Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::Graph NewickParser
SummaryPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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NewickParser - DESCRIPTION of Object
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
Module which implements a newick string parser as a finite state machine which enables it
to parse the full Newick specification. Module does not need to be instantiated, the method
can be called directly.
No description
Methods description
parse_newick_into_treecode    nextTop
  Arg 1      : string $newick_tree
Example : $tree = Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet::parse_newick_into_tree($newick_tree);
Description: Read the newick string and returns (the root of) a tree
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Methods code
sub next_token {
  my $string = shift;
  my $delim = shift;
  $$string =~ s/^(\s)+//;

  return undef unless(length($$string));
  #print("input =>$$string\n");
#print("delim =>$delim\n");
my $index=undef; my @delims = split(/ */, $delim); foreach my $dl (@delims) { my $pos = index($$string, $dl); if($pos>=0) { $index = $pos unless(defined($index)); $index = $pos if($pos<$index); } } unless(defined($index)) { throw("couldn't find delimiter $delim\n"); } my $token =''; if($index==0) { $token = substr($$string,0,1); $$string = substr($$string, 1); } else { $token = substr($$string, 0, $index); $$string = substr($$string, $index); } #print(" token =>$token\n");
#print(" outstring =>$$string\n\n");
return $token; } 1;
sub parse_newick_into_tree {
  my $newick = shift;

  my $count=1;
  my $debug = 0;
  print("$newick\n") if($debug);
  my $token = next_token(\$newick, "(;");
  my $lastset = undef;
  my $node = undef;
  my $root = undef;
  my $state=1;
  my $bracket_level = 0;

  while(defined($token)) {
    if($debug) { printf("state %d : '%s'\n", $state, $token); };
    switch ($state) {
      case 1 { #new node
$node = new Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::NestedSet; $node->node_id($count++); $lastset->add_child($node) if($lastset); $root=$node unless($root); if($token eq '(') { #create new set
printf(" create set\n") if($debug); $token = next_token(\$newick, "[(:,)"); $state = 1; $bracket_level++; $lastset = $node; } else { $state = 2; } } case 2 { #naming a node
if(!($token =~ /[\[\:\,\)\;]/)) { $node->name($token); if($debug) { print(" naming leaf"); $node->print_node; } $token = next_token(\$newick, "[:,);"); } $state = 3; } case 3 { # optional : and distance
if($token eq ':') { $token = next_token(\$newick, "[,);"); $node->distance_to_parent($token); if($debug) { print("set distance: $token"); $node->print_node; } $token = next_token(\$newick, ",);"); #move to , or )
} elsif ($token eq '[') { # NHX tag without previous blength
$token .= next_token(\$newick, ",);"); } $state = 4; } case 4 { # optional NHX tags
if($token =~ /\[\&\&NHX/) { # careful: this regexp gets rid of all NHX wrapping in one step
$token =~ /\[\&\&NHX\:(\S+)\]/; if ($1) { # NHX may be empty, presumably at end of file, just before ";"
my @attributes = split ':', $1; foreach my $attribute (@attributes) { $attribute =~ s/\s+//; my($key,$value) = split '=', $attribute; # we assume only one value per key
# shortcut duplication mapping
if ($key eq 'D') { $key = "Duplication"; # this is a small hack that will work for
# treefam nhx trees
$value =~ s/Y/1/; $value =~ s/N/0/; } if ($key eq 'DD') { # this is a small hack that will work for
# treefam nhx trees
$value =~ s/Y/1/; $value =~ s/N/0/; } $node->add_tag("$key","$value"); } } # $token = next_token(\$newick, ",);");
# Force a duplication = 0 for some strange treefam internal nodes
unless ($node->is_leaf) { if (!defined($node->get_tagvalue("Duplication"))) { $node->add_tag("Duplication",0); } } if($debug) { print("NHX tags: $token"); $node->print_node; } $token = next_token(\$newick, ",);"); #move to , or )
} $state = 5; } case 5 { # end node
if($token eq ')') { if($debug) { print("end set : "); $lastset->print_node; } $node = $lastset; $lastset = $lastset->parent; $token = next_token(\$newick, "[:,);"); # it is possible to have anonymous internal nodes no name
# no blength but with NHX tags
if ($token eq '[') { $state=1; } else { $state=2; } $bracket_level--; } elsif($token eq ',') { $token = next_token(\$newick, "[(:,)"); #can be un_blengthed nhx nodes
$state=1; } elsif($token eq ';') { #done with tree
throw("parse error: unbalanced ()\n") if($bracket_level ne 0); $state=13; $token = next_token(\$newick, "("); } else { throw("parse error: expected ; or ) or ,\n"); } } case 13 { throw("parse error: nothing expected after ;"); } } } return $root;
General documentation
  Contact Jessica Severin on implemetation/design detail:
Contact Ewan Birney on EnsEMBL in general:
The rest of the documentation details each of the object methods. Internal methods are usually preceded with a _