Bio::EnsEMBL StrainSlice
SummaryIncluded librariesPackage variablesSynopsisDescriptionGeneral documentationMethods
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Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice - SubClass of the Slice. Represents the slice
of the genome for a certain strain (applying the variations)
Package variables
No package variables defined.
Included modules
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Argument qw ( rearrange )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Exception qw ( throw deprecate warning )
Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Sequence qw ( reverse_comp )
  $sa = $db->get_SliceAdaptor;
$slice = $sa->fetch_by_region( 'chromosome', 'X', 1_000_000, 2_000_000 ); $strainSlice = $slice->get_by_strain($strain_name); # get the sequence from the Strain Slice my $seq = $strainSlice->seq(); print $seq; # get allele features between this StrainSlice and the reference my $afs = $strainSlice->get_all_AlleleFeatures_Slice(); foreach my $af ( @{$afs} ) { print "AlleleFeature in position ", $af->start, "-", $af->end, " in strain with allele ", $af->allele_string, "\n"; } # compare a strain against another strain my $strainSlice_2 = $slice->get_by_strain($strain_name_2); my $differences = $strainSlice->get_all_differences_StrainSlice($strainSlice_2); foreach my $difference ( @{$differences} ) { print "Difference in position ", $difference->start, "-", $difference->end(), " in strain with allele ", $difference->allele_string(), "\n"; }
A StrainSlice object represents a region of a genome for a certain
strain. It can be used to retrieve sequence or features from a strain.
No description
No description
No description
Methods description
_filter_af_by_coveragecode    nextTop
    Arg [1]     : listref to Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::AlleleFeatures  $allele_features
Example : my $new_list_allele_features = $strainSlice->_filter_af_by_coverage($allele_features);
Description : For a list of allele features, gets a new list where they are filter depending on coverage
ReturnType : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::AlleleFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : internal function
    Args        : none
Example : my $strain_name = $strainSlice->display_Slice_name();
Description : Getter for the name of the strain
ReturnType : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : webteam
    Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature $vf
Example : my $af = $strainSlice->get_AlleleFeature($vf);
Description : Returns the AlleleFeature object associated with the VariationFeature (if any)
ReturnType : Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::AlleleFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
    Arg[1]      : int $with_coverage (optional)
Example : my $af = $strainSlice->get_all_AlleleFeatures_Slice()
Description : Gets all AlleleFeatures between the StrainSlice object and the Slice is defined.
If argument $with_coverage set to 1, returns only AF if they have coverage information
ReturnType : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::AlleleFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
    Arg[1]     : int $with_coverage (optional)
Description :returns all alleleFeatures features on this slice.
ReturnType : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::AlleleFeature
Exceptions : none
Caller : contigview, snpview
    Description : DEPRECATED use get_all_AlleleFeatures instead
    Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice $ss
Example : my $differences = $strainSlice->get_all_differences_StrainSlice($ss)
Description : Gets differences between 2 StrainSlice objects
ReturnType : listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::AlleleFeature
Exceptions : thrown on bad argument
Caller : general
  Arg  [1]   : int $position
relative to start of slice, which is 1.
Description: Placeholder method - this method has no explicit use beyond
providiing compatibility with AlignSlice. To map positions
between the StrainSlice and the reference slice, use the
mapper and its methods.
Returntype : ($strainSlice, $seq_region_position), an array where the first
element is a Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice and the second one is the
requested seq_region_position.
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
    Arg[1]      : Bio::EnsEMBL::Slice $slice
Arg[2] : string $strain_name
Example : $strainSlice = Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice->new(-.... => ,
-strain_name => $strain_name);
Description : Creates a new Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice object that will contain a shallow copy of the
Slice object, plus additional information such as the Strain this Slice refers to
and listref of Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::AlleleFeatures of differences with the
reference sequence
ReturnType : Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
  Arg  [1]   : int $startBasePair
relative to start of slice, which is 1.
Arg [2] : int $endBasePair
relative to start of slice.
Arg [3] : (optional) int $strand
The strand of the slice to obtain sequence from. Default
value is 1.
Description: returns string of dna from reference sequence
Returntype : txt
Exceptions : end should be at least as big as start
strand must be set
Caller : general
  Arg [1]    : int $with_coverage (optional)
Example : print "SEQUENCE = ", $strainSlice->seq();
Description: Returns the sequence of the region represented by this
slice formatted as a string in the strain. If flag with_coverage
is set to 1, returns sequence if there is coverage in the region
Returntype : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
    Arg [1]     : (optional) string $strain_name
Example : my $strain_name = $strainSlice->strain_name();
Description : Getter/Setter for the name of the strain
ReturnType : string
Exceptions : none
Caller : general
  Arg   1    : int $start
Arg 2 : int $end
Arge [3] : int $strand
Example : none
Description: Makes another StrainSlice that covers only part of this slice
with the appropriate differences to the reference Slice
If a slice is requested which lies outside of the boundaries
of this function will return undef. This means that
behaviour will be consistant whether or not the slice is
attached to the database (i.e. if there is attached sequence
to the slice). Alternatively the expand() method or the
SliceAdaptor::fetch_by_region method can be used instead.
Returntype : Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice or undef if arguments are wrong
Exceptions : thrown when trying to get the subSlice in the middle of a
Caller : general
  Arg  [1]   : int $startBasePair
relative to start of slice, which is 1.
Arg [2] : int $endBasePair
relative to start of slice.
Arg [3] : (optional) int $strand
The strand of the slice to obtain sequence from. Default
value is 1.
Description: returns string of dna sequence
Returntype : txt
Exceptions : end should be at least as big as start
strand must be set
Caller : general
Methods code
sub _add_coverage_information {
    my $self = shift;
    my $reference_sequence = shift;

    my $variation_db = $self->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation');

    unless($variation_db) {
	warning("Variation database must be attached to core database to " .
		"retrieve variation information" );
	return '';
    my $rc_adaptor = $variation_db->get_ReadCoverageAdaptor();
    my $rcs = $rc_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice_Sample_depth($self,$self->{'_strain'},1);
    my $rcs_sorted;
    @{$rcs_sorted} = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @{$rcs} if ($self->strand == -1);
    $rcs = $rcs_sorted if ($self->strand == -1);
    my $start = 0;
    foreach my $rc (@{$rcs}){
	$rc->start(1) if ($rc->start < 0); #if the region lies outside the boundaries of the slice
$rc->end($self->end - $self->start + 1) if ($rc->end + $self->start > $self->end); substr($$reference_sequence, $start,($rc->start - $start - 1),'~' x ($rc->start - $start - 1)) if ($rc->start - 1 > $start); $start = $rc->end - 1; } substr($$reference_sequence, $start, ($self->length - $start) ,'~' x ($self->length - $start)) if ($self->length -1 > $start);
sub _convert_difference {
    my $self = shift;
    my $difference = shift;
    my %new_vf = %$difference; #make a copy of the variationFeature
#and change the allele with the one from the reference Slice
$new_vf{'allele_string'} = $self->SUPER::subseq($difference->start,$difference->end,$difference->strand); return bless\% new_vf,ref($difference);
sub _filter_af_by_coverage {
    my $self = shift;
    my $allele_features = shift;

    my $variation_db = $self->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation');

    unless($variation_db) {
	warning("Variation database must be attached to core database to " .
		"retrieve variation information" );
	return '';
    my $rc_adaptor = $variation_db->get_ReadCoverageAdaptor();
    #this is ugly, but ReadCoverage is always defined in the positive strand
my $rcs = $rc_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice_Sample_depth($self,$self->{'_strain'},1); my $new_af; foreach my $af (@{$allele_features}){ foreach my $rc (@{$rcs}){ if ($af->start <= $rc->end and $af->start >= $rc->start){ push @{$new_af}, $af; last; } } } return $new_af;
sub display_Slice_name {
    my $self = shift;

    return $self->strain_name;
sub get_AlleleFeature {
    my $self = shift;
    my $vf = shift;
    my $af;
    #look at the hash containing the relation vf_id->alleleFeature, if present, return object, otherwise, undef
$af = $self->{'_vf_ids'}->{$vf->dbID} if (defined $self->{'_vf_ids'}->{$vf->dbID}); return $af;
sub get_all_AlleleFeatures_Slice {
    my $self = shift;
    my $with_coverage = shift;

    my $variation_db = $self->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation');

    unless($variation_db) {
	warning("Variation database must be attached to core database to " .
		"retrieve variation information" );
	return '';
    my $indAdaptor = $variation_db->get_IndividualAdaptor();
    my $ref_name =  $indAdaptor->get_reference_strain_name;
    return [] if ($self->strain_name eq $ref_name);
    $with_coverage ||= 0; #by default, get all AlleleFeatures
if ($with_coverage == 1){ my $new_allele_features = $self->_filter_af_by_coverage($self->{'alleleFeatures'}); return $new_allele_features; } return $self->{'alleleFeatures'};
sub get_all_VariationFeatures {
  my $self = shift;
  my $with_coverage = shift;
  $with_coverage ||= 0;
  return $self->get_all_AlleleFeatures_Slice($with_coverage);
sub get_all_differences_Slice {
    my $self = shift;
    deprecate('Use get_all_differences_Slice instead');
    return $self->get_all_AlleleFeatures_Slice(@_);
sub get_all_differences_StrainSlice {
    my $self = shift;
    my $strainSlice = shift;

    if (!ref($strainSlice) || !$strainSlice->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice')){
	throw('Bio::EnsEMBL::StrainSlice arg expected');
    if ( @{$self->{'alleleFeatures'}} == 0 && @{$strainSlice->{'alleleFeatures'}} == 0){
	return undef; #there are no differences in any of the Strains
} my $differences; #differences between strains
if (@{$strainSlice->{'alleleFeatures'}} == 0){ #need to create a copy of VariationFeature
foreach my $difference (@{$self->{'alleleFeatures'}}){ my %vf = %$difference; push @{$differences},bless\% vf,ref($difference); } } elsif (@{$self->{'alleleFeatures'}} == 0){ #need to create a copy of VariationFeature, but changing the allele by the allele in the reference
foreach my $difference (@{$strainSlice->{'alleleFeatures'}}){ push @{$differences}, $strainSlice->_convert_difference($difference); } } else{ #both strains have differences
#create a hash with the differences in the self strain slice
my %variation_features_self = map {$_->start => $_} @{$self->{'alleleFeatures'}}; foreach my $difference (@{$strainSlice->{'alleleFeatures'}}){ #there is no difference in the other strain slice, convert the allele
if (!defined $variation_features_self{$difference->start}){ push @{$differences},$strainSlice->_convert_difference($difference); } else{ #if it is defined and have the same allele, delete from the hash
if ($variation_features_self{$difference->start}->allele_string eq $difference->allele_string){ delete $variation_features_self{$difference->start}; } } } #and copy the differences that in the self
foreach my $difference (values %variation_features_self){ my %vf = %$difference; push @{$differences},bless\% vf,ref($difference); } } #need to map differences to the self
my $mapper = $self->mapper(); #now that we have the differences, map them in the StrainSlice
# print Dumper($mapper);
my @results; foreach my $difference (@{$differences}){ @results = $mapper->map_coordinates('Slice',$difference->start,$difference->end,$difference->strand,'Slice'); #we can have 3 possibilities:
#the difference is an insertion and when mapping returns the boundaries of the insertion in the StrainSlice
if (@results == 2){ #the first position in the result is the beginning of the insertion
if($results[0]->start < $results[1]->start){ $difference->start($results[0]->end+1); $difference->end($results[1]->start-1); } else{ $difference->start($results[1]->end+1); $difference->end($results[0]->start-1); } $difference->strand($results[0]->strand); } else{ #it can be either a SNP or a deletion, and we have the coordinates in the result, etither a Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate
# or a Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::IndelCoordinate
# print "Difference: ",$difference->start, "-", $difference->end,"strand ",$difference->strand,"\n";
$difference->start($results[0]->start); $difference->end($results[0]->end); $difference->strand($results[0]->strand); } } return $differences; } #for a given VariationFeatures, converts the allele into the reference allele and returns a new list with
#the converted VariationFeatures
sub get_original_seq_region_position {
    my $self = shift;
    my $position = shift;
    #coordinates in the AlignSlice and Slice are the same, so far will return the same Slice
#and coordinate
return ($self,$position); } 1;
sub mapper {
    my $self = shift;
    if (@_) {
	delete $self->{'mapper'};
    if(!defined $self->{'mapper'}){
	#create the mapper between the Slice and StrainSlice
my $mapper = Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper->new('Slice','StrainSlice'); #align with Slice
#get all the VariationFeatures in the strain Slice, from start to end in the Slice
my @variation_features_ordered = sort {$a->start() <=> $b->start()} @{$self->{'alleleFeatures'}} if (defined $self->{'alleleFeatures'}); my $start_slice = 1; my $end_slice; my $start_strain = 1; my $end_strain; my $length_allele; foreach my $variation_feature (@variation_features_ordered){ #we have a insertion/deletion: marks the beginning of new slice move coordinates
if ($variation_feature->length_diff != 0){ $length_allele = $variation_feature->length + $variation_feature->length_diff(); $end_slice = $variation_feature->start() - 1; if ($end_slice >= $start_slice){ $end_strain = $end_slice - $start_slice + $start_strain; #add the sequence that maps
$mapper->add_map_coordinates('Slice',$start_slice,$end_slice,1,'StrainSlice',$start_strain,$end_strain); #add the indel
$mapper->add_indel_coordinates('Slice',$end_slice+1,$end_slice + $variation_feature->length,1,'StrainSlice',$end_strain+1,$end_strain + $length_allele); $start_strain = $end_strain + $length_allele + 1; } else{ #add the indel
$mapper->add_indel_coordinates('Slice',$end_slice+1,$end_slice + $variation_feature->length,1,'StrainSlice',$end_strain+1,$end_strain + $length_allele); $start_strain += $length_allele; } $start_slice = $end_slice + $variation_feature->length+ 1; } } if ($start_slice <= $self->length){ $mapper->add_map_coordinates('Slice',$start_slice,$self->length,1,'StrainSlice',$start_strain,$start_strain + $self->length - $start_slice); } $self->{'mapper'} = $mapper; } return $self->{'mapper'};
sub new {
    my $caller = shift;
    my $class = ref($caller) || $caller;

    my ($strain_name) = rearrange(['STRAIN_NAME'],@_);

    my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

    $self->{'strain_name'} = $strain_name;

    if(!$self->adaptor()) {
	warning('Cannot get new StrainSlice features without attached adaptor');
	return '';
    my $variation_db = $self->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation');

    unless($variation_db) {
	warning("Variation database must be attached to core database to " .
		"retrieve variation information" );
	return '';
    my $af_adaptor = $variation_db->get_AlleleFeatureAdaptor;
    if( $af_adaptor ) {
	#get the Individual for the given strain
my $ind_adaptor = $variation_db->get_IndividualAdaptor; if ($ind_adaptor){ my $individual = shift @{$ind_adaptor->fetch_all_by_name($self->{'strain_name'})}; #the name should be unique for a strain
#check that the individua returned isin the database
if (defined $individual){ my $allele_features = $af_adaptor->fetch_all_by_Slice($self,$individual); warning("No strain genotype data available for Slice ".$self->name." and Strain ".$individual->name) if ! defined $allele_features->[0]; my $vf_ids = {}; #hash containing the relation vf_id->af
$self->{'_strain'} = $individual; map {defined $_->{'_variation_feature_id'} ? $vf_ids->{$_->{'_variation_feature_id'}} = $_ : '' } @{$allele_features}; # my $new_allele_features = $self->_filter_af_by_coverage($allele_features);
# $self->{'alleleFeatures'} = $new_allele_features;
$self->{'alleleFeatures'} = $allele_features; $self->{'_vf_ids'} = $vf_ids; return $self; } else{ warning("Strain not in the database"); return $self; } } else{ warning("Not possible to retrieve IndividualAdaptor from the variation database"); return ''; } } else { warning("Not possible to retrieve VariationFeatureAdaptor from variation database"); return ''; }
sub ref_subseq {
  my $self = shift;
  my $start = shift;
  my $end = shift;
  my $strand = shift;
  # special case for in-between (insert) coordinates
return '' if($start == $end + 1); my $subseq; if($self->adaptor){ my $seqAdaptor = $self->adaptor->db->get_SequenceAdaptor(); $subseq = ${$seqAdaptor->fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand ( $self, $start, $end, $strand )}; } else { ## check for gap at the beginning and pad it with Ns
if ($start < 1) { $subseq = "N" x (1 - $start); $start = 1; } $subseq .= substr ($self->seq(), $start-1, $end - $start + 1); ## check for gap at the end and pad it with Ns
if ($end > $self->length()) { $subseq .= "N" x ($end - $self->length()); } reverse_comp(\$subseq) if($strand == -1); } return $subseq;
sub seq {
  my $self = shift;
  my $with_coverage = shift;

  $with_coverage ||= 0;

  # special case for in-between (insert) coordinates
return '' if($self->start() == $self->end() + 1); return $self->{'seq'} if($self->{'seq'}); if($self->adaptor()) { my $seqAdaptor = $self->adaptor()->db()->get_SequenceAdaptor(); my $reference_sequence = $seqAdaptor->fetch_by_Slice_start_end_strand($self,1,undef,1); #get the reference sequence for that slice
#apply all differences to the reference sequence
#first, in case there are any indels, create the new sequence (containing the '-' bases)
# sort edits in reverse order to remove complication of
# adjusting downstream edits
my @indels_ordered = sort {$b->start() <=> $a->start()} @{$self->{'alignIndels'}} if (defined $self->{'alignIndels'}); foreach my $vf (@indels_ordered){ $vf->apply_edit($reference_sequence); #change, in the reference sequence, the vf
} #need to find coverage information if diffe
# sort edits in reverse order to remove complication of
# adjusting downstream edits
my @variation_features_ordered = sort {$b->start() <=> $a->start()} @{$self->{'alleleFeatures'}} if (defined $self->{'alleleFeatures'}); foreach my $vf (@variation_features_ordered){ $vf->apply_edit($reference_sequence); #change, in the reference sequence, the vf
} #need to find coverage information if different from reference
my $indAdaptor = $self->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation')->get_IndividualAdaptor; my $ref_strain = $indAdaptor->get_reference_strain_name; $self->_add_coverage_information($reference_sequence) if ($with_coverage == 1 && $self->strain_name ne $ref_strain); return substr(${$reference_sequence},0,1) if ($self->length == 1); return substr(${$reference_sequence},0,$self->length); #returns the reference sequence, applying the variationFeatures. Remove additional bases added due to indels
} # no attached sequence, and no db, so just return Ns
return 'N' x $self->length();
sub strain_name {
   my $self = shift;
   if (@_){
       $self->{'strain_name'} = shift @_;
   return $self->{'strain_name'};
sub sub_Slice {
  my ( $self, $start, $end, $strand ) = @_;
  my $mapper = $self->mapper();
  #finally map from the Slice to the Strain
my @results = $mapper->map_coordinates('StrainSlice',$start,$end,$strand,'StrainSlice'); my $new_start; my $new_end; my $new_strand; my $new_seq; #Get need start and end for the subSlice of the StrainSlice
my @results_ordered = sort {$a->start <=> $b->start} @results; $new_start = $results_ordered[0]->start(); $new_strand = $results_ordered[0]->strand() if (ref($results_ordered[0]) eq 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate'); $new_strand = $results_ordered[-1]->strand() if (ref($results_ordered[-1]) eq 'Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate'); $new_end = $results_ordered[-1]->end(); #get last element of the array, the end of the slice
my $subSlice = $self->SUPER::sub_Slice($new_start,$new_end,$new_strand); $subSlice->{'strain_name'} = $self->{'strain_name'}; my $new_variations; #reference to an array that will contain the variationFeatures in the new subSlice
#update the VariationFeatures in the sub_Slice of the Strain
my $vf_start; my $vf_end; my $offset = $subSlice->start - $self->start; foreach my $variationFeature (@{$self->{'alleleFeatures'}}){ #calculate the new position of the variation_feature in the subSlice
$vf_start = $variationFeature->start - $offset; $vf_end = $variationFeature->end - $offset; if ($vf_start >= 1 and $vf_end <= $subSlice->length){ #copy the variationFeature
my %new_vf; %new_vf = %$variationFeature; #and shift to the new coordinates
$new_vf{'start'} = $vf_start; $new_vf{'end'} = $vf_end; my $test = bless\% new_vf, ref($variationFeature); push @{$new_variations}, $test; } } $subSlice->{'alleleFeatures'} = $new_variations; return $subSlice;
sub subseq {
  my ( $self, $start, $end, $strand ) = @_;

  if ( $end+1 < $start ) {
    throw("End coord + 1 is less then start coord");

  # handle 'between' case for insertions
return '' if( $start == $end + 1); $strand = 1 unless(defined $strand); if ( $strand != -1 && $strand != 1 ) { throw("Invalid strand [$strand] in call to Slice::subseq."); } my $subseq; my $seq; if($self->adaptor){ $seq = $self->seq; reverse_comp(\$seq) if ($strand == -1); $subseq = substr($seq,$start-1,$end - $start + 1); } else { ## check for gap at the beginning and pad it with Ns
if ($start < 1) { $subseq = "N" x (1 - $start); $start = 1; } $subseq .= substr ($self->seq(), $start-1, $end - $start + 1); ## check for gap at the end and pad it with Ns
if ($end > $self->length()) { $subseq .= "N" x ($end - $self->length()); } reverse_comp(\$subseq) if($strand == -1); } return $subseq;
General documentation
  Copyright (c) 1999-2009 The European Bioinformatics Institute and
Genome Research Limited. All rights reserved.
This software is distributed under a modified Apache license. For license details, please see /info/about/code_licence.html
  Please email comments or questions to the public Ensembl
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