Raw content of EnsEMBL::Ensembl::Document::HTML::ArchiveList package EnsEMBL::Ensembl::Document::HTML::ArchiveList; use strict; use warnings; use EnsEMBL::Web::RegObj; { sub render { my ($class, $request) = @_; my $SD = $ENSEMBL_WEB_REGISTRY->species_defs; my $species = $SD->ENSEMBL_PRIMARY_SPECIES; my %archive_info = %{$SD->ENSEMBL_ARCHIVES}; my $html = qq(<h3 class="boxed">List of currently available archives</h3> <ul class="spaced">); my $count = 0; foreach my $release (reverse sort keys %archive_info) { next if $release > $SD->ENSEMBL_VERSION; ## In case this is a dev site on a yet-to-be-released version my $subdomain = $archive_info{$release}; (my $date = $subdomain) =~ s/20/ 20/; $html .= qq(<li><strong><a href="http://$subdomain.archive.ensembl.org">Ensembl $release: $date</a>); $html .= ' - currently www.ensembl.org' if $release == $SD->ENSEMBL_VERSION; $html .= '</strong></li>'; $count++; } $html .= "</ul>\n"; $html .= qq(<p><a href="/info/website/archives/assembly.html">Table of archives showing assemblies present in each one</a>.</p>); return $html; } } 1;