Raw content of LRG::Node use strict; use warnings; package LRG; use XML::Writer; use IO::File; use Data::Dumper; # ROOT OBJECT ############# package LRG::LRG; # constructor sub new { my $file = shift if @_; my $lrg; if(defined $file) { # get an IO object for the file my $output = new IO::File(">$file") or die "Could not write to file $file\n"; # initialise the XML::Writer object # the last two parameters ensure pretty formatting when the file is written $lrg->{'xml'} = new XML::Writer(OUTPUT => $output, DATA_INDENT => 2, DATA_MODE => 1); } else { $lrg->{'xml'} = new XML::Writer(DATA_INDENT => 2, DATA_MODE => 1); } # initialise the nodes array $lrg->{'nodes'} = (); # give this root node a name for completeness' sake $lrg->{'name'} = 'LRG_ROOT_NODE'; # bless and return bless $lrg, 'LRG::LRG'; return $lrg; } # constructor reads XML from file sub newFromFile { my $file = shift; my $outfile = shift if @_; # create a new LRG root - this can be a specific file # or just a temporary file if one is not specified my $lrg = LRG::LRG::new(defined $outfile ? $outfile : undef); # set the current node to the root my $current = $lrg; my $name; # open the file open IN, $file or die("Could not read from file $file\n"); # initiate a blank string to hold the XML my $xml_string = ''; # read in the file while(<IN>) { chomp; # lose leading/trailing whitespace s/^\s+//g; s/\s+$//g; # ignore comment lines next if /^\<\?/; $xml_string .= $_; } close IN; # get rid of newline and carriage return characters $xml_string =~ s/\r+//g; $xml_string =~ s/\n+//g; my $prev_end = 0; # loop through XML tags sequentially while($xml_string =~ m/<.+?>/g) { # get the matched string and details about it my $string = $&; my $length = length($string); my $pos = pos($xml_string); my $start = $pos - $length; my $end = $pos; # this code searches for content between tags if($prev_end >= 1 && $start - $prev_end > 1) { # get substring from the XML string my $temp = substr($xml_string, $prev_end, ($start - $prev_end)); # check that it contains word characters if($temp =~ /\w+/) { # add content to the current node $current->content($temp); } } # reset the prev_end variable $prev_end = $end; # get rid of tag open/close characters $string =~ s/\<|\>//g; # if this is a closing tag, point current to this node's parent if($string =~ /^\//) { $current = $current->parent; } # otherwise this is an opening or empty tag else { # split by whitespace my @split = split /\s+/, $string; # the name of the tag is the first element $name = shift @split; # if there are more elements, assume these are additional # key/value pairs to be added if(scalar @split) { # join $string = join " ", @split; # change " = " to "=" $string =~ s/\s*\=\s*/\=/; # re-split by space or = @split = split /\s+|\=/, $string; # create a new hash my %data = (); # iterate through remaining elements while(@split) { # get key/value pair my $key = shift @split; my $val = shift @split; # remove "s and 's as these are converted to HTML form # by XML::Writer $val =~ s/\"|\'//g; # remove trailing / if it's an empty tag $val =~ s/\/$//g; # add the data to the hash $data{$key} = $val; } # if this is an empty tag (ends with a "/") if($string =~ /\/$/) { $current = $current->addEmptyNode($name, \%data); # reset current to this node's parents $current = $current->parent; } # if this is a normal opening tag else { $current = $current->addNode($name, \%data); } } # no extra data elements to add else { # if this is an empty tag (ends with a "/") if($string =~ /\/$/) { $current = $current->addEmptyNode($name); # reset current node to this node's parents $current = $current->parent; } # if this is a normal opening tag else { $current = $current->addNode($name); } } } } # return return $lrg; } # add node sub addNode { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; if($name =~ /\//) { return $self->addNodeMulti($name); } # look for an additional arg containing # data to be written in the tag itself my $data = shift if @_; # check that the data sent is a hash if(scalar keys %{$data}) { push @{$self->{'nodes'}}, LRG::Node::new($name, $self->{'xml'}, $data); } # otherwise assume no data else { push @{$self->{'nodes'}}, LRG::Node::new($name, $self->{'xml'}); } (@{$self->{'nodes'}})[-1]->{'parent'} = $self; # return the last node added (i.e. this one) return (@{$self->{'nodes'}})[-1]; } sub addEmptyNode { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; # look for an additional arg containing # data to be written in the tag itself my $data = shift if @_; # check that the data sent is a hash if(scalar keys %{$data}) { push @{$self->{'nodes'}}, LRG::Node::newEmpty($name, $self->{'xml'}, $data); } # otherwise assume no data else { push @{$self->{'nodes'}}, LRG::Node::newEmpty($name, $self->{'xml'}); } (@{$self->{'nodes'}})[-1]->{'parent'} = $self; # return the last node added (i.e. this one) return (@{$self->{'nodes'}})[-1]; } # add a ready-created node to this node sub addExisting() { my $self = shift; my $new_node = shift; $new_node->{'parent'} = $self; #if(!defined $new_node->xml) { $new_node->xml($self->xml) if defined $self->xml; #} push @{$self->{'nodes'}}, $new_node; } # add multiple embedded nodes sub addNodeMulti() { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my @levels = split /\s*\/\s*/, $name; # if only one level given, do a normal addNode if(scalar @levels == 1) { return $self->addNode($name); } else { my $current = $self; while(@levels) { my $level = shift @levels; if(scalar @levels >= 1) { $current = $current->addNode($level); } else { return $current->addNode($level); } } } } # find node sub findNode { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $data = shift if @_; # do a multi find if the name is delimited with "/"s return $self->findNodeMulti($name, $data) if $name =~ /\//; my $found; my $match; # look through the nodes foreach my $node(@{$self->{'nodes'}}) { # if the name matches if(defined $node->name && defined $name && $node->name eq $name) { $match = 1; # if we are comparing data too if(scalar keys %$data && scalar keys %{$node->data}) { $match = 0; my $needed = scalar keys %$data; foreach my $key(keys %$data) { next unless defined $node->data->{$key}; $match++ if $node->data->{$key} eq $data->{$key}; } $match = ($match == $needed ? 1 : 0); } if($match) { $found = $node; last; } } last if defined $found; # look recursively in any sub-nodes if not found $found = $node->findNode($name, $data); } return $found; } # find node given multiple levels sub findNodeMulti { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $data = shift if @_; my @levels = split /\s*\/\s*/, $name; # if only one level given, do a normal findNode if(scalar @levels == 1) { return $self->findNode($name, $data); } else { my $current = $self; while(@levels) { my $level = shift @levels; if(scalar @levels >= 1) { $current = $current->findNode($level); } else { $current = $current->findNode($level, $data); } } return $current; } } # find or create a node if it doesn't exist sub findOrAdd() { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $find = $self->findNode($name); if(defined $find) { return $find; } else { return $self->addNode($name); } } # compare a node with another #sub compare { # my $self = shift; # my $comp = shift; # # my $match; # # # if the name matches # if(defined $node->name && defined $name && $node->name eq $name) { # # $match = 1; # # # if we are comparing data too # if(scalar keys %$data && scalar keys %{$node->data}) { # $match = 0; # # my $needed = scalar keys %$data; # # foreach my $key(keys %$data) { # next unless defined $node->data->{$key}; # # $match++ if $node->data->{$key} eq $data->{$key}; # } # # $match = ($match == $needed ? 1 : 0); # } # # if($match) { # $found = $node; # last; # } # } #} # print node sub printNode { my $self = shift; # if this is an empty tag # e.g. <mytag data1="value" /> if($self->empty) { if(scalar keys %{$self->data}) { $self->{'xml'}->emptyTag($self->name, %{$self->data}); } else { $self->{'xml'}->emptyTag($self->name); } } # if there is data for this node print like # e.g. <mytag data1="value"> elsif(scalar keys %{$self->data}) { $self->{'xml'}->startTag($self->name, %{$self->data}); } # otherwise just open the bare tag # e.g. <mytag> else { $self->{'xml'}->startTag($self->name); } if(defined $self->{'content'}) { #foreach my $item(@{$node->{'content'}}) { $self->{'xml'}->characters($self->content); #} } # recursive iteration foreach my $node(@{$self->{'nodes'}}) { $node->printNode(); } # end the tag $self->{'xml'}->endTag() unless $self->{'empty'}; } # print all sub printAll { my $self = shift; # required to open the XML doc $self->{'xml'}->xmlDecl('UTF-8'); $self->{'xml'}->pi('xml-stylesheet', 'type="text/xsl href="lrg2html.xsl"'); # iterate through the nodes recursively foreach my $node(@{$self->{'nodes'}}) { $node->printNode(); } # finish and write the file $self->{'xml'}->end(); } # getter/setter for name sub name { my $self = shift; $self->{'name'} = shift if @_; return $self->{'name'}; } # get parent node sub parent { my $self = shift; return $self->{'parent'} if defined $self->{'parent'}; } # getter/setter for data sub data { my $self = shift; $self->{'data'} = shift if @_; return $self->{'data'}; } # getter/setter for empty status sub empty { my $self = shift; $self->{'empty'} = shift if @_; return $self->{'empty'}; } # getter/setter for content sub content() { my $self = shift; $self->{'content'} = shift if @_; return $self->{'content'}; } # getter/setter for this node's position in the array order sub position() { my $self = shift; my $to = shift if @_; # if a new position specified, use the moveTo() subroutine $self->moveTo($to) if defined $to; my $pos; for my $i(0..(scalar @{$self->parent->{'nodes'}} - 1)) { if($self eq $self->parent->{'nodes'}->[$i]) { $pos = $i; last; } } return $pos; } # move a node to a specific position in the array # NB shunts all others down one so any pos need # to be recalculated sub moveTo() { my $self = shift; my $num = (@_ ? shift : 1); #$num--; my $pos = $self->position(); # copy the nodes array to @nodes my @nodes = @{$self->parent->{'nodes'}}; # find out the highest index of the array my $last_index = $#nodes; # if num is out of range #$num = $last_index + 1 if $num > $last_index + 1; # get the before and after arrays: # (..@before..)*(..@after..) # -------------------------- # where * is self my @before = ($pos - 1 >= 0 ? @nodes[0..($pos-1)] : ()); my @after = ($pos + 1 <= $last_index ? @nodes[($pos+1)..$last_index] : ()); # put them back together and recalc the last index @nodes = (@before, @after); $last_index = $#nodes; # chop into two again, only this time get all # since this array doesn't include self: # (..@before..)(..@after..) # ------------------------- @before = ($num - 1 >= 0 ? @nodes[0..($num-1)] : ()); @after = ($num <= $last_index ? @nodes[$num..$last_index] : ()); # create a new array with self inserted in its new position @nodes = (@before, $self, @after); # copy the new array into the parent's structure $self->parent->{'nodes'} = \@nodes; } # count the number of nodes sub countNodes() { my $self = shift @_; return scalar @{$self->parent->{'nodes'}}; } # get content from STDIN given a list of fields sub requestContent() { my $self = shift; my $input; foreach my $item(@_) { print "Input $item \>"; $input = <STDIN>; chomp $input; $self->addNode($item)->content($input); } } # get current date in a nice format sub date() { my @time = localtime(time()); $time[4]++; # add leading zeroes as required for my $i(0..4) { $time[$i] = "0".$time[$i] if $time[$i] < 10; } my $time = ($time[5] + 1900)."-".$time[4]."-".$time[3]; return $time; } # getter/recursive setter for the XML object sub xml() { my $self = shift; my $xml = shift if @_; if(defined $xml) { $self->{'xml'} = $xml; foreach my $node(@{$self->{'nodes'}}) { $node->xml($xml); } } return $self->{'xml'}; } # fetch sequences using pfetch sub pfetch() { my $self = shift; my $id = shift; my $sequence; open IN, "pfetch $id |"; while(<IN>) { next if /^\>/; chomp; $sequence .= $_; } close IN; return $sequence; } # NODE ###### package LRG::Node; # inherit some functions from root LRG our @ISA = "LRG::LRG"; sub new { my $name = shift; if($name =~ /\:\:/) { $name = shift; } my $xml = shift if @_; # look for an additional arg containing # data to be written in the tag itself my $data = shift if @_; my @nodes = (); my %node = (); my $node_ref = \%node; $node{'name'} = $name; $node{'nodes'} = \@nodes; $node{'xml'} = $xml if defined $xml; $node{'data'} = (scalar keys %{$data} ? $data : {}); $node{'empty'} = 0; bless $node_ref, 'LRG::Node'; return $node_ref; } sub newEmpty { my $name = shift; my $xml = shift; my $data = shift if @_; my $node; if(scalar keys %{$data}) { $node = LRG::Node::new($name, $xml, $data); } else { $node = LRG::Node::new($name, $xml); } $node->{'empty'} = 1; return $node; } 1;