Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms ClusterUtils
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@EXPORT = qw( cluster_Genes )
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Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( warning throw )
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_compare_Genes()code    nextTop
Title: _compare_Genes
Usage: this internal function compares the exons of two genes on overlap
Source : Bio::EnsEMBL::Pipeline::GeneComparison::GeneComparison;
cluster_Genes codeprevnextTop
   Arg[1]    : Aref to Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene objects 
Arg[2] : ref to hash which builds up an Evidence-Set to biotype-relation :
$hash{ cdna } = ['cdna_kyoto', 'cdna_other' ]
$hash{ simg } = ['simgw_100','simgw_200']
Function : clusters all genes in Arg[1] according to their genomic extent and sets the type according to their sets Returnval : Array of 2 Arrayrefs : First arrayref holds an array of all genes which have been clustered together, second ref holds an array of genes which were not clustered.
Methods code
sub _compare_Genes {
  my ($gene1,$gene2,$translate, $ignore_strand) = @_;
  # quit if genes do not have genomic overlap 
# start-------gene1------end start--------gene2----------end
if ($gene1->end < $gene2->start || $gene1->start > $gene2->end) { print "Gene 1 " . $gene1->start . " " . $gene1->end . "\n "; print "Gene 2 " . $gene1->start . " " . $gene1->end . "\n "; print "Failed extents check - returning 0\n"; return 0; } # $overlaps = ( $exon1->end >= $exon2->start && $exon1->start <= $exon2-> end );
if ($translate) { # exon-overlap only on coding exons !
my $exons1 = get_coding_exons_for_gene($gene1); my $exons2 = get_coding_exons_for_gene($gene2); foreach my $exon1 (@$exons1) { foreach my $exon2 (@$exons2) { if (!$ignore_strand) { if ( ($exon1->overlaps($exon2)) && ($exon1->strand == $exon2->strand) ){ #print "Passed CDS overlap check - returning 1\n";
return 1; } } else { # we ignore strand
if ($exon1->overlaps($exon2)){ return 1; } } } } } else { #
# overlap check based on all (noncoding + coding) Exons
foreach my $exon1 (@{$gene1->get_all_Exons}){ foreach my $exon2 (@{$gene2->get_all_Exons}){ if (!$ignore_strand) { if ( ($exon1->overlaps($exon2)) && ($exon1->strand == $exon2->strand) ){ #print "Passed exon overlap check (noncod. + cod. exons checked) - returning 1\n";
return 1; } } else { # we ignore strand
if ($exon1->overlaps($exon2)){ #print "Passed exon overlap check (noncod. + cod. exons checked) - returning 1\n";
return 1; } } } } } #print "Failed overlap check (translate = $translate) - returning 0\n";
return 0;
sub cluster_Genes {
  my ($genes, $types_hash, $check_coding_overlap, $ignore_strand) = @_ ;

# steves old cluster-routine clusters genes of two types : 'ncbi' and 'hinxton'
# ( see
# he uses two gene-sets : genes and compare_genes (each set may contain differnt biotypes)
# he uses the sets to see if a cluster only consists of genes out of one set (ncbi) or hinxton
# and retrieves all sets of a cluster with "get_sets_included"
# we do something 'nearly similar : we are clustering genes of diffrent sets (simgw, est, abinitio)
# and have methods to access these sets
# --> GeneCluster has methods get_Genes_of_Type / get_Genes_by_Type / get_Genes_by_Set
# all genes on slice are handed over and a %types_hash which holds the setname and the
return ([],[]) if (!scalar(@$genes)); # sorting of ALL genes
my @sorted_genes = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start ? $a->start <=> $b->start : $b->end <=> $a->end } @$genes; print STDERR "Clustering ".scalar( @sorted_genes )." genes on slice\n" ; # select count(*) , g.biotype from gene g left join transcript t on g.gene_id = t.gene_id where isnull(t.gene_id ) group by g.biotype ;
for ( @sorted_genes ) { my $tr = scalar ( @{$_->get_all_Transcripts} ) ; if ( $tr == 0 ) { throw("data error - gene with gene_id " . $_->dbID ." biotype " . $_->biotype . " does not have any associated transcripts\n ") ; } } my $count = 0; my @active_clusters; my @inactive_clusters; TRANSCRIPT: foreach my $gene (@sorted_genes) { $count++; # Every 50 genes divide clusters into an active (ones which could be have this gene added to it) and inactive
# (ones which can not be altered by any of the genes to come)
if (!($count%50)) { #print ".";
my @still_active_clusters; my $gene_start = $gene->start; foreach my $cluster (@active_clusters) { if ($cluster->end < $gene_start) { push @inactive_clusters,$cluster; #print "Cluster inactive\n";
} else { push @still_active_clusters,$cluster; } } @active_clusters = @still_active_clusters; } my @matching_clusters; ##
## if there are Clusters (initialisation below) than check
## if gene lies in the boundaries of the cluster and has at least
## one exon which overlaps with an exon of a gene which already
## belongs to the cluster
CLUSTER: foreach my $cluster (@active_clusters) { #
# if gene lies in the boundaries of the cluster......
if ($gene->end >= $cluster->start && $gene->start <= $cluster->end) { # search for a gene in the cluster which overlaps the new gene,
foreach my $cluster_gene ($cluster->get_Genes){ # check if clustered gene overlaps
if ($gene->end >= $cluster_gene->start && $gene->start <= $cluster_gene->end) { # CASE 1:
# START----------------$cluster_gene---------------END
# START-------------$gene-----------------------END
# CASE 2 :
# START----------------$cluster_gene---------------END
# START-------------$gene-----------END
# CASE 3 :
# START----------------$cluster_gene----------END
# START------$gene-------END
# add gene target-gene to cluster if it has at least
# one gene wich overlaps with an exon of the clustered gene
# and add to cluster
if (_compare_Genes( $gene, $cluster_gene, $check_coding_overlap, $ignore_strand)) { push (@matching_clusters, $cluster); next CLUSTER; } } } } } # CLUSTER
## Initialization of we have no matching cluster (above)
# if above was found NO matching cluster
# than make a new one
if (scalar(@matching_clusters) == 0) { my $newcluster = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::GeneCluster->new($ignore_strand); foreach my $set_name (keys %$types_hash) { $newcluster->gene_Types($set_name,$types_hash->{$set_name}); } $newcluster->put_Genes($ignore_strand, $gene); push(@active_clusters,$newcluster); #
# if above was found ONE matching cluster
} elsif (scalar(@matching_clusters) == 1) { $matching_clusters[0]->put_Genes($ignore_strand, $gene); } else { # Merge the matching clusters into a single cluster
my @new_clusters; my $merged_cluster = Bio::EnsEMBL::Analysis::Tools::Algorithms::GeneCluster->new($ignore_strand); foreach my $set_name (keys %$types_hash) { $merged_cluster->gene_Types($set_name,$types_hash->{$set_name}); } my %match_cluster_hash; foreach my $clust (@matching_clusters) { $merged_cluster->put_Genes($ignore_strand, $clust->get_Genes); $match_cluster_hash{$clust} = $clust; } $merged_cluster->put_Genes($ignore_strand, $gene); push @new_clusters,$merged_cluster; # Add back non matching clusters
foreach my $clust (@active_clusters) { if (!exists($match_cluster_hash{$clust})) { push @new_clusters,$clust; } } @active_clusters = @new_clusters; } } # Seperate genes which are UNclustered (only one gene in cluster ) and
# from clusteres which hold more than one gene
# print "Have " . scalar(@active_clusters) . " active clusters and " . scalar(@inactive_clusters) . " inactive clusters\n";
my @clusters = (@active_clusters,@inactive_clusters); my (@new_clusters, @unclustered); foreach my $cl (@clusters){ if ( $cl->get_Gene_Count == 1 ){ push @unclustered, $cl; } else{ push( @new_clusters, $cl ); } } print STDERR "All Genes clustered\nGot " . scalar(@new_clusters) . " new Clusters\n" ; return (\@new_clusters,\@ unclustered);
sub get_coding_exons_for_gene {
  my ($gene) = @_;

  my @coding;

  foreach my $trans (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) {
    next if (!$trans->translation);
    foreach my $exon (@{$trans->get_all_translateable_Exons}) {
      push @coding, $exon;

  return\@ coding;
General documentation
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