package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet::vegaclones;
use strict;
use vars qw(@ISA);
use Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::DASAdaptor;
use Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::DAS;
use Bio::Das;
use Data::Dumper;
@ISA = qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_simple);
#this source is not used (v42) - redundant ?
sub my_label { return "Vega Clones"; }
sub features {
my ($self) = @_;
return unless ref($self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_TRACK_DAS_SOURCES) eq 'HASH';
my $slice = $self->{'container'};
my @clones = ();
###### Create a list of clones to fetch #######
foreach (@{$slice->get_tiling_path()}){
my $clone = $_->component_Seq->clone->embl_id;
push(@clones, $clone);
###### Get DAS source config for this track ######
my $species_defs = $self->species_defs();
my $source = "das_VEGACLONES";
my $dbname = $self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_TRACK_DAS_SOURCES->{$source};
my $URL = $dbname->{'url'};
my $dsn = $dbname->{'dsn'};
my $types = $dbname->{'types'} || [];
my $adaptor = undef;
my %SEGMENTS = ();
###### Register a callback function to handle the DAS features #######
###### Called whenever the DAS XML parser finds a feature #######
my $feature_callback = sub {
my $f = shift;
return if (exists $SEGMENTS{$f->segment->ref().".".$f->segment->version()} );
#print STDERR "STORE: ", $f->segment->ref().".".$f->segment->version(), "\n";
###### Create a new DAS adaptor #######
eval {
$URL = "http://$URL" unless $URL =~ /https?:\/\//i;
$adaptor = Bio::EnsEMBL::ExternalData::DAS::DASAdaptor->new(
-url => $URL,
-dsn => $dsn,
-types => $types || [],
-proxy_url => $self->species_defs->ENSEMBL_DAS_PROXY,
if($@) {
warn("Vega Clones DASAdaptor creation error\n$@\n")
my $dbh = $adaptor->_db_handle();
my $response = undef;
$types = []; # just for now....
###### DAS fetches happen here ##########
$response = $dbh->features(
-dsn => "$URL/$dsn",
-segment => \@clones,
-callback => $feature_callback,
-type => $types,
####### DAS URL debug trace ##########
$response = $dbh->features(
-dsn => "$dsn",
-segment => \@clones,
-callback => $feature_callback,
-type => $types,
#print STDERR "SUCCESS\n" if $response->is_success;
#print STDERR Dumper($response);
#my $results = $response->results();
#print STDERR "RESULTS: $results\n";
#foreach my $seg (keys %{$results}){
# print STDERR "SEGMENT: $seg\n";
my $res = [];
foreach my $c (keys %SEGMENTS){
my ($name,$ver) = split(/\./,$c);
foreach my $p (@{$slice->get_tiling_path()}){
if ($p->{contig}->name() =~ /$name/){
my $s = Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature->new();
# remember if the Vega clone version is newer/older/same as e! clone
if($ver > $p->component_Seq->clone->embl_version){
$s->{'status'} = 1; # vega has newer clone version
} elsif ($ver == $p->{contig}->clone->embl_version){
$s->{'status'} = 0; # vega has same clone version
} else {
$s->{'status'} = -1;# vega has older clone version
my $id = $p->component_Seq->clone->embl_id() . "." . $p->component_Seq->clone->embl_version();
my $label = $id . " >";
if($p->{strand} == -1){
$label = "< " . $id;
$s->{'embl_clone'} = $c;
push(@{$res}, $s,)
return $res;
sub href {
my ($self, $f ) = @_;
return "{[$self->{container}{web_species}]}/$ENV{'ENSEMBL_SCRIPT'}?clone=".$f->{'embl_clone'}
sub colour {
my ($self, $f ) = @_;
if ($f->{'status'} > 0){
return $self->{'colours'}{"col1"},$self->{'colours'}{"lab1"},'border';
} elsif ($f->{'status'} == 0) {
return $self->{'colours'}{"col2"},$self->{'colours'}{"lab2"},'border';
} else {
return $self->{'colours'}{"col3"},$self->{'colours'}{"lab3"},'border';
sub image_label {
my ($self, $f ) = @_;
return ($f->id,'overlaid');
sub zmenu {
my ($self, $f ) = @_;
my $zmenu = {
'caption' => "Vega Clones: ".$f->id,
'01:bp: '.$f->start."-".$f->end => '',
'02:length: '.($f->end-$f->start+1). ' bps' => '',
'03:Jump to Vega' => $self->href($f),
return $zmenu;