package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::Videogram;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::Videogram_legend);
use Carp;

### set true only while you're generating the vega karyotype image ##
## end of vega karyotype static image colours ###                                                

sub _init {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $config = $self->{'config'};

  my $i_w = $self->get_parameter('image_height');
  my $c_w = $self->get_parameter('container_width');
  return unless $c_w;

  $self->_init_bump( '_bump_forward' );
  $self->_init_bump( '_bump_reverse' );
  my $col   = undef;
  my $white = 'white';
  my $black = 'black';
  my $bg    = $self->get_parameter( 'bgcolor');
  my $red   = 'red';

  $self->{'pix_per_bp'}     = $i_w/$c_w;

  my $im_width    = $i_w;
  my $top_margin  = $self->get_parameter('top_margin');
  my ($w,$h)      = $self->{'config'}->texthelper->Vpx2bp('Tiny');
  my $chr         = $self->{'container'}->{'chr'} || $self->{'extras'}->{'chr'};

  ########## fetch the chromosome bands that cover this VC.
  my $kba           = $self->{'container'}->{'ka'};
  my $bands         = $kba->fetch_all_by_chr_name($chr);
  my $slice_adaptor = $self->{'container'}->{'sa'};
  my $slice         = $slice_adaptor->fetch_by_region(undef, $chr) or
    (carp "$slice_adaptor has no fetch_by_region(undef,$chr)" && return);

  my $chr_length = $slice->length || 1;

  ########## bottom align each chromosome!
  my $v_offset    = $c_w - $chr_length;
  my $bpperpx     = $c_w / $config->get_parameter('image_height');

  ########## overcome a bottom border/margin problem....
  my $done_1_acen = 0;        # flag for tracking place in chromosome
  my $wid         = $self->my_config('width') || 24;
  my $h_wid       = int $wid/2;
  my $padding     = $self->my_config('padding') || 6;
  my $style       = $self->my_config('style')   || q();
  ########## get text labels in correct place!
  my  $h_offset = $style eq 'text' ? $padding 
                :                    int($self->my_config('totalwidth') - $wid - ($self->get_parameter('band_labels') eq 'on' ? ($w * 6 + 4) : 0 ))/2

  my @decorations;

  if($padding) {
    ########## make sure that there is a blank image behind the chromosome so that the glyphset doesn't get "horizontally" squashed.
      'x'         => $c_w - $chr_length/2,
      'y'         => $h_offset - $padding*1.5,
      'width'     => 1,
      'height'    => $padding * 3 + $wid,
      'absolutey' => 1,

  my @bands = sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } @{$bands};
  # use this array to store bands created for vega annotation status; draw these last
  my @annot_bands;

  my $alt_stain = 25;
  if(scalar @bands) {
    for my $band (@bands) {
      my $bandname       = $band->name();
      my $vc_band_start  = $band->start() + $v_offset;
      my $vc_band_end    = $band->end() + $v_offset;
      my $stain          = lc( $band->stain() );

      if ($stain =~ /Annotation/mx) {
        push @annot_bands, $band;

      my @extra = ();
      if( $self->get_parameter('band_links') eq 'yes' ) {
        @extra = (
          'href' =>  $self->_url({'type' => 'Location', 'action' => 'View', '__clear' => 1, 'r' => "$chr:$vc_band_start-$vc_band_end"}),
          'title' => "Band: ".( $stain eq 'acen' ? 'Centromere' : $bandname )

      unless ($stain) {
        $stain = 'gpos' .$alt_stain;
        $alt_stain = 100 - $alt_stain;
      my $colour = $self->my_colour($stain);
      if( $stain eq 'acen' ) {
        if( $done_1_acen ) {
          CORE::push @decorations, $self->Poly({
            'points'    => [ $vc_band_start, $h_offset + $h_wid, $vc_band_end,   $h_offset, $vc_band_end,   $h_offset + $wid, ],
            'colour'    => $colour,
            'absolutey' => 1,
        } else {
	  CORE::push @decorations, $self->Poly({
            'points'    => [ $vc_band_start, $h_offset, $vc_band_end,   $h_offset + $h_wid, $vc_band_start, $h_offset + $wid, ],
            'colour'    => $colour,
            'absolutey' => 1,
          $done_1_acen = 1;
      } elsif ($stain eq 'stalk') {
	 CORE::push @decorations, $self->Poly({
          'points'    => [ $vc_band_start, $h_offset, $vc_band_end,   $h_offset + $wid, $vc_band_end,   $h_offset, $vc_band_start, $h_offset + $wid, ],
          'colour'    => $colour,
          'absolutey' => 1,
	CORE::push @decorations, $self->Rect({
          'x'         => $vc_band_start,
          'y'         => $h_offset    + int $wid/4,
          'width'     => $vc_band_end - $vc_band_start,
          'height'    => $h_wid,
          'colour'    => $colour,
          'absolutey' => 1,
      } else {
        if (($self->get_parameter('hide_bands') || 'no') eq 'yes') {
          $stain = 'gneg';
          $colour = $self->my_colour('gneg');
        my $R     = $vc_band_start;
        my $T     = $bpperpx * ( (int $vc_band_end/$bpperpx) - (int $vc_band_start/$bpperpx) );
          'x'                => $R,
          'y'                => $h_offset,
          'width'            => $T,
          'height'           => $wid,
          'colour'           => $colour,
          'absolutey'        => 1,
          'x'                => $R,
          'y'                => $h_offset,
          'width'            => $T,
          'height'           => 0,
          'colour'           => $black,
          'absolutey'        => 1,
          'x'                => $R,
          'y'                => $h_offset+$wid,
          'width'            => $T,
          'height'           => 0,
          'colour'           => $black,
          'absolutey'        => 1,
      ################################################################## only add the band label if the box is big enough to hold it...
      if( $self->get_parameter('band_labels') eq 'on' && ## Only if turned on
          $stain !~ /^(acen|tip|stalk)$/              && ## Not on "special" bands
	  $h < $vc_band_end - $vc_band_start             ## Only if the box is big enough!
      ) {
          'x'                => ($vc_band_end + $vc_band_start - $h)/2,
          'y'                => $h_offset+$wid+4,
          'width'            => $h,
          'height'           => $w * length($bandname),
          'font'             => 'Tiny',
          'colour'           => $black,
          'text'             => $bandname,
          'absolutey'        => 1,
  } else {
    foreach (0, $wid) {
        'x'                => $v_offset-1,
        'y'                => $h_offset+$_,
        'width'            => $chr_length,
        'height'           => 0,
        'colour'           => $black,
        'absolutey'        => 1,

  # lastly draw annotation status bands (if uncommented the colour definition)
  for my $band (@annot_bands) {
    my $bandname       = $band->name();
    my $vc_band_start  = $band->start() + $v_offset;
    my $vc_band_end    = $band->end() + $v_offset;
    my $stain          = $band->stain();
    my $R              = $vc_band_start;
    my $T              = $bpperpx * ( (int $vc_band_end/$bpperpx) - (int $vc_band_start/$bpperpx) );

      'x'                => $R,
      'y'                => $h_offset,
      'width'            => $T,
      'height'           => $wid,
      'colour'           => $self->my_colour($stain),
      'absolutey'        => 1,
      'x'                => $R,
      'y'                => $h_offset,
      'width'            => $T,
      'height'           => 0,
      'colour'           => $black,
      'absolutey'        => 1,

      'x'                => $R,
      'y'                => $h_offset+$wid,
      'width'            => $T,
      'height'           => 0,
      'colour'           => $black,
      'absolutey'        => 1,

  foreach (@decorations) {

  ############################################### Draw the ends of the ideogram
#  $self->unshift($self->Rect({
#    'x'      => $v_offset,
#    'width'  => $chr_length,
#    'y'      => $h_offset - $wid / 2,
#    'height' => 2 * $wid,
#    'colour' => 'blue',
#    'absolutey' => 1,
#    'absoluteheight' => 1,
#    'href'   => $self->_url({ 'type' => 'Location', 'action' => 'Chromosome', '__clear' => 1, 'r' => $chr }),
#    'title'  => "Chromosome: $chr"
#  }));
  for my $end (
     ( @bands && $bands[ 0]->stain() eq 'tip' ? () : 0 ),
     ( @bands && $bands[-1]->stain() eq 'tip' ? () : 1 )
  ) {
    my $direction   = $end ? -1 : 1;
    my %partials    = map { uc($_) => 1 } @{ $self->species_defs->PARTIAL_CHROMOSOMES || [] };
    my %artificials = map { uc($_) => 1 } @{ $self->species_defs->ARTIFICIAL_CHROMOSOMES || [] };
    if ($partials{uc $chr}) {
      ########## draw jagged ends for partial chromosomes resolution dependent scaling
      my $mod = ($wid < 16) ? 0.5 : 1;

      for my $i (1..8*$mod) {
        my $x      = $v_offset + $chr_length * $end - 4 * (($i % 2) - 1) * $direction * $bpperpx * $mod;
        my $y      = $h_offset + $wid/(8*$mod) * ($i - 1);
        my $width  = 4 * (-1 + 2 * ($i % 2)) * $direction * $bpperpx * $mod;
        my $height = $wid/(8*$mod);
        ########## overwrite karyotype bands with appropriate triangles to produce jags
          'points'         => [ $x, $y, $x + $width * (1 - ($i % 2)),$y + $height * ($i % 2), $x + $width, $y + $height, ],
          'colour'         => $bg,
          'absolutey'      => 1,
          'absoluteheight' => 1,
        ########## the actual jagged line
          'x'              => $x,
          'y'              => $y,
          'width'          => $width,
          'height'         => $height,
          'colour'         => $black,
          'absolutey'      => 1,
          'absoluteheight' => 1,
      ########## black delimiting lines at each side
      foreach (0, $wid) {
          'x'             => $v_offset,
          'y'             => $h_offset + $_,
          'width'         => 4,
          'height'        => 0,
          'colour'        => $black,
          'absolutey'     => 1,
          'absolutewidth' => 1,
    } elsif ( ($artificials{uc($chr)}) ||
      ($end == 0 && @bands && $bands[0]->stain()  eq 'ACEN') ||
      ($end == 1 && @bands && $bands[-1]->stain() eq 'ACEN') ||
      ($end == 0 && $chr =~ /Q|q/mx) ||
      ($end == 1 && $chr =~ /P|p/mx)
    ) {
      ########## draw blunt ends for artificial chromosomes or chr arms
      my $x      = $v_offset + $chr_length * $end - 1;
      my $y      = $h_offset;
      my $width  = 0;
      my $height = $wid;

        'x'             => $x,
        'y'             => $y,
        'width'         => $width,
        'height'        => $height,
        'colour'        => $black,
        'absolutey'     => 1,
        'absolutewidth' => 1,
    } else {
      ########## round ends for full chromosomes
      my $max_rows = ( $chr_length / $bpperpx /2 ); ## MAXIMUMROWS.....

      my @lines = $wid < 16 ?
              ( [8,6],[4,4],[2,2] ) :
              ( [8,5],[5,3],[4,1],[3,1],[2,1],[1,1],[1,1],[1,1] );

      for my $I ( 0..$#lines ) {
        if($I > $max_rows) {

        my ($bg_x, $black_x) = @{$lines[$I]};
        my $xx               = $v_offset + $chr_length * $end + ($I+.5 * $end) * $direction * $bpperpx + ($end ? $bpperpx : 10);
          'x'         => $xx,
          'y'         => $h_offset,
          'width'     => 0,
          'height'    => $wid * $bg_x/24 -1,
          'colour'    => 'background1',
          'absolutey' => 1,
          'x'         => $xx,
          'y'         => $h_offset + 1 + $wid * (1-$bg_x/24),
          'width'     => 0,
          'height'    => $wid * $bg_x/24 -1,
          'colour'    => 'background1',
          'absolutey' => 1,
          'x'         => $xx,
          'y'         => $h_offset + $wid * $bg_x/24,
          'width'     => 0,
          'height'    => $wid * $black_x/24 -1,
          'colour'    => $black,
          'absolutey' => 1,
          'x'         => $xx,
          'y'         => $h_offset + 1 + $wid * (1-$bg_x/24-$black_x/24),
          'width'     => 0,
          'height'    => $wid * $black_x/24 -1,
          'colour'    => $black,
          'absolutey' => 1,

  # Do the highlighting bit at the end!!!
  if(defined $self->{'highlights'} && $self->{'highlights'} ne q()) {
    for my $highlight_set (reverse @{$self->{'highlights'}}) {
      my $highlight_style = $style || $highlight_set->{'style'};
      my $type            = "highlight_$highlight_style";
      my $aggregate_colour = $config->{'_aggregate_colour'};

      if($highlight_set->{$chr}) {
          # Firstly create a highlights array which contains merged entries!
          my @temp_highlights = @{$highlight_set->{$chr}};
          my @highlights;

          if($highlight_set->{'merge'} && $highlight_set->{'merge'} eq 'no') {
            @highlights = @temp_highlights;
          } else {
            my @bin_flag;
            my $bin_length = $padding * ( $highlight_style eq 'arrow' ? 1.5 : 1 ) * $bpperpx;

          my $is_aggregated = 0;
            foreach (@temp_highlights) {
              my $bin_id = int (2 * $v_offset+ $_->{'start'}+$_->{'end'}) / 2 / $bin_length;
              if ($bin_id < 0) {
                $bin_id = 0;

              if(my $offset = $bin_flag[$bin_id]) { # We already have a highlight in this bin - so add this one to it!

              ## Build zmenu
                my $zmenu_length = keys %{$highlights[$offset-1]->{'zmenu'}};
                for my $entry (sort keys %{$_->{'zmenu'}}) {
                    if($entry eq 'caption') {

                    my $value = $_->{'zmenu'}->{$entry};
                    $entry    =~ s/\d\d+://mx;

                    $highlights[$offset-1]->{'zmenu'}->{ sprintf q(%03d:%s), $zmenu_length++, $entry } = $value;

                    if ($highlights[$offset-1]->{'start'} > $_->{'start'}) {
                      $highlights[$offset-1]->{'start'} = $_->{'start'};

                    if ($highlights[$offset-1]->{'end'} < $_->{'end'}) {
                      $highlights[$offset-1]->{'end'}   = $_->{'end'};

              ## Deal with colour aggregation
              if ($_->{'col'} eq $aggregate_colour) {
                $is_aggregated = 1;
              if ($is_aggregated) {
                $highlights[$offset-1]->{'col'} = $aggregate_colour;
            else { # We don't
                push @highlights, $_;
                $bin_flag[$bin_id] = @highlights;
              $is_aggregated = 0;

    # Now we render the points
          my $high_flag    = 'l';
          my @starts       = map { $_->{'start'} } @highlights;
          my @sorting_keys = sort { $starts[$a] <=> $starts[$b] } 0..$#starts;
          my @flags        = ();
          my $flag         = 'l';

          foreach (@sorting_keys) {
            $flags[$_] = $flag = $flag eq 'l' ? 'r' : 'l';

          foreach (@highlights) {
            my $start = $v_offset + $_->{'start'};
            my $end   = $v_offset + $_->{'end'};

            if ($highlight_style eq 'arrow') {
              $high_flag = shift @flags;
              $type      = "highlight_${high_flag}h$highlight_style";

            my $zmenu = $_->{'zmenu'};
            my $col   = $_->{'col'};

      # dynamic require of the right type of renderer
            if($self->can($type)) {
              my $g = $self->$type( {
                              'chr'       => $chr,
                              'start'     => $start,
                              'end'       => $end,
                              'mid'       => ($start+$end)/2,
                              'h_offset'  => $h_offset,
                              'wid'       => $wid,
                              'padding'   => $padding,
                              'padding2'  => $padding * $bpperpx * sqrt(3)/2,
                              'href'      => $_->{'href'},
                              'col'       => $col,
                              'id'        => $_->{'id'},
                              'strand'    => $_->{'strand'},
                            } );
              $g and $self->push($g);
  $self->minx( $v_offset );
