package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::idhistorytree;
=head1 NAME
=head1 LICENCE
This code is distributed under an Apache style licence:
Please see for details
=head1 CONTACT
Bethan Pritchard -
use strict;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature;
use EnsEMBL::Web::Component;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple);
my $k;
#warn ("A-0:".localtime());
my %asmbl;
sub render_normal {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless ($self->strand() == 1);
my $Config = $self->{'config'};
my $history_tree = $self->{'container'};
my $a_id = $self->{'config'}->{_object}->stable_id;
## Define basic set up variables ##
my $panel_width = $Config->image_width();
my ($fontname, $fontsize) = $self->get_font_details('medium');
my( $fontname_o, $fontsize_o ) = $self->get_font_details( 'label' );
my @res_o = $self->get_text_width( 0, 'X', '', 'font'=>$fontname_o, 'ptsize' => $fontsize_o );
my $th_o = $res_o[3];
my $fontheight = 5;
my $bg = $Config->get_parameter('bgcolour2') || 'background2';
## Variable declaration ##
my $x = 140;
my $y = 100;
my $working_length = $panel_width -160;
my (%xc, %yc, @ns);
## Define Score colours ##
my $cmap = $Config->colourmap();
49 FFF400
50 FFAA00
75 FF5600
90 FF1900
97 BB0000
99 690000
100 000000
for my $k (keys %$SCORE_COLOURS) {
my $branch_col;
## Set X coordinates ##
my @releases = sort {$a <=> $b} @{$history_tree->get_release_display_names};
#warn "Releases... @releases";
my $count = scalar(@releases);
$count --;
my $interval = $working_length / $count;
my $temp_x = 140;
my @unique_ids = @{ $history_tree->get_unique_stable_ids };
my $species = $ENV{'ENSEMBL_SPECIES'};
my $type = lc($self->{'config'}->{_object}->type);
my $param;
if ($type =~/translation/){
$param = 'protein'
} else {
$param = substr $type, 0, 1;
## Set Y coordinates ##
foreach my $id (@unique_ids) {
my $param2 = $self->{'config'}->{_object}->type eq 'Translation' ? 'peptide' : lc($self->{'config'}->{_object}->type);
my $id_l = qq(/$species/idhistoryview?$param2=$id);
my $y_coord = $y;
$yc{$id} = $y_coord;
$y +=50;
my $label_href = $self->_url
({'action' => 'Idhistory_Label',
'label' => $id,
'feat_type' => $param2,
$param => $id,
# label unique stable IDs
$self->push( $self->Text({
'x' => 5,
'y' => $y_coord,
'width' => 140,
'height' => $fontheight,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'blue',
'text' => $id,
'href' => $label_href
if ($id eq $a_id) { ## Highlight the focus id ##
$self->unshift( $self->Rect({
'x' => -5,
'y' => $y_coord - 15,
'width' => $panel_width + 20,
'height' => 30,
'colour' => $bg,
foreach my $r (@releases) {
$xc{$r} = $temp_x;
$temp_x += $interval;
my $last_rel = $releases[$count];
my @events = @{ $history_tree->get_all_StableIdEvents };
## Draw Score boxes ##
my $boxxcoord = $x -90;
foreach my $sc (sort { $b<=>$a } keys %$SCORE_COLOURS) {
my $colour = $SCORE_COLOURS->{$sc};
my $scorebox = $self->Rect({
'x' => $boxxcoord,
'y' => 50,
'width' => 20,
'height' => 10,
'colour' => $colour,
$sc = sprintf("%.2f", $sc/100);
my $sc_label = $sc == 0 ? "Unknown"
: $sc < 0.5 ? "<0.50"
: $sc == 1 ? $sc
: ">=".$sc
$self->push( $self->Text({
'x' => $boxxcoord + 25,
'y' => 55,
'height' => $fontheight,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'black',
'text' => $sc_label,
$self->push( $self->Text({
'x' => 1,
'y' => 55,
'height' => $fontheight,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'black',
'text' => 'Score',
$boxxcoord += 65;
## Define nodes Nodes ##
my @x_c = values (%xc);
my @sortedx = sort ({$a <=> $b} @x_c);
foreach my $a_id (@{ $history_tree->get_all_ArchiveStableIds }) {
my $node_href = $self->_url
({'action' => 'Idhistory_Node',
'node' => $a_id->stable_id,
'db_name' => $a_id->db_name,
$param => $a_id->stable_id });
# only draw node if the version from the next release is different or if
# this version links to a different id
my $true = 0;
my $final_rel = 0;
my $first_rel =$last_rel;
my ($x, $y) = @{ $history_tree->coords_by_ArchiveStableId($a_id) };
my $id = $a_id->stable_id;
my $version = $a_id->version;
my $arelease = $a_id->release;
#warn ">>>> $id($version/$arelease) $x <<>> $y <<<";
foreach my $e (@events){
my $old = $e->old_ArchiveStableId;
my $new = $e->new_ArchiveStableId;
next unless ($old && $new);
if ($new->stable_id eq $id && $new->version == $version){
my $new_rel = $new->release;
if ($new_rel >= $final_rel){$final_rel = $new_rel;}
if ($new_rel <+ $first_rel){$first_rel = $new_rel;}
if ($old->stable_id eq $id && $old->version == $version){
my $old_rel = $old->release;
if ($old_rel >= $final_rel){$final_rel = $old_rel;}
if ($old_rel <+ $first_rel){$first_rel = $old_rel;}
if ($id eq $new->stable_id && $version == $new->version){
unless ($new->stable_id eq $old->stable_id) {$true =1;}
if ($id eq $old->stable_id && $version == $old->version){
unless ($old->stable_id eq $new->stable_id) {$true =1;}
my $xcoord = $sortedx[$x];
my $ycoord = $yc{$a_id->stable_id};
my $node_col = $SCORE_COLOURS->{'100'};
my $node = $self->Rect({
'x' => $xcoord,
'y' => $ycoord - 1.5,
'width' => 3,
'height' => 3,
'colour' => $node_col,
'href' => $node_href,
push (@ns, $node);
my $nl = $a_id->version;
my $node_label = $self->Text({
'x' => $xcoord,
'y' => $ycoord +7,
'height' => $fontheight,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'black',
'text' => $nl,
'absolutey' => 1,
## Draw branches ##
foreach my $event (@events) {
my $old = $event->old_ArchiveStableId;
my $new = $event->new_ArchiveStableId;
next unless ($old && $new);
my $old_id = $old->stable_id;
my $new_id = $new->stable_id;
my $old_db = $old->db_name;
my $new_db = $new->db_name;
my $escore = $event->score;
my $branch_href = $self->_url
({'action' => 'Idhistory_Branch',
'old' => $old_id,
'new' => $new_id,
'old_db' => $old_db,
'new_db' => $new_db,
'score' => $escore,
$param => $old_id,
$escore = $escore * 100;
my $score_group;
if ($escore >= 100) {$score_group = '100' ;}
elsif ($escore >= 99) {$score_group = '99' ;}
elsif ($escore >= 97) {$score_group = '97' ;}
elsif ($escore >= 90) {$score_group = '90' ;}
elsif ($escore >= 75) {$score_group = '75' ;}
elsif ($escore >= 50) {$score_group = '50' ;}
elsif ($escore < 50 and $escore > 0) {$score_group = '49' ;}
elsif ($escore >=0) {$score_group = '0' ;}
$branch_col = $SCORE_COLOURS->{$score_group};
my ($oldx, $oldy) = @{$history_tree->coords_by_ArchiveStableId($old)};
my ($newx, $newy) = @{$history_tree->coords_by_ArchiveStableId($new)};
if ($oldy == $newy) {
# add horizontal branches
my $y_coord = $yc{$old->stable_id};
my $x_coord = $sortedx[$oldx];
my $length = $sortedx[$newx] - $sortedx[$oldx];
my $xend = $x_coord + $length;
my $y_end = $y_coord +1;
my $hbr = $self->Line({
'x' => $x_coord + 3.2 ,
'y' => $y_coord,
'height' => 0,
'width' => $length -6.4,
'colour' => $branch_col,
'absolutey' => 1,
'absolutewidth' => 1,
'clickwidth' => 2,
'href' => $branch_href,
} elsif ($oldx == $newx) {
# add vertical branches
my $y_coord = $yc{$old->stable_id};
my $x_coord = $sortedx[$oldx] ;
my $height = $yc{$new->stable_id} - $yc{$old->stable_id};
my $xend = $x_coord + $height;
my $y_end = $y_coord +1;
my $vbr = $self->Line({
'x' => $x_coord,
'y' => $y_coord,
'height' => $height,
'width' => 0,
'width' => 0.25,
'colour' => $branch_col,
'clickwidth' => 2,
'href' => $branch_href,
} else {
# add diagonal branches
my $x_coord = $sortedx[$oldx];
my $y_coord = $yc{$old->stable_id};
my $x_end = $sortedx[$newx];
my $y_end = $yc{$new->stable_id};
my $dbr = $self->Line({
'x' => $x_coord,
'y' => $y_coord,
'height' => $y_end - $y_coord,
'width' => $x_end - $x_coord,
'colour' => $branch_col,
'absolutey' => 1,
'absolutewidth' => 1,
'clickwidth' => 2,
'href' => $branch_href,
## Draw the nodes ##
foreach my $n (@ns){
## Add assembly information ##
my $asmbl_label = $self->Text({
'x' => 5,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $fontheight,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'black',
'text' => "Assembly",
'absolutey' => 1,
my %archive_info = %{$Config->species_defs->get_config($species, 'ASSEMBLIES')};
my @a_colours = ('contigblue1', 'contigblue2');
my $i =0;
my $pix_per_bp = $self->{'config'}->transform()->{'scalex'};
my $strand = ">";
foreach my $r (@releases){
my $tempr = $r;
if ($tempr =~/\./){ $tempr=~s/\.\d*//; }
my $current_r = $archive_info{$tempr};
push @{$asmbl{$current_r}} , $r;
my %asmbl_seen;
foreach my $key ( @releases){
my $tempr = $key;
if ($tempr =~/\./){ $tempr=~s/\.\d*//; }
my $a = $archive_info{$tempr};
if (exists $asmbl_seen{$a}){
else {
$asmbl_seen{$a} = $key;
my $r = $asmbl{$a};
my @sorted = sort @{$r};
my $size = @sorted;
my $start = ($xc{$sorted[0]}) + 2;
my $offset = $interval / 2;
$start -= $offset;
my $end = $start + ($interval * $size);
$end -= 4;
if ($sorted[0] == $releases[0]){ $start = ($xc{$sorted[0]}) -10; }
if ($sorted[-1] == $releases[-1]) {$end = $xc{$sorted[-1]} +10; }
my $length = $end - $start;
my $colour = $a_colours[$i];
my $asmblbox = $self->Rect({
'x' => $start,
'y' => $y -3,
'width' => $length,
'height' => 15,
'colour' => $colour,
'title' => $a,
my @res = $self->get_text_width(
$strand > 0 ? "$a " : " $a",
$strand > 0 ? '1' : '0',
'font'=>$fontname, 'ptsize' => $fontsize
if( $res[0] ) {
my $tglyph = $self->Text({
'x' => $start +5,
'height' => $res[3],
'width' => $res[2]/$pix_per_bp,
'textwidth' => $res[2],
'y' => $y -3,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'colour' => 'white',
'text' => $a,
'absolutey' => 1,
if ($i == 1){$i = 0;}
else {$i = 1;}
## Draw scalebar ##
$y +=30;
my $mid_point = ($working_length /2 )+ 140;
my $label = $self->Text({
'x' => $mid_point,
'y' => $y + 40,
'height' => $fontheight,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'black',
'text' => 'Release',
'absolutey' => 1,
my $bar = $self->Line({
'x' => $x,
'y' => $y,
'width' => $working_length,
'height' => 0.25,
'colour' => 'black',
'zindex' => 0,
foreach my $r (@releases){
my $x_coord = $xc{$r};
my $ty = $y + 8;
# if ($r == $last_rel){ $x_coord = $working_length - 0.25 + 60};
my $tick = $self->Line({
'x' => $x_coord,
'y' => $y,
'width' => 0.25,
'height' => -4,
'colour' => 'black',
'zindex' => 1,
my $rel_text = $self->Text({
'x' => $x_coord -3,
'y' => $ty,
'height' => $fontheight,
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'colour' => 'black',
'text' => $r,
'absolutey' => 1,
#warn ("B-0:".localtime());
return 1;