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Compara Database Schema

This document refers to the schema of EnsEMBL Compara version 51.


EnsEMBL Compara DB is divided into two parts:

Genomic Alignments
This part is dedicated to DNA-DNA alignments. It includes alignments made with different alignment tools, and a list of syntenic regions.
Homologues and Families (or Protein Clusters)
This part is dedicated to protein-protein alignments and it includes protein families, protein trees and homologues defined from the protein trees.

The protein families are clusters of proteins. They are defined using the full set of Ensembl proteins plus all the metazoan proteins from SwissProt and SPTrEMBL.

The protein trees are built using the longest transcript of each protein coding Ensembl gene. Homologies are derived from them.

List of Tables

General Tables


Contains configuration variables.

meta table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
meta_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
species_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI 1 Only used in core databases
meta_key varchar(40) NO MUL
meta_value varchar(255) NO MUL

Meta table stores miscelaneous values:

mysql> SELECT * FROM meta WHERE meta_key = "schema_version";
| meta_id | species_id | meta_key | meta_value |
| 1 | NULL | schema_version | 51 |

This entry defines which API version must be used to access this database.


Contains a description of the taxonomic relathionships between all the taxa used in this database. It is usually read together with the ncbi_taxa_name table

ncbi_taxa_node table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
taxon_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI the NCBI taxonomy ID
parent_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL the parent taxonomy ID for this node (refers to ncbi_taxa_node.taxon_id)
rank char(32) NO MUL e.g. kingdom, family, genus, etc.
genbank_hidden_flag tinyint(1) NO 0 boolean value which defines whether this rank is used or not in the abbreviated lineage
left_index int(10) NO sub-set left index. All sub-nodes have left_index and right_index values larger than this left_index
right_index int(10) NO sub-set right index. All sub-nodes have left_index and right_index values smaller than this right_index
root_id int(10) 1 the root taxonomy ID for this node (refers to ncbi_taxa_node.taxon_id)

(c.f. ncbi_taxa_name for examples)


Contains descriptions the taxonimc nodes defined in the ncbi_taxa_node table.

ncbi_taxa_name table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
taxon_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to ncbi_taxa_node.taxon_id
name varchar(255) YES MUL NULL information assigned to this taxon_id
name_class varchar(255) YES MUL NULL type of information. e.g. common name, genbank_synonym, scientif name, etc.

Here is an example on how to get the taxonomic ID for a species:

mysql> SELECT * FROM ncbi_taxa_name WHERE name_class = "scientific name" AND name = "Homo sapiens";
| taxon_id | name         | name_class      |
|     9606 | Homo sapiens | scientific name |

Here is another example on how to get the lineage for the hominidae family:

mysql> SELECT * FROM ncbi_taxa_node WHERE left_index > 351172 AND left_index < 351217;
| taxon_id | parent_id | rank    | genbank_hidden_flag | left_index | right_index | root_id |
|    40017 |     40016 | genus   |                   0 |     351187 |      351198 |       1 |
|    40018 |     40017 | species |                   1 |     351190 |      351191 |       1 |
|   119900 |     40016 | genus   |                   0 |     351199 |      351216 |       1 |
|   119901 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351214 |      351215 |       1 |
|   119902 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351208 |      351209 |       1 |
|   119903 |     40017 | species |                   1 |     351196 |      351197 |       1 |
|   121093 |     40017 | species |                   1 |     351192 |      351193 |       1 |
|   178106 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351212 |      351213 |       1 |
|   323204 |     40016 | genus   |                   0 |     351177 |      351186 |       1 |
|   323205 |    323204 | species |                   1 |     351184 |      351185 |       1 |
|   323207 |    323204 | species |                   1 |     351178 |      351179 |       1 |
|   323208 |    323204 | species |                   1 |     351182 |      351183 |       1 |
|   323209 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351206 |      351207 |       1 |
|   323210 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351204 |      351205 |       1 |
|   323211 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351202 |      351203 |       1 |
|   323212 |     40017 | species |                   1 |     351194 |      351195 |       1 |
|   323213 |     40017 | species |                   1 |     351188 |      351189 |       1 |
|   323220 |    147820 | species |                   1 |     351174 |      351175 |       1 |
|   323222 |    323204 | species |                   1 |     351180 |      351181 |       1 |
|   323223 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351210 |      351211 |       1 |
|   376202 |    119900 | species |                   1 |     351200 |      351201 |       1 |


Contains information about the version of the genome assemblies used in this database.

genome_db table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
genome_db_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
taxon_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL 0 external reference to ncbi_taxa_node.taxon_id
name varchar(40) NO MUL name of the species
assembly varchar(100) NO assembly version of the genome
assembly_default tinyint(1) YES 1 boolean value describing if this assembly is the default one or not, so that we can handle more than one assempbly version for a given species.
genebuild varchar(100) NO version of the genebuild
locator varchar(255) YES NULL used for production purposes or for user configuration in in-house installation.

Eg the rows:

mysql> SELECT * FROM genome_db WHERE name IN ("Homo sapiens", "Gallus gallus");
| genome_db_id | taxon_id | name          | assembly | assembly_default | genebuild       | locator |
|           42 |     9031 | Gallus gallus | WASHUC2  |                1 | 2006-08-Ensembl |         |
|           22 |     9606 | Homo sapiens  | NCBI36   |                1 | 2006-12-Ensembl |         |

correspond to the Human and Chicken genomes


Contains groups or sets of species which are used in the method_link_species_set table.

species_set table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal (non-unique) ID
genome_db_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI 0 external reference to genome_db.genome_db_id

E.g. the rows

mysql> SELECT * FROM species_set WHERE species_set_id = 171;
| species_set_id | genome_db_id |
|            171 |            3 |
|            171 |           22 |

correspond to the species_set for the Human and Rat genomes:

mysql> SELECT species_set_id, name, assembly FROM species_set LEFT JOIN genome_db USING (genome_db_id) WHERE species_set_id = 171;
| species_set_id | name              | assembly |
|            171 | Rattus norvegicus | RGSC3.4  |
|            171 | Homo sapiens      | NCBI36   |

Contains the list of alignment methods used to find links (homologies) between entities in compara.

method_link table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
method_link_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
type varchar(50) NO MUL the common name of the linking method between species.
class varchar(50) NO Description of type of data associated with the \"type\" field and the main table to find these data

Current values are:

mysql> SELECT * FROM method_link;
| method_link_id | type                     | class                                 |
|              1 | BLASTZ_NET               | GenomicAlignBlock.pairwise_alignment  |
|              6 | TRANSLATED_BLAT          | GenomicAlignBlock.pairwise_alignment  |
|              7 | TRANSLATED_BLAT_NET      | GenomicAlignBlock.pairwise_alignment  |
|            101 | SYNTENY                  | SyntenyRegion.synteny                 |
|            201 | ENSEMBL_ORTHOLOGUES      | Homology.homology                     |
|            202 | ENSEMBL_PARALOGUES       | Homology.homology                     |
|            301 | FAMILY                   |                         |
|              9 | MLAGAN                   | GenomicAlignBlock.multiple_alignment  |
|            401 | PROTEIN_TREES            | ProteinTree.protein_tree_node         |
|            204 | ENSEMBL_HOMOLOGUES       | Homology.homology                     |
|             10 | PECAN                    | GenomicAlignBlock.multiple_alignment  |
|             11 | GERP_CONSTRAINED_ELEMENT | GenomicAlignBlock.constrained_element |
|            501 | GERP_CONSERVATION_SCORE  | ConservationScore.conservation_score  |
|             12 | ORTHEUS                  | GenomicAlignTree.tree_alignment       |

NOTE: We use method_link_ids between 1 and 100 for DNA-DNA alignments, between 101 and 200 for genomic syntenies, between 201 and 300 for protein homologies, between 301 and 400 for protein families and between 401 and 500 for protein trees. Each category corresponds to data stored in different tables

This table contains information about the comparisons stored in the database. A given method_link_species_set_id exist for each comparison made and relates a method_link.method_link_id with a set of species (species_set.species_set_id.

method_link_species table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID.
method_link_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL external reference to method_link.method_link_id
species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO 0 external reference to species_set.species_set_id
name varchar(255) NO NULL human-readable description for this method_link_species_set
source varchar(255) NO ensembl source of the data. Currently either ensembl or ucsc if data were imported from UCSC
url varchar(255) NO A URL where you can find the orignal data if they were imported.

E.g. the rows

mysql> SELECT * FROM method_link_species_set WHERE method_link_id = 12;
| method_link_species_set_id | method_link_id | species_set_id | name                      | source  | url |
|                        340 |             12 |          31348 | 4 catarrhini primates EPO | ensembl |     |
|                        341 |             12 |          31349 | 9 eutherian mammals EPO   | ensembl |     |
|                        342 |             12 |          31350 | 21 eutherian mammals EPO  | ensembl |     |

correspond to all the EPO alignments in this database.


This table is mainly used for production purposes.

analysis table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
created datetime NO 0000-00-00 00:00:00 date to distinguish newer and older versions off the same analysis. Not well maintained so far.
logic_name varchar(40) NO UNI string to identify the analysis. Used mainly inside pipeline.
db varchar(120) YES NULL db should be a database name, db version the version of that db
db_version varchar(40) YES NULL
db_file varchar(120) YES NULL the file system location of that database, probably wiser to generate from just db and configurations
program varchar(80) YES NULL The binary used to create a feature. Similar semantic to above
program_version varchar(40) YES NULL
program_file varchar(80) YES NULL
parameters varchar(255) YES NULL a parameter string which is processed by the perl module
module varchar(80) YES NULL Perl module names (RunnableDBS usually) executing this analysis
module_version varchar(40) YES NULL
gff_source varchar(40) YES NULL how to make a gff dump from features with this analysis
gff_feature varchar(40) YES NULL


This table has been added to comply with core Bio::EnsEMBL::DBSQL::AnalysisAdaptor requirements.

analysis_description table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI external reference to analysis.analysis_id
description text YES NULL
display_label varchar(255) YES NULL
displayable tinyint(1) NO 1
web_data text YES NULL

Genomic Alignment Tables


This table defines the genomic sequences used in the comparative genomics analyisis. It is used by the genomic_align_block table to define aligned sequences. It is also used by the dnafrag_region table to define syntenic regions.

dnafrag table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
dnafrag_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
length int(11) NO 0
name varchar(40) NO name of the DNA sequence (e.g., the name of the chromosome)
genome_db_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL 0 external reference to genome_db.genome_db_id
coord_system_name varchar(40) YES NULL refers to the coord system in which this dnafrag has been defined

E.g. the row

mysql> SELECT dnafrag.* FROM dnafrag LEFT JOIN genome_db USING (genome_db_id) WHERE = "14" AND = "Homo sapiens";
| dnafrag_id | length    | name | genome_db_id | coord_system_name |
|     905410 | 106368585 | 14   |           22 | chromosome        |

refer to the chromosome 14 of the Human genome (genome_db.genome_db_id = 22 refers to Human genome in this example) which is 106368585 nucleotides long.


This table is the key table for the genomic alignments. The software used to align the genomic blocks is refered as an external key to the method_link table. Nevertheless, actual aligned sequences are defined in the genomic_align table.

Tree alignments (EPO alignments) are best accessed through the genomic_align_tree table although the alignments are also indexed in this table. This allows the user to also access the tree alignments as normal multiple alignments.

genomic_align_block table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
genomic_align_block_id bigint(20) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL 0 external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id
score double YES NULL score returned by the homology search program
perc_id tinyint(3) unsigned YES NULL Used for pairwise comparison. Defines the percentage of identity between both sequences
length int(10) YES NULL total length of the alignment
group_id bigint(20) unsigned YES NULL used to group alignments

E.g. the row

mysql> SELECT * FROM genomic_align_block WHERE genomic_align_block_id = 3400000000010;
| genomic_align_block_id | method_link_species_set_id | score | perc_id | length | group_id |
|          3400000000010 |                        340 |  NULL |    NULL |   2448 |     NULL |

will refer to a primates EPO alignment (method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id = 340) with a length of 2448 nucleotides. The actual sequences corresponding to this aligment are defined in the genomic_align table.


This table contains the coordinates and all the information needed to rebuild genomic alignments. Every entry corresponds to one of the aligned sequences. It also contains an external key to the method_link_species_set which refers to the software and set of species used for getting the corresponding alignment. The aligned sequence is defined by an external reference to the dnafrag table, the starting and ending position within this dnafrag, the strand and a cigar_line.

The original aligned sequence is not stored but it can be retrieved using the cigar_line field and the original sequence. The cigar line defines the sequence of matches/mismatches and deletions (or gaps). For example, this cigar line 2MD3M2D2M will mean that the alignment contains 2 matches/mismatches, 1 deletion (number 1 is omitted in order to save some space), 3 matches/mismatches, 2 deletions and 2 matches/mismatches. If the original sequence is:

  • Original sequence: AACGCTT

The aligned sequence will be:

cigar line: 2MD3M2D2M
A A - C G C - - T T
genomic_align_block table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
genomic_align_id bigint(20) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment unique internal id
genomic_align_block_id bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL external reference to genomic_align_block.genomic_align_block_id
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO 0 external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id. This information is redundant because it also appears in the genomic_align_block table but it is used to speed up the queries
dnafrag_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL 0 external reference to dnafrag.dnafrag_id
dnafrag_start int(10) NO 0 starting position within the dnafrag defined by dnafrag_id
dnafrag_end int(10) NO 0 ending position within the dnafrag defined by dnafrag_id
dnafrag_strand tinyint(4) NO 0 strand in the dnafrag defined by dnafrag_id
cigar_line mediumtext YES NULL internal description of the aligned sequence
level_id tinyint(2) unsigned NO 0 level of orhologous layer. 1 corresponds to the first layer of orthologous sequences found, 2 and over are addiotional layers. Use for building the syntenies (based on level_id = 1 only)

E.g. the rows

mysql> SELECT * FROM genomic_align WHERE genomic_align_block_id = 3400000000010;
| genomic_align_id | genomic_align_block_id | method_link_species_set_id | dnafrag_id | dnafrag_start | dnafrag_end | dnafrag_strand | cigar_line                                                            | level_id |
|    3400000000019 |          3400000000010 |                        340 |    1045571 |      29797288 |    29799670 |              1 | 31MD30M4D234M9D8M2D76M7D812M3D350M6D72MD395M9D28M10D156M6D36M4D155M3D |        1 |
|    3400000000020 |          3400000000010 |                        340 |    2046338 |      30364209 |    30366482 |              1 | 68M6D102MD133M7D658M4D126MD19M18D787M110D197M4D177M23D7M              |        1 |
|    3400000000021 |          3400000000010 |                        340 |     905386 |      29989810 |    29992066 |              1 | 68M6D102MD133M9D656M4D126MD19M18D787M110D10M10D25M2D150M4D177M23D4M3D |        1 |

correspond to the three sequences included in the alignment described above (see genomic_align_block table description). The first sequence includes the nucleotides from 29797288 to 29799670 in the forward strand of the chromosome 9 of the Rhesus genome (dnafrag.dnafrag_id = 1045571). The second sequence includes the nucleotides from 30364209 to 30366482 in the forward strand of the chromosome 10 of the Chimp genome (dnafrag.dnafrag_id = 2046338). Last, the third sequence includes the nucleotides from 29989810 to 29992066 in the forward strand of the chromosome 10 of the Human genome (dnafrag.dnafrag_id = 905386)

Here is a better way to get this by joining the dnafrag and genome_db tables:

mysql> SELECT,, dnafrag_start, dnafrag_end, dnafrag_strand str, cigar_line
  FROM genomic_align LEFT JOIN dnafrag USING (dnafrag_id) LEFT JOIN genome_db USING (genome_db_id) WHERE genomic_align_block_id = 3400000000010;
| name            | name | dnafrag_start | dnafrag_end | str | cigar_line                                                            |
| Macaca mulatta  | 9    |      29797288 |    29799670 |   1 | 31MD30M4D234M9D8M2D76M7D812M3D350M6D72MD395M9D28M10D156M6D36M4D155M3D |
| Pan troglodytes | 10   |      30364209 |    30366482 |   1 | 68M6D102MD133M7D658M4D126MD19M18D787M110D197M4D177M23D7M              |
| Homo sapiens    | 10   |      29989810 |    29992066 |   1 | 68M6D102MD133M9D656M4D126MD19M18D787M110D10M10D25M2D150M4D177M23D4M3D |

The aligned sequences can be rebuild using the original sequences fetched from the corresponding core databases and the cigar lines as explained before.


This table is used to index tree alignments, e.g. EPO alignments. These alignments include inferred ancestral sequences. The tree required to index these sequences is stored in this table. This table stores the sturcture of the tree. Each node links to an entry in the genomic_align_group table, which links to one or several entries in the genomic_align table.

genomic_align_tree table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
node_id bigint(20) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique id
parent_id bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL 0 link to the parent node
root_id bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL 0 link to the root node
left_index int(10) NO MUL 0 internal index. See below
right_index int(10) NO MUL 0 internal index. See below
left_node_id bigint(10) NO 0 link to the node on the left side of this node
right_node_id bigint(10) NO 0 link to the node on the right side of this node
distance_to_parent double NO 1 phylogenetic distance between this node and its parent

Left_index and right_index are used to speed up fetching trees from the database. Any given node has its left_index larger than the left_index of its parent node and its right index smaller than the right_index of its parent node. In other words, all descendent nodes of a given node can be obtained by fetching all the node with a left_index (or right_index or both) between the left_index and the right_index of that node.

E.g. the row

mysql > SELECT * FROM genomic_align_tree WHERE node_id = 3400000000017;
| node_id       | parent_id | root_id       | left_index | right_index | left_node_id | right_node_id | distance_to_parent |
| 3400000000017 |         0 | 3400000000017 |         33 |          42 |            0 |             0 |                  0 |
correspond to the root of a tree, because parent_id = 0 and root_id = node_id. In order to fetch all the nodes of this tree, one can use the left_index and right_index values:
mysql > SELECT * FROM genomic_align_tree WHERE left_index >= 33 and left_index <= 42;
| node_id       | parent_id     | root_id       | left_index | right_index | left_node_id  | right_node_id | distance_to_parent |
| 3400000000017 |             0 | 3400000000017 |         33 |          42 |             0 |             0 |                  0 |
| 3400000000018 | 3400000000017 | 3400000000017 |         34 |          39 | 3400000001404 | 3400000000683 |                  0 |
| 3400000000021 | 3400000000018 | 3400000000017 |         35 |          36 | 3400000001400 | 3400000000686 |                  0 |
| 3400000000020 | 3400000000018 | 3400000000017 |         37 |          38 | 3400000001402 | 3400000000689 |                  0 |
| 3400000000019 | 3400000000017 | 3400000000017 |         40 |          41 | 3400000001403 | 3400000000687 |                  0 |

The API rebuilds the tree using this information. In this example, the tree is:

3400000000017 (root)
+-3400000000018 (internal_node)
| +-3400000000021 (leaf)
| +-3400000000020 (leaf)
+-3400000000019 (leaf)

Please, refer to the genomic_align_group table for more examples on how to access tree alignments


This table is used to group genomic_aligns. It is used to support 2X genomes in the EPO alignments. These 2X genomes are split into very small regions. We can use more than one of these regions in one single EPO alignments. This table allows us to link one single genomic_align_tree.node_id with several genomic_align entries.

genomic_align_group table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
group_id bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL NULL auto_increment external reference to genomic_align_tree.node_id
type varchar(40) NO This field allow us to group genomic_aligns in several ways (types)
genomic_align_id bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL external reference to genomic_align.genomic_align_id

E.g. the rows

mysql> SELECT * FROM genomic_align_group WHERE group_id = 3420000000097;
| group_id      | type | genomic_align_id |
| 3420000000097 | epo  |    3420000000328 |
| 3420000000097 | epo  |    3420000000329 |
| 3420000000097 | epo  |    3420000000330 |
| 3420000000097 | epo  |    3420000000331 |
| 3420000000097 | epo  |    3420000000332 |

correspond to several segments from a 2X genome (Mouse lemur in this case) that are linked together in this EPO alignment.

mysql> SELECT group_id,,, dnafrag_start, dnafrag_end, dnafrag_strand FROM genomic_align_group LEFT JOIN genomic_align USING (genomic_align_id) LEFT JOIN dnafrag USING (dnafrag_id) LEFT JOIN genome_db USING (genome_db_id) WHERE group_id = 3420000000097;
| group_id      | name               | name              | dnafrag_start | dnafrag_end | dnafrag_strand |
| 3420000000097 | Microcebus murinus | GeneScaffold_762  |        110550 |      111895 |              1 |
| 3420000000097 | Microcebus murinus | GeneScaffold_358  |         15752 |       15933 |              1 |
| 3420000000097 | Microcebus murinus | GeneScaffold_613  |        199673 |      200191 |              1 |
| 3420000000097 | Microcebus murinus | GeneScaffold_3358 |          1003 |        4254 |             -1 |
| 3420000000097 | Microcebus murinus | GeneScaffold_613  |        200192 |      204424 |              1 |


Contains conservation scores calculated from the whole-genome multiple alignments stored in the genomic_align_block table.

conservation_score table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
genomic_align_block_id bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL external reference to genomic_align_block.node_id
window_size smallint(5) unsigned NO The scores are stored at different resolution levels. This column defines the window size used to calculate the average score.
position int(10) unsigned NO
expected_score blob YES MUL expected score
diff_score blob YES MUL diff_score is teh difference between the expected and observed variation, i.e. the conservation score.

Several scores are stored per row. expected_score and diff_score are binary columns and you need to use the Perl API to access these data.


Contains constrained elements calculated from the whole-genome multiple alignments stored in the genomic_align_block table.

constrained_element table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
constrained_element_id bigint(20) unsigned NO MUL internal ID
dnafrag_id int(12) unsigned NO MUL external reference to dnafrag.dnafrag_id
dnafrag_start int(12) NO start of the constrained element
dnafrag_end int(12) NO end of the constrained element
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id
p_value mediumtext YES NULL p-value derived from Gerp
taxonomic_level mediumtext YES NULL indicates the taxonomic range of the alignments from which the constrained elements were derived
score double NO 0 score derived from Gerp

E.g. the row

mysql> select * from constrained_element limit 1;
| constrained_element_id | dnafrag_id | dnafrag_start | dnafrag_end | method_link_species_set_id | p_value | taxonomic_level     | score |
|          3390000000001 |     905404 |     114071407 |   114071438 |                        339 | NULL    | amniota vertebrates |  27.5 |

refers to a constrained element from human chromosome 7 located between nucleotide positions 114071407 and 114071438.


Contains all the syntenic relationships found and the relative orientation of both syntenic regions.

synteny_region table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
synteny_region_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id.

E.g. the row

mysql> SELECT * FROM synteny_region WHERE synteny_region_id = 27845;
| synteny_region_id | method_link_species_set_id |
|             27845 |                      10003 |

means that the syntenic region 27845 corresponds to a synteny relationship between the Human and Rat genomes. See dnafrag_region table for more details.


Contains the genomic regions corresponding to every synteny relationship found. There are two genomic regions for every synteny relationship.

dnafrag_region table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
synteny_region_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL 0 external reference to synteny_region.synteny_region_id
dnafrag_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL 0 external reference to dnafrag.dnafrag_id
dnafrag_start int(10) unsigned NO 0 first nucleotide from this dnafrag which is in synteny
dnafrag_end int(10) unsigned NO 0 last nucleotide from this dnafrag which is in synteny
dnafrag_strand tinyint(4) NO 0 strand of this region

E.g. the rows

mysql> SELECT * FROM dnafrag_region WHERE synteny_region_id = 27845;
| synteny_region_id | dnafrag_id | dnafrag_start | dnafrag_end | dnafrag_strand |
|             27845 |     175248 |           498 |    12057776 |             -1 |
|             27845 |     905405 |     115311888 |   125710881 |              1 |

Here is a better way to get this by joining the dnafrag and genome_db tables:

mysql> SELECT,, dnafrag_start, dnafrag_end, dnafrag_strand FROM dnafrag_region LEFT JOIN dnafrag USING (dnafrag_id) LEFT JOIN genome_db USING (genome_db_id) WHERE synteny_region_id = 27845; +-------------------+------+---------------+-------------+----------------+ | name | name | dnafrag_start | dnafrag_end | dnafrag_strand | +-------------------+------+---------------+-------------+----------------+ | Rattus norvegicus | X | 498 | 12057776 | -1 | | Homo sapiens | X | 115311888 | 125710881 | 1 | +-------------------+------+---------------+-------------+----------------+

correspond to both genomic regions of the synteny region 27845. In this case, the first genomic region corresponds to the negative strand of the sequence from 498 to 12057776 of the chromosome X of the Rat genome (dnafrag_id = 175248 for this chromosome) and the second one corresponds to the sequence from 115311888 to 125710881 of the chromosome X of the Human genome (dnafrag_id = 905405 for this chromosome).

Tables For Orthologues and Protein Clusters


This table links sequences to the EnsEMBL core DB or to external DBs.

member table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
member_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
stable_id varchar(40) NO MUL EnsEMBL stable ID or external ID (for Uniprot/SWISSPROT and Uniprot/SPTREMBL)
version int(10) YES 0 version of the stable ID (see EnsEMBL core DB)
source_name varchar(40) NO MUL describe the source of the member (Uniprot/SWISSPROT, Uniprot/SPTREMBL, ENSEMBLGENE, ENSEMBLPEP)
taxon_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to taxon.taxon_id
genome_db_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL external reference to genome_db.genome_db_id
sequence_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL external reference to sequence.sequence_id.
May be 0 when the sequence is not available in the sequence table, e.g. for a gene instance.
gene_member_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL external reference to member.memebr_id to allow linkage from peptides to genes.
description text YES NULL the description of the gene/protein as described in the core database or from the Uniprot entry
chr_name char(40) YES NULL chromosome where this sequence is located
chr_start int(10) YES NULL first nucleotide of this chromosome which corresponds to this member
chr_end int(10) YES NULL last nucleotide of this chromosome which corresponds to this member
chr_strand tinyint(1) NO strand of the chromosome in which the member is
display_label varchar(128) YES NULL

E.g. the row

mysql> SELECT * FROM member WHERE stable_id = "ENSP00000309431";
| member_id | stable_id       | version | source_name | taxon_id | genome_db_id | sequence_id | gene_member_id | 
|     41115 | ENSP00000309431 |       3 | ENSEMBLPEP  |     9606 |           22 |       22932 |          41114 | 

   | description                                                                  | chr_name | chr_start | chr_end | chr_strand | display_label |
   | Transcript:ENST00000308911 Gene:ENSG00000173213 Chr:18 Start:37358 End:39626 | 18       |     37390 |   39557 |         -1 | NULL          |

refers to the human (taxon_id = 9606 or genome_db_id = 22) peptide ENSP00000309431 which is located in the chromosome 18 (from 37390 to 39557, in the reverse strand). This peptide is described as "Transcript:ENST00000308911 Gene:ENSG00000173213 Chr:18 Start:37358 End:39626" and the sequence can be found on the sequence table.


This table contains the protein sequences present in the member table used in the protein alignment part of the EnsEMBL Compara DB.

sequence table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
sequence_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
length int(10) NO the length of the sequence
sequence longtext NO MUL the sequence

E.g. the row

mysql> SELECT * FROM sequence WHERE sequence_id = 118;
| sequence_id | length | sequence                                     |

contains a 44 aminoacids long sequence.


This tables stores the raw HSP local alignment results of peptide to peptide alignments returned by a BLAST run it is translated from a FeaturePair object.

peptide_align_feature table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
peptide_align_feature_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
qmember_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to member.member_id for the query peptide
hmember_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to member.member_id for the hit peptide
qgenome_db_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to genome_db.genome_db_id for the query peptide (for query optimization)
hgenome_db_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to genome_db.genome_db_id for the hit peptide (for query optimization)
analysis_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to analysis.analyis_id
qstart int(10) NO 0 starting position in the query peptide sequence
qend int(10) NO 0 ending position in the query peptide sequence
hstart int(11) NO 0 starting position in the hit peptide sequence
hend int(11) NO 0 ending position in the hit peptide sequence
score double(16,4) NO 0.0000 blast score for this HSP
evalue double YES NULL blast evalue for this HSP
align_length int(10) YES NULL alignment length of HSP
identical_matches int(10) YES NULL blast HSP match score
perc_ident int(10) YES NULL percent identical matches in the HSP length
positive_matches int(10) YES NULL blast HSP positive score
perc_pos int(10) YES NULL precent positive matches in the HSP length
hit_rank int(10) YES NULL rank in blast result
cigar_line mediumtext YES NULL cigar string coding the actual alignment

E.g. the rows:

mysql> SELECT * FROM peptide_align_feature_homo_sapiens_22 WHERE peptide_align_feature_id = 139843937;
| peptide_align_feature_id | qmember_id | hmember_id | qgenome_db_id | hgenome_db_id | 
|                139843937 |     439410 |     439488 |            22 |            22 | 

   | analysis_id | qstart | qend | hstart | hend | score    | evalue  | align_length |
   |          67 |      1 |  124 |      1 |  124 | 649.0000 | 7.2e-65 |          124 |

   | identical_matches | perc_ident | positive_matches | perc_pos | hit_rank | cigar_line |
   |               123 |         99 |              123 |       99 |        2 |            |

corresponds to a particular hit found between two human protiens:

mysql> SELECT m1.stable_id, m2.stable_id, score, evalue FROM peptide_align_feature_homo_sapiens_22 LEFT JOIN member m1 ON (qmember_id = m1.member_id) LEFT JOIN member m2 ON (hmember_id = m2.member_id) WHERE peptide_align_feature_id = 139843937;
| stable_id       | stable_id       | score    | evalue  |
| ENSP00000320207 | ENSP00000350502 | 649.0000 | 7.2e-65 |


Contains all the genomic homologies found. There are two homology_member entries for each homology entry for now, but both the schema and the API can handle more than just pairwise relations.

homology table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
homology_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
stable_id varchar(40) YES NULL stable ID of the pairwise homology relationship
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned MUL external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id
description varchar(40) YES NULL describes the type of homology found:
  • ortholog_one2one
  • apparent_ortholog_one2one
  • ortholog_one2many
  • ortholog_many2many
  • between_species_paralog
  • within_species_paralog
subtype varchar(40) NO gives the taxonomy name of the latest common taxonomic ancestor for the considered homology e.g.
  • Homo sapiens
  • Amniota
  • Diptera
  • Etc...
dn float(10,5) YES NULL number of nonsynonymous substitutions per nonsynonymous site
ds float(10,5) YES NULL number of synonymous substitutions per synonymous site
n float(10,1) YES NULL number of nonsynonymous substitutions
s float(10,1) YES NULL number of synonymous substitutions
lnl float(10,3) YES NULL maximum likelihood test value
threshold_on_ds float(10,5) YES NULL used by the EnsEMBL Web Browser to decide whether or not to display dN/DS ratio
ancestor_node_id int(10) unsigned NO external reference to protein_tree_node.node_id that represents the ancestor node between the 2 genes involved in the homology relation
tree_node_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to protein_tree_node.node_id that represents the root node of the tree that relates the 2 genes involved in the homology relation

dN, dS, N, S and lnL are statistical values given by the codeml program of the Phylogenetic Analysis by Maximum Likelihood (PAML) package.

E.g. the row

mysql> SELECT * FROM homology WHERE homology_id = 4650;
| homology_id | stable_id | method_link_species_set_id | description            | subtype      | dn   | ds   | n    | s    | lnl  | threshold_on_ds | ancestor_node_id | tree_node_id |
|        4650 | NULL      |                      20239 | within_species_paralog | Homo sapiens | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL | NULL |            NULL |           706673 |        10159 |

defines a pair of within-species paralogues. See homology_member for more details


Contains the sequences corresponding to every genomic homology relationship found. There are two homology_member entries for each pairwise homology entry. As written in the homology table section, both schema and API can deal with more than pairwise relationships.

The original alignment is not stored but it can be retrieved using the cigar_line field and the original sequences. The cigar line defines the sequence of matches or mismatches and deletions in the alignment.

  • First peptide sequence: SERCQVVVISIGPISVLSMILDFY
  • Second peptide sequence: SDRCQVLVISILSMIGLDFY
  • First corresponding cigar line: 20MD4M
  • Second corresponding cigar line: 11M5D9M

The alignment will be:

Example of alignment reconstruction
First peptide cigar line M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M D M M M M
First aligned peptide S E R C Q V V V I S I G P I S V L S M I - L D F Y
Second aligned peptide S D R C Q V L V I S I - - - - - L S M I G L D F Y
Second peptide cigar line M M M M M M M M M M M D D D D D M M M M M M M M M
homology_member table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
homology_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI external reference to homology.homology_id
member_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI external reference to member.member_id. It refers to the corresponding gene (ENSEMBL_GENE).
peptide_member_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL external reference to member.member_id. It refers to the peptide/protein (ENSEMBL_PEP).
peptide_align_feature_id int(10) unsigned YES MUL NULL external reference to peptide_align_feature.peptide_align_feature_id
cigar_line mediumtext YES NULL an internal description of the alignment. It contains mathces/mismatches (M) and delations (D)and refers to the corresponding peptide_member_id sequence.
cigar_start int(10) YES NULL defines the first aligned aminoacid
cigar_end int(10) YES NULL defines the last aligned aminoacid
perc_cov int(10) YES NULL defines the percentage of the peptide which has been aligned
perc_id int(10) YES NULL defines the percentage of identity between both homologues
perc_pos int(10) YES NULL defines the percentage of positivity (similarity) between both homologues

E.g. the rows

mysql> SELECT * FROM homology_member WHERE homology_id = 4650;
| homology_id | member_id | peptide_member_id | peptide_align_feature_id | cigar_line | cigar_start | cigar_end | perc_cov | perc_id | perc_pos |
|        4650 |    805594 |            805595 |                     NULL | 387M       |        NULL |      NULL |      100 |      96 |       97 |
|        4650 |    808352 |            808461 |                     NULL | 387M       |        NULL |      NULL |      100 |      96 |       97 |

refer to the two homologue sequences defined by the homology.homology_id 4650. The gene corresponding to the first sequence can be retrieved using the member.member_id 805594 and the corresponding peptide using the member.member_id 805595. Gene and peptide sequence of the second homologue can retrieved in the same way.


Contains all the group homologies found. There are several family_member entries for each family entry.

family table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
family_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
stable_id varchar(40) NO UNI stable family ID
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id
description varchar(255) YES MUL NULL description of the family as found using the Longest Common String (LCS) of the descriptions of the member proteins.
description_score double YES NULL Scores the accuracy of the annotation (max. 100)

E.g. the row

mysql> SELECT * FROM family WHERE family_id = 30208;
| family_id | stable_id         | method_link_species_set_id | description  | description_score |
|     30208 | fam51v00000030208 |                      30017 | CATHELICIDIN |               100 |

defines a family of "CATHELICIDIN" proteins. The score of the description is 100.

NOTE: stable_id are currently not stable. We are working in getting IDs stable between releases.


Contains the proteins corresponding to protein family relationship found. There are several family_member entries for each family entry.

family_member table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
family_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI external reference to family.family_id
member_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI external reference to member.member_id
cigar_line mediumtext YES NULL internal description of the multiple alignment (see homology_member table)

E.g. the rows

mysql> SELECT * FROM family_member WHERE family_id = 30208;
| family_id | member_id | cigar_line |
|     30208 |   2221971 | 148M       |
|     30208 |   2241749 | 11D137M    |
|     30208 |   2241750 | 148M       |
|     30208 |   2258940 | 132M4D12M  |

refer to the four members of the protein family 30208. The proteins can be retieved using the member_ids. The multiple alignment can be restored using the cigar_lines.


Not used by now

domain table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
domain_id int(10) unsigned PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
stable_id varchar(40)
method_link_species_set int(10) unsigned 0 external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id
description varchar(255) YES NULL


Not used by now

domain_member table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
domain_id int(10) unsigned MUL 0
member_id int(10) unsigned MUL 0
member_start int(10) YES NULL
member_end int(10) YES NULL


Contains the data structure of each tree.

protein_tree_node table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
node_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI NULL auto_increment internal unique ID
parent_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL link to the parent node
root_id int(10) unsigned MUL 0 link to the root node
left_index int(10) MUL 0 internal index. See below
right_index int(10) MUL 0 internal index. See below
distance_to_parent double 1 phylogenetic distance between this node and its parent

When parent_id=0, then node_id is the root. In our data structure, all trees are arbitrarily connected to the same root. This allows storing in the same database the data from independant tree building analysis. Hence the "biological root" of each tree are the children nodes of the main root. For instance the following SQL query

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM protein_tree_node WHERE parent_id = root_id;
| COUNT(*) |
|    27514 |

will return the number of independant trees stored in the database.


Contains the data about the leaf (joining the table with a member_id from the member table, all ENSEMBLPEP members)
present in each tree. The method_link_species_set should link to an entry that has a method_link.type="PROTEIN_TREES". For the aligment, the cigar_* column hold the needed information to rebuild the alignment using the Perl API, as it is done in the family/family_member tables. As we store global multiple aligment you will notice that cigar_start and cigar_end are always NULL. The table however is able to local multiple alignment, then cigar_start/cigar_end should be set to their correct value.

protein_tree_member table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
node_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI external reference to protein_tree_node.node_id
member_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to member.member_id.  Should always link to a protein (usually member.source_name='ENSEMBLPEP')
method_link_species_set_id int(10) unsigned NO external reference to method_link_species_set.method_link_species_set_id
cigar_line mediumtext YES NULL
cigar_start int(10) YES NULL
cigar_end int(10) YES NULL


Contains several tag/value data attached to node_ids

protein_tree_tag table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
node_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL external reference to protein_tree_node.node_id
tag varchar(50) YES MUL NULL
value mediumtext YES NULL


Contains site-wise omega values found in the multiple alignments underlining the protein trees.

protein_tree_tag table description
Field Type Null Key Default Extra Description
sitewise_id int(10) unsigned NO PRI auto_increment internal unique ID
aln_position int(10) unsigned NO MUL
node_id int(10) unsigned NO MUL
tree_node_id int(10) unsigned NO
omega float(10,5) YES NULL
omega_lower float(10,5) YES NULL
omega_upper float(10,5) YES NULL
threshold_on_branch_ds float(10,5) YES NULL
type varchar(10) NO