Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DBSQL DitagFeatureAdaptor
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw warning )
  my $dfa = $db->get_DitagFeatureAdaptor;
my $ditagFeatures = $dfa->fetch_all_by_Slice( $slice, "SME005" );
foreach my $ditagFeature (@$ditagFeatures) { print $ditagFeature->ditag_id . " " . $ditagFeature->slice . " " . $ditagFeature->start . "-" . $ditagFeature->end . " " . $ditagFeature->strand; }
Provides database interaction for the Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature
Methods description
_fetchcode    nextTop
  Arg [1]    : statement handler
Arg [2] : (optional) target-slice for the feature
Description: generic sql-fetch function for the DitagFeature fetch methods
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeatures
Caller : private
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : (Array ref of) Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeatures
Arg [2] : bool have_dbIDs
Example : $ditagfeature_adaptor->batch_store(\@ditag_features);
Description: Stores a list of ditagFeatures in this database.
DitagFeatures are expected to have no dbID yet unless flag "have_dbIDs" is true.
They are inserted in one combined INSERT for better performance.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : thrown if not all data needed for storing is given for the
ditag features
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : none
Example : @all_tags = @{$ditagfeature_adaptor->fetch_all};
Description: Retrieves all ditagFeatures from the database;
Usually not a good idea, use fetch_all_by_Slice instead.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Arg [2] : (optional) ditag type name (specific library) or an aray ref with multiple type names
Arg [3] : (optional) analysis logic_name
Example : $tags = $ditagfeature_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($slice, "SME005");
Description: Retrieves ditagFeatures from the database overlapping a specific region
and (optional) of a specific ditag type or analysis.
Start & end locations are returned in slice coordinates, now.
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeatures
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : ditag dbID
Arg [2] : (optional) ditag-pair dbID
Arg [3] : (optional) analysis ID
Example : @my_tags = @{$ditagfeature_adaptor->fetch_all_by_ditag_id($my_id)};
Description: Retrieves all ditagFeatures from the database linking to a specific ditag-id
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : ditag type
Example : @my_tags = @{$ditagfeature_adaptor->fetch_all_by_type($type)};
Description: Retrieves all ditagFeatures from the database linking to a specific ditag-type
Returntype : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : ditagFeature dbID
Example : @my_tags = @{$ditagfeature_adaptor->fetch_by_dbID($my_id)};
Description: Retrieves a ditagFeature from the database.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice
Arg [2] : (optional) ditag type (specific library)
Arg [3] : (optional) analysis logic_name
Example : my $ditagfeatures = $dfa->fetch_pairs_by_Slice($slice);
foreach my $ditagfeature (@$ditagfeatures){
$minstart = $$ditagfeature2{'start'};
$maxend = $$ditagfeature2{'end'};
$bothstrand = $$ditagfeature2{'strand'};
$tag_count = $$ditagfeature2{'tag_count'};
print "$minstart, $maxend, $bothstrand, $tag_count\n";
Description: Retrieves ditagFeature information in pairs from the database overlapping a specific region
and (optional) of a specific ditag type or analysis. The absotute start and end points are
Slices should be SMALL!
Returntype : array ref with hash ref of artifical DitagFeature object
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Args       : None
Example : my @feature_ids = @{$dfa->list_dbIDs()};
Description: Gets an array of internal IDs for all DitagFeature objects in
the current database.
Arg[1] : <optional> int. not 0 for the ids to be sorted by the seq_region.
Returntype : List of ints
Exceptions : None
Status : Stable
  Arg [1]    : dbID of DitagFeature
Example : $ditagfeature_adaptor->get_sequence($ditagFeature->dbID)
Description: get the part of the sequence of a ditag,
that is actully aligned to the genome.
Returntype : string
Exceptions : thrown if not all data needed for storing is populated in the
ditag features
Caller : Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : (Array ref of) Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature
Example : $ditagfeature_adaptor->store(@ditag_features);
Description: Stores a single ditagFeature or
a list of ditagFeatures in this database.
Returntype : none
Exceptions : thrown if not all data needed for storing is populated in the
ditag features
Caller : general
Status : At Risk
  Arg [1]    : ditagFeature to update
Description: update an existing ditagFeature with new values
Returntype : 1 on success
Status : At Risk
Methods code
sub _fetch {
  my ($self, $sth, $dest_slice) = @_;

  my ( $tag_id, $mothertag_id, $seqreg, $seqstart, $seqend, $strand, $analysis_id, $hit_start,
       $hit_end, $hit_strand, $cigar_line, $ditag_side, $ditag_pair_id, $tag_count );
  $sth->bind_columns(\$ tag_id,\$        mothertag_id,\$ seqreg,\$
                      seqstart,\$      seqend,\$       strand,\$
                      analysis_id,\$   hit_start,\$    hit_end,\$
                      hit_strand,\$    cigar_line,\$   ditag_side,\$
                      ditag_pair_id,\$ tag_count );

  my @ditag_features;
  my $dest_slice_start;
  my $dest_slice_end;
  my $dest_slice_strand;
  if($dest_slice) {
    $dest_slice_start   = $dest_slice->start();
    $dest_slice_end     = $dest_slice->end();
    $dest_slice_strand  = $dest_slice->strand();

  while ( $sth->fetch ) {
    my $analysis_obj = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($analysis_id);
    my $slice        = $self->db->get_SliceAdaptor->fetch_by_seq_region_id($seqreg);

    if($dest_slice) {
      if($dest_slice_start != 1 || $dest_slice_strand != 1) {
        if($dest_slice_strand == 1) {
          $seqstart    = $seqstart  - $dest_slice_start + 1;
          $seqend      = $seqend    - $dest_slice_start + 1;
        } else {
          my $tmp_seq_region_start = $seqstart;
          $seqstart    = $dest_slice_end - $seqend + 1;
          $seqend      = $dest_slice_end - $tmp_seq_region_start + 1;
          $strand     *= -1;
	$slice = $dest_slice;

    push @ditag_features,
      Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature->new( -dbid          => $tag_id,
                                            -slice         => $slice,
                                            -start         => $seqstart,
                                            -end           => $seqend,
                                            -strand        => $strand, 
                                            -analysis      => $analysis_obj,
                                            -hit_start     => $hit_start,
                                            -hit_end       => $hit_end,
                                            -hit_strand    => $hit_strand,
                                            -ditag_id      => $mothertag_id,
                                            -cigar_line    => $cigar_line,
                                            -ditag_side    => $ditag_side,
					    -ditag_pair_id => $ditag_pair_id,
					    -ditag         => undef,
					    -tag_count     => $tag_count,
                                            -adaptor       => $self,

  return\@ ditag_features;
sub batch_store {
  my ( $self, $ditag_features, $have_dbIDs ) = @_;

  my @good_ditag_features;
  my ($sql, $sqladd);
  my $inserts = 0;

  if ( ref $ditag_features eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    if ( scalar(@$ditag_features) == 0 ) {
      throw( "Must call store with ditag_feature or list ref of ditag_features." );
  } elsif ($ditag_features) {
    my @ditag_features;
    push @ditag_features, $ditag_features;
    $ditag_features =\@ ditag_features;
  } else {
    throw( "Must call store with ditag_feature or list ref of ditag_features." );

  my $db = $self->db() or throw "Couldn t get database connection.";

  #check whether it s a DitagFeature object and is not stored already
foreach my $ditag_feature (@$ditag_features) { if ( !ref $ditag_feature || !$ditag_feature->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature") ) { throw( "Object must be an Ensembl DitagFeature, " . "not a " . ref($ditag_feature) ); } if(!$ditag_feature->ditag_id or !($self->db->get_DitagAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($ditag_feature->ditag_id))){ throw("DitagFeature must be supplied with the id of a corresponding Ditag object."); } if(!$ditag_feature->ditag or !$ditag_feature->ditag->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::Ditag")){ throw("DitagFeature must be linked to a valid Ditag object."); } if ( $ditag_feature->is_stored($db) ) { warning( "DitagFeature " . $ditag_feature->dbID . " is already stored in this database." ); next; } push(@good_ditag_features, $ditag_feature); } $ditag_features = undef; #create batch INSERT
if($have_dbIDs){ $sql = "INSERT INTO ditag_feature ( ditag_feature_id, ditag_id, seq_region_id, seq_region_start, ". "seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, analysis_id, hit_start, hit_end, ". "hit_strand, cigar_line, ditag_side, ditag_pair_id ) VALUES "; foreach my $ditag_feature (@good_ditag_features) { $sqladd = ""; if($inserts){ $sqladd = ", " } $sqladd .= "(". $ditag_feature->ditag_feature_id.", ".$ditag_feature->ditag_id.", ". ($ditag_feature->slice->get_seq_region_id).", ". $ditag_feature->start.", ". $ditag_feature->end.", '".$ditag_feature->strand."', ".$ditag_feature->analysis->dbID.", ". $ditag_feature->hit_start.", ".$ditag_feature->hit_end.", '".$ditag_feature->hit_strand. "', '".$ditag_feature->cigar_line."', '".$ditag_feature->ditag_side."', ". $ditag_feature->ditag_pair_id.")"; $sql .= $sqladd; $inserts++; } } else{ $sql = "INSERT INTO ditag_feature ( ditag_id, seq_region_id, seq_region_start, ". "seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, analysis_id, hit_start, hit_end, ". "hit_strand, cigar_line, ditag_side, ditag_pair_id ) VALUES "; foreach my $ditag_feature (@good_ditag_features) { $sqladd = ""; if($inserts){ $sqladd = ", " } $sqladd .= "(". $ditag_feature->ditag_id.", ".($ditag_feature->slice->get_seq_region_id).", ". $ditag_feature->start.", ".$ditag_feature->end.", '".$ditag_feature->strand."', ". $ditag_feature->analysis->dbID.", ".$ditag_feature->hit_start.", ".$ditag_feature->hit_end. ", '".$ditag_feature->hit_strand."', '".$ditag_feature->cigar_line."', '". $ditag_feature->ditag_side."', ".$ditag_feature->ditag_pair_id.")"; $sql .= $sqladd; $inserts++; } } #STORE
if($inserts){ print STDERR "\nHave $inserts Features.\n"; eval{ $db->dbc->do($sql); }; if($@){ warning("Problem inserting ditag feature batch!".$@."\n"); } } else{ warn "Nothing stored!"; }
sub fetch_all {
  my $self = shift;

  my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT df.ditag_feature_id, df.ditag_id, df.seq_region_id, 
                            df.seq_region_start, df.seq_region_end, df.seq_region_strand, 
                            df.analysis_id, df.hit_start, df.hit_end, df.hit_strand, 
                            df.cigar_line, df.ditag_side, df.ditag_pair_id, d.tag_count 
                            FROM   ditag_feature df, ditag d 
                            WHERE  df.ditag_id=d.ditag_id" );

  my $result = $self->_fetch($sth);

  return $result;
sub fetch_all_by_Slice {
  my ($self, $slice, $tagtype, $logic_name) = @_;

  my @result;
  my $moresql;

  if(!ref($slice) || !$slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice")) {
    throw("Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice argument expected not $slice.");

  #get affected ditag_feature_ids
my $sql = "SELECT df.ditag_feature_id, df.ditag_id, df.seq_region_id, df.seq_region_start, df.seq_region_end, df.seq_region_strand, df.analysis_id, df.hit_start, df.hit_end, df.hit_strand, df.cigar_line, df.ditag_side, df.ditag_pair_id, d.tag_count FROM ditag_feature df, ditag d WHERE df.ditag_id=d.ditag_id"; if($tagtype){ my $tagtypes = ''; #check if array
if(ref $tagtype eq 'ARRAY'){ my @arraytype_mod; foreach my $arraytype (@$tagtype){ push @arraytype_mod, '"'.$arraytype.'"' } $tagtypes = join(", ", @arraytype_mod); } else{ $tagtypes = '"'.$tagtype.'"'; } $sql .= " AND d.type IN(".$tagtypes.")"; } if($logic_name){ my $analysis = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name); if(!$analysis) { return undef; } $sql .= " AND df.analysis_id = ".$analysis->dbID(); } $sql .= " AND df.seq_region_id = ".$slice->get_seq_region_id. " AND df.seq_region_start <= ".$slice->end. " AND df.seq_region_end >= ".$slice->start; my $sth = $self->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); my $result = $self->_fetch($sth, $slice); push(@result, @$result); return\@ result;
sub fetch_all_by_ditagID {
  my ($self, $ditag_id, $ditag_pair_id, $analysis_id) = @_;

  my $arg = $ditag_id;
  my $sql = "SELECT df.ditag_feature_id, df.ditag_id, df.seq_region_id, 
             df.seq_region_start, df.seq_region_end, df.seq_region_strand, 
             df.analysis_id, df.hit_start, df.hit_end, df.hit_strand, 
             df.cigar_line, df.ditag_side, df.ditag_pair_id, d.tag_count 
             FROM   ditag_feature df, ditag d 
             WHERE  df.ditag_id=d.ditag_id AND df.ditag_id = ? ";
    $sql .= "AND df.ditag_pair_id = ? ";
    $arg .= ", $ditag_pair_id";
    $sql .= "AND df.analysis_id = ? ";
    $arg .= ", $analysis_id";
  $sql   .= "ORDER BY df.ditag_pair_id";
  my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);

  my $result = $self->_fetch($sth);

  return $result;
sub fetch_all_by_type {
  my ($self, $ditag_type) = @_;

  my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT df.ditag_feature_id, df.ditag_id, df.seq_region_id, 
                            df.seq_region_start, df.seq_region_end, df.seq_region_strand, 
                            df.analysis_id, df.hit_start, df.hit_end, df.hit_strand, 
                            df.cigar_line, df.ditag_side, df.ditag_pair_id, d.tag_count 
                            FROM   ditag_feature df, ditag d 
                            WHERE  df.ditag_id=d.ditag_id AND d.type = ? 
                            ORDER BY df.ditag_id, df.ditag_pair_id" );

  my $result = $self->_fetch($sth);

  return $result;
sub fetch_by_dbID {
  my ($self, $dbid) = @_;

  my $sth = $self->prepare("SELECT df.ditag_feature_id, df.ditag_id, df.seq_region_id, 
                            df.seq_region_start, df.seq_region_end, df.seq_region_strand, 
                            df.analysis_id, df.hit_start, df.hit_end, df.hit_strand, 
                            df.cigar_line, df.ditag_side, df.ditag_pair_id, d.tag_count 
                            FROM   ditag_feature df, ditag d 
                            WHERE  df.ditag_id=d.ditag_id AND df.ditag_feature_id = ?" );

  my $result = $self->_fetch($sth);

  return $result->[0];
sub fetch_pairs_by_Slice {
  my ($self, $slice, $tagtype, $logic_name) = @_;
  my ($tag_id, $pair_id, $seq_region_id, $start, $end, $strand, $analysis_id, $tag_count);
  my @result;

  my $sql = "SELECT df.ditag_id, df.ditag_pair_id, df.seq_region_id, MIN(df.seq_region_start), ".
            "MAX(df.seq_region_end), df.seq_region_strand, df.analysis_id, d.tag_count ".
            "FROM ditag_feature df, ditag d ".
            "WHERE df.ditag_id=d.ditag_id ";
    $sql .= "AND d.type =\" ".$tagtype."\"";
  $sql .= " AND df.seq_region_id = ".$slice->get_seq_region_id.
          " AND df.seq_region_start <= ".$slice->end.
	  " AND df.seq_region_end >= ".$slice->start;
    my $analysis = $self->db->get_AnalysisAdaptor->fetch_by_logic_name($logic_name);
    if(!$analysis) {
      return undef;
    $sql .= " AND df.analysis_id = ".$analysis->dbID();
  $sql .= " GROUP BY df.ditag_id, df.ditag_pair_id;";
  my $sth = $self->prepare($sql);
  $sth->bind_columns(\$ tag_id,\$ pair_id,\$ seq_region_id,\$ start,\$ end,\$ strand,\$ analysis_id ,\$tag_count);
  while ( $sth->fetch ) {
    #convert into relative slice coordinates
if($slice->strand == 1) { $start = $start - $slice->start + 1; $end = $end - $slice->start + 1; } else{ $start = $slice->end - $end + 1; $end = $slice->end - $start + 1; $strand *= -1; } my %ditag_feature_pair = ( ditag => $tag_id, pair_id => $pair_id, region => $seq_region_id, start => $start, end => $end, strand => $strand, analysis => $analysis_id, tag_count => $tag_count ); push(@result,\% ditag_feature_pair); } return\@ result;
sub list_dbIDs {
  my ($self, $ordered) = shift;
  return $self->_list_dbIDs('ditag_feature', undef, $ordered);

sub sequence {
  my ($self, $dbID) = @_;

  my $sequence = undef;
  my $db  = $self->db() or throw "Couldn t get database connection.";
  my $sql = "SELECT d.sequence, df.hit_start, df.hit_end, df.hit_strand ".
            "FROM ditag d, ditag_feature df ".
	    "WHERE df.ditag_id=d.ditag_id and df.ditag_feature_id = ?";
  my $sth = $db->dbc->prepare($sql);
  $sth->execute( $dbID );
  my ($seq, $start, $end, $strand) = $sth->fetchrow_array();
  if($seq and $start and $end and $strand){
    $sequence = substr($seq, ($start-1), ($end-$strand));
    if($strand == -1) {
      $sequence =~ tr/acgtrymkswhbvdnxACGTRYMKSWHBVDNX/tgcayrkmswdvbhnxTGCAYRKMSWDVBHNX/;

  return $sequence;
sub store {
  my ( $self, $ditag_features ) = @_;

  if ( ref $ditag_features eq 'ARRAY' ) {
    if ( scalar(@$ditag_features) == 0 ) {
      throw( "Must call store with ditag_feature or list ref of ditags_features" );
  } elsif ($ditag_features) {
    my @ditag_features;
    push @ditag_features, $ditag_features;
    $ditag_features =\@ ditag_features;
  } else {
    throw( "Must call store with ditag_feature or list ref of ditag_features." );

  my $db = $self->db() or throw "Couldn t get database connection.";

  my $sth1 = $self->prepare( "INSERT INTO ditag_feature( ditag_id, seq_region_id, seq_region_start, 
                              seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, analysis_id, hit_start, hit_end, 
                              hit_strand, cigar_line, ditag_side, ditag_pair_id ) 
                              VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? )" );
  my $sth2 = $self->prepare( "INSERT INTO ditag_feature( ditag_feature_ID, ditag_id, seq_region_id, 
                              seq_region_start, seq_region_end, seq_region_strand, analysis_id, hit_start, 
                              hit_end, hit_strand, cigar_line, ditag_side, ditag_pair_id ) 
                              VALUES( ?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,? )" );
#  my $sth3 = $self->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ditag_feature 
# WHERE ditag_id = ?" );
TAG: foreach my $ditag_feature (@$ditag_features) { if ( !ref $ditag_feature || !$ditag_feature->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::DitagFeature") ) { throw( "Object must be an Ensembl DitagFeature, " . "not a " . ref($ditag_feature) ); } if ( $ditag_feature->is_stored($db) ) { warning( "DitagFeature " . $ditag_feature->dbID . " is already stored in this database,". " maybe you need to use the update() method?" ); next TAG; } if(!$ditag_feature->ditag_id or !($self->db->get_DitagAdaptor->fetch_by_dbID($ditag_feature->ditag_id))){ throw("DitagFeature must be supplied with the id of a corresponding Ditag object."); } if(!$ditag_feature->ditag or !$ditag_feature->ditag->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Map::Ditag")){ throw("DitagFeature must be linked to a valid Ditag object."); } # #check if more than x tags with this ditag id exist
# $sth3->execute( $ditag_feature->ditag_id );
# my ($num) = $sth3->fetchrow_array();
# if ( ($num) and ($num > 1) ) {
# warning( "There are already at least 2 DitagFeatures relating to Ditag ".
# $ditag->ditag_id." stored in this database." );
# if ( $num > 4 ) {
# warning( "not storing" );
# next TAG;
# }
# }
if ( $ditag_feature->dbID ) { $sth2->bind_param( 1, $ditag_feature->dbID, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 2, $ditag_feature->ditag_id, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 3, ($ditag_feature->slice->get_seq_region_id), SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 4, $ditag_feature->start, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 5, $ditag_feature->end, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 6, $ditag_feature->strand, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth2->bind_param( 7, $ditag_feature->analysis->dbID, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 8, $ditag_feature->hit_start, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 9, $ditag_feature->hit_end, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth2->bind_param( 10, $ditag_feature->hit_strand, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth2->bind_param( 11, $ditag_feature->cigar_line, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth2->bind_param( 12, $ditag_feature->ditag_side, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth2->bind_param( 13, $ditag_feature->ditag_pair_id, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth2->execute(); } else{ $sth1->bind_param( 1, $ditag_feature->ditag_id, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth1->bind_param( 2, ($ditag_feature->slice->get_seq_region_id), SQL_INTEGER ); $sth1->bind_param( 3, $ditag_feature->start, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth1->bind_param( 4, $ditag_feature->end, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth1->bind_param( 5, $ditag_feature->strand, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth1->bind_param( 6, $ditag_feature->analysis->dbID, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth1->bind_param( 7, $ditag_feature->hit_start, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth1->bind_param( 8, $ditag_feature->hit_end, SQL_INTEGER ); $sth1->bind_param( 9, $ditag_feature->hit_strand, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth1->bind_param( 10, $ditag_feature->cigar_line, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth1->bind_param( 11, $ditag_feature->ditag_side, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth1->bind_param( 12, $ditag_feature->ditag_pair_id, SQL_VARCHAR ); $sth1->execute(); my $dbID = $sth1->{'mysql_insertid'}; $ditag_feature->dbID($dbID); $ditag_feature->adaptor($self); } }
sub update {
  my ($self, $ditagFeature) = @_;

  my $sth = $self->prepare( "UPDATE ditag_feature
                             SET ditag_id=?, seq_region_id=?, seq_region_start=?, seq_region_end=?,
                             seq_region_strand=?, analysis_id=?, hit_start=?, hit_end=?, hit_strand=?,
                             cigar_line=?, ditag_side=?, ditag_pair_id=?
                             where ditag_feature_id=?;" );

  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->ditag_id, SQL_INTEGER);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->seq_region_id, SQL_INTEGER);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->seq_region_start, SQL_INTEGER);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->seq_region_end, SQL_INTEGER);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->seq_region_strand, SQL_TINYINT);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->hit_start, SQL_INTEGER);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->hit_end, SQL_INTEGER);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->hit_strand, SQL_TINYINT);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->cigar_line, SQL_LONGVARCHAR);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->ditag_side, SQL_VARCHAR);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->ditag_pair_id, SQL_INTEGER);
  $sth->bind_param(1, $ditagFeature->dbID, SQL_INTEGER);

  my $result =$sth->execute();

  return $result;
General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html
  Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl
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