Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice Slice
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice - These objects contain all the information needed
for mapping features through genomic alignments
Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
$gap_coord_system = new Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem( -NAME => 'gap', -VERSION => "none", -TOP_LEVEL => 0, -SEQUENCE_LEVEL => 1, -RANK => 1, )
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning info verbose )
Scalar::Util qw ( weaken )
No description!
No description
No description
Methods description
_compile_mapped_Genescode    nextTop
  Arg[1]     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene $mapped_genes
Arg[2] : int $max_repetition_length
Arg[3] : int $max_gap_length
Arg[4] : int $max_intron_length
Arg[5] : int $strict_order_of_exon_pieces
Arg[6] : int $strict_order_of_exons
Example : my $compiled_genes = $align_slice->compile_mapped_Genes($mapped_genes,
100, 1000, 100000, 1, 0);
Description: This method compiles all the pieces of gene mapped before into a list
of Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene objects. It tries to merge pieces of the same
exon, link them according to their original transcript and finally
group the transcripts in Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene objects. Merging and
linking of Exons is done according to some rules that can be changed
with the parameters.
Parameters: They are sent as is to _separate_in_incompatible_sets_of_Exons() and
_merge_Exons() methods. Please refer to them elsewhere in this
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene objects. (overrides $mapped_genes)
Exceptions : none
Caller : $object->methodname
  Arg[1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene $original_gene
Arg[2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlign $genomic_align
Example : my $mapped_gene = $align_slice->get_mapped_Gene($orignal_gene, $genomic_align);
Description: returns a new Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene object. Mapping is based on exons.
The object returned contains Bio::EnsEMBL::Transcripts objects. Those
mapped transcripts contain Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon objects.
If no exon can be mapped, the returned object will contain an empty array of
transcripts. Since mapped objects are not stored in the DB, they have no dbID
and no adaptor.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Gene object. (new object)
Exceptions : returns undef if no part of $original_gene can be mapped using this
$genomic_align. This method assumes that the slices of all the exons got
from that gene have the same coordinates as the gene slice. It will throw
if this is not true.
Caller : get_all_Genes
  Arg[1]     : string $cigar_line
Arg[2] : int $original_position
Arg[3] : int $original_length
Arg[4] : bool $start
Example : my $mapped_start_position = _map_position_using_cigar_line(
"16M4I", 10, 20, 1);
Example : my $mapped_end_position = _map_position_using_cigar_line(
"16M4I", 10, 20, 1);
Description: This method is used to locate the start or the end position of
a Translation on the Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon object
using the cigar_line of the object. As the Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::
AlignSlice::Exon object may result from the fusion of the same
Bio::EnsEMBL::Exon object several times, this method returns the
best mapping among all the available possibilities. When the original
position maps on an insertion in the Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::
AlignSlice::Exon object, the resulting mapped start position is the
next one to the latest mapped one.
Returntype : int $mapped_position
Exceptions : returns 0 when the end position cannot be mapped.
Exceptions : returns a number larger than the length of the Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::
AlignSlice::Exon when the start position cannot be mapped.
  Arg[1]     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon $set_of_exons
Arg[2] : int $max_repetition_length
Arg[3] : int $max_gap_length
Arg[4] : int $strict_order_of_exon_pieces
Example : my $merged_exons = _merge_Exons($exons_to_be_merged, 100, 1000, 1);
Description: Takes a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon objects and
tries to merge them according to exon stable_id and some rules that can
be tunned using some optional parameters. This method can overwrite some
of the exon in the $set_of_exons.
Parameters: MAX_REPETITION_LENGTH. In principle you want to merge together pieces
of an exon which do not overlap (the beginning and the end of the
exon). With this flag you can to set up what amount of the original
exon is allowed on two aligned exons to be merged.
MAX_GAP_LENGTH. If the distance between two pieces of exons in the
aligned slice is larger than this parameter, they will not be
merged. Setting this parameter to -1 will
avoid any merging event.
STRICT_ORDER_OF_EXON_PIECES. This flag allows you to decide whether two
pieces of an exon should be merged or not if they are not in the
right order, for instance if the end of the original exon will
appear before the start on the merged exon.
Returntype : lisref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon objects.
Exceptions : none
Caller : methodname
  Args[1]     : method_name
Description : This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped on it. This
method go through all of them, calls method_name and maps teh result on
this Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object.
ReturnType : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : contigview, snpview
  Arg[1]     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon $set_of_exons
Arg[2] : int $max_repetition_length
Arg[3] : int $max_intron_length
Arg[4] : int $strict_order_of_exons
Example : my $sets_of_exons = _separate_in_incompatible_sets_of_Exons(
$set_of_exons, 100, 100000, 0);
Description: Takes a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon and separate
them in sets of comaptible exons. Compatibility is defined taking into
account 5 parameters:
- exons must be in the same strand
- exons cannot overlap on the align_slice
- distance between exons cannot be larger than MAX_INTRON_LENGTH
- two exons with the same stable_id can belong to the same transcript
only if they represent diferent parts of the original exon. Some
overlapping is allowed (see MAX_REPETITION_LENGTH parameter).
- exons must be in the same order as in the original transcript
if the STRICT_ORDER_OF_EXONS parameter is true.
Parameters: MAX_REPETITION_LENGTH. In principle you want to link together pieces
of an exon which do not overlap (the beginning and the end of the
exon). With this flag you can to set up what amount of the original
exon is allowed on two aligned exons to be linked.
MAX_INTRON_LENGTH. If the distance between two exons in the aligned slice
is larger than this parameter, they will not be linked.
STRICT_ORDER_OF_EXONS. This flag allows you to decide whether two
exons should be linked or not if they are not in the
original order.
Returntype : listref of lisrefs of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon objects.
Exceptions : none
Caller : methodname
  Arg[1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
Arg[2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper $mapper
Arg[3] : integer $start
Arg[4] : integer $end
Arg[5] : integer $strand
Example : $slice->add_Slice_Mapper_pair($slice, $mapper, 124, 542, -1);
Description: Attaches a pair of Slice and the corresponding Mapper
to this Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlginSlice::Slice
object. The Mapper contains the information for
mapping coordinates from (to) the Slice to (from) the
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice. Start, end and strand
locates the $slice in the AlignSlice::Slice.
$start and $end refer to the Coordinate System. If you are using
a sub_Slice, this method will be using the coordinates of the
original Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object!
Returntype :
Exceptions : throws if $slice is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice object
Exceptions : throws if $mapper is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper object
  Arg[1]     : string $name
Example : $slice->display_Slice_name("Homo_sapiens");
Description: getter/setter for the attribute display_Slice_name
Returntype : string
Caller : $object->methodname
expand (not supported)codeprevnextTop
Expanding a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object is not supported at the moment.
You could create a new Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice and fetch a new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice
from it. On the hand, if you only want to extend the sequence, you could use the subseq method
with a negatve start value or an end value larger than the end of this Slice.
This method returns undef
  Arg[1]     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomeDB $genome_db
Example : $slice->genome_db($human_gdb);
Description: getter/setter for the attribute genome_db
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomeDB object
Exceptions : This attribute should never be unset. Several methods
rely on this attribute.
Caller : $object->methodname
  Arg [1]    : optional string $attrib_code
The code of the attribute type to retrieve values for.
Example : ($htg_phase) = @{$slice->get_all_Attributes('htg_phase')};
@slice_attributes = @{$slice->get_all_Attributes()};
Description: Gets a list of Attributes of all teh underlying slice''s
seq_region. Optionally just get Attributes for given code.
This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped
on it. This method go through all of them, retrieves the
data and return them in order. There will be one set of
Attributes by underlying slice.
Returntype : listref Bio::EnsEMBL::Attribute
Exceptions : warning if slice does not have attached adaptor
Caller : general
  Arg [1]    : (optional) string $logic_name
The name of the analysis used to generate the genes to retrieve
Arg [2] : (optional) string $dbtype
The dbtype of genes to obtain. This assumes that the db has
been added to the DBAdaptor under this name (using the
DBConnection::add_db_adaptor method).
Arg [3] : (optional) boolean $load_transcripts
This option is always disabled for AlingSlices. It only exists for
compatibility with the Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice objects.
Example : @genes = @{$slice->get_all_Genes};
Description: Retrieves all genes that overlap this slice.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Genes
Exceptions : none
Caller : none
  Arg [1]    : string $type
The biotype of genes wanted.
Arg [2] : (optional) string $logic_name
Arg [3] : (optional) boolean $load_transcripts
If set to true, transcripts will be loaded immediately rather
than being lazy-loaded on request. This will result in a
significant speed up if the Transcripts and Exons are going to
be used (but a slow down if they are not).
Example : @genes = @{$slice->get_all_Genes_by_type('protein_coding',
Description: Retrieves genes that overlap this slice of biotype $type.
This is primarily used by the genebuilding code when several
biotypes of genes are used.
The logic name is the analysis of the genes that are retrieved. If not provided all genes will be retrieved instead. This methods overwrites the core one since it sends a warning message and return an empty array because this AlignSlice::Slice object has no adaptor. This implementation calls the get_all_Genes methdo elsewhere in this module to fulfil the query. Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Genes Exceptions : none Caller : genebuilder, general Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : (optional) string $logic_name
The name of the analysis performed on the repeat features
to obtain.
Arg [2] : (optional) string $repeat_type
Limits features returned to those of the specified repeat_type
Example : @repeat_feats = @{$slice->get_all_RepeatFeatures(undef,'LTR')};
Description: Retrieves the RepeatFeatures which overlap with
logic name $logic_name and with score above $score. If
$logic_name is not defined features of all logic names are
This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped on it. This
method go through all of them, retrieves the data and maps them on this
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object by changing start, end,
strand and slice attributes.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::RepeatFeatures
Exceptions : warning if slice does not have attached adaptor
Caller : general
    Args       : none
Description :returns all variation features on this slice. This function will only work
correctly if the variation database has been attached to the core database.
This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped on it. This
method go through all of them, retrieves the data and maps them on this
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object.
ReturnType : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : contigview, snpview
  Arg  1     : (opt) string $method_link_type (default = GERP_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT)
Arg 2 : (opt) listref Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomeDB $species_set
(default, the set of species from the MethodLinkSpeciesSet used
to build this AlignSlice)
Example : my $constrained_elements =
Description: Retrieve the corresponding constrained elements for these alignments.
Objects will be mapped on this AlignSlice::Slice, i.e. the
reference_slice, reference_slice_start, reference_slice_end
and reference_slice_strand will refer to this AlignSlice::Slice
Returntype : ref. to an array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignBlock
Caller : object::methodname
Status : At risk
  Args       : none
Function : returns all variation features on this slice that have been genotyped. This
function will only work correctly if the variation database has been
attached to the core database.
This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped on it. This
method go through all of them, retrieves the data and maps them on this
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object by changing start, end,
strand and slice attributes.
ReturnType : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : contigview, snpview
  Arg  [1]   : int $startBasePair
relative to start of slice, which is 1.
Arg [2] : int $endBasePair
relative to start of slice.
Arg [3] : (optional) int $strand
The strand of the slice to obtain sequence from. Default
value is 1.
Description: This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped
on it with gaps inside and regions with no matching
sequence. This method returns these Slices (or part of
them) with the original coordinates and the gapped
sequence attached to them. Additionally, extra Slices
could be returned in order to fill in gaps between
underlying Slices.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice objects
Exceptions : end should be at least as big as start
Caller : general
  Arg        : -none-
Description: returns a cigar_line describing the gaps in the mapped sequence
This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped
on it with gaps inside and regions with no matching
sequence. The resulting cigar line corresponds to the mapping
of all the nucleotides that can be mapepd. If several Slices map
on the same positions, the behaviour is undefined.
The cigar_line includes 3 types of regions: M for matches/mismatches,
D for alignment gaps (formerly known as deletions) and G for
gaps between alignment blocks.
Returntype : txt
Exceptions :
Caller : general
  Arg  [1]   : int $position
relative to start of slice, which is 1.
Description: This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped
on it with gaps inside and regions with no matching
sequence. This method returns the original seq_region_position
in the original Slice of the requested position in AlignSlice
Example : my ($slice, $seq_region_position) = $as_slice->
Returntype : ($slice, $seq_region_position), an array where the first
element is a Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice and the second one is the
requested seq_region_position.
Exceptions : if the position corresponds to a gap, the slice will be a fake GAP
slice and the position will be the requested one (in AlignSlice
Caller : general
invert (not supported)codeprevnextTop
Maybe at some point...
This method returns undef
  Arg  [1]   : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $original_slice
Description: This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped
on it with gaps inside and regions with no matching
sequence. This method tries to map on this Slice the
region(s) corresponding to the provided $original_slice
NB: This method does not know how to project Slices onto
other coordinate systems. It is your responsability to
provide an original Slice on the same coordinate system
as the underlying Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices
Example : my $slices = $as_slice->map_original_Slice($orginal_slice);
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice objects
which are the sub_Slices of this Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::
AlignSlice::Slice where the $original_slice maps
Exceptions :
new (CONSTRUCTOR)codeprevnextTop
  Arg[1]     : 
Example :
Returntype :
Exceptions :
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice->_create_underlying_Slices()
project (testing)codeprevnextTop
  Arg [1]    : string $name
The name of the coordinate system to project this slice onto
Arg [2] : string $version
The version of the coordinate system (such as 'NCBI34') to
project this slice onto
Example :
my $clone_projection = $slice->project('clone');
foreach my $seg (@$clone_projection) { my $clone = $segment->to_Slice(); print $slice->seq_region_name(), ':', $seg->from_start(), '-', $seg->from_end(), ' -> ', $clone->seq_region_name(), ':', $clone->start(), '-',$clone->end(), $clone->strand(), "\n"; } Description: This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped on it. This method go through all of them, porject them and maps the projections on this Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object. The original 'project' method returns the results of 'projecting' a slice onto another coordinate system. Projecting to a coordinate system that the slice is assembled from is analagous to retrieving a tiling path. The original method may also be used to 'project up' to a higher level coordinate system, however. This method returns a listref of triplets [start,end,slice] which represents the projection. The start and end defined the region of this slice which is made up of the third value of the triplet: a slice in the requested coordinate system. Because of the gaps in the mapping of the Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices the lenght of the slice returned in the tripet may be different than the distance defined by the start and end of the Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment object. Returntype : list reference of Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment objects which can also be used as [$start,$end,$slice] triplets Exceptions : none Caller : general
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : print "SEQUENCE = ", $slice->seq();
Description: Returns the sequence of the region represented by this
slice formatted as a string.
This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped
on it with gaps inside and regions with no matching
sequence. The resulting string might contain gaps and/or
dots as padding characters. If several Slices map on the
same positions, the last one will override the positions.
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
  Arg   1    : int $start
Arg 2 : int $end
Arge [3] : int $strand
Example : none
Description: Makes another Slice that covers only part of this slice
If a slice is requested which lies outside of the boundaries
of this function will return undef. This means that
behaviour will be consistant whether or not the slice is
attached to the database (i.e. if there is attached sequence
to the slice). Alternatively the expand() method or the
SliceAdaptor::fetch_by_region method can be used instead.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice or undef if arguments are wrong
Exceptions : return undef if $start and $end define a region outside
of actual Slice.
Caller : general
Status : Testing
  Arg  [1]   : int $startBasePair
relative to start of slice, which is 1.
Arg [2] : int $endBasePair
relative to start of slice.
Arg [3] : (optional) int $strand
The strand of the slice to obtain sequence from. Default
value is 1.
Description: returns string of dna sequence
This Slice is made of several Bio::EnsEMBL::Slices mapped
on it with gaps inside and regions with no matching
sequence. The resulting string might contain gaps and/or
dots as padding characters. If several Slices map on the
same positions, the last one will override the positions.
Returntype : txt
Exceptions : end should be at least as big as start
strand must be set
Caller : general
Methods code
sub _compile_mapped_Genes {
  my ($self, $mapped_genes, $max_repetition_length, $max_gap_length, $max_intron_length, 
      $strict_order_of_exon_pieces, $strict_order_of_exons) = @_;

  my $verbose = verbose();
  verbose(0); # Avoid warnings when mapped transcripts are not in the same strand
## Compile genes: group transcripts by gene->stable_id
my $gene_by_gene_stable_id; my $transcripts_by_gene_stable_id; foreach my $mapped_gene (@$mapped_genes) { # print STDERR "1. GENE:$mapped_gene->{stable_id} ", join(" - ", map {$_->stable_id} @{$mapped_gene->get_all_Transcripts}), "\n";
if (!$gene_by_gene_stable_id->{$mapped_gene->stable_id}) { $gene_by_gene_stable_id->{$mapped_gene->stable_id} = $mapped_gene; } ## Group all the transcripts by gene stable_id...
push(@{$transcripts_by_gene_stable_id->{$mapped_gene->stable_id}}, @{$mapped_gene->get_all_Transcripts}); } # $mapped_genes = [values %$genes_by_stable_id];
## Compile transcripts: group exons by transcript->stable_id
while (my ($gene_stable_id, $set_of_transcripts) = each %$transcripts_by_gene_stable_id) { my $transcript_by_transcript_stable_id; my $exons_by_transcript_stable_id; foreach my $transcript (@{$set_of_transcripts}) { if (!$transcript_by_transcript_stable_id->{$transcript->stable_id}) { $transcript_by_transcript_stable_id->{$transcript->stable_id} = $transcript; } ## Group all the exons by the transcript stable_id...
# print STDERR "0. TRANS:$transcript->{stable_id} ", join(" - ", map {$_->stable_id} @{$transcript->get_all_Exons}), "\n";
push(@{$exons_by_transcript_stable_id->{$transcript->stable_id}}, @{$transcript->get_all_Exons}); } ## Try to merge splitted exons whenever possible
while (my ($transcript_stable_id, $set_of_exons) = each %$exons_by_transcript_stable_id) { # print STDERR "1. ", join(" - ", map {$_->stable_id} @{$set_of_exons}), "\n";
$exons_by_transcript_stable_id->{$transcript_stable_id} = _merge_Exons( $set_of_exons, $max_repetition_length, $max_gap_length, $strict_order_of_exon_pieces ); # print STDERR "2. ", join(" - ", map {$_->stable_id} @{$exons_by_transcript_stable_id->{$transcript_stable_id}}), "\n";
} my $all_transcripts; while (my ($transcript_stable_id, $set_of_exons) = each %$exons_by_transcript_stable_id) { # my $sets_of_compatible_exons = [$set_of_exons];
my $sets_of_compatible_exons = _separate_in_incompatible_sets_of_Exons( $set_of_exons, $max_repetition_length, $max_intron_length, $strict_order_of_exons ); my $old_transcript = $transcript_by_transcript_stable_id->{$transcript_stable_id}; # # Save first set of exons in the
# my $first_set_of_compatible_exons = shift(@{$sets_of_compatible_exons});
# my $first_transcript = $transcript_by_transcript_stable_id->{$transcript_stable_id};
# $first_transcript->flush_Exons();
# foreach my $exon (@$first_set_of_compatible_exons) {
# $first_transcript->add_Exon($exon);
# }
# push(@$all_transcripts, $first_transcript);
foreach my $this_set_of_compatible_exons (@{$sets_of_compatible_exons}) { my $new_transcript = $old_transcript->new( -dbID => $old_transcript->dbID, -adaptor => $old_transcript->adaptor, -stable_id => $old_transcript->stable_id, -version => $old_transcript->version, -external_db => $old_transcript->external_db, -external_name => $old_transcript->external_name, -external_status => $old_transcript->external_status, -display_xref => $old_transcript->display_xref, -analysis => $old_transcript->analysis, -status => $old_transcript->status, -biotype => $old_transcript->biotype, -EXONS => $this_set_of_compatible_exons ); ## $old_transcript->translation is the original Bio::EnsEMBL::Translation!
if ($old_transcript->translation) { my $start_exon; my $seq_start; my $end_exon; my $seq_end; my $all_start_codon_mappings; my $all_end_codon_mappings; my @sorted_exons; if ($new_transcript->strand == 1) { @sorted_exons = @{$new_transcript->get_all_Exons}; } else { @sorted_exons = reverse @{$new_transcript->get_all_Exons}; } my $coding = 0; foreach my $this_exon (@sorted_exons) { if ($old_transcript->translation->start_Exon->stable_id eq $this_exon->stable_id) { $coding = 1; } if ($coding and $this_exon->start) { if (!$start_exon) { if ($old_transcript->translation->start_Exon->stable_id eq $this_exon->stable_id) { if ($old_transcript->translation->start_Exon->strand == 1) { $all_start_codon_mappings = $self->map_original_Slice( $this_exon->exon->slice->sub_Slice( $old_transcript->coding_region_start, $old_transcript->coding_region_start + 2)); } else { $all_start_codon_mappings = $self->map_original_Slice( $this_exon->exon->slice->sub_Slice( $old_transcript->coding_region_end-2, $old_transcript->coding_region_end)); } $seq_start = _map_position_using_cigar_line($this_exon->cigar_line, $old_transcript->translation->start, $this_exon->exon->length, 1); if ($seq_start <= $this_exon->length) { $start_exon = $this_exon; } } else { $seq_start = 1; $start_exon = $this_exon; } } if ($old_transcript->translation->end_Exon->stable_id eq $this_exon->stable_id) { if ($old_transcript->translation->end_Exon->strand == 1) { $all_end_codon_mappings = $self->map_original_Slice( $this_exon->exon->slice->sub_Slice($old_transcript->coding_region_end - 2,$old_transcript->coding_region_end)); } else { $all_end_codon_mappings = $self->map_original_Slice( $this_exon->exon->slice->sub_Slice( $old_transcript->coding_region_start, $old_transcript->coding_region_start + 2)); } $seq_end = _map_position_using_cigar_line($this_exon->cigar_line, $old_transcript->translation->end, $this_exon->exon->length, 0); $seq_end = $this_exon->length if ($seq_end > $this_exon->length); if ($seq_end >= 1) { $end_exon = $this_exon; } else { ## Set $seq_end to previous value
$seq_end = $end_exon->length if ($end_exon); } } else { $end_exon = $this_exon; $seq_end = $end_exon->length; } } if ($old_transcript->translation->end_Exon->stable_id eq $this_exon->stable_id) { $coding = 0; last; } } if ($start_exon and $end_exon) { $new_transcript->translation(new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Translation( -start_exon => $start_exon, -end_exon => $end_exon, -seq_start => $seq_start, -seq_end => $seq_end, -stable_id => $old_transcript->translation->stable_id, -version => $old_transcript->translation->version, -created_date => ($old_transcript->translation->created_date or undef), -modified_date =>$old_transcript->translation->modified_date, )); } else { ## Translation cannot be mapped. In this case we should return a translation outside
## of the coordinate system (negative coding_region_start and coding_region_end).
$new_transcript->translation(new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Translation( -stable_id => $old_transcript->translation->stable_id, -version => $old_transcript->translation->version, -created_date => ($old_transcript->translation->created_date or undef), -modified_date =>$old_transcript->translation->modified_date, )); $new_transcript->coding_region_start(-10000000000); $new_transcript->coding_region_end(-10000000000); } $new_transcript->translation->all_start_codon_mappings($all_start_codon_mappings); $new_transcript->translation->all_end_codon_mappings($all_end_codon_mappings); } push(@$all_transcripts, $new_transcript); } } $gene_by_gene_stable_id->{$gene_stable_id}->{'_transcript_array'} = $all_transcripts; # adjust start, end, strand and slice
$gene_by_gene_stable_id->{$gene_stable_id}->recalculate_coordinates; } verbose($verbose); return [values %$gene_by_gene_stable_id];
sub _get_mapped_Gene {
  my ($self, $gene, $pair, $return_unmapped_exons) = @_;

  ## $range_start and $range_end are used to get rid of extra genes fetched because of the
## previous speed improvement where several slices are merged in order to access the DB
## a minimum number of times. $pair->{slice} correspond to the actual alignment while
## $gene->slice might be much larger and include several alignments. $range_start and
## $range_end are the coordinates (using $gene->slice as a ref.) where the alignment is.
## If the gene (or later on, the exon) falls outside of this range, it can be discarded
## as it will be impossible to map it with using $pair->mapper!
my $range_start = $pair->{slice}->start - $gene->slice->start + 1; my $range_end = $pair->{slice}->end - $gene->slice->start + 1; return undef if (($gene->start > $range_end) or ($gene->end < $range_start)); my $from_mapper = $pair->{mapper}; my $to_mapper = $self->{to_mapper}; my $these_transcripts = []; foreach my $this_transcript (@{$gene->get_all_Transcripts}) { my $these_exons = []; my $all_exons = $this_transcript->get_all_Exons; for (my $i=0; $i<@$all_exons; $i++){ my $this_exon = $all_exons->[$i]; throw("Oops, this method assumes that all the exons are defined on the same slice as the". " gene they belong to") if ($this_exon->slice->start != $gene->slice->start); if ($this_exon->start <= $range_end and $this_exon->end >= $range_start) { my $this_align_exon = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon( -EXON => $this_exon, -ALIGN_SLICE => $self, -FROM_MAPPER => $from_mapper, -TO_MAPPER => $to_mapper, -ORIGINAL_RANK => $i + 1 ); if ($this_align_exon) { push(@{$these_exons}, $this_align_exon); } elsif ($return_unmapped_exons) { $this_align_exon = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon( -EXON => $this_exon, -ORIGINAL_RANK => $i + 1 ); push(@{$these_exons}, $this_align_exon) if ($this_align_exon); } } elsif ($return_unmapped_exons) { my $this_align_exon = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Exon( -EXON => $this_exon, -ORIGINAL_RANK => $i + 1 ); push(@{$these_exons}, $this_align_exon) if ($this_align_exon); } } if (grep {defined($_->start)} @$these_exons) { ## if any of the exons has been mapped
my $new_transcript = $this_transcript->new( -dbID => $this_transcript->dbID, -adaptor => $this_transcript->adaptor, -stable_id => $this_transcript->stable_id, -version => $this_transcript->version, -external_db => $this_transcript->external_db, -external_name => $this_transcript->external_name, -external_status => $this_transcript->external_status, -display_xref => $this_transcript->display_xref, -analysis => $this_transcript->analysis, -status => $this_transcript->status, -biotype => $this_transcript->biotype, -exons => $these_exons, ); if ($this_transcript->translation) { $new_transcript->translation($this_transcript->translation); } push(@{$these_transcripts}, $new_transcript); } } if (!@$these_transcripts) { return undef; } ## Create a new gene object. This is needed in order to avoid
## troubles with cache. Attach mapped transcripts.
my $mapped_gene = $gene->new( -ANALYSIS => $gene->analysis, -SEQNAME => $gene->seqname, -STABLE_ID => $gene->stable_id, -VERSION => $gene->version, -EXTERNAL_NAME => $gene->external_name, -TYPE => $gene->biotype, -BIOTYPE => $gene->biotype, -STATUS => $gene->status, -EXTERNAL_DB => $gene->external_db, -EXTERNAL_STATUS => $gene->external_status, -DISPLAY_XREF => $gene->display_xref, -DESCRIPTION => $gene->description, -TRANSCRIPTS => $these_transcripts ); return $mapped_gene;
sub _map_position_using_cigar_line {
  my ($cigar_line, $original_pos, $original_length, $start) = @_;
  my $mapped_pos = 0;

  my @cigar = grep {$_} split(/(\d*[GIDM])/, $cigar_line);
  my $original_count = 0;
  my $mapped_count = 0;
  my $pending_count = 0;

  foreach my $cigar_piece (@cigar) {
    my ($num, $mode) = $cigar_piece =~ /(\d*)([GIDM])/;
    $num = 1 if ($num eq "");
    if ($mode eq "D" or $mode eq "G") {
      $pending_count += $num;
    } elsif ($mode eq "I") {
      $original_count += $num;
    } elsif ($mode eq "M") {
      if ($pending_count) {
        $mapped_count += $pending_count;
        $pending_count = 0;
      if ($original_count + $num < $original_pos) {
        $original_count += $num;
        $mapped_count += $num;
      } else {
        $mapped_count += ($original_pos - $original_count);
        $original_count += ($original_pos - $original_count);
        $mapped_pos = $mapped_count;
    if ($original_count >= $original_pos and $mode eq "I") {
      ## This position matches in an insertion.
## If we are mapping the end position we will prefer the first match in an insertion
## rather than the following ones (except if the following matches in a "M" region).
## On the other hand, if we are mapping the start position, we will prefer the last
## match in an insertion
if ($start or !$mapped_pos) { if ($start and $pending_count) { ## $pending_count corresponds to deletion and needs to be added when mapping the
## start position (we will want the position AFTER the deletion) but not when
## mapping the end position (we will want the position BEFORE the deletion)
$mapped_count += $pending_count; $pending_count = 0; } $mapped_pos = $mapped_count; ## When matching the start position, add 1 as the mapped start will be just after
## this position. If this position appears after the end of the mapped exon, this
## means we fail to map the start position
$mapped_pos ++ if ($start); } ## Try to look further. A second match may happen if this exon is the result of a fusion process
$original_pos += $original_length; } } return $mapped_pos;
sub _merge_Exons {
  my ($set_of_exons, $max_repetition_length, $max_gap_length, $strict_order_of_exon_pieces) = @_;
  my $merged_exons = []; # returned value
my $exon_by_stable_id; # Group exons by stable_id
foreach my $exon (@$set_of_exons) { push(@{$exon_by_stable_id->{$exon->stable_id}}, $exon); } # Merge compatible pieces of exons
foreach my $these_exons (values %$exon_by_stable_id) { if (!grep {defined($_->start)} @$these_exons) { push(@$merged_exons, $these_exons->[0]); next; } # Sort exons according to
$these_exons= [sort {($a->start or 0) <=> ($b->start or 0)} @$these_exons]; while (my $first_exon = shift @$these_exons) { if (!defined($first_exon->start)) { # push(@$merged_exons, $first_exon);
next; } for (my $count=0; $count<@$these_exons; $count++) { my $second_exon = $these_exons->[$count]; # Check strands
next if ($first_exon->strand != $second_exon->strand); my $gap_between_pieces_of_exon = $second_exon->start - $first_exon->end - 1; # Check whether both mapped parts do not overlap
next if ($gap_between_pieces_of_exon < 0); # Check maximum gap between both pieces of exon
next if ($max_gap_length and $gap_between_pieces_of_exon > $max_gap_length); # Check whether both mapped parts are in the right order
if ($strict_order_of_exon_pieces) { if ($first_exon->strand == 1) { next if ($first_exon->get_aligned_start > $second_exon->get_aligned_start); } else { next if ($first_exon->get_aligned_end < $second_exon->get_aligned_end); } } # Check maximum overlapping within original exon, i.e. how much of the
# same exon can be mapped twice
my $repetition_length; if ($first_exon->strand == 1) { $repetition_length = $first_exon->get_aligned_end - $second_exon->get_aligned_start + 1; } else { $repetition_length = $second_exon->get_aligned_end - $first_exon->get_aligned_start + 1; } next if ($repetition_length > $max_repetition_length); ## Merge exons!!
$second_exon = splice(@$these_exons, $count, 1); # remove exon from the list
$count-- if (@$these_exons); $first_exon->end($second_exon->end); if ($first_exon->strand == 1) { $first_exon->append_Exon($second_exon, $gap_between_pieces_of_exon); } else { $first_exon->prepend_Exon($second_exon, $gap_between_pieces_of_exon); } } push(@$merged_exons, $first_exon); } } return $merged_exons;
sub _method_returning_simple_features {
  my $self = shift;
  my $method = shift;
  my $ret = [];

  foreach my $pair (@{$self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs}) {
    my $this_slice = $pair->{slice};
    my $this_mapper = $pair->{mapper};
    my $this_ret = $this_slice->$method(@_);
    foreach my $this_object (@$this_ret) {
      my ($this_start, $this_end);
      if ($this_slice->strand == 1) {
        $this_start = $this_object->slice->start + $this_object->start - 1;
        $this_end = $this_object->slice->start + $this_object->end - 1;
      } else {
        $this_start = $this_object->slice->start + ($this_object->slice->length - $this_object->end);
        $this_end = $this_object->slice->start + ($this_object->slice->length - $this_object->start);
      my @alignment_coords = $this_mapper->map_coordinates(
      my ($start, $end, $strand);
      foreach my $alignment_coord (@alignment_coords) {
        if ($alignment_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) {
          if (!defined($start) or $start > $alignment_coord->start) {
            $start = $alignment_coord->start;
          if (!defined($end) or $end < $alignment_coord->end) {
            $end = $alignment_coord->end;
          if (!defined($strand)) {
            $strand = $alignment_coord->strand * $this_slice->strand;
      my $new_object;
      %$new_object = %$this_object;
      bless $new_object, ref($this_object);
      if (defined($start) and defined($end) and defined($strand)) {
        $new_object->{start} = $start - $self->start + 1;
        $new_object->{end} = $end - $self->start + 1;
        $new_object->{strand} = $strand;
        $new_object->{slice} = $self;
        # Skip this object if it maps outside of this AlignSlice
next if ($new_object->{start} > $self->length or $new_object->{end} < 1); push(@$ret, $new_object); } } } return $ret; } 1;
sub _separate_in_incompatible_sets_of_Exons {
  my ($set_of_exons, $max_repetition_length, $max_intron_length, $strict_order_of_exons) = @_;
  my $sets_of_exons = [];

  my $last_exon;
  my $this_set_of_exons = [];

## Return all the exons by strand.
## - A given exon can be mapped partially on both strands!
if (grep {$_->strand and $_->strand == 1} @$set_of_exons and grep {$_->strand and $_->strand == -1} @$set_of_exons) { ## Keep track of the exons that have been mapped by strand
my $indexes; foreach my $exon (@$set_of_exons) { if ($exon->strand) { $indexes->{$exon->strand}->{$exon->original_rank} = 1; } } my $forward_stranded_set_of_exons; # set of exons to be returned in the forward strand
my $reverse_stranded_set_of_exons; # set of exons to be returned in the reverse strand
foreach my $exon (@$set_of_exons) { my $new_exon = $exon->copy(); if ($exon->strand) { if ($exon->strand == 1) { if ($indexes->{"-1"}->{$exon->original_rank}) { ## This exon has been mapped on the reverse strand as well
push(@$forward_stranded_set_of_exons, $exon); next; } else { ## Undef coordinates of the new exon before adding it to the set
## of reverse stranded exons
$new_exon->start(undef); $new_exon->end(undef); $new_exon->strand(undef); } } else { if ($indexes->{"1"}->{$exon->original_rank}) { ## This exon has been mapped on the forward strand as well
push(@$reverse_stranded_set_of_exons, $new_exon); next; } else { ## Undef coordinates of the new exon before adding it to the set
## of forward stranded exons
$exon->start(undef); $exon->end(undef); $exon->strand(undef); } } } push(@$forward_stranded_set_of_exons, $exon); push(@$reverse_stranded_set_of_exons, $new_exon); } push(@$sets_of_exons, @{_separate_in_incompatible_sets_of_Exons($reverse_stranded_set_of_exons, $max_repetition_length, $max_intron_length, $strict_order_of_exons)}); $set_of_exons = $forward_stranded_set_of_exons; } ##
my $transcript_strand = 1; if (grep {$_->strand and $_->strand == -1} @$set_of_exons) { $transcript_strand = -1; } foreach my $this_exon (_sort_Exons(@$set_of_exons)) { if (!defined($this_exon->start)) { if ($transcript_strand == -1) { ## Insert this exon in the right place
my $inserted = 0; for (my $i=0; $i<@$this_set_of_exons; $i++) { if ($this_set_of_exons->[$i]->original_rank == $this_exon->original_rank - 1) { splice(@$this_set_of_exons, $i, 0, $this_exon); $inserted = 1; last; } } if (!$inserted) { push(@$this_set_of_exons, $this_exon); } } else { ## Append this exon
push(@$this_set_of_exons, $this_exon); } next; } if ($last_exon) { # Calculate intron length
my $intron_length = $this_exon->start - $last_exon->end - 1; # Calculate whether both mapped parts are in the right order
my $order_is_ok = 1; if ($strict_order_of_exons) { if ($this_exon->strand == $this_exon->exon->strand) { $order_is_ok = 0 if ($this_exon->exon->start < $last_exon->exon->start); } else { $order_is_ok = 0 if ($this_exon->exon->start > $last_exon->exon->start); } } my $repetition_length = 0; if ($last_exon->stable_id eq $this_exon->stable_id) { if ($this_exon->strand == 1) { $repetition_length = $last_exon->get_aligned_end - $this_exon->get_aligned_start + 1; } else { $repetition_length = $this_exon->get_aligned_end - $last_exon->get_aligned_start + 1; } } if (($last_exon->strand != $this_exon->strand) or ($intron_length < 0) or ($max_intron_length and ($intron_length > $max_intron_length)) or (!$order_is_ok) or ($repetition_length > $max_repetition_length)) { # this_exon and last_exon should be in separate sets. Save current
# set_of_exons and start a new set_of_exons
push(@$sets_of_exons, $this_set_of_exons); $this_set_of_exons = []; } } push(@$this_set_of_exons, $this_exon); $last_exon = $this_exon; } push(@$sets_of_exons, $this_set_of_exons); return $sets_of_exons;
sub _sort_Exons {
  my @exons = @_;
  my @sorted_exons = ();

  my $transcript_strand = 1;
  if (grep {$_->strand and $_->strand == -1} @exons) {
    $transcript_strand = -1;

  my @mapped_exons = grep {defined($_->start)} @exons;
  my @unmapped_exons = grep {!defined($_->start)} @exons;

  @mapped_exons = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @mapped_exons;
  my $sorted_exons_by_rank;
  foreach my $mapped_exon (@mapped_exons) {
    my $rank = $mapped_exon->original_rank;
    # the same exon can be mapped twice!
push(@{$sorted_exons_by_rank->{$rank}}, $mapped_exon); } @unmapped_exons = sort {$a->original_rank <=> $b->original_rank} @unmapped_exons; foreach my $unmapped_exon (@unmapped_exons) { my $rank = $unmapped_exon->original_rank; do { if (defined($sorted_exons_by_rank->{$rank})) { push(@{$sorted_exons_by_rank->{$rank}}, $unmapped_exon); $rank = 0; } elsif ($rank == 1) { if ($transcript_strand == 1) { push(@{$sorted_exons_by_rank->{$rank}}, $unmapped_exon); } else { $rank++ while(!defined($sorted_exons_by_rank->{$rank})); splice(@{$sorted_exons_by_rank->{$rank}}, 1, 0, $unmapped_exon); } $rank = 0; } $rank--; } while ($rank > 0); } foreach my $exons (sort { if (defined($a->[0]->start) and defined($b->[0]->start)) { $a->[0]->start <=> $b->[0]->start; } else { $a->[0]->original_rank <=> $b->[0]->original_rank; } } values %$sorted_exons_by_rank) { push(@sorted_exons, @{$exons}); } return @sorted_exons;
sub add_Slice_Mapper_pair {
  my ($self, $slice ,$mapper, $start, $end, $strand) = @_;

  if (!$slice or !ref($slice) or !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")) {
    throw("[$slice] must be a Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice object");
  if (!$mapper or !ref($mapper) or !$mapper->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper")) {
    throw("[$slice] must be a Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper object");

  push(@{$self->{slice_mapper_pairs}}, {
          slice => $slice,
          mapper => $mapper,
          start => $start,
          end => $end,
          strand => $strand,

  return $self->{slice_mapper_pairs};
sub display_Slice_name {
  my ($self, $display_slice_name) = @_;

  if (defined($display_slice_name)) {
    $self->{display_Slice_name} = $display_slice_name;

  return $self->{display_Slice_name};
sub expand {
  my $self = shift;
  warning("Cannot expand a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object"); 
  return undef;
sub genome_db {
  my ($self, $genome_db) = @_;

  if (defined($genome_db)) {
    throw("[$genome_db] must bu a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomeDB object")
      unless ($genome_db and ref($genome_db) and $genome_db->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomeDB"));
    $self->{genome_db} = $genome_db;

  return $self->{genome_db};
sub get_all_Attributes {
  my $self = shift;
  my $attributes = [];

  foreach my $pair (@{$self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs}) {
    my $this_slice = $pair->{slice};
    push(@$attributes, @{$this_slice->get_all_Attributes(@_)});
  return $attributes;
sub get_all_Genes {
  my ($self, $logic_name, $dbtype, $load_transcripts, @parameters) = @_;

  $logic_name ||= "";
  $dbtype ||= "core";
  my ($max_repetition_length,
      $return_unmapped_exons) = rearrange([qw(
      )], @parameters);
  my $max_gap_length = 0;
  my $max_intron_length = 0;

  $max_repetition_length = 100 if (!defined($max_repetition_length));
  $strict_order_of_exon_pieces = 1 if (!defined($strict_order_of_exon_pieces));
  $strict_order_of_exons = 0 if (!defined($strict_order_of_exons));
  $return_unmapped_exons = 1 if (!defined($return_unmapped_exons));

  my $key = 'key_'.

  if (!defined($self->{$key})) {
    my $all_genes = [];

    my $all_pairs = $self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs;
    return [] if (!$all_pairs or !@$all_pairs);

    ## Create larger Slices in order to speed up fetching of genes
my $all_slices_coordinates; my $this_slice_coordinates; my $this_slice_adaptor = $all_pairs->[0]->{slice}->adaptor; foreach my $pair (sort { $a->{slice}->seq_region_name cmp $b->{slice}->seq_region_name or $a->{slice}->start <=> $b->{slice}->start } @$all_pairs) { # print STDERR "Foreach pair ($pair)... $pair->{slice}->{seq_region_name} $pair->{slice}->{start}\n";
my $this_slice = $pair->{slice}; if ($this_slice_coordinates and ($this_slice_coordinates->{seq_region_name} eq $this_slice->seq_region_name) and (($this_slice->start - $this_slice_coordinates->{end}) < 10000000)) { ## lengthen current slice_coordinates
$this_slice_coordinates->{end} = $this_slice->end; } else { ## save a deep copy (if needed) and reset current slice_coordinates
if ($this_slice_coordinates->{seq_region_name}) { my $new_slice_coordinates = { "coord_system_name" => $this_slice_coordinates->{coord_system_name}, "seq_region_name" => $this_slice_coordinates->{seq_region_name}, "start" => $this_slice_coordinates->{start}, "end" => $this_slice_coordinates->{end}, "pairs" => $this_slice_coordinates->{pairs} }; push(@$all_slices_coordinates, $new_slice_coordinates); } $this_slice_coordinates->{coord_system_name} = $this_slice->coord_system_name; $this_slice_coordinates->{seq_region_name} = $this_slice->seq_region_name; $this_slice_coordinates->{start} = $this_slice->start; $this_slice_coordinates->{end} = $this_slice->end; $this_slice_coordinates->{pairs} = []; } ## Add this pair to the set of pairs of the current slice_coordinates
push(@{$this_slice_coordinates->{pairs}}, $pair); } push(@$all_slices_coordinates, $this_slice_coordinates) if ($this_slice_coordinates); foreach $this_slice_coordinates (@$all_slices_coordinates) { # print STDERR "Foreach this_slice_coordinates...\n";
my $this_slice = $this_slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region( $this_slice_coordinates->{coord_system_name}, $this_slice_coordinates->{seq_region_name}, $this_slice_coordinates->{start}, $this_slice_coordinates->{end} ); ## Do not load transcripts immediately or the cache could produce
## some troubles in some special cases! Moreover, in this way we will have
## the genes, the transcripts and the exons in the same slice!!
my $these_genes = $this_slice->get_all_Genes($logic_name, $dbtype); foreach my $pair (@{$this_slice_coordinates->{pairs}}) { # print STDERR "Foreach pair ($pair)...\n";
foreach my $this_gene (@$these_genes) { # print STDERR "1. GENE: $this_gene->{stable_id} ($this_gene->{start} - $this_gene->{end})\n";
my $mapped_gene = $self->_get_mapped_Gene($this_gene, $pair, $return_unmapped_exons); # print STDERR "2. GENE: $mapped_gene->{stable_id} ($mapped_gene->{start} - $mapped_gene->{end})\n";
# $mapped_gene = $self->_get_mapped_Gene($this_gene, $pair);
if ($mapped_gene and @{$mapped_gene->get_all_Transcripts}) { push(@$all_genes, $mapped_gene); } } } } $all_genes = $self->_compile_mapped_Genes( $all_genes, $max_repetition_length, $max_gap_length, $max_intron_length, $strict_order_of_exon_pieces, $strict_order_of_exons ); $self->{$key} = $all_genes; } return $self->{$key};
sub get_all_Genes_by_type {
  my ($self, $type, $logic_name, $load_transcripts) = @_;

  my @out = grep { $_->biotype eq $type } 
    @{ $self->get_all_Genes($logic_name, undef, $load_transcripts)};

  return\@ out;
sub get_all_RepeatFeatures {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->_method_returning_simple_features("get_all_RepeatFeatures", @_)
sub get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs {
  my ($self, $get_gap_slices) = @_;
  my $slice_mapper_pairs = ($self->{slice_mapper_pairs} or []);
  if (!$get_gap_slices) {
    $slice_mapper_pairs = [grep {$_->{slice}->coord_system_name ne "alignment"} @$slice_mapper_pairs];

  return $slice_mapper_pairs;
sub get_all_VariationFeatures {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->_method_returning_simple_features("get_all_VariationFeatures", @_)
sub get_all_constrained_elements {
  my ($self, $method_link_type, $species_set) = @_;
  my $all_constrained_elements = [];

  return [] if (!$self->{_align_slice});
  my $all_original_constrained_elements = $self->{_align_slice}->
      get_all_constrained_elements($method_link_type, $species_set);
  foreach my $this_constrained_element (@$all_original_constrained_elements) {
    foreach my $this_genomic_align (@{$this_constrained_element->get_all_GenomicAligns}) {
      if ($this_genomic_align->genome_db->name eq $self->genome_db->name) {
        my $constrained_slice = $this_genomic_align->get_Slice;
        my $slices = $self->map_original_Slice($constrained_slice);
        push(@$all_constrained_elements, $this_constrained_element);

  return $all_constrained_elements;
sub get_all_genotyped_VariationFeatures {
  my $self = shift;

  return $self->_method_returning_simple_features("get_all_genotyped_VariationFeatures", @_)
sub get_all_underlying_Slices {
  my ($self, $start, $end, $strand) = @_;
  my $underlying_slices = [];

  $start = 1 if (!defined($start));
  $end ||= $self->length;
  $strand ||= 1;

  ## Fix coordinates (needed for sub_Slices)
if ($self->strand == -1) { $strand = -$strand; my $aux = $start; $start = $self->start + ($self->length - $end); $end = $self->start + ($self->length - $aux); } else { $start += $self->start - 1; $end += $self->start - 1; } my $current_position; # if ($strand == 1) {
$current_position = $start; # } else {
# $current_position = $end;
# }
foreach my $pair (sort {$a->{start} <=> $b->{start}} @{$self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs}) { my $this_slice = $pair->{slice}; my $mapper = $pair->{mapper}; my $slice_start = $pair->{start}; my $slice_end = $pair->{end}; next if ($slice_start > $end or $slice_end < $start); my @sequence_coords = $mapper->map_coordinates( 'alignment', $start, $end, $strand, 'alignment' ); my $this_subseq_start; my $this_subseq_end; my $this_subseq_strand; foreach my $sequence_coord (@sequence_coords) { ## $sequence_coord refer to genomic_align (a slice in the [+] strand)
if ($sequence_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { $this_subseq_start = $sequence_coord->start if (!defined($this_subseq_start) or $this_subseq_start > $sequence_coord->start); $this_subseq_end = $sequence_coord->end if (!defined($this_subseq_end) or $this_subseq_end < $sequence_coord->end); $this_subseq_strand = $sequence_coord->strand if ($sequence_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate") and !defined($this_subseq_strand)); } } # next if (!defined($this_subseq_start)); # if the whole requested region correspond to a gap
my $start_position = ($start>$slice_start)?$start:$slice_start; # in AlignSlice coordinates
my $end_position = ($end<$slice_end)?$end:$slice_end; # in AlignSlice coordinates
# if ($strand == 1) {
if ($start_position > $current_position) { my $this_underlying_slice = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice( -coord_system => $gap_coord_system, -seq_region_name => "GAP", -start => $current_position, -end => $start_position - 1, -strand => 0 ); $this_underlying_slice->{seq} = "." x ($start_position - $current_position); push(@$underlying_slices, $this_underlying_slice); } # } else {
# if ($end_position < $current_position) {
# my $this_underlying_slice = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice(
# -seq_region_name => "GAP",
# -start => $end_position + 1,
# -end => $current_position,
# -strand => 0
# );
# $this_underlying_slice->{seq} = "." x ($current_position - $end_position);
# unshift(@$underlying_slices, $this_underlying_slice);
# }
# }
$current_position = $end_position + 1; my $this_underlying_slice; if (!defined($this_subseq_start)) { $this_underlying_slice = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice( -coord_system => $gap_coord_system, -seq_region_name => "GAP", -start => $start_position, -end => $end_position, -strand => 0 ); $this_underlying_slice->{seq} = "-" x ($end_position - $start_position + 1); } else { $this_underlying_slice = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice( -coord_system => $this_slice->coord_system, -seq_region_name => $this_slice->seq_region_name, -start => $this_subseq_start, -end => $this_subseq_end, -strand => $this_subseq_strand ); $this_underlying_slice->{seq} = $self->subseq($start_position, $end_position, $strand); $this_underlying_slice->{_tree} = $this_slice->{_tree} if (defined($this_slice->{_tree})); } # if ($strand == 1) {
push(@$underlying_slices, $this_underlying_slice); # } else {
# unshift(@$underlying_slices, $this_underlying_slice);
# }
} if ($end >= $current_position) { my $this_underlying_slice = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice( -coord_system => $gap_coord_system, -seq_region_name => "GAP", -seq_region_length => ($end - $current_position + 1), -start => $current_position, -end => $end, -strand => 0 ); $this_underlying_slice->{seq} = "." x ($end - $current_position + 1); push(@$underlying_slices, $this_underlying_slice); } if ($strand == -1) { @$underlying_slices = reverse(@$underlying_slices); } return $underlying_slices;
sub get_cigar_line {
  my ($self, $start, $end, $strand) = @_;

  $start = $self->start;
  $end = $self->end;
  $strand ||= 1;

  ## Fix coordinates (needed for sub_Slices)
if ($self->strand == -1) { $strand = -$strand; my $aux = $start; $start = $self->start + ($self->length - $end); $end = $self->start + ($self->length - $aux); } else { $start += $self->start - 1; $end += $self->start - 1; } my $length = ($end - $start + 1); my $seq = "." x $length; foreach my $pair (sort {$a->{start} <=> $b->{start}} @{$self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs("get_gap_slices")}) { my $this_slice = $pair->{slice}; my $mapper = $pair->{mapper}; my $slice_start = $pair->{start}; my $slice_end = $pair->{end}; next if ($slice_start > $end or $slice_end < $start); # Set slice_start and slice_end in "subseq" coordinates (0 based, for compliance wiht substr() perl func) and trim them
$slice_start -= $start; # $slice_start is now in subseq coordinates
$slice_start = 0 if ($slice_start < 0); $slice_end -= $start; # $slice_end is now in subseq coordinates
$slice_end = $length if ($slice_end > $length); # Invert start and end for the reverse strand
if ($strand == -1) { my $aux = $slice_end; $slice_end = $length - $slice_start; $slice_start = $length - $aux; } my @sequence_coords = $mapper->map_coordinates( 'alignment', $start, $end, $strand, 'alignment' ); #####################
# $this_pos refers to the starting position of the subseq if requesting the forward strand
# or the ending position of the subseq if the reverse strand has been requested:
# $this_pos = 0
# |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
# <----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
# <----------------------------------------------------------------------
# |
# $this_pos = 0
# All remaining coordinates work in the same way except the start and end position
# of the gaps which correspond to the coordinates in the original Slice...
my $this_pos = 0; foreach my $sequence_coord (@sequence_coords) { ## $sequence_coord refer to genomic_align (a slice in the [+] strand)
if ($sequence_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { my $subseq = "N" x ($sequence_coord->length); substr($seq, $this_pos, $sequence_coord->length, $subseq); } else { ## Gap or sequence outside of any alignment
# Get the start and end positions of this gap in "subseq" coordinates
my $this_original_start = $sequence_coord->start - $start; my $this_original_end = $sequence_coord->end - $start; if ($strand == -1) { my $aux = $this_original_end; $this_original_end = $length - $this_original_start; $this_original_start = $length - $aux; } if ($this_original_start <= $slice_end and $this_original_end >= $slice_start) { ## This is a gap
my $start_position_of_gap_seq = $this_pos; my $end_position_of_gap_seq = $this_pos + $sequence_coord->length; if ($start_position_of_gap_seq < $slice_start) { $start_position_of_gap_seq = $slice_start; } if ($end_position_of_gap_seq > $slice_end + 1) { $end_position_of_gap_seq = $slice_end + 1; } my $length_of_gap_seq = $end_position_of_gap_seq - $start_position_of_gap_seq; substr($seq, $start_position_of_gap_seq, $length_of_gap_seq, "-" x $length_of_gap_seq) if ($length_of_gap_seq > 0); } } $this_pos += $sequence_coord->length; } } my $cigar_line = ""; my @pieces = split(/(\-+|\.+)/, $seq); foreach my $piece (@pieces) { my $mode; if ($piece =~ /\./) { $mode = "G"; # D for gaps (deletions)
} elsif ($piece =~ /\-/) { $mode = "D"; # D for gaps (deletions)
} else { $mode = "M"; # M for matches/mismatches
} if (length($piece) == 1) { $cigar_line .= $mode; } elsif (length($piece) > 1) { #length can be 0 if the sequence starts with a gap
$cigar_line .= length($piece).$mode; } } return $cigar_line;
sub get_original_seq_region_position {
  my ($self, $position) = @_;
  my $underlying_slice = $self->get_all_underlying_Slices($position, $position, 1)->[0];

  return ($underlying_slice, $underlying_slice->start);
sub invert {
  warning("Cannot invert a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object"); 
  return undef;
sub map_original_Slice {
  my ($self, $original_slice) = @_;
  my $mapped_slices = [];

  return $mapped_slices if (!defined($original_slice));

  foreach my $pair (@{$self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs}) {
    my $this_slice = $pair->{slice};
    my $mapper = $pair->{mapper};
    my $slice_start = $pair->{start};
    my $slice_end = $pair->{end};
    next if (!$this_slice->coord_system->equals($original_slice->coord_system));
    next if ($this_slice->seq_region_name ne $original_slice->seq_region_name);

    next if ($this_slice->start > $original_slice->end or $this_slice->end < $original_slice->start);

    my @sequence_coords = $mapper->map_coordinates(
    my $mapped_start;
    my $mapped_end;
    my $mapped_strand;
    foreach my $sequence_coord (@sequence_coords) {
      if ($sequence_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) {
        if (!defined($mapped_start) or ($mapped_start > $sequence_coord->start)) {
          $mapped_start = $sequence_coord->start;
        if (!defined($mapped_end) or ($mapped_end < $sequence_coord->end)) {
          $mapped_end = $sequence_coord->end;
        if (!defined($mapped_strand)) {
          $mapped_strand = $sequence_coord->strand;
        } elsif ($mapped_strand != $sequence_coord->strand) {
          warning("strand inversion within a Slice-Mapper pair!");
          $mapped_start = undef;
          $mapped_end = undef;
          $mapped_strand = undef;
    if (defined($mapped_start) and defined($mapped_end) and defined($mapped_strand)) {
      my $sub_slice = $self->sub_Slice($mapped_start, $mapped_end, $mapped_strand);
      push(@$mapped_slices, $sub_slice) if ($sub_slice);

  return $mapped_slices;
sub new {
  my ($class, @args) = @_;

  my $self = {};
  bless $self,$class;

  my ($length, $requesting_slice, $align_slice, $method_link_species_set, $genome_db, $expanded) =
      )], @args);

  my $version = "";
  if ($requesting_slice and ref($requesting_slice) and
      $requesting_slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")) {
    $self->{'requesting_slice'} = $requesting_slice;
    my $name = $requesting_slice->name;
    $name =~ s/\:/_/g;
    $version .= $name;
  weaken($self->{_align_slice} = $align_slice) if ($align_slice);
  if ($method_link_species_set and ref($method_link_species_set) and
      $method_link_species_set->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::MethodLinkSpeciesSet")) {
    $self->{_method_link_species_set} = $method_link_species_set;
    $version .= "+".$method_link_species_set->method_link_type;
    my $species_set = $method_link_species_set->species_set();
    if ($species_set) {
      $species_set = [sort {$a->name cmp $b->name} @{$species_set}];
      $version .= "(\"".join("\"+\"", map {$_->name} @$species_set)."\")";
    if ($expanded) {
      $version .= "+expanded";
    } else {
      $version .= "+condensed";
  my $coord_system = new Bio::EnsEMBL::CoordSystem(
          -NAME => 'align_slice',
          -VERSION => $version,
          -TOP_LEVEL => 0,
          -SEQUENCE_LEVEL => 1,
          -RANK => 1,

  $self->{start} = 1;
  $self->{end} = $length;
  $self->{strand} = 1;
  $self->{adaptor} = undef;
  $self->{coord_system} = $coord_system;
  $self->genome_db($genome_db) if (defined($genome_db));
  $self->{seq_region_name} = (eval{$genome_db->name} or "FakeAlignSlice");
  $self->{display_Slice_name} = $self->{seq_region_name};
  $self->{display_Slice_name} =~ s/ /_/g;
  $self->{seq_region_length} = $length;
#   $self->{located_slices} = [];
if (!$self->genome_db) { throw("You must specify a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomeDB when\n". "creating a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object"); } return $self;
sub project {
  my $self = shift;
  my $cs_name = shift;
  my $cs_version = shift;
  my $projections = [];

  throw('Coord_system name argument is required') if(!$cs_name);

  foreach my $pair (@{$self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs}) {
    my $this_slice = $pair->{slice};
    my $this_mapper = $pair->{mapper};
    my $this_projections = $this_slice->project($cs_name, $cs_version);
    foreach my $this_projection (@$this_projections) {
      my ($this_start, $this_end);
      if ($this_slice->strand == 1) {
        $this_start = $this_slice->start + $this_projection->from_start - 1;
        $this_end = $this_slice->start + $this_projection->from_end - 1;
      } else {
        $this_start = $this_slice->start + ($this_slice->length - $this_projection->from_start);
        $this_end = $this_slice->start + ($this_slice->length - $this_projection->from_end);
      my $new_slice = $this_projection->to_Slice;
      my ($new_start, $new_end);
      my @alignment_coords = $this_mapper->map_coordinates(
      foreach my $alignment_coord (@alignment_coords) {
        if ($alignment_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) {
          $new_start = $alignment_coord->start;
      next if (!defined($new_start));
      @alignment_coords = $this_mapper->map_coordinates(
      foreach my $alignment_coord (@alignment_coords) {
        if ($alignment_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) {
          $new_end = $alignment_coord->start;
      next if (!defined($new_end));

      ## Truncate projection in order to fit into this AlignSlice
if ($new_start > $self->end) { next; ## Maps outside of sub_AlignSlice
} elsif ($new_start < $self->start) { if ($new_slice->strand == -1) { $new_slice = $new_slice->sub_Slice(1, $new_slice->length - ($self->start - $new_start)); } else { $new_slice = $new_slice->sub_Slice($self->start - $new_start + 1, $new_slice->length); } $new_start = 1; $new_end = $new_slice->length; } ## Truncate projection in order to fit into this AlignSlice
if ($new_end < $self->start) { next; ## Maps outside of sub_AlignSlice
} elsif ($new_end > $self->length) { # We have to truncate this projection
if ($new_slice->strand == -1) { $new_slice = $new_slice->sub_Slice(1 + $new_end - $self->length, $new_slice->length); } else { $new_slice = $new_slice->sub_Slice(1, $new_slice->length - ($new_end - $self->length)); } $new_end = $self->length; } my $new_projection = bless([$new_start, $new_end, $new_slice], "Bio::EnsEMBL::ProjectionSegment"); push(@$projections, $new_projection); } } return $projections;
sub seq {
  my $self = shift;
  my $start = 1;
  my $end = $self->length;
  my $strand = 1; # strand is reversed in the subseq method if needed
return $self->{seq} if (defined($self->{seq})); $self->{seq} = $self->subseq($start, $end, $strand); return $self->{seq};
sub sub_Slice {
  my ( $self, $start, $end, $strand ) = @_;

  if( $start < 1 || $start > $self->{'end'} ) {
    # throw( "start argument not valid" );
return undef; } if( $end < $start || $end > $self->{'end'} ) { # throw( "end argument not valid" )
return undef; } my ($new_start, $new_end, $new_strand); if (!defined($strand)) { $strand = 1; } if( $self->{'strand'} == 1 ) { $new_start = $self->{'start'} + $start - 1; $new_end = $self->{'start'} + $end - 1; $new_strand = $strand; } else { $new_start = $self->{'end'} - $end + 1;; $new_end = $self->{'end'} - $start + 1; $new_strand = -$strand; } #fastest way to copy a slice is to do a shallow hash copy
my %new_slice = %$self; ## Delete cached genes
foreach my $key (grep {/^key_/} keys %new_slice) { delete($new_slice{$key}); } $new_slice{'seq'} = undef; $new_slice{'start'} = int($new_start); $new_slice{'end'} = int($new_end); $new_slice{'strand'} = $new_strand; return bless\% new_slice, ref($self);
sub subseq {
  my ($self, $start, $end, $strand) = @_;

  $start = 1 if (!defined($start));
  $end ||= $self->length;
  $strand ||= 1;

  ## Fix coordinates (needed for sub_Slices)
if ($self->strand == -1) { $strand = -$strand; my $aux = $start; $start = $self->start + ($self->length - $end); $end = $self->start + ($self->length - $aux); } else { $start += $self->start - 1; $end += $self->start - 1; } my $length = ($end - $start + 1); my $seq = "." x $length; foreach my $pair (sort {$a->{start} <=> $b->{start}} @{$self->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs()}) { my $this_slice = $pair->{slice}; my $mapper = $pair->{mapper}; my $slice_start = $pair->{start}; my $slice_end = $pair->{end}; next if ($slice_start > $end or $slice_end < $start); my $this_slice_seq = $this_slice->seq(); # Set slice_start and slice_end in "subseq" coordinates (0 based, for compliance wiht substr() perl func) and trim them
$slice_start -= $start; # $slice_start is now in subseq coordinates
$slice_start = 0 if ($slice_start < 0); $slice_end -= $start; # $slice_end is now in subseq coordinates
$slice_end = $length if ($slice_end > $length); # Invert start and end for the reverse strand
if ($strand == -1) { my $aux = $slice_end; $slice_end = $length - $slice_start; $slice_start = $length - $aux; } my @sequence_coords = $mapper->map_coordinates( 'alignment', $start, $end, $strand, 'alignment' ); #####################
# $this_pos refers to the starting position of the subseq if requesting the forward strand
# or the ending position of the subseq if the reverse strand has been requested:
# $this_pos = 0
# |
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
# <----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------->
# <----------------------------------------------------------------------
# |
# $this_pos = 0
# All remaining coordinates work in the same way except the start and end position
# of the gaps which correspond to the coordinates in the original Slice...
my $this_pos = 0; foreach my $sequence_coord (@sequence_coords) { ## $sequence_coord refer to genomic_align (a slice in the [+] strand)
if ($sequence_coord->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate")) { my $subseq; if ($this_slice->strand == 1) { $subseq = substr($this_slice_seq, $sequence_coord->start - $this_slice->start, $sequence_coord->length); if ($sequence_coord->strand * $pair->{strand} == -1) { $subseq = reverse($subseq); $subseq =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; } } else { $subseq = substr($this_slice_seq, $this_slice->end - $sequence_coord->end, $sequence_coord->length); if ($sequence_coord->strand * $pair->{strand} == -1) { $subseq = reverse($subseq); $subseq =~ tr/ACGTacgt/TGCAtgca/; } } substr($seq, $this_pos, $sequence_coord->length, $subseq); } else { ## Gap or sequence outside of any alignment
# Get the start and end positions of this gap in "subseq" coordinates
my $this_original_start = $sequence_coord->start - $start; my $this_original_end = $sequence_coord->end - $start; if ($strand == -1) { my $aux = $this_original_end; $this_original_end = $length - $this_original_start; $this_original_start = $length - $aux; } if ($this_original_start <= $slice_end and $this_original_end >= $slice_start) { ## This is a gap
my $start_position_of_gap_seq = $this_pos; my $end_position_of_gap_seq = $this_pos + $sequence_coord->length; if ($start_position_of_gap_seq < $slice_start) { $start_position_of_gap_seq = $slice_start; } if ($end_position_of_gap_seq > $slice_end + 1) { $end_position_of_gap_seq = $slice_end + 1; } my $length_of_gap_seq = $end_position_of_gap_seq - $start_position_of_gap_seq; substr($seq, $start_position_of_gap_seq, $length_of_gap_seq, "-" x $length_of_gap_seq) if ($length_of_gap_seq > 0); } } $this_pos += $sequence_coord->length; } } return $seq;
General documentation
This module inherits methods and attributes from Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice module.
Javier Herrero (
Copyright (c) 2004. EnsEMBL Team
You may distribute this module under the same terms as perl itself
This modules is part of the EnsEMBL project ()
Questions can be posted to the ensembl-dev mailing list:
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
  Arg[1]     : [optional] bool $get_gap_slices
Example : $slice_mapper_pairs = $slice->get_all_Slice_Mapper_pairs();
Description: Returns all pairs of Slices and Mappers attached to this
The $get_gap_slice flag is normally used internally to get the
the gap slices. These are created when the alignment(s)
underlying the AlignSlice correspond to gaps only in one or more
species. These are used to tell the difference between gap due to
lack of alignments and gaps due to the alignments. If you set this
this flag to true you will get these gap slices back but it is your
responsability to deal with these gap slices properly.
Returntype : list ref of hashes which keys are "slice", "mapper", "start",
"end" and "strand". Each hash corresponds to a pair of Slice
and Mapper and the coordintes needed to locate the Slice in
the AlignSlice::Slice.
start and end refer to the Coordinate System. If you are using
a sub_Slice, this method will be using the coordinates of the
original Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice object!
Exceptions : return a ref to an empty list if no pairs have been attached
so far.
 All the methods that need acces to the database (the adaptor) and which
are not listed here are not supported!!