Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping SyntenyRegion
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Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyRegion - object representing syntenic regions
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  # create a new SyntenyRegion from a source and a target gene
my $sr = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyRegion->new_fast( [
$source_gene->start, $source_gene->end,
$source_gene->strand, $source_gene->seq_region_name,
$target_gene->start, $target_gene->end,
$target_gene->strand, $target_gene->seq_region_name,
] );
# merge with another SyntenyRegion my $merged_sr = $sr->merge($sr1); # score a gene pair against this SyntenyRegion my $score = $sr->score_location_relationship( $source_gene1, $target_gene1 );
This object represents a synteny between a source and a target location.
SyntenyRegions are built from mapped genes, and the their score is
defined as the score of the gene mapping. For merged SyntenyRegions,
scores are combined.
Methods description
mergecode    nextTop
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyRegion $sr - another
Example : $merged_sr = $sr->merge($other_sr);
Description : Merges two overlapping SyntenyRegions if they meet certain
criteria (see documentation in the code for details). Score is
calculated as a combined distance score. If the two
SyntenyRegions aren't mergeable, this method returns undef.
Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyRegion or undef
Exceptions : warns on bad scores
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Arrayref $array_ref - the arrayref to bless into the
SyntenyRegion object
Example : my $sr = Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyRegion->new_fast([
Description : Constructor. On instantiation, source and target regions are
reverse complemented so that source is always on forward strand.
Return type : a Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyRegion object
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Float - score
Description : Getter/setter for the score between source and target location.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyGene $source_gene - source gene
Arg[2] : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::TinyGene $target_gene - target gene
Example : my $score = $sr->score_location_relationship($source_gene,
Description : This function calculates how well the given source location
interpolates on given target location inside this SyntenyRegion.
Scoring is done the following way: Source and target location are normalized with respect to this Regions source and target. Source range will then be somewhere close to 0.0-1.0 and target range anything around that. The extend of the covered area between source and target range is a measurement of how well they agree (smaller extend is better). The extend (actually 2*extend) is reduced by the size of the regions. This will result in 0.0 if they overlap perfectly and bigger values if they dont. This is substracted from 1.0 to give the score. The score is likely to be below zero, but is cut off at 0.0f. Finally, the score is multiplied with the score of the synteny itself. Return type : Float Exceptions : warns if score out of range Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework Status : At Risk : under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Int - source location end coordinate
Description : Getter/setter for source location end coordinate.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) String - source location seq_region name
Description : Getter/setter for source location seq_region name.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Int - source location start coordinate
Description : Getter/setter for source location start coordinate.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Int - source location strand
Description : Getter/setter for source location strand.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : Float $factor - stretching factor
Example : $stretched_sr = $sr->stretch(2);
Description : Extends this SyntenyRegion to span a $factor * $score more area.
Return type : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyRegion
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Int - target location end coordinate
Description : Getter/setter for target location end coordinate.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) String - target location seq_region name
Description : Getter/setter for target location seq_region name.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Int - target location start coordinate
Description : Getter/setter for target location start coordinate.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Arg[1]      : (optional) Int - target location strand
Description : Getter/setter for target location strand.
Return type : Int
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
  Example     : print LOG $sr->to_string, "\n";
Description : Returns a string representation of the SyntenyRegion object.
Useful for debugging and logging.
Return type : String
Exceptions : none
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::IdMapping::SyntenyFramework
Status : At Risk
: under development
Methods code
sub merge {
  my ($self, $sr) = @_;

  # must be on same seq_region
if ($self->source_seq_region_name ne $sr->source_seq_region_name or $self->target_seq_region_name ne $sr->target_seq_region_name) { return 0; } # target must be on same strand
return 0 unless ($self->target_strand == $sr->target_strand); # find the distance of source and target pair and compare
my $source_dist = $sr->source_start - $self->source_start; my $target_dist; if ($self->target_strand == 1) { $target_dist = $sr->target_start - $self->target_start; } else { $target_dist = $self->target_end - $sr->target_end; } # prevent division by zero error
if ($source_dist == 0 or $target_dist == 0) { warn("WARNING: source_dist ($source_dist) and/or target_dist ($target_dist) is zero.\n"); return 0; } # calculate a distance score
my $dist = $source_dist - $target_dist; $dist = -$dist if ($dist < 0); my $d1 = $dist/$source_dist;
$d1 = -$d1 if ($d1 < 0); my $d2 = $dist/$target_dist;
$d2 = -$d2 if ($d2 < 0); my $dist_score = 1 - $d1 - $d2; # distance score must be more than 50%
return 0 if ($dist_score < 0.5); my $new_score = $dist_score * ($sr->score + $self->score)/2;
if ($new_score > 1) { warn("WARNING: Bad merge score: $new_score\n"); } # extend SyntenyRegion to cover both sources and targets, set merged score
# and return
if ($sr->source_start < $self->source_start) { $self->source_start($sr->source_start); } if ($sr->source_end > $self->source_end) { $self->source_end($sr->source_end); } if ($sr->target_start < $self->target_start) { $self->target_start($sr->target_start); } if ($sr->target_end > $self->target_end) { $self->target_end($sr->target_end); } $self->score($new_score); return $self;
sub new_fast {
  my $class = shift;
  my $array_ref = shift;

  # reverse complement source and target so that source is always on forward
# strand; this will make merging and other comparison operations easier
# at later stages
if ($array_ref->[2] == -1) { $array_ref->[2] = 1; $array_ref->[6] = -1 * $array_ref->[6]; } return bless $array_ref, $class;
sub score {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[8] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[8];
sub score_location_relationship {
  my ($self, $source_gene, $target_gene) = @_;

  # must be on same seq_region
if (($self->source_seq_region_name ne $source_gene->seq_region_name) or ($self->target_seq_region_name ne $target_gene->seq_region_name)) { return 0; } # strand relationship must be the same (use logical XOR to find out)
if (($self->source_strand == $source_gene->strand) xor ($self->target_strand == $target_gene->strand)) { return 0; } # normalise source location
my $source_rel_start = ($source_gene->start - $self->source_start) /
$self->source_end - $self->source_start + 1);
my $source_rel_end = ($source_gene->end - $self->source_start + 1) /
$self->source_end - $self->source_start + 1);
#warn " aaa ".$self->to_string."\n";
#warn sprintf(" bbb %.6f %.6f\n", $source_rel_start, $source_rel_end);
# cut off if the source location is completely outside
return 0 if ($source_rel_start > 1.1 or $source_rel_end < -0.1); # normalise target location
my ($target_rel_start, $target_rel_end); my $t_length = $self->target_end - $self->target_start + 1; if ($self->target_strand == 1) { $target_rel_start = ($target_gene->start - $self->target_start) / $t_length;
$target_rel_end = ($target_gene->end - $self->target_start + 1) / $t_length;
} else { $target_rel_start = ($self->target_end - $target_gene->end) / $t_length;
$target_rel_end = ($self->target_end - $target_gene->start + 1) / $t_length;
} my $added_range = (($target_rel_end > $source_rel_end) ? $target_rel_end : $source_rel_end) - (($target_rel_start < $source_rel_start) ? $target_rel_start : $source_rel_start); my $score = $self->score * (1 - (2 * $added_range - $target_rel_end - $source_rel_end + $target_rel_start + $source_rel_start)); #warn " ccc ".sprintf("%.6f:%.6f:%.6f:%.6f:%.6f\n", $added_range,
# $source_rel_start, $source_rel_end, $target_rel_start, $target_rel_end);
$score = 0 if ($score < 0); # sanity check
if ($score > 1) { warn "Out of range score ($score) for ".$source_gene->id.":". $target_gene->id."\n"; } return $score;
sub source_end {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[1] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[1];
sub source_seq_region_name {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[3] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[3];
sub source_start {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[0] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[0];
sub source_strand {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[2] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[2];
sub stretch {
  my ($self, $factor) = @_;

  my $source_adjust = int(($self->source_end - $self->source_start + 1) *
    $factor * $self->score);
  $self->source_start($self->source_start - $source_adjust);
  $self->source_end($self->source_end + $source_adjust);
  #warn sprintf("  sss %d %d %d\n", $source_adjust, $self->source_start,
# $self->source_end);
my $target_adjust = int(($self->target_end - $self->target_start + 1) * $factor * $self->score); $self->target_start($self->target_start - $target_adjust); $self->target_end($self->target_end + $target_adjust); return $self;
sub target_end {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[5] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[5];
sub target_seq_region_name {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[7] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[7];
sub target_start {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[4] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[4];
sub target_strand {
  my $self = shift;
  $self->[6] = shift if (@_);
  return $self->[6];
sub to_string {
  my $self = shift;
  return sprintf("%s:%s-%s:%s %s:%s-%s:%s %.6f",

General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html
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