package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::fg_regulatory_features;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple);
use Data::Dumper;

sub my_label { return "Reg. Features"; }

sub features {
  my ($self) = @_;
   my $slice = $self->{'container'};
  my $Config = $self->{'config'};
  my $type = $self->check();
  my $fg_db = undef;
  my $db_type  = $self->my_config('db_type')||'funcgen';
  unless($slice->isa("Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignSlice::Slice")) {
    $fg_db = $slice->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor($db_type);
    if(!$fg_db) {
      warn("Cannot connect to $db_type db");
      return [];
  my $reg_features = $self->fetch_features($fg_db, $slice, $Config);
  return $reg_features;

sub fetch_features {
  my ($self, $db, $slice, $Config ) = @_;
  unless ( exists( $self->{'config'}->{'reg_feats'} ) ){
    my $dsa = $db->get_FeatureSetAdaptor(); 
    if (!$dsa) {
      warn ("Cannot get get adaptors: $dsa");
      return [];

  my @reg_feature_sets = @{$dsa->fetch_all_displayable_by_type('regulatory')}; 

  foreach my $set (@reg_feature_sets) {  
	 foreach my $pf (@{$set->get_Features_by_Slice($slice) }){  
      my $type = $pf->feature_type->name();  
      my $id  = $pf->stable_id; 
      my $label = $pf->display_label;
    my @pf_ref = @{$set->get_Features_by_Slice($slice)}; 
    if(@pf_ref && !$self->{'config'}->{'fg_regulatory_features_legend_features'} ) {
     # warn "...................".ref($self)."........................";
      $self->{'config'}->{'fg_regulatory_features_legend_features'}->{'fg_reglatory_features'} = { 'priority' => 1020, 'legend' => [] };
    $self->{'config'}->{'reg_feats'} = \@pf_ref;
  my $reg_feats = $self->{'config'}->{'reg_feats'} || [];   
  if (@$reg_feats && $self->{'config'}->{'fg_regulatory_features_legend_features'} ){
    $self->{'config'}->{'fg_regulatory_features_legend_features'}->{'fg_regulatory_features'} = {'priority' =>1020, 'legend' => [] };	
  return $reg_feats;

sub colour_key {
  my ($self, $f) = @_;
  my $type = $f->feature_type->name(); 
  if ($type =~/Promoter/){$type = 'Promoter_associated';}
  elsif ($type =~/Gene/){$type = 'Genic';}
  elsif ($type =~/Unclassified/){$type = 'Unclassified';}
  if ($type =~/Non/){$type = 'Non-genic';}
  ## Add feature types to legend
  my $t = lc($type);
  unless ($self->{'config'}->{'reg_feat_type'}{$type}){ 
   push @{$self->{'config'}->{'fg_regulatory_features_legend_features'}->{'fg_regulatory_features'}->{'legend'}},$self->{'colours'}{lc($type)}{'text'} , $self->my_colour(lc($type));
    $self->{'config'}->{'reg_feat_type'}{$type} = 1;
  return lc($type);
sub tag {
  my ($self, $f) = @_;
  my $type =$f->feature_type->name();
  if ($type =~/Promoter/){$type = 'Promoter_associated';}
  elsif ($type =~/Gene/){$type = 'Genic';}
  elsif ($type =~/Unclassified/){$type = 'Unclassified';}
  if ($type =~/Non/){$type = 'Non-genic';} 
  $type = lc($type);
  my $colour = $self->my_colour( $type );
  my ($b_start, $b_end) = $self->slice2sr($f->bound_start, $f->bound_end);
  my @result = ();
  push @result, { 
  'style' => 'fg_ends',
  'colour' => $colour,
  'start' => $f->bound_start,
  'end' => $f->bound_end

  return @result;


sub href {
  my ($self, $f) = @_;
  my $id = $f->stable_id;
  my $href = $self->_url
  ({'action'  => 'Regulation',
    'fid'   => $id,
    'ftype'    =>  'ensembl_reg_feat',

  return $href; 

sub title {
  my ($self, $f) = @_;
  my $id = $f->stable_id;
  my $type =$f->feature_type->name();
  if ($type =~/Promoter/){$type = 'Promoter_associated';}
  elsif ($type =~/Gene/){$type = 'Genic';}
  elsif ($type =~/Unclassified/){$type = 'Unclassified';}
  if ($type =~/Non/){$type = 'Non-genic';}
  my $pos = 'Chr ' .$f->seq_region_name .":". $f->start ."-" . $f->end;
 return "Regulatory Feature: $id; Type: $type; Location: $pos" ; 


sub export_feature {
  my $self = shift;
  my ($feature, $feature_type) = @_;
  return $self->_render_text($feature, $feature_type, { 
    'headers' => [ 'id' ],
    'values' => [ $feature->stable_id ]

### Contact: Beth Pritchard