nodes) !~ /ARRAY/i ) {
       $self->warn("Must provide a valid array reference for -nodes");
   my $clade_root;
   # this is to combine multiple tests into a single node
# order doesn't really matter as long as get_lca does its job right
while( @$nodes > 2 ) { my ($a,$b) = ( shift @$nodes, shift @$nodes); $clade_root = $self->get_lca(-nodes => [$a,$b] ); unshift @$nodes, $clade_root; } $clade_root = $self->get_lca(-nodes => $nodes ); my $og_ancestor = $outgroup->ancestor; while( defined ($og_ancestor ) ) { if( $og_ancestor->internal_id == $clade_root->internal_id ) { # monophyly is violated
return 0; } $og_ancestor = $og_ancestor->ancestor; } return 1;
sub is_paraphyletic {
   my ($self,@args) = @_;
   my ($nodes,$outgroup) = $self->_rearrange([qw(NODES OUTGROUP)],@args);

   if( ! defined $nodes || ! defined $outgroup ) {
       $self->warn("Must suply -nodes and -outgroup parameters to the method is_paraphyletic");
       return undef;
   if( ref($nodes) !~ /ARRAY/i ) { 
       $self->warn("Must provide a valid array reference for -nodes");
       return undef;

   # Algorithm
# Find the lca
# Find all the nodes beneath the lca
# Test to see that none are missing from the nodes list
my %nodehash; foreach my $n ( @$nodes ) { $nodehash{$n->internal_id} = $n; } while( @$nodes > 2 ) { unshift @$nodes, $self->get_lca(-nodes => [( shift @$nodes, shift @$nodes)] ); } my $clade_root = $self->get_lca(-nodes => $nodes ); unless( defined $clade_root ) { $self->warn("could not find clade root via lca"); return undef; } my $og_ancestor = $outgroup->ancestor; # Is this necessary/correct for paraphyly test?
while( defined ($og_ancestor ) ) { if( $og_ancestor->internal_id == $clade_root->internal_id ) { # monophyly is violated, could be paraphyletic
return -1; } $og_ancestor = $og_ancestor->ancestor; } my $tree = new Bio::Tree::Tree(-root => $clade_root, -nodelete => 1); foreach my $n ( $tree->get_nodes() ) { next unless $n->is_Leaf(); # if any leaf node is not in the list
# then it is part of the clade and so the list
# must be paraphyletic
return 1 unless ( $nodehash{$n->internal_id} ); } return 0;
sub remove_Node {
   my ($self,$input) = @_;
   my $node = undef;
   unless( ref($input) ) {
       $node = $self->find_node($input);
   }  elsif( ! $input->isa('Bio::Tree::NodeI') ) {
       $self->warn("Did not provide either a valid Bio::Tree::NodeI object to remove_node or the node name");
       return 0;
   } else { 
       $node = $input;
   if( ! $node->ancestor && $self->get_root_node->internal_id != $node->internal_id) {
       $self->warn("Node (".$node->to_string . ") has no ancestor, can't remove!");
   } else { 

# Added for Justin Reese by Jason
sub reroot {
    my ($self,$new_root) = @_;
    unless (defined $new_root && $new_root->isa("Bio::Tree::NodeI")) {
	$self->warn("Must provide a valid Bio::Tree::NodeI when rerooting");
	return 0;
    if( $new_root->is_Leaf() ) {
	$self->warn("Asking to root with a leaf, will use the leaf's ancestor");
	$new_root = $new_root->ancestor;

    my $old_root = $self->get_root_node;
    if( $new_root == $old_root ) {
	$self->warn("Node requested for reroot is already the root node!");
	return 0;

    my @path = ();	# along tree, from newroot to oldroot
my $node = $new_root; while ($node) { push @path, $node; $node = $node->ancestor; } my @path_from_oldroot = reverse @path; for (my $i = 0; $i < @path_from_oldroot - 1; $i++) { my $current = $path_from_oldroot[$i]; my $next = $path_from_oldroot[$i + 1]; $current->remove_Descendent($next); $current->branch_length($next->branch_length); $next->add_Descendent($current); } $new_root->branch_length(undef); $self->set_root_node($new_root); return 1;
sub reverse_edge {
    my ($self,$node) = @_;
    delete_edge($self, $node);
General documentation
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Report bugs to the Bioperl bug tracking system to help us keep track
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AUTHOR - Jason Stajich, Aaron Mackey, Justin ReeseTop
Email jason-at-bioperl-dot-org
Additional contributors names and emails here
Rerooting code was worked on by
  Daniel Barker
Ramiro Barrantes
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods.
Internal methods are usually preceded with a _