Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature # # Ensembl module for Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature # # You may distribute this module under the same terms as Perl itself =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature - A module to represent a lightweight ResultFeature object =head1 SYNOPSIS use Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature; my $rfeature = Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature->new_fast([$start, $end, $score ]); my @rfeatures = @{$rset->get_displayable_ResultFeature_by_Slice($slice)}; foreach my $rfeature (@rfeatures){ my $score = $rfeature->score(); my $rf_start = $rfeature->start(); my $rf_end = $rfeature->end(); } =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a very sparse class designed to be as lightweight as possible to enable fast rendering in the web browser. As such only the information absolutely required is contained. Any a piori information is omitted e.g. seq_region_id, this will already be known as ResultFeatures are retrieved via a Slice method in ResultSet via the ResultSetAdaptor, likewise with analysis and experimental_chip information. ResultFeatures are transient objects, in that they are not stored in the DB, but are a very small subset of information from the result and oligo_feature tables. ResultFeatures should only be generated by the ResultSetAdaptorast here is no parameter checking in place. =head1 AUTHOR This module was written by Nathan Johnson. =head1 CONTACT Post comments or questions to the Ensembl development list: ensembl-dev@ebi.ac.uk =head1 METHODS =cut use strict; use warnings; #Could set global named vars here for element names. Would take more memory package Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature; use base ('Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature'); =head2 new_fast Args : Array with attributes start, end, strand, score, probe, result_set_id, winow_size IN THAT ORDER. WARNING: None of these are validated, hence can omit some where not needed Example : none Description: Fast and list version of new. Only works if the code is very disciplined. Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::ResultFeature Exceptions : None Caller : ResultSetAdaptor Status : At Risk =cut sub new_fast { my ($class, @args) = @_; #return bless ($arrayref, $class); #Passing arrayref here may cause problems with changing vars after obj creation #warn "in new fast with @args"; bless \@args, $class; } =head2 start Example : my $start = $rf->start(); Description: Getter of the start attribute for ResultFeature objects. Returntype : int Exceptions : None Caller : General Status : At Risk =cut sub start { $_[0]->[0];} =head2 end Example : my $start = $rf->end(); Description: Getter of the end attribute for ResultFeature objects. Returntype : int Exceptions : None Caller : General Status : At Risk =cut sub end { $_[0]->[1];} #Do we need to chacnge this to strand and have slice strand context, as with start and end sub strand { $_[0]->[2];} =head2 score Example : my $score = $rf->score(); Description: Getter of the score attribute for ResultFeature objects Returntype : string/float/double? Exceptions : None Caller : General Status : At Risk =cut sub score { $_[0]->[3];} =head2 probe Example : my $probe = $rf->probe(); Description: Getter of the probe attribute for ResultFeature objects Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Funcgen::Probe Exceptions : None Caller : General Status : At Risk - This can only be used for Features with window 0. =cut #probe_id is currently not available in the result_feature table, so this would be a result/probe_feature query. sub probe { $_[0]->[4];} #The following are only used for storage and retrieval, hence why they are not included in new_fast which is streamlined #for performance #These have no validation so all thi smust be done in the caller/storer i.e. the adaptor sub result_set_id { $_[0]->[5];} sub window_size { $_[0]->[6];} #May not ever need this #We pass the slice to store #Don't want to remap, so don't need furing fetch sub slice { $_[0]->[7];} #Had to reimplement these as they used direct hash calls rather than acessor #redefined to use accessors to array sub length { my $self = shift; return $self->end - $self->start + 1; } =head2 move Arg [1] : int start Arg [2] : int end Arg [3] : (optional) int strand Example : None Description: Sets the start, end and strand in one call rather than in 3 seperate calls to the start(), end() and strand() methods. This is for convenience and for speed when this needs to be done within a tight loop. Returntype : none Exceptions : Thrown is invalid arguments are provided Caller : general Status : Stable =cut sub move { my $self = shift; throw('start and end arguments are required') if(@_ < 2); my $start = shift; my $end = shift; my $strand = shift; if(defined($start) && defined($end) && $end < $start) { throw('start must be less than or equal to end'); } if(defined($strand) && $strand != 0 && $strand != -1 && $strand != 1) { throw('strand must be 0, -1 or 1'); } $self->[0] = $start; $self->[1] = $end; $self->[2] = $strand if(defined($strand)); } 1;