Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL PredictionTranscriptAdaptor
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Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::PredictionTranscriptAdaptor -
Performs database interaction related to PredictionTranscripts
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( deprecate throw warning )
  # get a prediction transcript adaptor from the database
$pta = $database_adaptor->get_PredictionTranscriptAdaptor();
# get a slice on a region of chromosome 1 $sa = $database_adaptor->get_SliceAdaptor(); $slice = $sa->fetch_by_region( 'chromosome', 'x', 100000, 200000 ); # get all the prediction transcripts from the slice region $prediction_transcripts = @{ $pta->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice) };
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Methods description
_objs_from_sthcode    nextTop
  Arg [1]    : DBI:st $sth 
An executed DBI statement handle
Arg [2] : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper $mapper
An mapper to be used to convert contig coordinates
to assembly coordinates.
Arg [3] : (optional) Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
A slice to map the prediction transcript to.
Example : $p_transcripts = $self->_objs_from_sth($sth);
Description: Creates a list of Prediction transcripts from an executed DBI
statement handle. The columns retrieved via the statement
handle must be in the same order as the columns defined by the
_columns method. If the slice argument is provided then the
the prediction transcripts will be in returned in the coordinate
system of the $slice argument. Otherwise the prediction
transcripts will be returned in the RawContig coordinate system.
Returntype : reference to a list of Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscripts
Exceptions : none
Caller : superclass generic_fetch
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
The slice to fetch transcripts on.
Arg [3] : (optional) boolean $load_exons
if true, exons will be loaded immediately rather than
lazy loaded later.
Example : $transcripts = $
Description: Overrides superclass method to optionally load exons
immediately rather than lazy-loading them later. This
is more efficient when there are a lot of transcripts whose
exons are going to be used.
Returntype : reference to list of transcripts
Exceptions : thrown if exon cannot be placed on transcript slice
Caller : Slice::get_all_Transcripts
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : string $stable_id
The stable id of the transcript to retrieve
Example : $trans = $trans_adptr->fetch_by_stable_id('GENSCAN00000001234');
Description: Retrieves a prediction transcript via its display_label.
This method is called fetch_by_stable_id for polymorphism with
the TranscriptAdaptor. Prediction transcript display_labels are
not necessarily stable in that the same identifier may be reused
for a completely different prediction transcript in a subsequent
database release.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : @feature_ids = @{$prediction_transcript_adaptor->list_dbIDs()};
Description: Gets an array of internal ids for all prediction transcript
features in the current db
Arg[1] : <optional> int. not 0 for the ids to be sorted by the seq_region.
Returntype : list of ints
Exceptions : none
Caller : ?
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript $pt 
Example : $prediction_transcript_adaptor->remove($pt);
Description: removes given prediction transcript $pt from database.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : throws if argument not a Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript
Caller : general
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : list of Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript @pre_transcripts 
Example : $prediction_transcript_adaptor->store(@pre_transcripts);
Description: Stores a list of given prediction transcripts in database.
Puts dbID and Adaptor into each object stored object.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : on wrong argument type
Caller : general
Status : Stable
Methods code
sub _columns {
  my $self = shift;

  return qw( pt.prediction_transcript_id
sub _objs_from_sth {
  my ($self, $sth, $mapper, $dest_slice) = @_;

# This code is ugly because an attempt has been made to remove as many
# function calls as possible for speed purposes. Thus many caches and
# a fair bit of gymnastics is used.
my $sa = $self->db()->get_SliceAdaptor(); my $aa = $self->db()->get_AnalysisAdaptor(); my @ptranscripts; my %analysis_hash; my %slice_hash; my %sr_name_hash; my %sr_cs_hash; my ($prediction_transcript_id, $seq_region_id, $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end, $seq_region_strand, $analysis_id, $display_label); $sth->bind_columns(\$prediction_transcript_id,\$ seq_region_id,\$ seq_region_start,\$ seq_region_end,\$ seq_region_strand,\$ analysis_id,\$ display_label); my $asm_cs; my $cmp_cs; my $asm_cs_vers; my $asm_cs_name; my $cmp_cs_vers; my $cmp_cs_name; if($mapper) { $asm_cs = $mapper->assembled_CoordSystem(); $cmp_cs = $mapper->component_CoordSystem(); $asm_cs_name = $asm_cs->name(); $asm_cs_vers = $asm_cs->version(); $cmp_cs_name = $cmp_cs->name(); $cmp_cs_vers = $cmp_cs->version(); } my $dest_slice_start; my $dest_slice_end; my $dest_slice_strand; my $dest_slice_length; my $dest_slice_sr_name; my $dest_slice_sr_id; if($dest_slice) { $dest_slice_start = $dest_slice->start(); $dest_slice_end = $dest_slice->end(); $dest_slice_strand = $dest_slice->strand(); $dest_slice_length = $dest_slice->length(); $dest_slice_sr_name = $dest_slice->seq_region_name(); $dest_slice_sr_id = $dest_slice->get_seq_region_id(); } FEATURE: while($sth->fetch()) { #get the analysis object
my $analysis = $analysis_hash{$analysis_id} ||= $aa->fetch_by_dbID($analysis_id); #need to get the internal_seq_region, if present
$seq_region_id = $self->get_seq_region_id_internal($seq_region_id); my $slice = $slice_hash{"ID:".$seq_region_id}; if(!$slice) { $slice = $sa->fetch_by_seq_region_id($seq_region_id); $slice_hash{"ID:".$seq_region_id} = $slice; $sr_name_hash{$seq_region_id} = $slice->seq_region_name(); $sr_cs_hash{$seq_region_id} = $slice->coord_system(); } my $sr_name = $sr_name_hash{$seq_region_id}; my $sr_cs = $sr_cs_hash{$seq_region_id}; #
# remap the feature coordinates to another coord system
# if a mapper was provided
if($mapper) { ($seq_region_id,$seq_region_start,$seq_region_end,$seq_region_strand) = $mapper->fastmap($sr_name, $seq_region_start, $seq_region_end, $seq_region_strand, $sr_cs); #skip features that map to gaps or coord system boundaries
next FEATURE if(!defined($seq_region_id)); #get a slice in the coord system we just mapped to
# if($asm_cs == $sr_cs || ($cmp_cs != $sr_cs && $asm_cs->equals($sr_cs))) {
$slice = $slice_hash{"ID:".$seq_region_id} ||= $sa->fetch_by_seq_region_id($seq_region_id); # } else {
# $slice = $slice_hash{"NAME:$sr_name:$asm_cs_name:$asm_cs_vers"} ||=
# $sa->fetch_by_region($asm_cs_name, $sr_name, undef, undef, undef,
# $asm_cs_vers);
# }
} #
# If a destination slice was provided convert the coords
# If the dest_slice starts at 1 and is foward strand, nothing needs doing
if($dest_slice) { if($dest_slice_start != 1 || $dest_slice_strand != 1) { if($dest_slice_strand == 1) { $seq_region_start = $seq_region_start - $dest_slice_start + 1; $seq_region_end = $seq_region_end - $dest_slice_start + 1; } else { my $tmp_seq_region_start = $seq_region_start; $seq_region_start = $dest_slice_end - $seq_region_end + 1; $seq_region_end = $dest_slice_end - $tmp_seq_region_start + 1; $seq_region_strand *= -1; } } #throw away features off the end of the requested slice
if($seq_region_end < 1 || $seq_region_start > $dest_slice_length || ( $dest_slice_sr_id ne $seq_region_id )) { next FEATURE; } $slice = $dest_slice; } # Finally, create the new PredictionTranscript.
push( @ptranscripts, $self->_create_feature('Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript', { '-start' => $seq_region_start, '-end' => $seq_region_end, '-strand' => $seq_region_strand, '-adaptor' => $self, '-slice' => $slice, '-analysis' => $analysis, '-dbID' => $prediction_transcript_id, '-display_label' => $display_label } ) ); } return\@ ptranscripts;
sub _tables {
  my $self = shift;

  return ['prediction_transcript', 'pt'];

# _columns
# Arg [1] : none
# Example : none
# Description: Implements abstract superclass method to define the columns
# retrieved in database queries used to create prediction
# transcripts.
# Returntype : list of strings
# Exceptions : none
# Caller : generic_fetch
sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
  my $self  = shift;
  my $slice = shift;
  my $logic_name = shift;
  my $load_exons = shift;

  my $transcripts = $self->SUPER::fetch_all_by_Slice($slice,$logic_name);

  # if there are 0 or 1 transcripts still do lazy-loading
if(!$load_exons || @$transcripts < 2) { return $transcripts; } # preload all of the exons now, instead of lazy loading later
# faster than 1 query per transcript
# get extent of region spanned by transcripts
my ($min_start, $max_end); foreach my $tr (@$transcripts) { if(!defined($min_start) || $tr->start() < $min_start) { $min_start = $tr->start(); } if(!defined($max_end) || $tr->end() > $max_end) { $max_end = $tr->end(); } } # mades no sense, the limit for the slice will be defined by the transcripts
# $min_start += $slice->start() - 1;
# $max_end += $slice->start() - 1;
my $ext_slice; if($min_start >= $slice->start() && $max_end <= $slice->end()) { $ext_slice = $slice; } else { my $sa = $self->db()->get_SliceAdaptor(); $ext_slice = $sa->fetch_by_region ($slice->coord_system->name(), $slice->seq_region_name(), $min_start,$max_end, $slice->strand(), $slice->coord_system->version()); } # associate exon identifiers with transcripts
my %tr_hash = map {$_->dbID => $_} @$transcripts; my $tr_id_str = '(' . join(',', keys %tr_hash) . ')'; my $sth = $self->prepare ("SELECT prediction_transcript_id, prediction_exon_id, exon_rank " . "FROM prediction_exon " . "WHERE prediction_transcript_id IN $tr_id_str"); $sth->execute(); my ($ex_id, $tr_id, $rank); $sth->bind_columns(\$tr_id,\$ ex_id,\$ rank); my %ex_tr_hash; while($sth->fetch()) { $ex_tr_hash{$ex_id} ||= []; push @{$ex_tr_hash{$ex_id}}, [$tr_hash{$tr_id}, $rank]; } $sth->finish(); my $ea = $self->db()->get_PredictionExonAdaptor(); my $exons = $ea->fetch_all_by_Slice($ext_slice); # move exons onto transcript slice, and add them to transcripts
foreach my $ex (@$exons) { $ex = $ex->transfer($slice) if($slice != $ext_slice); if(!$ex) { throw("Unexpected. PredictionExon could not be transfered onto " . "PredictionTranscript slice."); } foreach my $row (@{$ex_tr_hash{$ex->dbID()}}) { my ($tr, $rank) = @$row; $tr->add_Exon($ex, $rank); } } return $transcripts;
sub fetch_by_stable_id {
  my $self = shift;
  my $stable_id = shift;

  throw('Stable_id argument expected') if(!$stable_id);

  my $syn = $self->_tables()->[1];

  my $pts = $self->generic_fetch("$syn.display_label = ?");

  return (@$pts) ? $pts->[0] : undef;
sub list_dbIDs {
   my ($self, $ordered) = @_;

   return $self->_list_dbIDs("prediction_transcript", undef, $ordered);

sub remove {
  my $self = shift;
  my $pre_trans = shift;

    throw('Expected PredictionTranscript argument.');

  if(!$pre_trans->is_stored($self->db())) {
    warning('PredictionTranscript is not stored in this DB - not removing.');

  #remove all associated prediction exons
my $pexon_adaptor = $self->db()->get_PredictionExonAdaptor(); foreach my $pexon (@{$pre_trans->get_all_Exons}) { $pexon_adaptor->remove($pexon); } #remove the prediction transcript
my $sth = $self->prepare( "DELETE FROM prediction_transcript WHERE prediction_transcript_id = ?" ); $sth->bind_param(1,$pre_trans->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $sth->execute(); #unset the adaptor and internal id
$pre_trans->dbID(undef); $pre_trans->adaptor(undef);
sub store {
  my ( $self, @pre_transcripts ) = @_;

  my $ptstore_sth = $self->prepare
    (qq{INSERT INTO prediction_transcript (seq_region_id, seq_region_start,
                                           seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, 
                                           analysis_id, display_label)
        VALUES( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)});

  my $ptupdate_sth = $self->prepare
    (qq{UPDATE prediction_transcript SET display_label = ?
        WHERE  prediction_transcript_id = ?});

  my $db = $self->db();
  my $analysis_adaptor = $db->get_AnalysisAdaptor();
  my $pexon_adaptor = $db->get_PredictionExonAdaptor();

  FEATURE: foreach my $pt (@pre_transcripts) {
    if(!ref($pt) || !$pt->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::PredictionTranscript')) {
      throw('Expected PredictionTranscript argument not [' . ref($pt).']');

    #skip prediction transcripts that have already been stored
if($pt->is_stored($db)) { warning('Not storing already stored prediction transcript '. $pt->dbID); next FEATURE; } #get analysis and store it if it is not in the db
my $analysis = $pt->analysis(); if(!$analysis) { throw('Prediction transcript must have analysis to be stored.'); } if(!$analysis->is_stored($db)) { $analysis_adaptor->store($analysis); } #ensure that the transcript coordinates are correct, they may not be,
#if somebody has done some exon coordinate juggling and not recalculated
#the transcript coords.
$pt->recalculate_coordinates(); my $original = $pt; my $seq_region_id; ($pt, $seq_region_id) = $self->_pre_store($pt); #store the prediction transcript
$ptstore_sth->bind_param(1,$seq_region_id,SQL_INTEGER); $ptstore_sth->bind_param(2,$pt->start,SQL_INTEGER); $ptstore_sth->bind_param(3,$pt->end,SQL_INTEGER); $ptstore_sth->bind_param(4,$pt->strand,SQL_TINYINT); $ptstore_sth->bind_param(5,$analysis->dbID,SQL_INTEGER); $ptstore_sth->bind_param(6,$pt->display_label,SQL_VARCHAR); $ptstore_sth->execute(); my $pt_id = $ptstore_sth->{'mysql_insertid'}; $original->dbID($pt_id); $original->adaptor($self); #store the exons
my $rank = 1; foreach my $pexon (@{$original->get_all_Exons}) { $pexon_adaptor->store($pexon, $pt_id, $rank++); } # if a display label was not defined autogenerate one
if(!defined($pt->display_label())) { my $zeros = '0' x (11 - length($pt_id)); my $display_label = uc($analysis->logic_name()) . $zeros . $pt_id; $ptupdate_sth->bind_param(1,$display_label,SQL_VARCHAR); $ptupdate_sth->bind_param(2,$pt_id,SQL_INTEGER); $ptupdate_sth->execute(); $original->display_label($display_label); } }
General documentation
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