package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::_variation;
use strict;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple);

use Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature;
sub my_label { return "Variations"; }

sub features {
  my ($self) = @_;
  my $max_length    = $self->my_config( 'threshold' )  || 1000;
  my $slice_length  = $self->{'container'}->length;
  if($slice_length > $max_length*1010) {
    $self->errorTrack('Variation features not displayed for more than '.$max_length.'Kb');
  return $self->fetch_features;

sub check_source {
  my ($self,$f,$sources) = @_;
  foreach ( @{$f->get_all_sources} ) {
    return 1 if $sources->{$_};
  return 0;

sub fetch_features {
  my ($self) = @_;

  unless( $self->cache( $self->{'my_config'}->key ) ) {
    my $sources = $self->my_config('sources');
       $sources = { map { ($_,1) } @$sources } if $sources;
    my %ct = %Bio::EnsEMBL::Variation::VariationFeature::CONSEQUENCE_TYPES;

## Add a filtering step here...
    my @vari_features =
      map  { $_->[1] }              ## Quick indexing schwartzian transform
      sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }  ## to make sure that "most functional" snps appear first!
      map  { [ $ct{$_->display_consequence} * 1e9 + $_->start, $_ ] }
      grep { $sources ? $self->check_source($_,$sources) : 1 } ## If sources filter by source!!
      grep { $_->map_weight < 4 }
      @{ $self->{'container'}->get_all_VariationFeatures($self->my_config('filter')) || [] };
    $self->cache( $self->{'my_config'}->key, \@vari_features );
  my $snps = $self->cache( $self->{'my_config'}->key ) || [];

  if (@$snps){
    foreach my $f (@$snps) {
      my $Config        = $self->{'config'};
      my $colours = $self->my_config('colours');
      my $type = lc($f->display_consequence);

      unless($Config->{'variation_types'}{$type}) {
        push @{ $Config->{'variation_legend_features'}->{'variations'}->{'legend'}}, $colours->{$type}->{'text'},   $colours->{$type}->{'default'};
        $Config->{'variation_types'}{$type} = 1;
  return $snps;

sub colour_key {
  my ($self, $f) = @_;
  return lc($f->display_consequence);

sub title {
  my($self,$f) = @_;
  my $vid = $f->variation_name;
  my $type = $f->display_consequence;
  my $dbid = $f->dbID;
  my ($s,$e) = $self->slice2sr( $f->start, $f->end );
  my $loc = $s == $e ? $s
          : $s <  $e ? $s.'-'.$e
          :           "Between $s and $e"
  return "Variation: $vid; Location: $loc; Consequence: $type; Ambiguity code: ".$f->ambig_code;
sub href {
  my ($self, $f)  = @_;
  my $vid = $f->variation_name;
  my $dbid = $f->dbID;
  my $href = $self->_url({'type' => 'Variation', 'action'=>'Variation','v'=>$vid, 'vf' => $dbid, 'snp_fake' => '1' });
  return $href;

sub feature_label {
  my ($self, $f) = @_;
  my $ambig_code = $f->ambig_code;
  my @T = $ambig_code eq '-' ? undef : ($ambig_code,'overlaid');
  return @T;

sub tag {
  my ($self, $f) = @_;
  if( $self->my_config('style') eq 'box' ) {
    my $style = $f->start > $f->end       ? 'left-snp'
              : $f->var_class eq 'in-del' ? 'delta'
              : 'box'
    my $letter = $style eq 'box' ? $f->ambig_code : "";
    my $CK = $self->colour_key($f); 
    my $label_colour = $self->my_colour( $CK, 'label' );
    if ($label_colour eq $self->my_colour( $CK )){ $label_colour = 'black';}

    return {
      'style'        => $style,
      'colour'       => $self->my_colour( $CK ),
      'letter'       => $style eq 'box' ? $f->ambig_code : "",
      'label_colour' => $label_colour
  if($f->start > $f->end ) {    
    my $consequence_type = lc($f->display_consequence);
    return ( { 'style' => 'insertion', 'colour' => $self->my_colour($consequence_type) } );

sub highlight {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($f, $composite, $pix_per_bp, $h, $hi_colour) = @_;
  return if $self->my_config('style') ne 'box';
  ## Get highlights...
  my %highlights;
  @highlights{$self->highlights()} = (1);

  # Are we going to highlight self item...
  my $id = $f->variation_name(); 
  $id =~ s/^rs//;
 return unless $highlights{$id} || $highlights{'rs'.$id};
  $self->unshift( $self->Rect({  # First a black box!
    'x'         => $composite->x() - 2/$pix_per_bp,
    'y'         => $composite->y() -1, ## + makes it go down
    'width'     => $composite->width() + 4/$pix_per_bp,
    'height'    => $h + 4,
    'colour'    => "black",
    'absolutey' => 1,
  }),$self->Rect({ # Then a 1 pixel smaller white box...!
    'x'         => $composite->x() -1/$pix_per_bp,
    'y'         => $composite->y(),  ## + makes it go down
    'width'     => $composite->width() + 2/$pix_per_bp,
    'height'    => $h + 2,
    'colour'    => "white", 
    'absolutey' => 1,

sub export_feature {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($feature) = @_;
  my $variation_name = $feature->variation_name;
  return if $self->{'export_cache'}->{"variation:$variation_name"};
  $self->{'export_cache'}->{"variation:$variation_name"} = 1;
  return $self->_render_text($feature, 'Variation', { 
    'headers' => [ 'variation_name', 'alleles', 'class', 'type' ],
    'values' => [ $variation_name, $feature->allele_string, $feature->var_class, $feature->display_consequence ]
