XrefParser GOParser
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No description
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None available.
Methods code
sub run {
  my $self = shift if (defined(caller(1)));

  my $source_id = shift;
  my $species_id = shift;
  my $files       = shift;
  my $release_file   = shift;
  my $verbose       = shift;

  my $file = @{$files}[0];
  my $file_desc = @{$files}[1];

# Get the descriptions from the desc file.
my $go_io = $self->get_filehandle($file_desc); if ( !defined $go_io ) { print STDERR "ERROR: Could not open $file_desc\n"; return 1; # 1 error
} my %go_to_desc; print "description file for GO\n" if($verbose); my $term = undef; my $desc = undef; while ( $_ = $go_io->getline() ) { if(/\<id\>(GO:\d+)\<\/id\>/){ $term = $1; } elsif(/\<name\>(.*)\<\/name\>/){ if(defined($term)){ $go_to_desc{$term} = $1; } $term = undef; } } $go_io->close(); my %wrongtype; #get the "main" GO source id.
$source_id = $self->get_source_id_for_source_name("GO","main"); #get the mapping that are already there so that we don't get lots of duplicates.
# stored in the global hash xref_dependent_mapped.
$self->get_dependent_mappings($source_id); if(!defined($species_id)){ $species_id = $self->get_species_id_for_filename($file); } my $swiss_miss=0; my (%swiss) = %{$self->get_valid_codes("uniprot",$species_id)}; my $refseq_miss=0; my (%refseq) = %{$self->get_valid_codes("refseq",$species_id)}; # complication with GO xrefs from JAX - linked to MGI symbols, which are themselves
# dependent, so we need to get the MGI->Uniprot mapping and store the *Uniprot*
# as the master xref
my %mgi_to_uniprot = %{ $self->get_existing_mappings( "MGI", "Uniprot/Swissprot", $species_id ) }; my %worm; my %worm_label; my $wormset; my %fish; my $fishset; my $count = 0; my %sp2tax = $self->species_id2taxonomy(); #some species have multiple
#tax_id i.e. strains
my @tax_ids = @{$sp2tax{$species_id}}; foreach my $tax_id ( @tax_ids){ my $go_io = $self->get_filehandle($file); if ( !defined $go_io ) { print STDERR "ERROR: Could not open $file\n"; return 1; # 1 error
} print "processing for taxon: $tax_id\n" if($verbose); my $taxon_line = "taxon:".$tax_id; my $miss =0; while ( $_ = $go_io->getline() ) { if(/$taxon_line/){ chomp; my @array = split (/\t/,$_); # Skip "NOT" terms entirely
next if ($array[3] eq "NOT"); $array[9] =~ s/\'/\\\'/g; my $master=0; if($array[0] =~ /ENSEMBL/){ #these might be good for a check
# match GO to Uniprot
# match Uniprot to ENSEMBL
# check ENSEMBL's are the same.
} elsif($array[0] =~ /RefSeq/){ if($refseq{$array[1]}) { $self->add_to_xrefs($refseq{$array[1]},$array[4],'',$array[4],$go_to_desc{$array[4]} || '',$array[6],$source_id,$species_id); $count++; #print join (" ", "RefSeq" ,$refseq{$array[1]}, $array[4], "\n");
} else{ $refseq_miss++; } } elsif($array[0] =~ /UniProt/){ if($swiss{$array[1]}){ $self->add_to_xrefs($swiss{$array[1]},$array[4],'',$array[4],$go_to_desc{$array[4]} || '',$array[6],$source_id,$species_id); $count++; #print join (" ", "UniProt" ,$swiss{$array[1]}, $array[4], "\n");
} else{ $swiss_miss++; } } elsif($array[0] =~ /^WB/){ #WB CE20707 ZYG-9 GO:0008017 WB:WBPaper00003099|PMID:9606208 ISS F protein taxon:6239 20030829 WB
if(!defined($wormset)){ $wormset = 1; %worm = %{$self->get_valid_xrefs_for_direct_xrefs('worm')}; } my $worm_acc=$array[1]; if(!defined($worm{$worm_acc})){ if(defined($worm{$array[10]})){ $worm_acc = $array[10]; } elsif(defined($worm{$array[2]})){ $worm_acc = $array[2]; } } if(defined($worm{$worm_acc})){ my ($xref_id, $stable_id, $type, $link) = split(/::/,$worm{$worm_acc}); my $new_xref_id=$self->get_xref($array[4],$source_id, $species_id); if(!defined($new_xref_id)){ $new_xref_id = $self->add_xref($array[4],undef,$array[4],"", $source_id, $species_id, "DIRECT"); $count++; } if(!defined($self->get_direct_xref($stable_id,$type, $array[6]))){ $self->add_direct_xref($new_xref_id, $stable_id, $type, $array[6]); } } else{ $miss++; } } elsif($array[0] =~ /^ZFIN/){ #ZFIN ZDB-GENE-030131-5418 rfng GO:0030902 ZFIN:ZDB-PUB-050125-4|PMID:15659486 IMP ZFIN:ZDB-MRPHLNO-050308-5 radical fringe homolog (Drosophila) gene taxon:7955 20050310 ZFIN
if(!defined($fishset)){ $fishset = 1; %fish = %{$self->get_valid_xrefs_for_dependencies ('ZFIN_ID','Uniprot/SPTREMBL','RefSeq_peptide', 'Uniprot/SWISSPROT')}; } if(defined($fish{$array[1]})){ $self->add_to_xrefs($fish{$array[1]},$array[4],'',$array[4],'',$array[6],$source_id,$species_id); $count++; } } elsif($array[0] =~ /MGI/){ # MGI MGI:1923501 0610007P08Rik GO:0004386 MGI:MGI:1354194 IEA F RIKEN cDNA 0610007P08 gene gene taxon:10090 20060213 UniProt
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
if($mgi_to_uniprot{$array[1]}){ $self->add_to_xrefs($mgi_to_uniprot{$array[1]}, $array[4], '', $array[4], $go_to_desc{$array[4]} || '', $array[6], $source_id, $species_id); $count++; #print join (" ", "MGI" ,$mgi_to_uniprot{$array[1]}, $array[4], "\n");
} } elsif(!defined($wrongtype{$array[0]})){ print STDERR "WARNING: unknown type ".$array[0]."\n" if($verbose); $wrongtype{$array[0]} = 1; } } } $go_io->close(); print "\t$count GO dependent xrefs added $refseq_miss refseq not found and $swiss_miss Swissprot not found\n " if($verbose); } if ( defined $release_file ) { # Parse and set release information from $release_file.
my $release_io = $self->get_filehandle($release_file); # Slurp mode.
local $/; my $release = <$release_io>; $release_io->close(); $release =~ tr /\n/ /;
$release =~ s#.*The following table describes.*?of (GOA.*?)<ul>.*#$1#; $release =~ s#<[^>]+>##g; print "GO release: '$release'\n" if($verbose); $self->set_release( $source_id, $release ); } return 0; } 1;
General documentation
No general documentation available.