package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::P_protdas;
use strict;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
use Sanger::Graphics::ColourMap;
use Sanger::Graphics::Bump;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Glyph::Symbol::box;
use POSIX; #floor
sub _init {
my ($self) = @_;
my $conf = $self->{'extras'};
$self->{'pix_per_bp'} = $self->{'config'}->transform->{'scalex'};
my $prot_len = $self->{'container'}->length;
$conf->{'length'} = $prot_len;
# Check that we have features back and it's not a error message
if (my @das_features = @{$conf->{features} || []}) {
my $f = $das_features[0];
if($f->das_type_id() eq '__ERROR__') {
$self->errorTrack( 'Error retrieving '.$self->{'extras'}->{'label'}.' features ('.$f->das_id.')');
return -1 ; # indicates no features drawn because of DAS error
} else {
$self->errorTrack( 'No positional '.$conf->{'label'}.' features in this region' );
return 0;
### If we display a genomic source (i.e features are chromosome based) then we need to
### map them to the peptide
if ($conf->{'source_type'} =~ /^ensembl_location/) {
my $transcript = $self->{'container'}->adaptor->db->get_TranscriptAdaptor->fetch_by_translation_stable_id( $self->{'container'}->stable_id );
my @features;
foreach my $feat (@{$conf->{features}}) {
my @coords = grep { $_->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Mapper::Coordinate') } $transcript->genomic2pep($feat->das_segment->start, $feat->das_segment->end, $feat->strand);
if (@coords) {
my $c = $coords[0];
my $end = ($c->end > $prot_len) ? $prot_len : $c->end;
$feat->das_end( $end );
my $start = ($c->start < $end) ? $c->start : $end;
push (@features, $feat);
$conf->{features} = \@features;
# Styles are returned as an array - we build a hash so it is easier to use ( probably should look into the fetching function ... ;)
# hash styles by type
my %styles;
my $styles = $conf->{'styles'};
if( $styles && @$styles && $conf->{'use_style'} ) {
my $styleheight = 0;
foreach(@$styles) {
$styles{$_->{'category'}}{$_->{'type'}} = $_ unless $_->{'zoom'};
# Set row height ($configuration->{'h'}) from stylesheet
# Currently, this uses the greatest height present in the stylesheet
# but should really use the greatest height in the current featureset
if (exists $_->{'attrs'} && exists $_->{'attrs'}{'height'}){
my $tmpheight = $_->{'attrs'}{'height'};
$tmpheight += abs $_->{'attrs'}{'yoffset'} if $_->{'attrs'}{'yoffset'} ;
$styleheight = $tmpheight if $tmpheight > $styleheight;
$conf->{'h'} = $styleheight if $styleheight;
$conf->{'styles'} = \%styles;
} else {
$conf->{'use_style'} = 0;
if (my $chart = $conf->{'score'}){
return $self->render_colourgradient( $conf ) if ($chart eq 'c');
return $self->render_tilingarray( $conf ) if ($chart eq 's');
return $self->render_histogram( $conf ) if ($chart eq 'h');
return $self->render_grouped($conf);
sub gmenu {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
my $desc = $f->das_feature_label() || $f->das_feature_id;
my $zmenu = { 'caption' => $desc };
if( my $m = $f->das_feature_id ){ $zmenu->{"03:ID: $m"} = undef }
if( my $m = $f->das_type ){ $zmenu->{"05:TYPE: $m"} = undef }
if( my $m = $f->das_method ){ $zmenu->{"10:METHOD: $m"} = undef }
my $ids = 15;
my $href;
foreach my $dlink ($f->das_links) {
my $txt = $dlink->{'txt'} || $dlink->{'href'};
my $dlabel = sprintf("%02d:LINK: %s", $ids++, $txt);
$zmenu->{$dlabel} = $dlink->{'href'};
$href = $dlink->{'href'} if (! $href);
if( my $m = $f->das_note ) {
if (ref $m eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $n (@$m) {
$zmenu->{"$ids:NOTE: $n"} = undef;
} else {
$zmenu->{"40:NOTE: $m"} = undef;
return $zmenu;
# Returns the order corresponding to this glyphset
sub managed_name{
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'extras'}->{'order'} || 0;
sub zmenu {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
my $desc = $f->das_feature_label() || $f->das_feature_id;
my $zmenu = { 'caption' => $desc };
if( my $m = $f->das_score){ $zmenu->{"20:SCORE: $m"} = undef }
my $ids = 50;
my $href;
foreach my $dlink ($f->das_links) {
my $txt = $dlink->{'txt'} || $dlink->{'href'};
my $dlabel = sprintf("%02d:LINK: %s", $ids++, $txt);
$zmenu->{$dlabel} = $dlink->{'href'};
$href = $dlink->{'href'} if (! $href);
if( my $m = $f->das_note ) {
if (ref $m eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $n (@$m) {
$zmenu->{"$ids:NOTE: $n"} = undef;
} else {
$zmenu->{"40:NOTE: $m"} = undef;
return $zmenu;
# Function will display DAS features with variable height depending on SCORE attribute
sub render_histogram {
my( $self, $configuration ) = @_;
my @features = sort { $a->das_start() <=> $b->das_start() } @{$configuration->{'features'} || []};
my ($min_score, $max_score) = (sort {$a <=> $b} (map { $_->score } @features))[0,-1];
my $style;
my $row_height = $configuration->{'h'} || 30;
my $pix_per_score = ($max_score - $min_score) / $row_height;
my $bp_per_pix = 1 / $self->{pix_per_bp};
$configuration->{h} = $row_height;
my ($gScore, $gWidth, $fCount, $gStart, $mScore) = (0, 0, 0, 0, $min_score);
for (my $i = 0; $i< @features; $i++) {
my $f = $features[$i];
# keep within the window we're drawing
my $START = $f->das_start() < 1 ? 1 : $f->das_start();
my $END = $f->das_end() > $configuration->{'length'} ? $configuration->{'length'} : $f->das_end();
my $width = ($END - $START +1);
my $score = $f->das_score;
$score = $max_score if ($score > $max_score);
$score = $min_score if ($score < $min_score);
# Here we "group" features if they are too small and located very close to each other ..
$gWidth += $width;
$gScore += $score;
$mScore = $score if ($score > $mScore);
$fCount ++;
$gStart = $START if ($fCount == 1);
# If feature is smaller than 1px and next feature is closer than 1px then we merge features ..
# 1px value depend on the zoom ..
if ($gWidth < $bp_per_pix) {
my $nf = $features[$i+1];
if ($nf) {
my $distance = $nf->das_start() - $END;
next if ($distance < $bp_per_pix);
my $height;
if (lc($configuration->{'fg_merge'}) eq 'a') { # get the average value
$height = ($gScore / $fCount - $min_score) / $pix_per_score;
} else { # get the max value
$height = ($mScore - $min_score) / $pix_per_score;
if ($height < 0) {
warn("ERROR: !! $mScore * $min_score * $pix_per_score");
my ($zmenu );
my $Composite = $self->Composite({
'y' => 0,
'x' => $START-1,
'absolutey' => 1,
if ($fCount > 1) {
$zmenu = {
'caption' => $configuration->{'label'},
$zmenu->{"03:$fCount features merged"} = '';
$zmenu->{"05:Average SCORE: ".($gScore/$fCount)} = '';
$zmenu->{"08:Max SCORE: $mScore"} = '';
$zmenu->{"10:START: $gStart"} = '';
$zmenu->{"20:END: $END"} = '';
} else {
$zmenu = $self->zmenu( $f );
$Composite->{'zmenu'} = $zmenu;
my $y_offset = $row_height - $height;
my $style = $self->get_featurestyle($f, $configuration);
my $fdata = $self->get_featuredata($f, $configuration, $y_offset);
my $symbol = Bio::EnsEMBL::Glyph::Symbol::box->new($fdata, $style->{'attrs'});
$symbol->{'style'}->{'height'} = $height;
$self->push( $Composite );
$gWidth = $gScore = $fCount = 0;
$mScore = $min_score;
} # END loop over features
return 1;
} # END render_histogram
# Function will display DAS features with variable height depending on SCORE attribute
# Similar to histogram but allows for negative values and will highlight pick values, i.e
# when 2 or more features are merged due to resolution the highest score will be used to determine the feature height
# Probably should merge with histogram as they are very similar
sub render_tilingarray{
my( $self, $configuration ) = @_;
my @features = sort { $a->das_score <=> $b->das_score } @{$configuration->{'features'}};
my ($min_score, $max_score) = ($features[0]->das_score || 0, $features[-1]->das_score || 0);
my $style;
my @positive_features = grep { $_->das_score >= 0 } @features;
my @negative_features = grep { $_->das_score < 0 } reverse @features;
my $row_height = $configuration->{'h'} || 30;
my $pix_per_score = (abs($max_score) > abs($min_score) ? abs($max_score) : abs($min_score)) / $row_height;
my $bp_per_pix = 1 / $self->{pix_per_bp};
$configuration->{h} = $row_height;
my ($gScore, $gWidth, $fCount, $gStart, $mScore) = (0, 0, 0, 0, $min_score);
# Draw the axis
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => 0,
'y' => $row_height + 1,
'width' => $configuration->{'length'},
'height' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => 'red',
'dotted' => 1,
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => 0,
'y' => 0,
'width' => 0,
'height' => $row_height * 2 + 1,
'absolutey' => 1,
'absolutex' => 1,
'colour' => 'red',
'dotted' => 1,
foreach my $f (@negative_features, @positive_features) {
my $START = $f->das_start() < 1 ? 1 : $f->das_start();
my $END = $f->das_end() > $configuration->{'length'} ? $configuration->{'length'} : $f->das_end();
my $width = ($END - $START +1);
my $score = $f->das_score || 0;
my $Composite = $self->Composite({
'y' => 0,
'x' => $START-1,
'absolutey' => 1,
my $height = abs($score) / $pix_per_score;
my $y_offset = ($score > 0) ? $row_height - $height : $row_height+2;
$y_offset-- if (! $score);
my $zmenu = $self->zmenu( $f );
$Composite->{'zmenu'} = $zmenu;
# make clickable box to anchor zmenu
$Composite->push( $self->Space({
'x' => $START - 1,
'y' => ($score ? (($score > 0) ? 0 : ($row_height + 2)) : ($row_height + 1)),
'width' => $width,
'height' => $score ? $row_height : 1,
'absolutey' => 1
}) );
my $style = $self->get_featurestyle($f, $configuration);
my $fdata = $self->get_featuredata($f, $configuration, $y_offset);
my $symbol = Bio::EnsEMBL::Glyph::Symbol::box->new($fdata, $style->{'attrs'});
$symbol->{'style'}->{'height'} = $height;
$self->push( $Composite );
} # END loop over features
return 1;
} # END render_tilingarray
# Function will display DAS features in different colour with depending on SCORE attribute
sub render_colourgradient {
my ($self, $configuration) = @_;
my $bp_per_pix = 1 / $self->{pix_per_bp};
my @features = sort { $a->das_score <=> $b->das_score } @{$configuration->{'features'} || []};
my ($min_value, $max_value) = $configuration->{'fg_data'} eq 'n' ? ($configuration->{'fg_min'}, $configuration->{fg_max}): ($features[0]->das_score || 0, $features[-1]->das_score || 0);
my ($min_score, $max_score) = $configuration->{'fg_data'} eq 'n' ? (0, 100): ($min_value, $max_value);
$configuration->{'fg_grades'} ||= 20;
my $score_range = $max_value - $min_value;
my $score_per_grade = ($max_score - $min_score)/ $configuration->{'fg_grades'};
my $cm = new Sanger::Graphics::ColourMap;
my @cg = $cm->build_linear_gradient($configuration->{'fg_grades'}, ['yellow', 'green', 'blue']);
my $style;
# To make sure that the features with lowest and highest scores get displayed
push @features, $features[0];
push @features, $features[-2];
my $y_offset = 0;
my $row_height = $configuration->{'h'} || 20;
$configuration->{h} = $row_height;
foreach my $f (@features) {
my $START = $f->das_start() < 1 ? 1 : $f->das_start();
my $END = $f->das_end() > $configuration->{'length'} ? $configuration->{'length'} : $f->das_end();
my $width = ($END - $START +1);
my $score = $configuration->{'fg_data'} eq 'n' ? ((($f->das_score || 0) - $min_value) * 100 / $score_range) : ($f->das_score || 0);
if ($score < $min_value) {
$score = $min_value;
} elsif ($score > $max_value) {
$score = $max_value;
my $Composite = $self->Composite({
'y' => 0,
'x' => $START-1,
'absolutey' => 1,
my $grade = ($score >= $max_score) ? $configuration->{'fg_grades'} - 1 : int(($score - $min_score) / $score_per_grade);
$grade = 0 if ($grade < 0);
my $col = $cg[$grade];
my $zmenu = $self->zmenu($f);
$Composite->{'zmenu'} = $zmenu;
# make clickable box to anchor zmenu
$Composite->push( $self->Space({
'x' => $START - 1,
'y' => 0,
'width' => $width,
'height' => $row_height,
'absolutey' => 1
}) );
my $style = $self->get_featurestyle($f, $configuration);
my $fdata = $self->get_featuredata($f, $configuration, $y_offset);
my $symbol = Bio::EnsEMBL::Glyph::Symbol::box->new($fdata, $style->{'attrs'});
$style->{'attrs'}{'colour'} = $col;
$self->push( $Composite );
} # END loop over features
return 1;
} # END render_colourgradient
# Function will display DAS features grouped by feature id ( which is wrong ! DAS spec demands unique feature id! )
# Need to talk to das source maintainers first to convience them to update das sources to comply with DAS spec
sub render_grouped {
my ($self, $configuration) = @_;
my $Config = $self->{'config'};
my @bitmap = undef;
my $prot_len = $configuration->{'length'};
my $pix_per_bp = $self->{'pix_per_bp'};
my $bitmap_length = floor( $prot_len * $pix_per_bp);
my $y = 0;
my $h = $configuration->{'h'} || 4;
$configuration->{'h'} = $h;
my $fhash;
foreach my $f (@{$self->{extras}->{features}}) {
# Create a new composite and put the feature there
my $Composite = $self->Composite({
'x' => $f->start,
'y' => $y,
'zmenu' => $self->gmenu($f),
my $style = $self->get_featurestyle($f, $configuration);
my $fdata = $self->get_featuredata($f, $configuration, 0);
my $symbol = $self->get_symbol($style, $fdata);
# my $symbol = Bio::EnsEMBL::Glyph::Symbol::box->new($fdata, $style->{'attrs'});
# Now check that the new feature does not overlap any preceeding features
# If it does than 'bump' the row, i.e move the composite down to the next row
my $bump_start = floor($Composite->x() * $pix_per_bp);
next if ($bump_start > $bitmap_length);
my $bump_end = $bump_start + floor($Composite->width()*$pix_per_bp);
my $row = $self->bump_row( $bump_start, $bump_end );
$Composite->y($Composite->y() + $row * ($h + 2) );
# Now to the bit that always was in Ensembl but does not comply with DAS spec, namely grouping features by feature id.
# need to address the issue to make sure we comply with DAS spec
# meantime we put a line between features that have same id and reside on the same row in the bitmap
my $key = join('*', $row,$f->das_feature_id);
if (my $ox = $fhash->{$key}) {
my $rect = $self->Rect({
'x' => $ox,
'y' => 2,
'width' => $f->start - $ox,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => $style->{'attrs'}{'colour'},
'absolutey' => 1,
$fhash->{$key} = $f->end;