package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::_alignment;
use strict;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
# The following functions can be over-riden if the class does require
# something diffirent - main one to be over-riden is probably the
# features call - as it will need to take different parameters...
sub _das_link {
## Returns the 'group' that a given feature belongs to. Features in the same
## group are linked together via an open rectangle. Can be subclassed.
my $self = shift;
return de_camel( $self->my_config('object_type') || 'dna_align_feature' );
sub feature_group {
my( $self, $f ) = @_;
#this regexp will remove the differences in names between the ends of BACs.
#Only a start in getting the display accurate however - (i) seperate glyph, (ii) only one strand,
#(iii) distinguish between multiple mappings of the same end and the different ends
# (my $name = $f->hseqname) =~ s/(\.?[xyz][abc]|T7|SP6)$//;;
# return $name;
return $f->hseqname; ## For core features this is what the sequence name is...
sub feature_label {
my( $self, $f, $db_name ) = @_;
return $f->hseqname;
sub feature_title {
my( $self, $f,$db_name ) = @_;
$db_name ||= 'External Feature';
return "$db_name ".$f->hseqname;
sub features {
my ($self) = @_;
my $method = 'get_all_'.( $self->my_config('object_type') || 'DnaAlignFeature' ).'s';
my $db = $self->my_config('db');
my @logic_names = @{ $self->my_config( 'logicnames' )||[] };
$self->timer_push( 'Initializing don', undef, 'fetch' );
my @results = map { $self->{'container'}->$method($_,undef,$db)||() } @logic_names;
$self->timer_push( 'Retrieved features', undef, 'fetch' );
my %results = ( $self->my_config('name') => [@results] );
return %results;
sub href {
### Links to /Location/Genome
my( $self, $f ) = @_;
my $r = $f->seq_region_name.':'.$f->seq_region_start.'-'.$f->seq_region_end;
return $self->_url({
'action' => 'Genome',
'ftype' => $self->my_config('object_type') || 'DnaAlignFeature',
'r' => $r,
'id' => $f->display_id,
'db' => $self->my_config('db'),
# Next we have the _init function which chooses how to render the
# features...
sub render_unlimited {
my $self = shift;
$self->render_normal( 1, 1000 );
sub render_stack {
my $self = shift;
$self->render_normal( 1, 40 );
sub render_half_height {
my $self = shift;
$self->render_normal( $self->my_config('height')/2 || 4);
sub colour_key {
my( $self, $feature_key ) = @_;
return $self->my_config( 'sub_type' );
sub render_labels {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'show_labels'} = 1;
sub render_normal {
my $self = shift;
return $self->render_text if $self->{'text_export'};
my $tfh = $self->{'config'}->texthelper()->height($self->{'config'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_STYLE->{'GRAPHIC_FONT'});
my $h = @_ ? shift : ($self->my_config('height') || 8);
my $dep = @_ ? shift : ($self->my_config('dep' ) || 6);
my $gap = $h<2 ? 1 : 2;
## Information about the container...
my $strand = $self->strand;
my $strand_flag = $self->my_config('strand');
my $length = $self->{'container'}->length();
## And now about the drawing configuration
my $pix_per_bp = $self->scalex;
my $DRAW_CIGAR = ( $self->my_config('force_cigar') eq 'yes' )|| ($pix_per_bp > 0.2) ;
## Highlights...
my %highlights = map { $_,1 } $self->highlights;
my $hi_colour = 'highlight1';
if( $self->{'extras'} && $self->{'extras'}{'height'} ) {
$h = $self->{'extras'}{'height'};
## Get array of features and push them into the id hash...
my %features = $self->features;
#get details of external_db - currently only retrieved from core since they should be all the same
my $db = 'DATABASE_CORE';
# my $db = 'DATABASE_'.uc($self->my_config('db'));
my $extdbs = $self->species_defs->databases->{$db}{'tables'}{'external_db'}{'entries'};
my $y_offset = 0;
my $features_drawn = 0;
my $features_bumped = 0;
my $label_h = 0;
my( $fontname, $fontsize ) ;
if( $self->{'show_labels'} ) {
( $fontname, $fontsize ) = $self->get_font_details( 'outertext' );
my( $txt, $bit, $w,$th ) = $self->get_text_width( 0, 'X', '', 'ptsize' => $fontsize, 'font' => $fontname );
$label_h = $th;
foreach my $feature_key ( $strand < 0 ? sort keys %features : reverse sort keys %features ) {
$self->_init_bump( undef, $dep );
my %id = ();
$self->{'track_key'} = $feature_key;
foreach my $features ( @{$features{$feature_key}} ) {
foreach my $f (
map { $_->[2] }
sort{ $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
map { [$_->start,$_->end, $_ ] }
@{$features || []}
my $hstrand = $f->can('hstrand') ? $f->hstrand : 1;
my $fgroup_name = $self->feature_group( $f );
my $s =$f->start;
my $e =$f->end;
my $db_name = $f->can('external_db_id') ? $extdbs->{$f->external_db_id}{'db_name'} : 'OLIGO';
next if $strand_flag eq 'b' && $strand != ( ($hstrand||1)*$f->strand || -1 ) || $e < 1 || $s > $length ;
push @{$id{$fgroup_name}}, [$s,$e,$f,int($s*$pix_per_bp),int($e*$pix_per_bp),$db_name];
## Now go through each feature in turn, drawing them
my $y_pos;
my $colour_key = $self->colour_key( $feature_key );
my $feature_colour = $self->my_colour( $self->my_config( 'sub_type' ), undef );
my $join_colour = $self->my_colour( $self->my_config( 'sub_type' ), 'join' );
my $regexp = $pix_per_bp > 0.1 ? '\dI' : ( $pix_per_bp > 0.01 ? '\d\dI' : '\d\d\dI' );
next unless keys %id;
foreach my $i ( sort {
$id{$a}[0][3] <=> $id{$b}[0][3] ||
$id{$b}[-1][4] <=> $id{$a}[-1][4]
} keys %id){
my @F = @{$id{$i}}; # sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @{$id{$i}};
my $START = $F[0][0] < 1 ? 1 : $F[0][0];
my $END = $F[-1][1] > $length ? $length : $F[-1][1];
my $db_name = $F[0][5];
my( $txt, $bit, $w, $th );
my $bump_start = int($START * $pix_per_bp) - 1;
my $bump_end = int($END * $pix_per_bp);
if( $self->{'show_labels'} ) {
my $title = $self->feature_label( $F[0][2],$db_name );
my( $txt, $bit, $tw,$th ) = $self->get_text_width( 0, $title, '', 'ptsize' => $fontsize, 'font' => $fontname );
my $text_end = $bump_start + $tw + 1;
$bump_end = $text_end if $text_end > $bump_end;
my $row = $self->bump_row( $bump_start, $bump_end );
if( $row > $dep ) {
$y_pos = $y_offset - $row * int( $h + $gap * $label_h ) * $strand;
my $Composite = $self->Composite({
'href' => $self->href( $F[0][2] ),
'x' => $F[0][0]> 1 ? $F[0][0]-1 : 0,
'width' => 0,
'y' => 0,
'title' => $self->feature_title($F[0][2],$db_name)
my $X = -1e8;
foreach my $f ( @F ){ ## Loop through each feature for this ID!
my( $s, $e, $feat ) = @$f;
next if int($e * $pix_per_bp) <= int( $X * $pix_per_bp );
my $cigar;
eval { $cigar = $feat->cigar_string; };
if($DRAW_CIGAR || $cigar =~ /$regexp/ ) {
my $START = $s < 1 ? 1 : $s;
my $END = $e > $length ? $length : $e;
$X = $END;
'x' => $START-1,
'y' => 0, # $y_pos,
'width' => $END-$START+1,
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1,
$self->draw_cigar_feature($Composite, $feat, $h, $feature_colour, 'black', $pix_per_bp, $strand_flag eq 'r' );
} else {
my $START = $s < 1 ? 1 : $s;
my $END = $e > $length ? $length : $e;
$X = $END;
'x' => $START-1,
'y' => 0, # $y_pos,
'width' => $END-$START+1,
'height' => $h,
'colour' => $feature_colour,
'absolutey' => 1,
if( $h > 1 ) {
} else {
$Composite->unshift( $self->Rect({
'x' => $Composite->{'x'},
'y' => $Composite->{'y'},
'width' => $Composite->{'width'},
'height' => $h,
'colour' => $join_colour,
'absolutey' => 1
$Composite->y( $Composite->y + $y_pos );
$self->push( $Composite );
if( $self->{'show_labels'} ) {
$self->push( $self->Text({
'font' => $fontname,
'colour' => $feature_colour,
'height' => $fontsize,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'text' => $self->feature_label($F[0][2],$db_name),
'title' => $self->feature_title($F[0][2],$db_name),
'halign' => 'left',
'valign' => 'center',
'x' => $Composite->{'x'},
'y' => $Composite->{'y'} + $h + 2,
'width' => $Composite->{'x'} + ($bump_end-$bump_start) / $pix_per_bp,
'height' => $label_h,
'absolutey' => 1
if(exists $highlights{$i}) {
$self->unshift( $self->Rect({
'x' => $Composite->{'x'} - 1/$pix_per_bp,
'y' => $Composite->{'y'} - 1,
'width' => $Composite->{'width'} + 2/$pix_per_bp,
'height' => $h + 2,
'colour' => 'highlight1',
'absolutey' => 1,
$y_offset -= $strand * ( ($self->_max_bump_row ) * ( $h + $gap + $label_h ) + 6 );
$self->errorTrack( "No features from '".$self->my_config('name')."' in this region" )
unless( $features_drawn || $self->get_parameter( 'opt_empty_tracks')==0 );
if( $self->get_parameter( 'opt_show_bumped') && $features_bumped ) {
my $y_pos = $strand < 0
? $y_offset
: 2 + $self->{'config'}->texthelper()->height($self->{'config'}->species_defs->ENSEMBL_STYLE->{'GRAPHIC_FONT'})
$self->errorTrack( sprintf( q(%s features from '%s' omitted), $features_bumped, $self->my_config('name')), undef, $y_offset );
$self->timer_push( 'Features drawn' );
## No features show "empty track line" if option set....
sub render_ungrouped_labels {
my $self = shift;
$self->{'show_labels'} = 1;
sub render_ungrouped {
my $self = shift;
my $strand = $self->strand;
my $strand_flag = $self->my_config('strand');
my $length = $self->{'container'}->length();
my $pix_per_bp = $self->scalex;
my $DRAW_CIGAR = ( $self->my_config('force_cigar') eq 'yes' )|| ($pix_per_bp > 0.2) ;
my $h = $self->my_config('height')||8;
my $regexp = $pix_per_bp > 0.1 ? '\dI' : ( $pix_per_bp > 0.01 ? '\d\dI' : '\d\d\dI' );
my $features_drawn = 0;
my $X = -1e8; ## used to optimize drawing!
my %features = $self->features;
## Grab all the features;
## Remove those not on this display strand
## Create an array of arrayrefs [start,end,feature]
## Sort according to start of feature....
my $y_offset = 0;
my $label_h = 0;
my( $fontname, $fontsize ) ;
if( $self->{'show_labels'} ) {
( $fontname, $fontsize ) = $self->get_font_details( 'outertext' );
my( $txt, $bit, $w,$th ) = $self->get_text_width( 0, 'X', '', 'ptsize' => $fontsize, 'font' => $fontname );
$label_h = $th;
foreach my $feature_key ( $strand < 0 ? sort keys %features : reverse sort keys %features ) {
my $flag = 0;
$self->{'track_key'} = $feature_key;
my $colour_key = $self->colour_key( $feature_key );
my $feature_colour = $self->my_colour( $self->my_config( 'sub_type' ), undef );
$self->_init_bump( undef, '0.5' );
foreach my $f (
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
map { [$_->start, $_->end,$_ ] }
grep { !($strand_flag eq 'b' && $strand != ( ( $_->can('hstrand') ? 1 : 1 ) * $_->strand||-1) || $_->start > $length || $_->end < 1) }
map { @$_ } @{$features{$feature_key}}
) {
my($start,$end,$feat) = @$f;
($start,$end) = ($end, $start) if $end<$start; # Flip start end YUK!
$start = 1 if $start < 1;
$end = $length if $end > $length;
### This is where we now grab the colours
next if( $end * $pix_per_bp ) == int( $X * $pix_per_bp );
$X = $start;
my $cigar;
eval { $cigar = $feat->cigar_string; };
if($DRAW_CIGAR || $cigar =~ /$regexp/ ) {
$self->draw_cigar_feature( $self, $feat, $h, $feature_colour, 'black', $pix_per_bp, $strand_flag eq 'r' );
} else {
'x' => $X-1,
'y' => $y_offset, # $y_pos,
'width' => $end-$X+1,
'height' => $h,
'colour' => $feature_colour,
'absolutey' => 1,
if( $self->{'show_labels'} ) {
my( $txt, $bit, $w, $th );
my $bump_start = int($X * $pix_per_bp) - 1;
my $title = $self->feature_label( $f->[2] );
my( $txt, $bit, $tw,$th ) = $self->get_text_width( 0, $title, '', 'ptsize' => $fontsize, 'font' => $fontname );
my $bump_end = $bump_start + $tw + 1;
my $row = $self->bump_row( $bump_start, $bump_end );
if( $row < 0.5 ) {
$self->push( $self->Text({
'font' => $fontname,
'colour' => $feature_colour,
'height' => $fontsize,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'text' => $title,
'title' => $title,
'halign' => 'left',
'valign' => 'center',
'x' => $X,
'y' => $y_offset + $h,
'width' => ($bump_end-$bump_start) / $pix_per_bp,
'height' => $label_h,
'absolutey' => 1
$y_offset -= $strand * ($h+2);# + ( $self->{'show_labels'} ? $label_h+2 : 0 ) ) if $flag;
$self->errorTrack( "No ".$self->my_config('name')." features in this region" )
unless( $features_drawn || $self->get_parameter( 'opt_empty_tracks')==0 );
sub render_text {
my $self = shift;
my $strand = $self->strand;
my %features = $self->features;
my $method = $self->can('export_feature') ? 'export_feature' : '_render_text';
my $export;
foreach my $feature_key ($strand < 0 ? sort keys %features : reverse sort keys %features) {
foreach my $f (@{$features{$feature_key}}) {
foreach (map { $_->[2] } sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } map { [ $_->start, $_->end, $_ ] } @{$f||[]}) {
$export .= $self->$method($_, $self->my_config('caption'), { 'headers' => [ 'id' ], 'values' => [ $_->can('hseqname') ? $_->hseqname : $_->can('id') ? $_->id : '' ] });
return $export;