Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping ResultAnalyser
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ResultAnalyser - analyse stable Id mapping results
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::ScriptUtils qw ( path_append )
  # get a result analyser
my $analyser = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::ResultAnalyser->new(
-LOGGER => $logger,
-CONF => $conf,
-CACHE => $cache
# analyse results $analyser->analyse( $gene_mappings, $stable_id_mapper->get_all_stable_id_events('similarity') ); # write results to file $analyser->write_results_to_file; # create click lists $analyser->create_clicklist; # summary email $analyser->create_summary_email;
This is a utility module which analyses the stable Id mapping results
by providing various sorts of mapping statistics. It also creates
clicklists and a summary email.
Methods description
addcode    nextTop
  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type ('source' or 'target')
Arg[2] : String $class - key identifying a gene type (see class_key())
Arg[3] : String $subclass - status identifier (e.g. 'mapped', 'lost')
Arg[4] : String $stable_id - gene stable Id
Arg[5] : String $val - value (usually 0 or 1)
Example : $analyser->add('source', 'KNOWN-ensembl-protein_coding',
'mapped', 'ENSG00002342', 1);
Description : Add a stable Id / property pair to a name/dbtype lookup hash.

The datastructure is a bit of a bloat, but is general enough to
be used as a lookup hash and to generate statistics (counts by
type) and debug lists (dump by type).
Return type : String - the added value
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList $gene_mappings - the gene
mappings to analyse
Arg[2] : Arrayref of Strings - similarity events
Example : $analyser->analyse($gene_mappings,
Description : Analyses the results of a stable Id mapping run.
Return type : none
Exceptions : thrown on wrong or missing arguments
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyGene $gene - a gene object
Example : my $class = $analyser->class_key($gene);
Description : Generates a key identifying a gene class. This identifier is
composed from the gene's status, logic naame, and biotye.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MapppingList $gene_mappings - gene
mappings to classify
Arg[2] : Arrayref of Strings - similarity events
Example : $analyser->classify_genes_by_mapping;
Description : Classifies genes by mapping. Status is
'mapped' => stable Id was mapped
'lost_similar' => stable Id not mapped, but there is a
similarity entry for the source Id
'lost_definite' => not mapped and no similarity
Return type : none
Exceptions : thrown on wrong or missing argument
Caller : This method is not in use at the momen.
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MapppingList $gene_mappings - gene
mappings to classify
Example : $analyser->classify_genes_by_mapping_simple;
Description : Classifies target genes by mapping ('mapped' or 'unmapped').
Return type : none
Exceptions : thrown on wrong or missing argument
Caller : This method is not in use at the momen.
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $analyser->classify_source_genes_by_type;
Description : Classifies source genes by type and adds them to the internal
datastructure. For the format of the classification string see
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $analyser->create_clicklist;
Description : Writes an html file which contains a list of all lost genes,
with hyperlinks to the appropriate archive website. This is to
manually check lost genes.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $analyser->create_summary_email;
Description : Writes a text file containing a summary of the mapping stats.
This will be emailed to the genebuilder for evaluation (you will
have to manually send the email, using the text in
summary_email.txt as the template).
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type ('source' or 'target')
Arg[2] : String $class - key identifying a gene type (see class_key())
Arg[3] : String $subclass - status identifier (e.g. 'mapped', 'lost')
Arg[4] : String $stable_id - gene stable Id
Example : my $mapping_status = $analyser->get('source',
'KNOWN-ensembl-protein_coding', 'mapped', 'ENSG00002342');
Description : Gets a stable Id mapping status from the internal datastructure.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type ('source' or 'target')
Arg[2] : String $class - key identifying a gene type (see class_key())
Example : my @stable_ids = $analyser->get_all_by_class('source',
Description : Gets a list of stable Id for a given class.
Return type : Arrayref of String (stable Ids)
Exceptions : thrown on missing arguments
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type ('source' or 'target')
Arg[2] : String $class - key identifying a gene type (see class_key())
Arg[3] : String $subclass - status identifier (e.g. 'mapped', 'lost')
Example : my @mapped_stable_ids = $analyser->get_all_by_subclass('source',
'KNOWN-ensembl-protein_coding', 'mapped');
Description : Gets a list of stable Id for a given subclass.
Return type : Arrayref of String (stable Ids)
Exceptions : thrown on missing arguments
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type ('source' or 'target')
Example : foreach my $class (@{ $analyser->get_all_classes('source') }) {
print "$class\n";
Description : Gets a list of classes in the ResultAnalyser.
Return type : Arrayref of String
Exceptions : thrown on missing argument
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type ('source' or 'target')
Arg[2] : String $class - key identifying a gene type (see class_key())
Example : my $num_mapped = $analyser->get_count_by_class('source',
Description : Gets the number of stable Ids for a given class.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : thrown on missing arguments
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : String $dbtype - db type ('source' or 'target')
Arg[2] : String $class - key identifying a gene type (see class_key())
Arg[3] : String $subclass - status identifier (e.g. 'mapped', 'lost')
Example : my $num_mapped = $analyser->get_count_by_subclass('source',
'KNOWN-ensembl-protein_coding', 'mapped');
Description : Gets the number of stable Ids for a given subclass.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : thrown on missing arguments
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : String $filename - name of file to read
Arg[2] : (optional) String $append - directory name to append to basedir
Example : my $stats_text = $analyser->read_from_file('gene_mapping_stats',
Description : Reads mapping stats from a file.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : $analyser->write_results_to_file;
Description : Writes the results of the result analysis to a file. This is a
human-readable text detailing the mapping statistics.
Return type : none
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
: under development
Methods code
sub add {
  my ($self, $dbtype, $class, $subclass, $stable_id, $val) = @_;

  # private method, so no argument check done for performance reasons
# default to a value of '1'
$val = 1 unless (defined($val)); $self->{$dbtype}->{$class}->{$subclass}->{$stable_id} = $val;
sub analyse {
  my $self = shift;
  my $gene_mappings = shift;
  my $similarity_events = shift;
  # argument check
unless ($gene_mappings and $gene_mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList')) { throw("Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList of genes."); } unless ($similarity_events and ref($similarity_events) eq 'ARRAY') { throw("Need a list of similarity events."); } # classify source genes by type (status-logic_name-biotype)
$self->classify_source_genes_by_type; # classify source genes by mapping status
$self->classify_genes_by_mapping($gene_mappings, $similarity_events);
sub class_key {
  my ($self, $gene) = @_;
  return join('-', map { $gene->$_ } qw(status logic_name biotype));
sub classify_genes_by_mapping {
  my $self = shift;
  my $gene_mappings = shift;
  my $similarity_events = shift;
  # argument check
unless ($gene_mappings and $gene_mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList')) { throw("Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList of genes."); } unless ($similarity_events and ref($similarity_events) eq 'ARRAY') { throw("Need a list of similarity events."); } # mapped genes
foreach my $e (@{ $gene_mappings->get_all_Entries }) { my $s_gene = $self->cache->get_by_key('genes_by_id', 'source', $e->source); $self->add('source', $self->class_key($s_gene), 'mapped', $s_gene->stable_id); } # lookup hash for similarities
my %similar = (); foreach my $event (@{ $similarity_events }) { my ($stable_id) = split("\t", $event); $similar{$stable_id} = 1; } # deleted genes
foreach my $s_gene (values %{ $self->cache->get_by_name('genes_by_id', 'source') }) { my $stable_id = $s_gene->stable_id; my $class = $self->class_key($s_gene); unless ($self->get('source', $class, 'mapped', $stable_id)) { # sub-classify as 'lost_similar' or 'lost_definite'
if ($similar{$stable_id}) { $self->add('source', $class, 'lost_similar', $stable_id); } else { $self->add('source', $class, 'lost_definite', $stable_id); } } }
sub classify_genes_by_mapping_simple {
  my $self = shift;
  my $gene_mappings = shift;

  # argument check
unless ($gene_mappings and $gene_mappings->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList')) { throw("Need a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::MappingList of genes."); } my %result = (); # firrst, create a lookup hash of source genes by target internal ID
my %source_genes_by_target = (); foreach my $e (@{ $gene_mappings->get_all_Entries }) { my $s_gene = $self->cache->get_by_key('genes_by_id', 'source', $e->source); my $t_gene = $self->cache->get_by_key('genes_by_id', 'target', $e->target); $source_genes_by_target{$t_gene->id} = $s_gene; } # now loop over target genes
foreach my $t_gene (values %{ $self->cache->get_by_name('genes_by_id', 'target') }) { # check if target gene has all required properties set
unless ($t_gene->status and $t_gene->logic_name and $t_gene->biotype) { $self->logger->warning("Missing data for target gene: ". $t_gene->to_string."\n", 1); } my $class = $self->class_key($t_gene); # classify as '1' if mapped (using source gene's stable ID), otherwise '0'
if (my $s_gene = $source_genes_by_target{$t_gene->id}) { $self->add('target', $class, 'mapped', $s_gene->stable_id); } else { $self->add('target', $class, 'unmapped', $t_gene->stable_id); } }
sub classify_source_genes_by_type {
  my $self = shift;

  foreach my $s_gene (values %{ $self->cache->get_by_name('genes_by_id', 'source') }) {
    $self->add('source', $self->class_key($s_gene), 'all', $s_gene->stable_id);
sub create_clicklist {
  my $self = shift;

  my $fh = $self->get_filehandle('genes_lost.html', 'stats');

  # start html output
print $fh qq(<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">\n); print $fh qq(<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-gb" lang="en-gb">); print $fh "<head>\n"; print $fh "<title>Lost genes "; print $fh $self->conf->param('sourcedbname'), ' -&gt; ', $self->conf->param('targetdbname'); print $fh "</title>\n"; print $fh "</head>\n<body>\n"; my $prefix = $self->conf->param('urlprefix'); unless ($prefix) { $self->logger->warning("No urlprefix set, clicklists might not be useable.\n", 1); } my $navigation; my $clicklist; foreach my $class (@{ $self->get_all_classes('source') }) { next if ($class eq 'all'); $navigation .= "$class "; $clicklist .= "<h1>$class</h1>\n"; foreach my $subclass (qw(lost_similar lost_definite)) { # navigation
$navigation .= qq(<a href="#${class}-$subclass">$subclass</a> ); # clicklist
$clicklist .= "<h2>$subclass</h2>\n"; foreach my $stable_id (@{ $self->get_all_by_subclass('source', $class, $subclass) }) { $clicklist .= qq(<a href="${prefix}$stable_id">$stable_id</a><br />\n); } } $navigation .= "<br />\n"; } # print navigation and clicklist
print $fh "$navigation\n\n"; print $fh "$clicklist\n\n"; # html footer
print $fh "</body></html>\n"; close($fh);
sub create_summary_email {
  my $self = shift;
  my $fh = $self->get_filehandle('summary_email.txt');

# title
print $fh qq(Stable ID mapping results\n); print $fh qq(=========================\n\n); #
# timing
print $fh "Run at: ".localtime()."\n"; print $fh "Runtime: "; print $fh $self->logger->runtime, "\n\n"; #
# parameters used for this run
print $fh $self->conf->list_param_values; print $fh "\n"; #
# mapping stats
foreach my $type (qw(exon transcript translation gene gene_detailed)) { my $filename = "${type}_mapping_stats.txt"; if ($self->file_exists($filename, 'stats')) { print $fh $self->read_from_file($filename, 'stats'); print $fh "\n\n"; } else { print $fh "No mapping stats found for $type.\n\n"; } } #
# db uploads
my @uploads = ( ['stable_ids' => 'Stable IDs'], ['events' => 'Stable ID events and mapping session'], ['archive' => 'Gene and peptide archive'], ); my $fmt1 = "%-40s%-20s\n"; print $fh qq(Data uploaded to db:\n); print $fh qq(====================\n\n); if ($self->conf->param('dry_run')) { print $fh "None (dry run).\n"; } else { foreach my $u (@uploads) { my $uploaded = 'no'; $uploaded = 'yes' if ($self->conf->is_true("upload_".$u->[0])); print $fh sprintf($fmt1, $u->[1], $uploaded); } } print $fh "\n"; #
# stats and clicklist
my @output = ( ['stats' => 'statistics (including clicklists of deleted IDs)'], ['debug' => 'detailed mapping output for debugging'], ['tables' => 'data files for db upload'], ); my $fmt2 = "%-20s%-50s\n"; print $fh qq(\nOutput directories:\n); print $fh qq(===================\n\n); print $fh sprintf($fmt2, qw(DIRECTORY DESCRIPTION)); print $fh ('-'x72), "\n"; print $fh sprintf($fmt2, 'basedir', $self->conf->param('basedir')); foreach my $o (@output) { print $fh sprintf($fmt2, '$basedir/'.$o->[0], $o->[1]); } print $fh "\n"; #
# clicklist of first 10 deleted genes
print $fh qq(\nFirst 10 deleted known genes:\n); print $fh qq(=============================\n\n); my $in_fh = $self->get_filehandle('genes_lost.txt', 'debug', '<'); my $prefix = $self->conf->param('urlprefix'); my $i; while (<$in_fh>) { last if (++$i > 10); chomp; my ($stable_id, $type) = split(/\s+/); next unless ($type eq 'known'); print $fh sprintf($fmt2, $stable_id, "${prefix}$stable_id"); } close($in_fh); close($fh);
sub get {
  my ($self, $dbtype, $class, $subclass, $stable_id) = @_;

  # private method, so no argument check done for performance reasons
return $self->{$dbtype}->{$class}->{$subclass}->{$stable_id};
sub get_all_by_class {
  my ($self, $dbtype, $class) = @_;

  # argument check
throw("Need a dbtype (source|target).") unless ($dbtype); throw("Need a class.") unless ($class); my %merged = (); foreach my $subclass (keys %{ $self->{$dbtype}->{$class} || {} }) { while (my ($key, $val) = each(%{ $self->{$dbtype}->{$class}->{$subclass} })) { $merged{$key} = $val; } } return [ keys %merged ];
sub get_all_by_subclass {
  my ($self, $dbtype, $class, $subclass) = @_;

  # argument check
throw("Need a dbtype (source|target).") unless ($dbtype); throw("Need a class.") unless ($class); throw("Need a subclass.") unless ($subclass); return [ keys %{ $self->{$dbtype}->{$class}->{$subclass} || {} } ];
sub get_all_classes {
  my ($self, $dbtype) = @_;

  # argument check
throw("Need a dbtype (source|target).") unless ($dbtype); return [ sort keys %{ $self->{$dbtype} || {} } ];
sub get_count_by_class {
  my ($self, $dbtype, $class) = @_;

  # argument check
throw("Need a dbtype (source|target).") unless ($dbtype); throw("Need a class.") unless ($class); return scalar(@{ $self->get_all_by_class($dbtype, $class) });
sub get_count_by_subclass {
  my ($self, $dbtype, $class, $subclass) = @_;

  # argument check
throw("Need a dbtype (source|target).") unless ($dbtype); throw("Need a class.") unless ($class); throw("Need a subclass.") unless ($subclass); return scalar(keys %{ $self->{$dbtype}->{$class}->{$subclass} || {} });
sub read_from_file {
  my $self = shift;
  my $filename = shift;
  my $append = shift;

  my $in_fh = $self->get_filehandle($filename, $append, '<');

  my $txt;

  while (<$in_fh>) {
    $txt .= $_;

  return $txt;

sub write_results_to_file {
   my $self = shift;

  my $fh = $self->get_filehandle('gene_detailed_mapping_stats.txt', 'stats');

  my $fmt1 = "%-60s%-16s%-16s%-16s\n";
  my $fmt2 = "%-60s%5.0f (%7s) %5.0f (%7s) %5.0f (%7s)\n";
  my $fmt3 = "%3.2f%%";

  print $fh "Gene detailed mapping results:\n\n";

  print $fh sprintf($fmt1, "Gene type", "mapped", "lost (similar)",
    "lost (definite)");

  print $fh ('-'x108), "\n";

  foreach my $class (@{ $self->get_all_classes('source') }) {
    next if ($class eq 'all');

    my $total = $self->get_count_by_class('source', $class);

    # avoid division by zero error
unless ($total) { $self->logger->warning("No count found for $class.\n", 1); next; } my $mapped = $self->get_count_by_subclass('source', $class, 'mapped'); my $similar = $self->get_count_by_subclass('source', $class, 'lost_similar'); my $lost = $self->get_count_by_subclass('source', $class, 'lost_definite'); print $fh sprintf($fmt2, $class, $mapped, sprintf($fmt3, $mapped/$total*100),
$similar, sprintf($fmt3, $similar/$total*100), $lost, sprintf($fmt3, $lost/$total*100));
} close($fh);
General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html
  Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl
developers list at <>.
Questions may also be sent to the Ensembl help desk at <>.