package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::gsv_domain;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
use Sanger::Graphics::Bump;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Utils::Eprof qw(eprof_start eprof_end);
use Data::Dumper;
sub _init {
my ($self) = @_;
my $type = $self->check();
return unless defined $type;
return unless $self->strand() == -1;
my $key = lc($type).'_hits';
$key =~s/domain_//;
my $Config = $self->{'config'};
my $trans_ref = $Config->{'transcript'};
my $offset = $self->{'container'}->start - 1;
my $y = 0;
my $h = 8; #Single transcript mode - set height to 30 - width to 8!
my %highlights;
@highlights{$self->highlights} = (); # build hashkeys of highlight list
my( $fontname, $fontsize ) = $self->get_font_details( 'outertext' );
my @res = $self->get_text_width( 0, 'X', '', 'font' => $fontname, 'ptsize' => $fontsize );
my $th = $res[3];
my $pix_per_bp = $self->{'config'}->transform()->{'scalex'};
#my $bitmap_length = $Config->image_width();
my $bitmap_length = int($Config->container_width() * $pix_per_bp);
my $length = $Config->container_width();
my $transcript_drawn = 0;
my $voffset = 0;
my $strand = $trans_ref->{'exons'}[0][2]->strand;
my $gene = $trans_ref->{'gene'};
my $transcript = $trans_ref->{'transcript'};
my @bitmap = undef;
foreach my $domain_ref ( @{$trans_ref->{$key}||[]} ) {
my($domain,@pairs) = @$domain_ref;
my $Composite3 = $self->Composite({
'y' => 0,
'height' => $h
while( my($S,$E) = splice( @pairs,0,2 ) ) {
$Composite3->push( $self->Rect({
'x' => $S,
'y' => 0,
'width' => $E-$S,
'height' => $h,
'colour' => 'purple4',
'absolutey' => 1
$Composite3->push( $self->Rect({
'x' => $Composite3->{'x'},
'width' => $Composite3->{'width'},
'y' => $h/2,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => 'purple4',
'absolutey' => 1
my $text_label = $domain->hseqname;
my @res = $self->get_text_width( 0, $text_label, '', 'font' => $fontname, 'ptsize' => $fontsize );
$Composite3->push( $self->Text({
'x' => $Composite3->{'x'},
'y' => $h,
'height' => $th,
'width' => $res[2]/$pix_per_bp,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'purple4',
'text' => $text_label,
'absolutey' => 1,
$text_label = $domain->idesc;
my @res = $self->get_text_width( 0, $text_label, '', 'font' => $fontname, 'ptsize' => $fontsize );
$Composite3->push( $self->Text({
'x' => $Composite3->{'x'},
'y' => $h+2 + $th,
'height' => $th,
'width' => $res[2]/$pix_per_bp,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'purple4',
'text' => $text_label,
'absolutey' => 1,
my $bump_start = int($Composite3->{'x'} * $pix_per_bp);
$bump_start = 0 if ($bump_start < 0);
my $bump_end = $bump_start + int($Composite3->width()*$pix_per_bp) +1;
$bump_end = $bitmap_length if ($bump_end > $bitmap_length);
my $row = & Sanger::Graphics::Bump::bump_row( $bump_start, $bump_end, $bitmap_length, \@bitmap );
$Composite3->y( $voffset + $Composite3->{'y'} + $row * ($h+$th*2+5) );
$self->push( $Composite3 );