package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::genetree;
=head1 NAME
The multiple_alignment object handles the basepair display of multiple alignments in alignsliceview.
=head1 LICENCE
This code is distributed under an Apache style licence:
Please see for details
=head1 CONTACT
Eugene Kulesha -
use strict;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
sub fixed {
# ...No idea what this method is for...
return 1;
my $MIN_ROW_HEIGHT = 20;
sub _init {
# Populate the canvas with feaures represented as glyphs
my ($self) = @_;
my $current_gene = $self->{highlights}->[0];
my $current_genome_db = $self->{highlights}->[1] || ' ';
my $collapsed_nodes_str = $self->{highlights}->[2] || '';
my $tree = $self->{'container'};
my $Config = $self->{'config'};
my $bitmap_width = $Config->image_width();
# warn ("A-0:".localtime());
# Handle collapsed/removed nodes
my %collapsed_nodes = ( map{$_=>1} split( ',', $collapsed_nodes_str ) );
$self->{_collapsed_nodes} = \%collapsed_nodes;
# Keep the collapsed nodes in the URL. This is icky!
# I have mailed james to see if the arbitrary URL params can be included
# by default.
$self->{'config'}{_core}{'parameters'}{'collapse'} = $collapsed_nodes_str;
# Create a sorted list of tree nodes sorted by rank then id
my @nodes = ( sort { ($a->{_rank} <=> $b->{_rank}) * 10
+ ( $a->{_id} <=> $b->{_id}) }
@{$self->features($tree, 0, 0 ) || [] } );
# warn ("B-0:".localtime());
# Calculate pixel widths for the components of the image;
# +----------------------------------------------------+
# | bitmap_width |
# | tree_width (60%) | alignment_width (40%) |
# | nodes_width | labels_width | |
# +----------------------------------------------------+
# Set 60% to the tree, and 40% to the alignments
my $tree_bitmap_width = int( $bitmap_width * 0.6 );
my $align_bitmap_width = $bitmap_width - $tree_bitmap_width;
# Calculate space to reserve for the labels
my( $fontname, $fontsize ) = $self->get_font_details( 'small' );
my( $longest_label ) = ( sort{ length($b) <=> length($a) }
map{$_->{label}} @nodes );
my @res = $self->get_text_width( 0, $longest_label, '',
'font'=>$fontname, 'ptsize' => $fontsize );
my $font_height = $res[3];
my $font_width = $res[2];
# And assign the rest to the nodes
my $labels_bitmap_width = $font_width;
my $nodes_bitmap_width = $tree_bitmap_width-$labels_bitmap_width;
# Calculate phylogenetic distance to px scaling
#my $max_distance = $tree->max_distance;
# warn Data::Dumper::Dumper( @nodes );
my( $max_x_offset ) = ( sort{ $b <=> $a }
map{$_->{_x_offset} + ($_->{_collapsed_distance}||0)}
@nodes );
my $nodes_scale = ($nodes_bitmap_width) / ($max_x_offset||1);
# Colours of connectors; affected by scaling
my %connector_colours = (
0 => 'blue',
1 => 'blue',
2 => 'green',
3 => 'red',
# Draw each node
my %Nodes;
map { $Nodes{$_->{_id}} = $_} @nodes;
my @alignments;
foreach my $f (@nodes) {
# Ensure connector enters at base of node glyph
my $parent_node = $Nodes{$f->{_parent}} || {x=>0};
my $min_x = $parent_node->{x} + 4;
($f->{x}) = sort{$b<=>$a} int($f->{_x_offset} * $nodes_scale), $min_x;
if ($f->{_cigar_line}){
push @alignments, [ $f->{y} , $f->{_cigar_line}, $f->{_collapsed} ] ;
# Node glyph, coloured for for duplication/speciation
my $node_colour = ($f->{_dup}
? ($f->{_dubious_dup} ? 'turquoise' : 'red3')
: 'navyblue');
my $label_colour = 'black';
my $collapsed_colour = 'grey';
if ($f->{label}) {
if( $f->{_genome_dbs}->{$current_genome_db} ){
$label_colour = 'blue';
$collapsed_colour = 'royalblue';
if( $f->{_genes}->{$current_gene} ){
$label_colour = 'red';
$collapsed_colour = 'red';
my $node_href = $self->_url
({ 'action' => 'Compara_Tree_Node',
'node' => $f->{'_id'} });
my @node_glyphs;
my $collapsed_xoffset = 0;
if( $f->{_collapsed} ){ # Collapsed
my $height = $f->{_height};
my $width = $f->{_collapsed_distance} * $nodes_scale + 10;
my $y = $f->{y} + 2;
my $x = $f->{x} + 2;
$collapsed_xoffset = $width;
push @node_glyphs, Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Poly->new
'points' => [ $x, $y,
$x + $width, $y - ($height / 2 ),
$x + $width, $y + ($height / 2 ) ],
'colour' => $collapsed_colour,
'href' => $node_href,
my $node_glyph = Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Rect->new
'x' => $f->{x},
'y' => $f->{y},
'width' => 5,
'height' => 5,
'colour' => $node_colour,
'href' => $node_href,
push @node_glyphs, $node_glyph;
elsif( $f->{_child_count} ){ # Expanded internal node
# Add a 'collapse' href
my $node_glyph = Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Rect->new
'x' => $f->{x},
'y' => $f->{y},
'width' => 5,
'height' => 5,
'colour' => $node_colour,
'zindex' => ($f->{_dup} ? 40 : -20),
'href' => $node_href
push @node_glyphs, $node_glyph;
else{ # Leaf node
push @node_glyphs, Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Rect->new
'x' => $f->{x},
'y' => $f->{y},
'width' => 5,
'height' => 5,
'bordercolour' => $node_colour,
'zindex' => -20,
'href' => $node_href,
$self->push( @node_glyphs );
# Leaf label or collapsed node label, coloured for focus gene/species
if ($f->{label}) {
# Draw the label
my $txt = $self->Text
'text' => $f->{label},
'height' => $font_height,
'width' => $labels_bitmap_width,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => $label_colour,
'y' => $f->{y} - int($font_height/2),
'x' => $f->{x} + 10 + $collapsed_xoffset,
'zindex' => 40,
if( my $stable_id = $f->{_gene} ){ # Add a gene href
my $species = $f->{'_species'};
$species =~ s/\s/_/g;
my $href = $self->_url( {'species' => $species,
'type' => 'Gene',
'action' => 'Compara_Tree',
'__clear' => $stable_id != $self->{'config'}{_core}{'parameters'}{'g'},
'r' => undef,
'g' => $stable_id } );
$txt->{'href'} = $href;
my $max_x = (sort {$a->{x} <=> $b->{x}} @nodes)[-1]->{x};
my $min_y = (sort {$a->{y} <=> $b->{y}} @nodes)[0]->{y};
# warn ("MAX X: $max_x" );
# warn ("C-0:".localtime());
# Loop through each node again and draw the connectors
foreach my $f (keys %Nodes) {
if (my $pid = $Nodes{$f}->{_parent}) {
my $xc = $Nodes{$f}->{x} + 2;
my $yc = $Nodes{$f}->{y} + 2;
my $p = $Nodes{$pid};
my $xp = $p->{x} + 3;
my $yp = $p->{y} + 2;
# Connector colour depends on scaling
my $col = $connector_colours{ ($Nodes{$f}->{_cut} || 0) } || 'red';
# Vertical connector
my $v_line = $self->Line
'x' => $xp,
'y' => $yp,
'width' => 0,
'height' => $yc - $yp,
'colour' => $col,
'zindex' => 0,
$self->unshift( $v_line );
# Horizontal connector
my $width = $xc - $xp - 2;
if( $width ){
my $h_line = $self->Line
'x' => $xp,
'y' => $yc,
'width' => $width,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => $col,
'zindex' => 0,
'dotted' => $Nodes{$f}->{_cut} || undef,
$self->unshift( $h_line );
# Alignments
# Display only those gaps that amount to more than 1 pixel on screen,
# otherwise screen gets white when you zoom out too much ..
# Global alignment settings
my $fy = $min_y;
#my $alignment_start = $max_x + $labels_bitmap_width + 20;
#my $alignment_width = $bitmap_width - $alignment_start;
my $alignment_start = $tree_bitmap_width;
my $alignment_width = $align_bitmap_width - 20;
my $alignment_length = 0;
my @inters = split (/([MmDG])/, $alignments[0]->[1]); # Use first align
my $ms = 0;
foreach my $i ( grep { $_ !~ /[MmGD]/} @inters) {
$ms = $i || 1;
$alignment_length += $ms;
$alignment_length ||= $alignment_width; # All nodes collapsed
my $min_length = int($alignment_length / $alignment_width);
my $alignment_scale = $alignment_width / $alignment_length;
#warn("==> AL: START: $alignment_start, LENGTH: $alignment_length, ",
# "WIDTH: $alignment_width, MIN: $min_length");
foreach my $a (@alignments) {
my ($yc, $al, $collapsed) = @$a;
my $box_colour = $collapsed ? 'darkgreen' : 'yellowgreen';
my $t = $self->Rect({
'x' => $alignment_start,
'y' => $yc - 3,
'width' => $alignment_width,
'height' => $font_height,
'colour' => $box_colour,
'zindex' => 0,
$self->push( $t );
my @inters = split (/([MmDG])/, $al);
my $ms = 0;
my $ds = 0;
my $box_start = 0;
my $box_end = 0;
my $colour = 'white';
my $zc = 10;
while (@inters) {
$ms = (shift (@inters) || 1);
my $mtype = shift (@inters);
$box_end = $box_start + $ms -1;
if ($mtype =~ /G|M/) {
# Skip normal alignment and gaps in alignments
$box_start = $box_end + 1;
if ($ms >= $min_length ) {
my $t = $self->Rect({
'x' => $alignment_start + ($box_start * $alignment_scale),
'y' => $yc - 2,
'z' => $zc,
'width' => abs( $box_end - $box_start + 1 ) * $alignment_scale,
'height' => $font_height - 2,
'colour' => ($mtype eq "m"?"yellowgreen":$colour),
'absolutey' => 1,
$box_start = $box_end + 1;
# warn ("E-0:".localtime());
return 1;}
sub features {
my $self = shift;
my $tree = shift;
my $rank = shift || 0;
my $parent_id = shift || 0;
my $x_offset = shift || 0;
# Scale the branch length
my $distance = $tree->distance_to_parent;
my $cut = 0;
while ($distance > 1) {
$distance /= 10;
$cut ++;
$x_offset += $distance;
# Create the feature for this recursion
my $node_id = $tree->node_id;
my @features = ();
my $f = {
'_distance' => $distance,
'_x_offset' => $x_offset,
'_dup' => $tree->get_tagvalue("Duplication"),
'_dubious_dup' => $tree->get_tagvalue("dubious_duplication"),
'_id' => $node_id,
'_rank' => $rank++,
'_parent' => $parent_id,
'_cut' => $cut,
# Initialised collapsed nodes
if( $self->{_collapsed_nodes}->{$node_id} ){
# What is the size of the collapsed node?
my $leaf_count = 0;
my $paralog_count = 0;
my $sum_dist = 0;
my %genome_dbs;
my %genes;
foreach my $leaf( @{$tree->get_all_leaves} ){
my $dist = $leaf->distance_to_ancestor($tree);
$sum_dist += $dist || 0;
$genome_dbs{$leaf->genome_db->dbID} ++;
$genes{$leaf->gene_member->stable_id} ++;
$f->{_collapsed} = 1,
$f->{_collapsed_count} = $leaf_count;
$f->{_collapsed_distance} = $sum_dist/$leaf_count;
$f->{_collapsed_cut} = 0;
$f->{_height} = 12 * log( $f->{_collapsed_count} );
#while ($f->{_collapsed_distance} > 1) { # Scale the length
# $f->{_collapsed_distance} /= 10;
# $f->{_collapsed_cut} ++;
$f->{_genome_dbs} = {%genome_dbs};
$f->{_genes} = {%genes};
$f->{label} = sprintf( '%s: %d homologs',
$tree->get_tagvalue('taxon_name'), $leaf_count );
# Recurse for each child node
unless( $f->{_collapsed} ){
foreach my $child_node (@{$tree->sorted_children}) {
$f->{_child_count} ++;
push( @features,
@{$self->features($child_node, $rank, $node_id,$x_offset)} );
# Assign 'y' coordinates
if ( @features > 0) { # Internal node
$f->{y} = ($features[0]->{y} + $features[-1]->{y}) / 2;
} else { # Leaf node or collapsed
my $height = int( $f->{_height} || 0 ) + 1;
if( $height < $MIN_ROW_HEIGHT ){ $height = $MIN_ROW_HEIGHT }
#$f->{y} = ($CURRENT_ROW++) * 20;
$f->{y} = $CURRENT_Y + ($height/2);
$CURRENT_Y += $height;
# Process alignment
if ($tree->isa('Bio::EnsEMBL::Compara::AlignedMember')) {
if ($tree->genome_db) {
$f->{_species} = $tree->genome_db->name;
$f->{_genome_dbs} ||= {};
$f->{_genome_dbs}->{$tree->genome_db->dbID} ++;
if ($tree->stable_id) {
$f->{_protein} = $tree->stable_id;
$f->{label} = sprintf("%s %s", $f->{_stable_id}, $f->{_species});
if(my $member = $tree->gene_member) {
my $stable_id = $member->stable_id;
my $chr_name = $member->chr_name;
my $chr_start = $member->chr_start;
my $chr_end = $member->chr_end;
$f->{_gene} = $stable_id;
$f->{_genes} ||= {};
$f->{_genes}->{$stable_id} ++;
my $treefam_link = sprintf
("", $stable_id);
$f->{label} = sprintf("%s %s", $stable_id, $f->{_species});
push @{$f->{_link}}, { 'text' => 'View in TreeFam',
'href' => $treefam_link };
$f->{_location} = sprintf("%s:%d-%d",
$f->{_length} = $chr_end - $chr_start;
$f->{_cigar_line} = $tree->cigar_line;
if (my $display_label = $member->display_label) {
= $f->{_display_id}
= sprintf("%s %s", $display_label, $f->{_species});
} elsif( $f->{'_collapsed'} ) { # Collapsed node
$f->{'_name'} = $tree->name;
if( UNIVERSAL::can($tree, 'consensus_cigar_line' ) ){
$f->{'_cigar_line'} = $tree->consensus_cigar_line;
} else { # Internal node
$f->{'_name'} = $tree->name;
push @features, $f;
return \@features;
sub colour {
my ($self, $f) = @_;
return $f->{colour}, $f->{type} =~ /_snp/ ? 'white' : 'black', 'align';
sub image_label {
my ($self, $f ) = @_;
return $f->seqname(), $f->{type} || 'overlaid';
#sub zmenu {
# my( $self, $f ) = @_;
# return( 'gene', $f->{_gene} );
# my $href = '';
# my $blength = $f->{_cut} ? ($f->{'_distance'} * (10 ** ($f->{'_cut'}))): $f->{'_distance'};
# my $zmenu = {
# caption => $f->{'_id'},
# "60:Branch length: $blength" => '',
# };
# $zmenu->{"30:Taxonomy name: $f->{'_name'}"} = '' if ($f->{_name});
# $zmenu->{"40:Taxonomy ID: $f->{'_taxon_id'}"} = '' if ($f->{_taxon_id});
# $zmenu->{"45:Dupl. Confidence: $f->{'_dupconf'}"} = '' if ($f->{_dupconf});
# $zmenu->{"50:Species: $f->{_species}"} = '' if ($f->{_species});
# (my $ensembl_species = $f->{_species}) =~ s/ /\_/g;
# if ($f->{_gene}) {
# $href = $ensembl_species ? sprintf("/%s/geneview?gene=%s", $ensembl_species, $f->{_gene}) : '';
# $zmenu->{"10:Gene: $f->{_gene}"} = $href;
# }
# if ($f->{_protein}) {
# $zmenu->{"20:Protein: $f->{_protein}"} = $ensembl_species ? sprintf("/%s/protview?peptide=%s", $ensembl_species, $f->{_protein}) : '';
# }
# $zmenu->{"70:Location: $f->{_location}"} = '' if ($f->{_location});
# warn (Data::Dumper::Dumper($f));
# my $id = 75;
# foreach my $link (@{$f->{_link}||[]}) {
# $zmenu->{"$id:".$link->{text}} = $link->{href};
# $id ++;
# }
## warn Data::Dumper::Dumper($zmenu);
# return ($zmenu, $href) ;