Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL ConservationScoreAdaptor
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Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::DBSQL::ConservationScoreAdaptor - Object adaptor to access data in the conservation_score table
Package variables
Privates (from "my" definitions)
$_pack_size = 4
$_score_index = 0
$_no_score_value = undef
$_pack_type = "f"
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning info deprecate )
POSIX qw ( floor )
  Connecting to the database using the Registry
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry; my $reg = "Bio::EnsEMBL::Registry"; $reg->load_registry_from_db(-host=>"", -user=>"anonymous"); my $conservation_score_adaptor = $reg->get_adaptor( "Multi", "compara", "ConservationScore"); Store data in the database $conservation_score_adaptor->store($conservation_score); To retrieve score data from the database using the default display_size $conservation_scores = $conservation_score_adaptor->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice($method_link_species_set, $slice); To retrieve one score per base in the slice $conservation_scores = $conservation_score_adaptor->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice($method_link_species_set, $slice, $slice->end-$slice->start+1); Print the scores foreach my $score (@$conservation_scores) { printf("position %d observed %.4f expected %.4f difference %.4f\n", $score->position, $score->observed_score, $score->expected_score, $score->diff_score); } A simple example script for extracting scores from a slice can be found in ensembl-compara/scripts/examples/
This module is used to access data in the conservation_score table.
Each score is represented by a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore. The position and an observed, expected score and a difference score (expected-observed) is stored for each column in a multiple alignment. Not all bases in an alignment have a score (for example, if there is insufficient coverage) and termed here as 'uncalled'.
In order to speed up processing of the scores over large regions, the scores are stored in the database averaged over window_sizes of 1 (no averaging), 10, 100 and 500. When retrieving the scores, the most appropriate window_size is estimated from the length of the alignment or slice and the number of scores requested, given by the display_size. There is no need to specify the window_size directly. If the number of scores requested (display_size) is smaller than the alignment length or slice length, the scores will be either averaged if display_type = "AVERAGE" or the maximum value taken if display_type = "MAX". Scores in uncalled regions are not returned. If a score for each column in an alignment is required, the display_size should be set to be the same size as the alignment length or slice length.
No description
No description
Methods description
_fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlockId_WindowSizecode    nextTop
  Arg  1     : integer $genomic_align_block_id 
Arg 2 : integer $window_size
Arg 3 : (opt) boolean $packed (default 0)
Example : my $conservation_scores =
Description: Retrieve the corresponding
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects.
Returntype : ref. to an array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects. If $packed is true, return the scores in a packed format given by $_pack_size and $_pack_type.
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
  Arg  1     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores
Example : my ($min, $max) = _find_min_max_score($scores);
Description: find the min and max scores used for y axis scaling
Returntype : (float, float)
Exceptions :
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores
Arg 2 : int $num_scores (number of scores in the array)
Arg 3 : int $score_lengths number of scores in each row of the array
Arg 4 : int $pos (position to find)
Arg 5 : int $win_size (window size)
Example : $exp_scores = _unpack_scores($scores);
Description: find the score index (row) that contains $pos in alignment coords Returntype : int
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : string $cigar_line (cigar string from current alignment block)
Arg 2 : int $start_region (start of genomic_align_block (chr coords))
Arg 3 : int $end_region (end of genomic_align_block (chr coords))
Arg 4 : int $start_slice (start of slice (chr coords)
Arg 5 : int $end_slice (end of slice (chr coords))
Arg 6 : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores
Arg 7 : int $genomic_align_block_id (genomic align block id of current alignment block)
Arg 8 : int $genomic_align_block_length (length of current alignment block)
Arg 9 : string $display_type (either AVERAGE or MAX (plot average or max value))
Arg 10 : int $win_size (window size used)
Arg 11 : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores in slice coords
Example : $scores = $self->_get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line($genomic_align->cigar_line, $genomic_align->dnafrag_start, $genomic_align->dnafrag_end, $slice->start, $slice->end, $conservation_scores, $genomic_align_block->dbID, $genomic_align_block->length, $display_type, $window_size, $scores); Description: Convert conservation scores from alignment coordinates into species specific chromosome (slice) coordinates for an alignment genomic_align_block Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : string $cigar_line (cigar string from current alignment block)
Arg 2 : int $start_region (start of genomic_align_block (chr coords))
Arg 3 : int $end_region (end of genomic_align_block (chr coords))
Arg 4 : int $start_slice (start of slice (chr coords)
Arg 5 : int $end_slice (end of slice (chr coords))
Arg 6 : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores
Arg 7 : int $genomic_align_block_id (genomic align block id of current alignment block)
Arg 8 : int $genomic_align_block_length (length of current alignment block)
Arg 9 : string $display_type (either AVERAGE or MAX (plot average or max value))
Arg 10 : int $win_size (window size used)
Arg 11 : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores in slice coords
Example : $scores = $self->_get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line_fast($genomic_align->cigar_line, $genomic_align->dnafrag_start, $genomic_align->dnafrag_end, $slice->start, $slice->end, $conservation_scores, $genomic_align_block->dbID, $genomic_align_block->length, $display_type, $window_size, $scores); Description: Faster method to than _get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line. This method does not bin the scores and can be used if only require one score per base in the alignment Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores Exceptions : none Caller : general Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores
Arg 2 : int $align_start (start position in alignment coords)
Arg 3 : int $align_end (end position in alignment coords)
Arg 4 : string $display_type (either AVERAGE or MAX (plot average or max value))
Arg 5 : int $win_size (window size used)
Arg 6 : ref to Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignBlock object
Example : $scores = $self->_get_alignment_scores($conservation_scores,
1, 100000, "AVERAGE", 10, $genomic_align_block);
Description: get scores for an alignment in alignment coordinates
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores in alignment coordinates
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : ref to Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::MethodLinkSpeciesSet object
Arg 2 : ref to Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice object
Example : my $light_genomic_aligns = $self->_get_all_ref_genomic_aligns($ma_mlss, $slice);
Description: Retrieve from the database some genomic_align information
relating to only the slice species.
Returntype : listref of hash containing a subset of genomic_align fields
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores
Arg 2 : boolean $packed (0 if not packed, 1 if packed)
Example : $conservation_scores = _reverse($conservation_scores);
Description: print scores (unpack first if necessary)
Returntype : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects $scores
Arg 2 : int $genomic_align_block_length (number of scores)
Example : $conservation_scores = _reverse($conservation_scores);
Description: reverse the conservation scores for complemented sequences
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects
Exceptions :
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : string $scores
Example : $exp_scores = _unpack_scores($scores);
Description: unpack score values retrieved from a database
Returntype : space delimited string of floats
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignBlock $genomic_align_block
Arg 2 : (opt) integer $align_start (default 1)
Arg 3 : (opt) integer $align_end (default $genomic_align_block->length)
Arg 4 : (opt) integer $slice_length (default $genomic_align_block->length)
Arg 5 : (opt) integer $display_size (default 700)
Arg 6 : (opt) string $display_type (one of "AVERAGE" or "MAX") (default "AVERAGE")
Arg 7 : (opt) integer $window_size
Example : my $conservation_scores =
$conservation_score_adaptor->fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlock($genomic_align_block, $align_start, $align_end, $slice_length, $slice_length);
Description: Retrieve the corresponding
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects.
Each conservation score object contains a position in alignment
coordinates, the observed_score, the expected_score and the
diff_score (conservation score) calculated as
(expected_score - observed_score).
The $align_start and $align_end parameters give the start and
end of a region within a genomic_align_block and should be in
alignment coordinates.
The $slice_length is the total length of the region to be
displayed and may span several individual genomic align blocks.
It is used to automatically calculate the window_size.
Display_size is the number of scores that will be returned. If
the $slice_length is larger than the $display_size, the scores
will either be averaged if the display_type is "AVERAGE" or the
maximum taken if display_type is "MAXIMUM".
Window_size defines which set of pre-averaged scores to use.
Valid values are 1, 10, 100 or 500. There is no need to define
the window_size because the program will select the most
appropriate window_size to use based on the slice_length and the
Alignment positions which have no scores are not returned.
The min and max y axis values for
the array of conservation score objects are set in the first
conservation score object (index 0).
Returntype : ref. to an array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore
Caller : object::methodname
Status : At risk
  Arg  1     : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::MethodLinkSpeciesSet $method_link_species_set 
Arg 2 : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
Arg 3 : (opt) integer $display_size (default 700)
Arg 4 : (opt) string $display_type (one of "AVERAGE" or "MAX") (default "AVERAGE")
Arg 5 : (opt) integer $window_size
Exceptions : warning if window_size is not valid
Example : my $conservation_scores =
$conservation_score_adaptor->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice($method_link_species_set, $slice, $slice->end-$slice->start+1);
Description: Retrieve the corresponding
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects.
Each conservation score object contains a position in slice
coordinates, the observed_score, the expected_score and the
diff_score (or conservation score) calculated as the
(expected_score - observed_score).
The method_link_species_set is obtained
using the method_link type of "GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE".
For example, this could be obtained for the 10 way PECAN
alignment, using:
my $mlss = $mlss_adaptor->fetch_by_method_link_type_registry_aliases("GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE", ["human", "chimp", "rhesus", "cow", "dog", "mouse", "rat", "opossum", "platypus", "chicken"]);
Display_size defines the number of scores that will be returned. If the slice length is larger than the display_size, the scores will either be averaged if the display_type is "AVERAGE" or the maximum taken if display_type is "MAXIMUM". Window_size defines which set of pre-averaged scores to use. Valid values are 1, 10, 100 or 500 although there is no need to define the window_size because the program will select the most appropriate window_size to use based on the slice length and the display_size for example, a slice length of 1000000 and display_size of 1000 will automatically use a window_size of 500. Slice positions which have no scores are not returned. The min and max y axis values for the array of conservation score objects are set in the first conservation score object (index 0). Returntype : ref. to an array of Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore objects. Caller : object::methodname Status : At risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore $cs
Example : $csa->store($cs);
Description: Stores a conservation score object in the compara database if
it has not been stored already.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : thrown if $genomic_align_block is not a
Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignBlock object
Exceptions : thrown if the argument is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara:ConservationScore
Caller : general
Status : At risk
Methods code
sub _add_to_bucket {
    #bucket structure:
#cnt: keep track of number of scores been added
#start_pos: position of first score in slice coords
#start_seq_region_pos: position of first score in chr coords
#exp_score: sum or max of expected scores
#diff_score: sum or max of difference scores
#called: number of called scores (used to average)
#size: number of bases/bucket
my ($self, $display_type, $exp_score, $diff_score, $chr_pos, $start_slice, $num_buckets, $genomic_align_block_id, $win_size) = @_; my $p = 0; my $s; my $final_exp_score; my $final_diff_score; my $filled_bucket = 0; #bit of a hack to turn 0's stored in the database to undefs
if (defined($diff_score) && $diff_score == 0) { $diff_score = $_no_score_value; } #store start of bucket position
if ($_bucket->{cnt} == 0) { $_bucket->{start_pos} = $chr_pos - $start_slice + 1; $_bucket->{start_seq_region_pos} = $chr_pos; #initialise diff_score for new bucket
if ($display_type eq "AVERAGE") { $_bucket->{exp_score} = 0; $_bucket->{diff_score} = 0; } else { $_bucket->{exp_score} = $exp_score; $_bucket->{diff_score} = $diff_score; } } #convert chr_pos into slice coords
my $end_pos = $chr_pos - $start_slice + 1; my $end_seq_region_pos = $chr_pos; if ($display_type eq "AVERAGE") { #store the scores
if (defined $_no_score_value) { if ($diff_score != $_no_score_value) { $_bucket->{exp_score} += $exp_score; $_bucket->{diff_score} += $diff_score; $_bucket->{called}++; } } else { if (defined $diff_score) { $_bucket->{exp_score} += $exp_score; $_bucket->{diff_score} += $diff_score; $_bucket->{called}++; } } $_bucket->{cnt}++; #check to see if filled bucket NB end_pos is in slice coords
#so multiply size (number of bases/bucket) by number of buckets used so
#far (plus 1 because it starts at 0)
my $num_align_scores = floor($end_pos/ $_bucket->{size});
if ($num_align_scores > $_bucket->{current}) { $_bucket->{current} = $num_align_scores; #take average position
$p = int(($end_pos + $_bucket->{start_pos})/2);
$s = int(($end_seq_region_pos + $_bucket->{start_seq_region_pos})/2);
#take average score
if ($_bucket->{called} == 0) { $final_exp_score = $_no_score_value; $final_diff_score = $_no_score_value; } else { #should average over complete bucket even if not all values are
#$final_score = $_bucket->{diff_score}/$_bucket->{called};
$final_exp_score = $_bucket->{exp_score}/$_bucket->{cnt};
$final_diff_score = $_bucket->{diff_score}/$_bucket->{cnt};
} $filled_bucket = 1; } } else { #find the max score of the difference, and store the exp scores
#for this too.
#bucket->{diff_score} will be undefined if the first score in the
#bucket is undefined.
if (!defined $_bucket->{diff_score} && defined($diff_score)) { $_bucket->{diff_score} = $diff_score; $_bucket->{exp_score} = $exp_score; } if (defined($diff_score) && $_bucket->{diff_score} < $diff_score) { $_bucket->{diff_score} = $diff_score; $_bucket->{exp_score} = $exp_score; } $_bucket->{cnt}++; #check to see if filled bucket NB end_pos is in slice coords
#so multiply size (number of bases/bucket) by number of buckets used so
#far (plus 1 because it starts at 0)
if ($end_pos >= ($_bucket->{size} * ($num_buckets+1))) { $p = int(($end_pos + $_bucket->{start_pos})/2);
$s = int(($end_seq_region_pos + $_bucket->{start_seq_region_pos})/2);
$final_exp_score = $_bucket->{exp_score}; $final_diff_score = $_bucket->{diff_score}; $filled_bucket = 1; } } #if bucket is full, create a new conservation score
#if (defined $final_diff_score) {
if ($filled_bucket) { my $aligned_score = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore->new_fast( {'adaptor' => $self, 'genomic_align_block_id' => $genomic_align_block_id, 'window_size' => $win_size, 'position' => ($p or 1), 'seq_region_pos' => $s, 'diff_score' => $final_diff_score, 'expected_score' => $final_exp_score} ); $_bucket->{exp_score} = 0; $_bucket->{diff_score} = 0; $_bucket->{cnt} = 0; $_bucket->{called} = 0; $filled_bucket = 0; return $aligned_score; } #return 0 if not filled bucket
return 0;
sub _fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlockId_WindowSize {
    my ($self, $genomic_align_block_id, $window_size, $packed) = @_;
    my $conservation_scores = [];
    my $exp_scores;
    my $diff_scores;
    #whether to return the scores in packed or unpacked format
#default to unpacked (space delimited string of floats)
if (!defined $packed) { $packed = 0; } my $sql = qq{ SELECT genomic_align_block_id, window_size, position, expected_score, diff_score FROM conservation_score WHERE genomic_align_block_id = ? AND window_size = ? }; my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($genomic_align_block_id, $window_size); my $conservation_score; while (my @values = $sth->fetchrow_array()) { if (!$packed) { $exp_scores = _unpack_scores($values[3]); $diff_scores = _unpack_scores($values[4]); } else { $exp_scores = $values[3]; $diff_scores = $values[4]; } $conservation_score = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore->new_fast( {'adaptor' => $self, 'genomic_align_block_id' => $values[0], 'window_size' => $values[1], 'position' => ($values[2] or 1), 'expected_score' => $exp_scores, 'diff_score' => $diff_scores, 'packed' => $packed}); push(@$conservation_scores, $conservation_score); } #sort into numerical order based on position
my @sorted_scores = sort {$a->{position} <=> $b->{position}} @$conservation_scores; return\@ sorted_scores;
sub _find_min_max_score {
    my ($scores) = @_;
    my $min; 
    my $max;

    foreach my $score (@$scores) {
	#find min and max of diff scores
if (defined $score->diff_score) { #if min hasn't been defined yet, then define min and max
unless (defined $min) { $min = $score->diff_score; $max = $score->diff_score; } if ($min > $score->diff_score) { $min = $score->diff_score; } if ($max < $score->diff_score) { $max = $score->diff_score; } } } return ($min, $max);
sub _find_score_index {
    my ($scores, $num_scores, $score_lengths, $pos, $win_size) = @_;
    my $i;
    my $length;

    #find the score index (row) that contains $pos in alignment coords
#use global variable $_score_index to keep track of where I am in the scores
#special case for first window size
if ($pos < $scores->[0]->{position} && $pos > ($scores->[0]->{position} - $win_size)) { return 0; } for ($i = $_score_index; $i < $num_scores; $i++) { my $this_position = $scores->[$i]->{position}; $length = ($score_lengths->[$i] - 1) * $win_size; if ($pos >= $this_position && $pos <= $this_position + $length) { $_score_index = $i; return ($i); } #smaller than end so there is no score for this position
if ($pos < ($this_position + $length)) { $_score_index = $i; return -1; } } return -1;
sub _get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line {
    my ($self, $cigar_line, $start_region, $end_region, $start_slice, $end_slice, $scores, $genomic_align_block_id, $genomic_align_block_length, $display_type, $win_size, $aligned_scores) = @_;

    return undef if (!$cigar_line);
    my $num_aligned_scores = scalar(@$aligned_scores);
    my @cig = ( $cigar_line =~ /(\d*[GMDIX])/g );

    #start and end of region in alignment coords
my $align_start = 1; my $align_end = $genomic_align_block_length; my $aligned_score; my $cs_index; #conservation score row index
my $num_scores = scalar(@$scores); #number of conservation score rows
#position in alignment coords to the end of cigar block
my $total_pos; #position in chromosome coords to the end of cigar block
my $total_chr_pos = $start_region; my $current_pos; #current position in alignment coords
my $chr_pos = $start_region; #current position in chromosome coords
my $prev_position = 0; #remember previous chr position for dealing with deletions
my $cigType; #type of cigar element
my $cigLength; #length of cigar element
my $i; my $csBlockCnt; #offset into conservation score string
my $diff_score; #store difference score
my @diff_scores; my $exp_score; #store expected score
my @exp_scores; #start and end of the alignment in chromosome coords
my $chr_start = $start_region; my $chr_end = $end_region; #set start and end to be the minimum of alignment or slice
if ($start_slice > $start_region) { $chr_start = $start_slice; } if ($end_slice < $end_region) { $chr_end = $end_slice; } #store the number of values in each row in the score array
my $score_lengths; for (my $j = 0; $j < $num_scores; $j++) { my $length = 0; if (defined($scores->[$j]->diff_score)) { if ($PACKED) { $length = length($scores->[$j]->diff_score)/$_pack_size;
} else { my @split_scores = split ' ', $scores->[$j]->diff_score; $length = scalar(@split_scores); } } push (@$score_lengths, $length); } #fill in region between previous alignment and this alignment with uncalled values
#08.06.07 don't need to add bucket->{cnt} here
#my $prev_chr_pos = $_bucket->{start_seq_region_pos}+$_bucket->{cnt};
my $prev_chr_pos = $_bucket->{start_seq_region_pos}; #08.06.07 Fixed bug: need to add missing values only from
#the next position to chr_start otherwise you use prev_chr_pos twice.
#for (my $i = $prev_chr_pos; $i < $chr_start; $i+=$win_size) {
for (my $i = $prev_chr_pos+$win_size; $i < $chr_start; $i+=$win_size) { $aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, $display_type, $_no_score_value, $_no_score_value, $i, $start_slice, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $win_size); if ($aligned_score) { #need this to ensure that the aligned_scores array is the
#correct size (passed into _add_to_bucket)
push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } } #convert start_region into alignment coords and initialise total_chr_pos
while ($total_chr_pos <= $chr_start) { my $cigElem = $cig[$i++]; $cigType = substr( $cigElem, -1, 1 ); $cigLength = substr( $cigElem, 0 ,-1 ); $cigLength = 1 unless ($cigLength =~ /^\d+$/); $current_pos += $cigLength; $total_pos += $cigLength; if( $cigType eq "M" ) { $total_chr_pos += $cigLength; } } #find start of region in alignment coords
my $start_offset = $total_chr_pos - $chr_start; if ($cigType eq "M") { $align_start = (int(($total_pos - $start_offset + $win_size)/$win_size) * $win_size);
} #initialise start of region in chromosome coords
$chr_pos = $chr_start; #loop round in alignment coords, incrementing by win_size until either
#reached the end of the alignment or end of the slice
#12/03/2007 fixed bug in line below, where $chr_pos <= $chr_end. This gave
#one too many scores when the last bucket position equaled the slice length
#eg for slice of 1000, last bucket position = 1000, get 1001 scores but
#slice of 2000, last bucket position 1999, get 1000 scores.
for ($current_pos = $align_start; $current_pos <= $align_end && $chr_pos < $chr_end; $current_pos += $win_size) { #find conservation score row index containing current_pos. Returns -1
#if no score found
$cs_index = _find_score_index($scores, $num_scores, $score_lengths, $current_pos, $win_size); #if a score has been found, find the score in the score string and
#unpack it.
unless ($cs_index == -1) { $csBlockCnt = int(($current_pos - $scores->[$cs_index]->{position})/$win_size);
my $value; if ($PACKED) { $value = substr $scores->[$cs_index]->expected_score, $csBlockCnt*$_pack_size, $_pack_size; $exp_score = unpack($_pack_type, $value); $value = substr $scores->[$cs_index]->diff_score, $csBlockCnt*$_pack_size, $_pack_size; $diff_score = unpack($_pack_type, $value); } else { @exp_scores = split ' ', $scores->[$cs_index]->exp_score; $exp_score = $exp_scores[$csBlockCnt]; @diff_scores = split ' ', $scores->[$cs_index]->diff_score; $diff_score = $diff_scores[$csBlockCnt]; } } #find the next cigar block that is larger than current_pos
while ($total_pos < $current_pos && $chr_pos < $chr_end) { my $cigElem = $cig[$i++]; $cigType = substr( $cigElem, -1, 1 ); $cigLength = substr( $cigElem, 0 ,-1 ); $cigLength = 1 unless ($cigLength =~ /^\d+$/); $total_pos += $cigLength; if( $cigType eq "M" ) { $total_chr_pos += $cigLength; } } #total_pos is > than current_pos, so if in match, must delete this
if ($cigType eq "M") { $chr_pos = $total_chr_pos - ($total_pos - $current_pos + 1); } else { $chr_pos = $total_chr_pos - 1; } #now add the scores to the bucket
if ($cigType eq "M") { if ($cs_index == -1) { #in cigar match but no conservation score so add _no_score_value to the bucket
$aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, $display_type, $_no_score_value,$_no_score_value, $chr_pos, $start_slice, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $win_size); if ($aligned_score) { push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } } else { #in cigar match and have conservation score
$aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, $display_type, $exp_score, $diff_score, $chr_pos, $start_slice, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $win_size); if ($aligned_score) { push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } } } else { #not in cigar match so only add the next conservation score or
#_no_score_value if this isn't a score
if ($prev_position != $chr_pos) { if ($cs_index == -1) { $aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, $display_type, $_no_score_value, $_no_score_value, $chr_pos, $start_slice, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $win_size); if ($aligned_score) { push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } } else { $aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, $display_type, $exp_score, $diff_score, $chr_pos, $start_slice, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $win_size); if ($aligned_score) { push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } } } } $prev_position = $chr_pos; } return $aligned_scores;
sub _get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line_fast {
    my ($self, $cigar_line, $start_region, $end_region, $start_slice, $end_slice, $scores, $genomic_align_block_id, $genomic_align_block_length, $display_type, $win_size, $aligned_scores) = @_;

    return undef if (!$cigar_line);
    my $num_aligned_scores = scalar(@$aligned_scores);
    my @cig = ( $cigar_line =~ /(\d*[GMDIX])/g );

    #start and end of region in alignment coords
my $align_start = 1; my $align_end = $genomic_align_block_length; my $aligned_score; my $cs_index; #conservation score row index
my $num_scores = scalar(@$scores); #number of conservation score rows
#position in alignment coords to the end of cigar block
my $total_pos; #position in chromosome coords to the end of cigar block
my $total_chr_pos = $start_region; my $current_pos; #current position in alignment coords
my $chr_pos = $start_region; #current position in chromosome coords
my $prev_position = 0; #remember previous chr position for dealing with deletions
my $cigType; #type of cigar element
my $cigLength; #length of cigar element
my $i; my $csBlockCnt; #offset into conservation score string
my $diff_score; #store difference score
my @diff_scores; my $exp_score; #store expected score
my @exp_scores; #start and end of the alignment in chromosome coords
my $chr_start = $start_region; my $chr_end = $end_region; #set start and end to be the minimum of alignment or slice
if ($start_slice > $start_region) { $chr_start = $start_slice; } if ($end_slice < $end_region) { $chr_end = $end_slice; } #store the number of values in each row in the score array
my $score_lengths; for (my $j = 0; $j < $num_scores; $j++) { my $length = 0; if (defined($scores->[$j]->diff_score)) { if ($PACKED) { $length = length($scores->[$j]->diff_score)/$_pack_size;
} else { my @split_scores = split ' ', $scores->[$j]->diff_score; $length = scalar(@split_scores); } } push (@$score_lengths, $length); } #convert start_region into alignment coords and initialise total_chr_pos
while ($total_chr_pos <= $chr_start) { my $cigElem = $cig[$i++]; $cigType = substr( $cigElem, -1, 1 ); $cigLength = substr( $cigElem, 0 ,-1 ); $cigLength = 1 unless ($cigLength =~ /^\d+$/); $current_pos += $cigLength; $total_pos += $cigLength; if( $cigType eq "M" ) { $total_chr_pos += $cigLength; } } #find start of region in alignment coords
my $start_offset = $total_chr_pos - $chr_start; if ($cigType eq "M") { $align_start = (int(($total_pos - $start_offset + $win_size)/$win_size) * $win_size);
} #initialise start of region in chromosome coords
$chr_pos = $chr_start; #loop round in alignment coords, incrementing by win_size until either
#reached the end of the alignment or end of the slice
#12/03/2007 fixed bug in line below, where $chr_pos <= $chr_end. This gave
#one too many scores when the last bucket position equaled the slice length
#eg for slice of 1000, last bucket position = 1000, get 1001 scores but
#slice of 2000, last bucket position 1999, get 1000 scores.
for ($current_pos = $align_start; $current_pos <= $align_end && $chr_pos < $chr_end; $current_pos += $win_size) { #find conservation score row index containing current_pos. Returns -1
#if no score found
$cs_index = _find_score_index($scores, $num_scores, $score_lengths, $current_pos, $win_size); #if a score has been found, find the score in the score string and
#unpack it.
unless ($cs_index == -1) { $csBlockCnt = int(($current_pos - $scores->[$cs_index]->{position})/$win_size);
my $value; if ($PACKED) { $value = substr $scores->[$cs_index]->expected_score, $csBlockCnt*$_pack_size, $_pack_size; $exp_score = unpack($_pack_type, $value); $value = substr $scores->[$cs_index]->diff_score, $csBlockCnt*$_pack_size, $_pack_size; $diff_score = unpack($_pack_type, $value); } else { @exp_scores = split ' ', $scores->[$cs_index]->exp_score; $exp_score = $exp_scores[$csBlockCnt]; @diff_scores = split ' ', $scores->[$cs_index]->diff_score; $diff_score = $diff_scores[$csBlockCnt]; } } #find the next cigar block that is larger than current_pos
while ($total_pos < $current_pos && $chr_pos < $chr_end) { my $cigElem = $cig[$i++]; $cigType = substr( $cigElem, -1, 1 ); $cigLength = substr( $cigElem, 0 ,-1 ); $cigLength = 1 unless ($cigLength =~ /^\d+$/); $total_pos += $cigLength; if( $cigType eq "M" ) { $total_chr_pos += $cigLength; } } #total_pos is > than current_pos, so if in match, must delete this
if ($cigType eq "M") { $chr_pos = $total_chr_pos - ($total_pos - $current_pos + 1); } else { $chr_pos = $total_chr_pos - 1; } #now add the scores to the bucket
if ($cigType eq "M") { if ($cs_index != -1) { #in cigar match and have conservation score
#bit of a hack to turn 0's stored in the database to undefs
if (defined($diff_score) && $diff_score == 0) { $diff_score = $_no_score_value; $exp_score = $_no_score_value; } $aligned_score = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore->new_fast( {'adaptor' => $self, 'genomic_align_block_id' => $genomic_align_block_id, 'window_size' => $win_size, 'position' => $chr_pos - $start_slice + 1, 'seq_region_pos' => $chr_pos, 'diff_score' => $diff_score, 'expected_score' => $exp_score} ); push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } } else { #not in cigar match so only add the next conservation score or
#_no_score_value if this isn't a score
if ($prev_position != $chr_pos) { if ($cs_index != -1) { $aligned_score = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore->new_fast( {'adaptor' => $self, 'genomic_align_block_id' => $genomic_align_block_id, 'window_size' => $win_size, 'position' => $chr_pos - $start_slice + 1, 'seq_region_pos' => $chr_pos, 'diff_score' => $diff_score, 'expected_score' => $exp_score} ); push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } } } $prev_position = $chr_pos; } return $aligned_scores;
sub _get_alignment_scores {
    my ($self, $conservation_scores, $align_start, $align_end, $display_type, $window_size, $genomic_align_block) = @_;

    my $num_rows = scalar(@$conservation_scores);
    my @exp_scores;
    my $exp_score;
    my @diff_scores;
    my $diff_score;
    my $aligned_scores = [];
    my $pos;

    my $genomic_align = $genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align;
    my $i = 0;
    my $total_chr_pos = $genomic_align->dnafrag_start;
    my $total_pos;
    my $start_uncalled_region = 0;
    my $end_uncalled_region = 0;

    my $score_lengths;
    my $start_offset = 0;
    my $end_offset = 0;
    my $start = -1; 
    my $end = -1;

    #need to find the start_offset for align_start and end_offset for align_end
#in the conservation score row
for (my $j = 0; $j < $num_rows; $j++) { my $length = 0; if (defined($conservation_scores->[$j]->diff_score)) { if ($PACKED) { $length = length($conservation_scores->[$j]->diff_score)/$_pack_size;
} else { my @split_scores = split ' ', $conservation_scores->[$j]->diff_score; $length = scalar(@split_scores); } } $length = ($length-1) * $window_size; #special case for align_start before the first score position eg when
#have window sizes > 1
if ($start == -1 && $align_start < $conservation_scores->[0]->{position}) { $start = 0; $start_offset = 0; } #align_start within a called region
if ($start == -1 && $align_start >= $conservation_scores->[$j]->{position} && $align_start <= $conservation_scores->[$j]->{position} + $length) { $start= $j; $start_offset= ($align_start - $conservation_scores->[$j]->{position})/$window_size;
} #align_start in an uncalled region
if ($start == -1 && $align_start < ($conservation_scores->[$j]->{position})) { $start= $j; $start_offset = 0; $start_uncalled_region = 1; } #align_end within a called region. And can stop
if ($align_end >= $conservation_scores->[$j]->{position} && $align_end <= $conservation_scores->[$j]->{position} + $length) { $end= $j; $end_offset= int(($align_end - $conservation_scores->[$j]->{position})/$window_size);
last; } #align_end within an uncalled region. And can stop
if ($align_end < ($conservation_scores->[$j]->{position})) { $end= $j-1; $end_offset = 0; $end_uncalled_region = 1; last; } } #haven't found end because it is beyond the last position in
#conservation_scores which can happen for window_sizes > 1
if ($end == -1) { $end = $num_rows-1; $end_offset = int(($align_end - $conservation_scores->[$end]->{position})/$window_size);
} my $genomic_align_block_id = $genomic_align_block->dbID; #go through rows $start to $end
for (my $i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) { my $num_scores = 0; if (defined($conservation_scores->[$i]->diff_score)) { if ($PACKED) { $num_scores = length($conservation_scores->[$i]->diff_score)/$_pack_size;
} else { @exp_scores = split ' ', $conservation_scores->[$i]->exp_score; @diff_scores = split ' ', $conservation_scores->[$i]->diff_score; $num_scores = scalar(@diff_scores); } } #last row. If align_end is within a called region, need to recalculate
if ($i == $end && !$end_uncalled_region) { #num_scores can never be greater than scalar(@diff_scores)
if ($end_offset+1 < $num_scores) { $num_scores = $end_offset+1; } } $pos = $conservation_scores->[$i]->{position}; #first time round start at offset if align_start is within a called
for (my $j = int($start_offset); $j < $num_scores; $j++) { #increment pos by start_offset
$pos += ($start_offset*$window_size); #set offset to 0 for all other rows
$start_offset = 0; if ($PACKED) { my $value; $value = substr $conservation_scores->[$i]->expected_score, $j*$_pack_size, $_pack_size; $exp_score = unpack($_pack_type, $value); $value = substr $conservation_scores->[$i]->diff_score, $j*$_pack_size, $_pack_size; $diff_score = unpack($_pack_type, $value); } else { $exp_score = $exp_scores[$j]; $diff_score = $diff_scores[$j]; } my $aligned_score = 0; $aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, $display_type, $exp_score, $diff_score, $pos - $align_start + 1, 1, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $window_size); if ($aligned_score) { push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); } $pos+=$window_size; } #add uncalled scores for regions between called blocks
my $next_pos; if ($i < $end) { $next_pos = $conservation_scores->[$i+1]->{position}; } else { $next_pos = $align_end+1; } for (my $j = $pos; $j < $next_pos; $j+=$window_size) { my $aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, $display_type, $_no_score_value, $_no_score_value, ($j - $align_start + 1), 1, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $window_size); if ($aligned_score) { push(@$aligned_scores, $aligned_score); last; } } } #foreach my $s (@$aligned_scores) {
#print STDERR "score " . $s->position . " " . $s->diff_score . "\n";
#hack to remove zeros after they've been added. Better to not add them
#in the first place (but haven't got the code working yet)
#remove _no_score_values from aligned_scores array
$i = 0; while ($i < scalar(@$aligned_scores)) { if (!defined($_no_score_value) && !defined($aligned_scores->[$i]->diff_score)) { splice @$aligned_scores, $i, 1; } elsif (defined($_no_score_value) && $aligned_scores->[$i]->diff_score == $_no_score_value) { splice @$aligned_scores, $i, 1; } else { $i++; } } #need to shift positions if align_start is in an uncalled region because
#need to add the uncalled positions up to the start of the next called
# for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@$aligned_scores); $i++) {
# $aligned_scores->[$i]->{position} = $aligned_scores->[$i]->{position}-$align_start+1;
# }
return $aligned_scores;
sub _get_all_ref_genomic_aligns {
    my ($self, $mlss, $slice) = @_;

    my $light_genomic_aligns = []; # Returned value
my $slice_adaptor = $slice->adaptor(); if(!$slice_adaptor) { warning("Slice has no attached adaptor. Cannot get Compara alignments."); return $light_genomic_aligns; } my $gdb_a = $self->db->get_GenomeDBAdaptor(); my $meta_container = $slice->adaptor->db->get_MetaContainer(); my $primary_species_name = $gdb_a->get_species_name_from_core_MetaContainer($meta_container); my ($highest_cs) = @{$slice_adaptor->db->get_CoordSystemAdaptor->fetch_all()}; my $primary_species_assembly = $highest_cs->version(); my $genome_db_adaptor = $self->db->get_GenomeDBAdaptor; my $genome_db = $genome_db_adaptor->fetch_by_name_assembly( $primary_species_name, $primary_species_assembly); my $dnafrag_adaptor = $self->db->get_DnaFragAdaptor; my $dnafrag = $dnafrag_adaptor->fetch_by_GenomeDB_and_name( $genome_db, $slice->seq_region_name); next if (!$dnafrag); my $max_alignment_length = $mlss->max_alignment_length; my $lower_bound = $slice->start - $max_alignment_length; my $sql = qq{ SELECT genomic_align_block_id, dnafrag_start, dnafrag_end, dnafrag_strand, cigar_line, length FROM genomic_align LEFT JOIN genomic_align_block USING (genomic_align_block_id) WHERE genomic_align.method_link_species_set_id = ? AND dnafrag_id = ? AND dnafrag_start <= ? AND dnafrag_end >= ? AND dnafrag_start >= ? }; my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($mlss->dbID, $dnafrag->dbID, $slice->end, $slice->start, $lower_bound); my ($genomic_align_block_id, $dnafrag_start, $dnafrag_end, $dnafrag_strand, $cigar_line, $length); $sth->bind_columns(\$genomic_align_block_id,\$ dnafrag_start,\$ dnafrag_end,\$ dnafrag_strand,\$ cigar_line,\$ length); while ($sth->fetch) { my $light_genomic_align = { genomic_align_block_id => $genomic_align_block_id, dnafrag_start => $dnafrag_start, dnafrag_end => $dnafrag_end, dnafrag_strand => $dnafrag_strand, cigar_line => $cigar_line, length => $length}; push @$light_genomic_aligns, $light_genomic_align; } return $light_genomic_aligns; } 1;
sub _print_scores {
    my ($scores, $packed) = @_;
    my $num_scores = scalar(@$scores);
    my $cnt;
    my ($start, $end);
    my $i;
    my @values;
    my $total_scores = 0;

    print "num scores $num_scores\n";
    for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < $num_scores; $cnt++) {
	if ($packed) {
	    $end = (length($scores->[$cnt]->expected_score) / 4);
} else { @values = split ' ', $scores->[$cnt]->diff_score; $end = scalar(@values); } print "row $cnt length $end\n"; $total_scores += $end; for ($i = 0; $i < $end; $i++) { my $score; if ($packed) { my $value = substr $scores->[$cnt]->expected_score, $i*$_pack_size, $_pack_size; $score = unpack($_pack_type, $value); } else { $score = $values[$i]; } print "$i score $score\n "; } } print "Total $total_scores\n";
sub _reverse {
    my ($scores, $genomic_align_block_length) = @_;

    #reverse each conservation_score 
foreach my $s (@$scores) { $s->reverse($genomic_align_block_length); } #reverse array so position values go from small to large
my @rev = reverse @$scores; return\@ rev;
sub _unpack_scores {
    my ($scores) = @_;
    if (!defined $scores) {
	return "";
    my $num_scores = length($scores)/$_pack_size;
my $score = ""; for (my $i = 0; $i < $num_scores * $_pack_size; $i+=$_pack_size) { my $value = substr $scores, $i, $_pack_size; $score .= unpack($_pack_type, $value) . " "; } return $score;
sub fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlock {
    my ($self, $genomic_align_block, $start, $end, $slice_length,
	$display_size, $display_type, $window_size) = @_;

    #print "fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlock start $start end $end\n";
my $scores = []; #default display_size is 700
if (!defined $display_size) { $display_size = 700; } #default display_mode is AVERAGE
if (!defined $display_type) { $display_type = "AVERAGE"; } #default start is 1
if (!defined $start) { $start = 1; } #default end is the genomic_align_block length
if (!defined $end) { $end = $genomic_align_block->length; } #default slice_length is the genomic_align_block length
if (!defined $slice_length) { $slice_length = $genomic_align_block->length; } #keep track of original start and end
my $align_start = $start; my $align_end = $end; #print "restricted start " . $genomic_align_block->{'restricted_aln_start'} . " end " . $genomic_align_block->{'restricted_aln_end'} . "\n";
#If the GenomicAlignBlock has been restricted, use these values in
#align_start and align_end
if (defined $genomic_align_block->{'restricted_aln_start'}) { $align_start += $genomic_align_block->{'restricted_aln_start'} - 1; } if (defined $genomic_align_block->{'restricted_aln_end'}) { $align_end = $genomic_align_block->{'restricted_aln_end'} - ($genomic_align_block->length-$align_end); } #set up bucket object for storing bucket_size number of scores
my $bucket_size = ($slice_length)/$display_size;
#default window size is the largest bucket that gives at least
#display_size values ie get speed but reasonable resolution
my @window_sizes = (1, 10, 100, 500); #check if valid window_size
my $found = 0; if (defined $window_size) { foreach my $win_size (@window_sizes) { if ($win_size == $window_size) { $found = 1; last; } } if (!$found) { warning("Invalid window_size $window_size"); return $scores; } } if (!defined $window_size) { #set window_size to be the largest for when for loop fails
$window_size = $window_sizes[scalar(@window_sizes)-1]; for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@window_sizes); $i++) { if ($bucket_size < $window_sizes[$i]) { $window_size = $window_sizes[$i-1]; last; } } } $_bucket = {diff_score => 0, start_pos => 0, end_pos => 0, start_seq_region_pos => 0, end_seq_region_pos => 0, called => 0, cnt => 0, size => $bucket_size, current => 0}; #make sure reference genomic align has been set. If not set, set to be
#first genomic_align
my $reference_genomic_align = $genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align; if (!$reference_genomic_align) { $genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align($genomic_align_block->get_all_GenomicAligns->[0]); } #need this in case the dbID is not set ie if the $genomic_align_block has
#been restricted
my $gab_id; if (defined $genomic_align_block->{'dbID'}) { $gab_id = $genomic_align_block->{'dbID'}; } else { $gab_id = $genomic_align_block->{'original_dbID'}; } my $conservation_scores = $self->_fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlockId_WindowSize($gab_id, $window_size, $PACKED); if (scalar(@$conservation_scores) == 0) { return $scores; } #need to reverse conservation scores if reference species is complemented
if ($genomic_align_block->get_original_strand == 0) { $conservation_scores = _reverse($conservation_scores); } #reset _score_index for new conservation_scores
$_score_index = 0; #print "align_start $align_start align_end $align_end start $start end $end\n";
$scores = $self->_get_alignment_scores($conservation_scores, $align_start, $align_end, $display_type, $window_size, $genomic_align_block); if (scalar(@$scores) == 0) { return $scores; } my $all_scores; foreach my $this_conservation_score (@$scores) { $this_conservation_score->position($this_conservation_score->position + $start - 1); push (@$all_scores, $this_conservation_score); } #Find the min and max scores for y axis scaling. Save in first
#conservation score object
my ($min_y_axis, $max_y_axis) = _find_min_max_score($all_scores); #add min and max scores to the first conservation score object
if ((scalar @$all_scores) > 0) { $all_scores->[0]->y_axis_min($min_y_axis); $all_scores->[0]->y_axis_max($max_y_axis); } return ($all_scores);
sub fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice {
    my ($self, $method_link_species_set, $slice, $display_size, $display_type, $window_size) = @_;

    my $scores = [];

    #need to convert conservation score mlss to the corresponding multiple 
#alignment mlss
my $key = "gerp_" . $method_link_species_set->dbID; my $ma_mlss_id = $self->db->get_MetaContainer->list_value_by_key($key); my $ma_mlss; if (@$ma_mlss_id) { $ma_mlss = $self->db->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSet->fetch_by_dbID($ma_mlss_id->[0]); } else { return $scores; } my $light_genomic_aligns = $self->_get_all_ref_genomic_aligns($ma_mlss, $slice); if (scalar(@$light_genomic_aligns == 0)) { #print "no genomic_align_blocks found for this slice\n";
return $scores; } #default display_size is 700
if (!defined $display_size) { $display_size = 700; } #default display_mode is AVERAGE
if (!defined $display_type) { $display_type = "AVERAGE"; } #set up bucket object for storing bucket_size number of scores
my $bucket_size = ($slice->end-$slice->start+1)/$display_size;
#default window size is the largest bucket that gives at least
#display_size values ie get speed but reasonable resolution
my @window_sizes = (1, 10, 100, 500); #check if valid window_size
my $found = 0; if (defined $window_size) { foreach my $win_size (@window_sizes) { if ($win_size == $window_size) { $found = 1; last; } } if (!$found) { warning("Invalid window_size $window_size"); return $scores; } } if (!defined $window_size) { #set window_size to be the largest for when for loop fails
$window_size = $window_sizes[scalar(@window_sizes)-1]; for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@window_sizes); $i++) { if ($bucket_size < $window_sizes[$i]) { $window_size = $window_sizes[$i-1]; last; } } } #print "window_size $window_size bucket_size $bucket_size slice length " . ($slice->end - $slice->start + 1) . "\n";
$_bucket = {diff_score => 0, start_pos => 0, end_pos => 0, start_seq_region_pos => $slice->start, end_seq_region_pos => $slice->end, called => 0, cnt => 0, size => $bucket_size, current => 0}; foreach my $light_genomic_align (@$light_genomic_aligns) { my $genomic_align_block_id = $light_genomic_align->{genomic_align_block_id}; my $cigar_line = $light_genomic_align->{cigar_line}; my $dnafrag_start = $light_genomic_align->{dnafrag_start}; my $dnafrag_end = $light_genomic_align->{dnafrag_end}; my $dnafrag_strand = $light_genomic_align->{dnafrag_strand}; my $gab_length = $light_genomic_align->{length}; my $conservation_scores = $self->_fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlockId_WindowSize($genomic_align_block_id, $window_size, $PACKED); if (scalar(@$conservation_scores) == 0) { next; } #reset _score_index for new conservation_scores
$_score_index = 0; #print "slice start " . $slice->start . " " . $slice->end . " " . $slice->strand . " strand $dnafrag_strand cigar " . substr($cigar_line,0, 10) . "\n";
#if dnafrag_strand is -1, reverse cigar_line, scores so that they
#are always on the forward strand
if ($dnafrag_strand == -1) { $cigar_line = join("", reverse ($cigar_line=~(/(\d*[GDMIX])/g))); $conservation_scores = _reverse($conservation_scores, $gab_length); $dnafrag_strand = 1; } #print "after slice start " . $slice->start . " " . $slice->end . " " . $slice->strand . " strand $dnafrag_strand cigar " . substr($cigar_line,0, 10) . "\n";
#if want one score per base in the alignment, use faster method
#doesn't bother with any binning
if ($display_size == ($slice->end - $slice->start + 1)) { $scores = _get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line_fast($self, $cigar_line, $dnafrag_start, $dnafrag_end, $slice->start, $slice->end, $conservation_scores, $genomic_align_block_id, $gab_length, $display_type, $window_size, $scores); } else { $scores = _get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line($self, $cigar_line, $dnafrag_start, $dnafrag_end, $slice->start, $slice->end, $conservation_scores, $genomic_align_block_id, $gab_length, $display_type, $window_size, $scores); } } #need to reverse scores
if ($slice->strand == -1) { #reverse scores array
@$scores = reverse(@$scores); #reverse positions
my $max_pos = $scores->[0]->position; foreach my $score (@$scores) { $score->position($max_pos - $score->position + 1); } #print "reverse scores\n";
} if (scalar(@$scores) == 0) { return $scores; } #remove _no_score_values from aligned_scores array
my $i = 0; while ($i < scalar(@$scores)) { if (!defined($_no_score_value) && !defined($scores->[$i]->diff_score)) { splice @$scores, $i, 1; } elsif (defined($_no_score_value) && $scores->[$i]->diff_score == $_no_score_value) { splice @$scores, $i, 1; } else { $i++; } } #Find the min and max scores for y axis scaling. Save in first
#conservation score object
my ($min_y_axis, $max_y_axis) = _find_min_max_score($scores); #add min and max scores to the first conservation score object
if ((scalar @$scores) > 0) { $scores->[0]->y_axis_min($min_y_axis); $scores->[0]->y_axis_max($max_y_axis); } return ($scores);
sub fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_SliceOLD {
    my ($self, $method_link_species_set, $slice, $display_size, $display_type, $window_size) = @_;

    my $scores = [];

    #need to convert conservation score mlss to the corresponding multiple 
#alignment mlss
my $key = "gerp_" . $method_link_species_set->dbID; my $ma_mlss_id = $self->db->get_MetaContainer->list_value_by_key($key); my $ma_mlss; if (@$ma_mlss_id) { $ma_mlss = $self->db->get_MethodLinkSpeciesSet->fetch_by_dbID($ma_mlss_id->[0]); } else { return $scores; } #get genomic align blocks in the slice
my $genomic_align_block_adaptor = $self->db->get_GenomicAlignBlockAdaptor; my $genomic_align_blocks = $genomic_align_block_adaptor->fetch_all_by_MethodLinkSpeciesSet_Slice($ma_mlss, $slice); if (scalar(@$genomic_align_blocks == 0)) { #print "no genomic_align_blocks found for this slice\n";
return $scores; } #default display_size is 700
if (!defined $display_size) { $display_size = 700; } #default display_mode is AVERAGE
if (!defined $display_type) { $display_type = "AVERAGE"; } #set up bucket object for storing bucket_size number of scores
my $bucket_size = ($slice->end-$slice->start+1)/$display_size;
#default window size is the largest bucket that gives at least
#display_size values ie get speed but reasonable resolution
my @window_sizes = (1, 10, 100, 500); #check if valid window_size
my $found = 0; if (defined $window_size) { foreach my $win_size (@window_sizes) { if ($win_size == $window_size) { $found = 1; last; } } if (!$found) { warning("Invalid window_size $window_size"); return $scores; } } if (!defined $window_size) { #set window_size to be the largest for when for loop fails
$window_size = $window_sizes[scalar(@window_sizes)-1]; for (my $i = 1; $i < scalar(@window_sizes); $i++) { if ($bucket_size < $window_sizes[$i]) { $window_size = $window_sizes[$i-1]; last; } } } #print "window_size $window_size bucket_size $bucket_size slice length " . ($slice->end - $slice->start + 1) . "\n";
$_bucket = {diff_score => 0, start_pos => 0, end_pos => 0, start_seq_region_pos => $slice->start, end_seq_region_pos => $slice->end, called => 0, cnt => 0, size => $bucket_size, current => 0}; foreach my $genomic_align_block (@$genomic_align_blocks) { #get genomic_align for this slice
my $genomic_align = $genomic_align_block->reference_genomic_align; my $conservation_scores = $self->_fetch_all_by_GenomicAlignBlockId_WindowSize($genomic_align_block->dbID, $window_size, $PACKED); if (scalar(@$conservation_scores) == 0) { next; } if ($genomic_align_block->get_original_strand == 0) { $conservation_scores = _reverse($conservation_scores, $genomic_align_block->length); } #reset _score_index for new conservation_scores
$_score_index = 0; #if want one score per base in the alignment, use faster method
#doesn't bother with any binning
if ($display_size == ($slice->end - $slice->start + 1)) { $scores = _get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line_fast($self, $genomic_align->cigar_line, $genomic_align->dnafrag_start, $genomic_align->dnafrag_end, $slice->start, $slice->end, $conservation_scores, $genomic_align_block->dbID, $genomic_align_block->length, $display_type, $window_size, $scores); } else { $scores = _get_aligned_scores_from_cigar_line($self, $genomic_align->cigar_line, $genomic_align->dnafrag_start, $genomic_align->dnafrag_end, $slice->start, $slice->end, $conservation_scores, $genomic_align_block->dbID, $genomic_align_block->length, $display_type, $window_size, $scores); } } if (scalar(@$scores) == 0) { return $scores; } #remove _no_score_values from aligned_scores array
my $i = 0; while ($i < scalar(@$scores)) { if (!defined($_no_score_value) && !defined($scores->[$i]->diff_score)) { splice @$scores, $i, 1; } elsif (defined($_no_score_value) && $scores->[$i]->diff_score == $_no_score_value) { splice @$scores, $i, 1; } else { $i++; } } #Find the min and max scores for y axis scaling. Save in first
#conservation score object
my ($min_y_axis, $max_y_axis) = _find_min_max_score($scores); #add min and max scores to the first conservation score object
if ((scalar @$scores) > 0) { $scores->[0]->y_axis_min($min_y_axis); $scores->[0]->y_axis_max($max_y_axis); } return ($scores);
sub store {
  my ($self,$cs) = @_;

  unless(defined $cs && ref $cs && 
	 $cs->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore') ) {
      $self->throw("Must have conservation score arg [$cs]");

  my $genomic_align_block = $cs->genomic_align_block;
  my $window_size = $cs->window_size;
  my $position = $cs->{position};

  #check to see if gab, window_size and position have been defined (should be unique)
unless($genomic_align_block && $window_size && $position) { $self->throw("conservation score must have a genomic_align_block, window_size and position"); } #check if genomic_align_block is valid
if (!$genomic_align_block->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignBlock")) { throw("[$genomic_align_block] is not a Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::GenomicAlignBlock"); } my $genomic_align_block_id = $genomic_align_block->dbID; #pack the diff and expected scores if not already packed
my $exp_packed; my $diff_packed; if (!$cs->packed) { my @exp_scores = split ' ',$cs->expected_score; my @diff_scores = split ' ',$cs->diff_score; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@exp_scores); $i++) { $exp_packed .= pack($_pack_type, $exp_scores[$i]); $diff_packed .= pack($_pack_type, $diff_scores[$i]); } } else { $exp_packed = $cs->expected_score; $diff_packed = $cs->diff_score; } #store the conservation score
my $sql = "INSERT into conservation_score (genomic_align_block_id,window_size,position,expected_score, diff_score) ". " VALUES ('$genomic_align_block_id','$window_size', '$position', ?, ?)"; my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute($exp_packed, $diff_packed); #update the conservation_score object so that it's adaptor is set
$cs->adaptor($self); } #Internal methods
General documentation
AUTHOR - Kathryn BealTop
This modules is part of the Ensembl project
This modules is part of the EnsEMBL project ()
Questions can be posted to the ensembl-dev mailing list:
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _
  Arg  1     : string $display_type (either AVERAGE or MAX (plot average or max value))
Arg 2 : float $exp_score (expected score to be added to bucket)
Arg 3 : float $diff_score (difference score to be added to bucket)
Arg 4 : int $chr_pos (position in slice of reference species)
Arg 5 : int $start_slice (start position of slice)
Arg 6 : int $num_buckets (number of buckets used so far)
Arg 7 : int $genomic_align_block_id (genomic_align_block_id of
alignment block)
Arg 8 : int $win_size window size used
Example : $aligned_score = _add_to_bucket($self, "AVERAGE", $exp_score, $diff_score, $chr_pos, $start_slice, scalar(@$aligned_scores), $genomic_align_block_id, $win_size);
Description: Add scores to bucket until it is full (given by size) and then
average the called scores or take the maximum (given by
display_type). Once the bucket is full, create a new
conservation score object
Returntype : ref to Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::ConservationScore object if the
bucket if full or 0 if it isn't full yet
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At risk