Raw content of Bio::EnsEMBL::Collection::Gene =head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved. This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html =head1 CONTACT Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl developers list at <ensembl-dev@ebi.ac.uk>. Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at <helpdesk@ensembl.org>. =cut package Bio::EnsEMBL::Collection::Gene; =head1 NAME Bio::EnsEMBL::Collection::Gene - Feature collection implementation for gene features. =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Extended feature representation A gene is represented by the basic feature representation (see documentation of Bio::EnsEMBL::Collection) and by the following extended feature representation: =over 4 =item 1. Display label (display ID of the display Xref), if defined, otherwise undef. =item 2. Biotype =item 3. Status =item 4. Is-current =item 5. Stable ID =item 6. Version =item 7. Created date =item 8. Modified date =item 9. Description =item 10. Confidence. =item 11. External name =item 12. External database name =item 13. External status =item 14. Source =back =cut use strict; use warnings; use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument ('rearrange'); use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception ('throw'); use base( 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Collection', 'Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::GeneAdaptor' ); sub _create_feature { my ( $this, $feature_type, $args ) = @_; my $feature = $this->SUPER::_create_feature( $feature_type, $args ); if ( !$this->lightweight() ) { my ( $stable_id, $version, $external_name, $type, $external_db, $external_status, $display_xref, $description, $created_date, $modified_date, $confidence, $biotype, $source, $status, $is_current ) = rearrange( [ 'STABLE_ID', 'VERSION', 'EXTERNAL_NAME', 'TYPE', 'EXTERNAL_DB', 'EXTERNAL_STATUS', 'DISPLAY_XREF', 'DESCRIPTION', 'CREATED_DATE', 'MODIFIED_DATE', 'CONFIDENCE', 'BIOTYPE', 'SOURCE', 'STATUS', 'IS_CURRENT' ], %{$args} ); push( @{$feature}, $display_xref->display_id() || undef, $biotype || $type, $status, $is_current, $stable_id, $version, $created_date, $modified_date, $description, $confidence, $external_name, $external_db, $external_status, $source ); } return $feature; } sub _create_feature_fast { my ( $this, $feature_type, $args ) = @_; throw( '_create_feature_fast() ' . 'is not implemented for ' . 'gene collections' ); } sub _tables { my ($this) = @_; my @tables = $this->SUPER::_tables(); if ( $this->lightweight() ) { return ( $tables[0] ) } return @tables; } sub _columns { my ($this) = @_; my @columns = $this->SUPER::_columns(); if ( $this->lightweight() ) { @columns[ Bio::EnsEMBL::Collection::BASIC_SLOTS .. $#columns ] = map( 1, Bio::EnsEMBL::Collection::BASIC_SLOTS .. $#columns ); } return @columns; } sub _default_where_clause { my ($this) = @_; if ( $this->lightweight() ) { return '' } return $this->SUPER::_default_where_clause(); } 1; # $Id: Gene.pm,v 1.10 2009/03/04 10:58:13 ak4 Exp $