package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::ld;
use strict;
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
use POSIX;
sub _key { return $_[0]->my_config('key') || 'r2'; }
sub _init {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless ($self->strand() == -1);
my $Config = $self->{'config'};
my @pops = @{ $Config->{'_ld_population'} ||[] };
unless (scalar @pops) {
warn "****[WARNING]: No population defined in config";
# Auxiliary data
my $key = $self->_key();
my $pop_adaptor = $self->{'container'}->adaptor->db->get_db_adaptor('variation')->get_PopulationAdaptor;
my $max_ld_range = 100000;
my( $fontname, $fontsize ) = $self->get_font_details( 'innertext' );
my @res = $self->get_text_width( 0, 'X', '', 'font'=>$fontname, 'ptsize' => $fontsize );
my $h = $res[3];
my $TAG_LENGTH = 10;
my $yoffset = 0;
my $offset = $self->{'container'}->start - 1;
my $colours = $self->my_config( 'colours');
my $height_ppb = $Config->transform()->{'scalex'};
my @colour_gradient = $Config->colourmap->build_linear_gradient( 41,'mistyrose', 'pink', 'indianred2', 'red' );
my $length = int(($self->{'container'}->length -1)/1000 + 0.5);
# Foreach population
foreach my $pop_name ( sort @pops ) {
next unless $pop_name;
# Create array of arrayrefs containing $vf_id => $vf in start order
my $pop_obj = $pop_adaptor->fetch_by_name($pop_name);
next unless $pop_obj;
my $pop_id = $pop_obj->dbID;
my $data = $self->{'container'}->get_all_LD_values($pop_obj);
my @snps = sort { $a->[1]->start <=> $b->[1]->start }
map { [ $_ => $data->{'variationFeatures'}{$_} ] }
keys %{ $data->{'variationFeatures'} };
my $number_of_snps = scalar(@snps);
unless( $number_of_snps > 1 ) {
$yoffset += $h*1.5;
$self->errorTrack( "No $key linkage data in $length kb window for population $pop_name", undef, $yoffset);
$yoffset += $h*1.5;
$yoffset += $TAG_LENGTH + $h;
# Print GlyphSet::variation type bars above ld triangle
foreach my $snp ( @snps ) {
my $type = lc ($snp->[1]->display_consequence);
$self->push( Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Rect->new({
'title' => $snp->[1]->variation_name,
'height' => $TAG_LENGTH,
'x' => $snp->[1]->start - $offset,
'y' => $yoffset - $TAG_LENGTH,
'width' => 1,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $colours->{$type}->{'default'},
# Make grey outline big triangle
# Sanger::Graphics drawing code automatically scales coords on the x axis
# but not on the y. This means y coords need to be scaled by $height_ppb
my $first_start = $snps[ 0 ]->[1]->start;
my $last_start = $snps[ -1 ]->[1]->start;
my @points = ( $last_start + 4 / $height_ppb - $offset, $yoffset -2 ,
$first_start - 4 / $height_ppb - $offset, $yoffset -2 );
if( $max_ld_range < ($last_start-$first_start)) {
push @points, $first_start + $max_ld_range/2 - $offset, 2 + $max_ld_range/2 * $height_ppb + $yoffset;
push @points, $last_start - $max_ld_range/2 - $offset, 2 + $max_ld_range/2 * $height_ppb + $yoffset;
} else {
push @points, ($first_start + $last_start)/2 - $offset,
2 + ($last_start - $first_start)/2 * $height_ppb + $yoffset
$self->push( Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Poly->new({
'points' => \@points,
'colour' => 'grey',
# Print info line with population details
my $pop_obj = $pop_adaptor->fetch_by_name($pop_name);
my $parents = $pop_obj->get_all_super_Populations;
my $name = "LD($key): $pop_name";
$name .= ' ('.(join ', ', map { ucfirst(lc($_->name)) } @{$parents} ).')' if @$parents;
$name .= " $number_of_snps SNPs";
$self->push( Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Text->new({
'x' => 0,
'y' => $yoffset - $h - $TAG_LENGTH,
'height' => $h,
'halign' => 'left',
'font' => $fontname,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'colour' => 'black',
'text' => $name,
'absolutey' => 1,
'absolutex' => 1,
# Create triangle
foreach my $m ( 0 .. ($number_of_snps-2) ) {
my $snp_m1 = $snps[ $m+1 ];
my $snp_m = $snps[ $m ];
my $d2 = ( $snp_m1->[1]->start - $snp_m->[1]->start )/2; # m & mth SNP midpt
foreach my $n ( reverse( ($m+1) .. ($number_of_snps-1) ) ) {
my $snp_n1 = $snps[ $n-1 ]; # SNP m
my $snp_n = $snps[ $n ];
my $x = ( $snp_m->[1]->start + $snp_n1->[1]->start )/2 - $offset ;
my $y = ( $snp_n1->[1]->start - $snp_m->[1]->start )/2 ;
my $d1 = ( $snp_n->[1]->start - $snp_n1->[1]->start )/2 ;
my @points = ( [$x, $y ] , [$x + $d2, $y - $d2 ] , [$x + $d1 + $d2, $y + $d1 - $d2 ] , [$x + $d1, $y + $d1 ] );
next if $points[1][1] >= $max_ld_range / 2; # Off the top!!
if( $points[1][1]<=0 || $points[3][1]>= $max_ld_range / 2 ) {
@points = $self->intersect( $max_ld_range/2, @points );
next unless @points > 2;
my @p2 = map { $_->[0], $_->[1]*$height_ppb +$yoffset } @points;
my $flag_triangle = $y-$d2; # top box is a triangle
my $value = $data->{'ldContainer'}{$snp_m->[0].'-'.$snp_n->[0]}{ $pop_id }{$key};
my $colour = defined($value) ? $colour_gradient[POSIX::floor(40 * $value)] : "white";
my $snp_names = $data->{'variationFeatures'}{$snp_m->[0]}->variation_name;
$snp_names.= "-".$data->{'variationFeatures'}{$snp_n->[0]}->variation_name;
$self->push( Sanger::Graphics::Glyph::Poly->new({
'title' => "$snp_names: ". ($value || "n/a"),
'points' => \@p2,
'colour' => $colour,
#'bordercolour' => 'grey90',
my $max_height = $last_start - $first_start + 1;
$max_height = $max_ld_range if $max_height > $max_ld_range;
$yoffset += $max_height/2*$height_ppb;
} # end foreach pop
sub intersect {
my( $self, $height, @points ) = @_;
## cut off less than X
my @PP = @points;
if( $points[1][1]<0 ) {
my $old = $points[-1];
@points = ();
my $edge = 0;
foreach my $point ( @PP ) {
next if $point->[1] < 0;
push @points, $point;
return () unless @points > 2;
if( $PP[3][1] > $height ) {
my @PP = @points;
my $old = $points[-1];
@points = ();
my $edge = $height;
foreach my $point ( @PP ) {
push @points, [ $old->[0] + ( $edge - $old->[1] ) / ( $point->[1] - $old->[1] ) * ( $point->[0] - $old->[0] ) , $edge ]
if ( $old->[1] < $edge && $point->[1] > $edge ) || ( $old->[1] > $edge && $point->[1] < $edge );
push @points, $point if $point->[1] <= $edge;
$old = $point;
return () unless @points > 2;
return @points;