package Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet_generic;
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
use base qw(Bio::EnsEMBL::GlyphSet);
use Data::Dumper;
sub features {
return {
'f_count' => 0,
'g_count' => 0,
'merge' => 0, ## Merge all logic names into one track! note different from other systems!!
'groups' => {},
'f_styles' => {},
'g_styles' => {},
'errors' => [],
'ss_errors' => [],
'urls' => [],
'ori' => {},
'max_height' => 0
use Bio::EnsEMBL::Feature;
sub _draw_features {
my( $self, $ori, $features, $render_flags ) = @_;
my $strand = $self->strand;
my %can_hash;
my $ppbp = $self->{ppbp} = $self->scalex;
$self->{bppp} = 1 / $ppbp;
my $seq_len = $self->{'seq_len'} = $self->{'container'}->length;
# my $h = $self->{'h'} = $features->{'max_height'} || 8; ## We may need to hack this to make it specific to orientation later! needs hacking in
$self->{'h'} = 0;
my $colour = $ori ? 'blue' : 'green';
my $offset = $self->{'container'}->start - 1;
my $has_labels = 0;
foreach my $lname ( sort keys %{$features->{'groups'}} ) {
foreach my $gkey ( sort keys %{$features->{'groups'}{$lname}} ) {
my $group = $features->{'groups'}{$lname}{$gkey}{$ori};
next unless $group; ## No features from this group on this strand!
next if $group->{'end'} < 1 || $group->{'start'} > $seq_len; ## All features in group exist outside region!
# Now loop through all features and get the extents of features - we will need this later for bumping! and joining!
my $g_s = $features->{'g_styles'}{$lname}{$group->{'type'}}; ## Get the group style...
my $to_join = lc( $g_s->{'style'}{'symbol'} ) ne 'hidden';
$has_labels = 1 if $g_s->{'style'}{'label'} eq 'yes';
foreach my $style_key ( keys %{$group->{'features'}} ) {
my $f_s = $features->{'f_styles'}{$lname}{$style_key};
$has_labels = 1 if $f_s->{'style'}{'label'} eq 'yes';
my $to_bump = lc($f_s->{'style'}{'bump'}) eq 'yes' || $f_s->{'style'}{'bump'} eq '1'; ## Bump if style bump is set!
my $fn_c = "composite_extent_".$f_s->{'style'}{'symbol'};
my $fn_g = "extent_".$f_s->{'style'}{'symbol'};
$can_hash{$fn_c} ||= $self->can($fn_c);
$can_hash{$fn_g} ||= $self->can($fn_g) || '-';
$fn_g = 'extent_box' if $can_hash{$fn_g} eq '-'; ## default to drawing a box!!
if( $can_hash{$fn_c} ) { ## This is one of the histogram style displays and the render fn has been defined!
$self->$fn_c( $group, $f_s->{style} );
if($f_s->{style}{label} eq 'yes') {
$g_s->{'style'}{'label'} = 'yes';
$g_s->{'style'}{'fgcolor'} ||= $f_s->{style}{fgcolor};
} else {
if( $f_s->{style}{label} eq 'yes' && $to_join && !$to_bump ) {
$g_s->{'style'}{'label'} = 'yes';
$g_s->{'style'}{'fgcolor'} ||= $f_s->{style}{fgcolor};
foreach my $f ( @{$group->{'features'}{$style_key}} ) { # Compute the extent of each glyph - and add to extent of group if not bumped!
# Only pass the glyph if we are going to put this glyph in a composite
$self->$fn_g( $to_join && !$to_bump ? $group : undef, $f, $f_s->{style} );
$group->{height} = $g_s->{style}{height} if $g_s->{style}{height} > $group->{height} && $group->{extent_start};
$self->{h} = $g_s->{style}{height} if $g_s->{style}{height} > $self->{h} && $group->{extent_start};
$self->{h} ||= 12;
## All groups and features now have two additional values...
## -> extent_start and extent_end so we know where to draw the boxes....
$has_labels = 0 unless $render_flags eq 'label_under';
my( $fontname, $fontsize ) = ( undef, -2 );
if( $has_labels ) {
( $fontname, $fontsize ) = $self->get_font_details( 'outertext' );
foreach my $lname ( sort keys %{$features->{'groups'}} ) {
foreach my $gkey ( sort keys %{$features->{'groups'}{$lname}} ) {
my $group = $features->{'groups'}{$lname}{$gkey}{$ori};
next unless $group; ### May not have group on this strand!!
## We now have a feature....
## Now let us grab all the features in the group as we need to work out the width of the "group"
## which may be wider than the feature if
## (a) we have labels (width of label if wider than feature)
## (b) have fixed width glyphs at points
## (c) have histogram data - has nos to left of graph..
## Start with looking for special "aggregator glyphs"
my $g_s = $features->{'g_styles'}{$lname}{$group->{'type'}}; ## Get the group style...
my @boxes;
my $to_join = lc( $g_s->{'style'}{'symbol'} ) ne 'hidden';
my $composite_flag = 0;
my $score_based_flag = 0;
$group->{height} ||= $self->{h};
foreach ( keys %{$group->{'features'}} ) {
$score_based_flag = 1 if $features->{'f_styles'}{$lname}{$_}{'use_score'}; ## Composite if it is a graph!
$composite_flag ||= $to_join if lc($features->{'f_styles'}{$lname}{$_}{'style'}{'bump'} ne 'yes') &&
$features->{'f_styles'}{$lname}{$_}{'style'}{'bump'} ne '1'; ## Composite if the features are to be bumped && linked!
my($s,$e) = ($group->{extent_start}, $group->{extent_end});
my $composite;
if( $composite_flag || $score_based_flag ) {
my $end;
if( $has_labels && $group->{'label'} && $g_s->{'style'}{'label'} eq 'yes' ) {
($T,$TF,$tw,$h) = $self->get_text_width( 0, $group->{'label'}, '', {'font'=>$fontname,'ptsize'=>$fontsize} );
$end = $group->{'start'} + ( $tw + 4 ) * $self->{bppp} ;
$end = $group->{'end'} if $group->{'end'} > $end;
my $href = undef;
my $title = sprintf "%s; Start: %s; End: %s; Strand: %s",
$group->{'start'} + $offset,
$group->{'end'} + $offset,
$group->{'strand'} > 0 ? 'Forward' : $group->{'strand'} < 0 ? 'Reverse' : '-';
$title .= '; Features: '.$group->{'count'} if $group->{'count'} > 1;
# $title .= $group->{'notes'};
if( @{$group->{'links'}||[]} ) {
$href = $group->{'links'}[0]{'href'};
} elsif( @{$group->{'flinks'}||[]} ) {
$href = $group->{'flinks'}[0]{'href'};
if( @{$group->{'notes'}||[]} ) {
$title .= join '', map { '; '.CGI::escapeHTML($_)} @{ $group->{'notes'}};
} elsif( @{$group->{'fnotes'}||[]} ) {
$title .= join '', map { '; '.CGI::escapeHTML($_)} @{$group->{'fnotes'}};
$title .= "; Type: ".$group->{'type'} if $group->{'type'};
if( $group->{extent_end} >0 && $group->{extent_start} < $seq_len ) {
my $row = $self->bump_row( $group->{'start'}*$ppbp, $end*$ppbp ) + $self->{'_row_offset'};
$group->{'y'} = - $strand * $row * ( $self->{h}+ $fontsize + 4);
$composite = $self->Space({ ## Just draw a composite at the moment!
'absolutey' => 1,
'x' => $s-1,
'width' => $e-$s+1,
'y' => $group->{y},
'height' => $self->{h},
'colour' => 'darkkhaki',
'bordercolour' => 'green',
'href' => $href,
'title' => $title
}); ## Create a composite for the group and bump it!
'absolutey' => 1,
'x' => $s-1+2*$self->{bppp},
'width' => $e-$s+1,
'y' => $group->{y}+$self->{h}+2,
'textwidth' => $tw,
'height' => $fontsize,
'halign' => 'left',
'valign' => 'center',
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'font' => $fontname,
'colour' => $g_s->{'style'}{'fgcolor'}||'black',
'text' => $group->{'label'}
})) if $has_labels && $group->{'label'} && $g_s->{'style'}{'label'} eq 'yes';
foreach my $style_key (
map { $_->[2] }
sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] || $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] }
map {[
$features->{'f_styles'}{$lname}{$_}{'style'}{'zindex'}||0, ## Render in z-index order!
$features->{'f_styles'}{$lname}{$_}{'use_score'} ||0, ## Render non-"group features" first!
$_ ## What we want the key!!
keys %{$group->{'features'}}
) {
## Grab the style for the group of features!
my $f_s = $features->{'f_styles'}{$lname}{$style_key};
my $to_bump = lc($f_s->{'style'}{'bump'}) eq 'yes' || $f_s->{'style'}{'bump'} eq '1';
my $fn_c = "composite_".lc($f_s->{'style'}{'symbol'});
my $fn_g = "glyph_".lc($f_s->{'style'}{'symbol'});
$can_hash{$fn_c} ||= $self->can($fn_c);
$can_hash{$fn_g} ||= $self->can($fn_g) || '-' ; ## Default to drawing a box!!
$fn_g = 'glyph_box' if $can_hash{$fn_g} eq '-';
if( $can_hash{$fn_c} ) { ## This is one of the histogram style displays and the render fn has been defined!
$self->$fn_c( $group, $group->{'features'}{$style_key}, $f_s->{style} );
} else {
if( $to_bump || !$to_join ) { ## We are bumping this feature so do not group it!
foreach my $f ( ## Draw the features in order!
sort { $a->start <=> $b->start }
) { ## Draw in order!!
## Create glyph and bump it!!
next unless defined $f->{'extent_start'};
$f->{'y'} = 0;
if( $to_bump ) {
my $end;
if( $has_labels && $f->display_label && $f_s->{style}{'label'} eq 'yes' ) {
($T,$TF,$tw,$h) = $self->get_text_width( 0, $f->display_label, '', {'font'=>$fontname,'ptsize'=>$fontsize} );
$end = $f->{'extent_start'} + ( $tw + 4 ) * $self->{bppp};
$end = $f->{'extent_end'} if $f->{'extent_end'} > $end;
my $row = $self->bump_row( $f->{'extent_start'}*$ppbp, $end*$ppbp ) + $self->{'_row_offset'};
$f->{'y'} = - $strand * $row * ($self->{h}+$fontsize+4);
## reposition!
my $href = undef;
my $title = sprintf "%s; Start: %s; End: %s; Strand: %s",
$ori > $f->seq_region_strand ? 'Forward' : $f->seq_region_strand < 0 ? 'Reverse' : '-';
# $title .= $f->{'notes'};
$href = $f->{'link'}->[0]{'href'} if @{$f->{'link'}||[]};
$title .= "; Type: ".$f->type_id if $f->type_id;
$self->push( $self->Space({
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1,
'y' => $f->{'y'},
'height' => $self->{'h'},
'absolutey' => 1,
'href' => $href,
'title' => $title
'absolutey' => 1,
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1 + 2 * $self->{bppp},
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1,
'y' => $f->{y} + $self->{h} + 2,
'halign' => 'left',
'valign' => 'center',
'textwidth' => $tw,
'colour' => $f_s->{'style'}{'fgcolor'}||'black',
'height' => $fontsize,
'ptsize' => $fontsize,
'font' => $fontname,
'text' => $f->display_label
})) if $has_labels && $f->display_label && $f_s->{style}{'label'} eq 'yes';
$self->$fn_g( undef, $f, $f_s->{'style'});
} else {
## We are grouping these features!!
foreach my $f ( ## Draw the features in order!
sort { $a->start <=> $b->start }
) { ## Draw in order!!
next unless $f->{extent_start};
$self->$fn_g( $group, $f, $f_s->{'style'});
my($s,$e) = ($f->{extent_start},$f->{extent_end});
if( @boxes && ( $s >= $boxes[-1][0] && $s <= $boxes[-1][1]+1 ) ) { ## If it overlaps of buts! [int based!]
$boxes[-1][1] = $e if $e > $boxes[-1][1];
} else {
push @boxes, [ $s,$e ];
my @boxes_2;
if( @boxes ) {
@boxes = sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] } @boxes;
my $t = shift @boxes;
@boxes_2 = ($t);
foreach (@boxes) {
if( $_->[0] >= $boxes_2[-1][0] && $_->[1] <= $boxes_2[-1][1]+1 ) { ## If it overlaps or buts! [int based!]
$boxes_2[-1][1] = $_->[1];
} else {
push @boxes_2, $_;
if( $composite_flag && ! $score_based_flag ) {
my $y_pos = $group->{y} + $self->{h}/2;
if( $boxes_2[0][0] > 1 && $group->{'start'} <= 1 ) {
## Draw a glyph to the left! ( 1 -> $boxes_2[0][0] );
'x' => 0,
'width' => $boxes_2[0][0]-1,
'y' => $y_pos,
'height' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'colour' => $g_s->{style}{'fgcolor'}
if( $boxes_2[-1][1] < $seq_len && $group->{'end'} >= $seq_len ) {
## Draw a glyph to the right! ( $boxes_2[-1][1] -> $seq_len );
'x' => $boxes_2[-1][1],
'width' => $seq_len - $boxes_2[-1][1],
'y' => $y_pos,
'height' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'colour' => $g_s->{style}{'fgcolor'}
## Draw a glyph between pairs!
my $t = shift @boxes_2;
foreach(@boxes_2) {
## Draw a glyph from ( $t->[-1] - $_->[0] );
my $f = $self->gen_feature({
'start' => $t->[1]+1,
'end' => $_->[0]-1,
'strand' => $group->{'strand'}
$f->{'y'} = $group->{'y'};
$f->{'extent_start'} = $t->[1]+1;
$f->{'extent_end'} = $_->[0]-1;
my $method = "glyph_".$g_s->{'style'}{'symbol'};
$method = "glyph_box" unless $self->can($method);
$self->$method( undef, $f, $g_s->{'style'} );
$t = $_;
$self->push($composite) if $composite;
$self->{'_row_offset'} = $self->_max_bump_row;
sub render_nolabels {
my $self = shift;
$self->render_normal( 'nolabel' );
sub render_labels {
my $self = shift;
$self->render_normal( 'label_under' );
sub render_normal {
my ($self, $render_flags ) = @_;
return $self->render_text if $self->{'text_export'};
$render_flags ||= 'label_under';
$self->{'y_offset'} = 0;
## Grab and cache features as we need to find out which strands to draw them on!
my $features = $self->cache( 'generic:'.$self->{'my_config'}->key );
$features = $self->cache( 'generic:'.$self->{'my_config'}->key, $self->features() ) unless $features;
$self->timer_push( 'Fetched DAS features', undef, 'fetch' );
my $strand = $self->strand();
my $y_offset = 0; ## Useful to track errors!!
if( @{$features->{'errors'}} ) { ## If we have errors then we will uniquify and sort!
my %saw = map { ($_,1) } @{$features->{'errors'}};
$self->errorTrack( $_, undef, $self->{'y_offset'}+=12 ) foreach grep {$_} sort keys %saw;
## Draw stranded features first!!
$self->{_row_offset} = 0;
$self->_draw_features( $strand, $features, $render_flags ) if $features->{'ori'}{$strand};
## Draw unstranded features last !! So they go below stranded features!
$self->_draw_features( 0, $features, $render_flags ) if $features->{'ori'}{0} && $strand == -1;
sub render_text {
my $self = shift;
my $features = $self->features;
my $feature_type = $self->my_config('caption');
my $method = $self->can('export_feature') ? 'export_feature' : '_render_text';
my $export;
foreach (sort keys %{$features->{'groups'}}) {
my $lnames = $features->{'groups'}->{$_};
foreach (sort keys %$lnames) {
my $gkeys = $lnames->{$_};
foreach (sort keys %$gkeys) {
my $group_features = $gkeys->{$_}->{'features'};
foreach my $key (sort keys %$group_features) {
foreach (sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } @{$group_features->{$key}}) {
$export .= $self->$method($_, $feature_type);
return $export;
## Two sorts of renderer! - composite renderers - work on every element in the collection!
sub composite_extent_histogram {
my($self,$g,$st) = @_;
sub composite_histogram {
my($self,$g,$f_ref,$st) = @_; ## These have passed in the group + all the features in the group!
return if $g->{extent_end} <= 0;
my $cp = $self->_colour_points($st);
my $strand = $self->strand;
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
my $min = $st->{'min'};
my $max = $st->{'max'};
my $range = $max-$min;
my $y = $g->{'y'}+($self->{'h'}-$st->{'height'})/2;
my $sf = $st->{'height'}/$range;
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $g->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $g->{extent_end}-$g->{extent_start}+1,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => 'red',
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'y' => $y + ( $strand>0 ? -$min : $range + $min ) *$sf
})) if $min <=0 && $max >= 0;
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $g->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => 0,
'height' => $st->{'height'},
'colour' => 'red',
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'y' => $y
'x' => $g->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $g->{extent_end}-$g->{extent_start}+1,
'height' => $st->{'height'},
'absolutey' => 1,
'y' => $y
foreach my $f ( sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } @{ $f_ref } ) {
my($s,$e) = ($f->start,$f->end);
next if $e < 1;
last if $s > $l;
$s = 1 if $s < 1;
$e = $l if $e >$l;
my $v = ($f->score-$min)/$range;
my $c = $self->{'config'}{_colourmap}->hex_by_rgb( $self->_colour( $v, $cp ) );
my( $o, $h ) = $f->score < $min ? (0, -$min)
: $f->score > $max ? (-$min, $max)
: $f->score < 0 ? (-$min+$f->score,-$f->score)
: (-$min, $f->score)
my $y_x = $y + ( $strand>0 ? $o : ($range-$o-$h) )*$sf;
'height' => $sf*$h,
'x' => $s-1,
'width' => $e-$s+1,
'y' => $y_x,
'colour' => $c,
'absolutey' => 1
return ();
sub composite_extent_gradient {
my($self,$g,$st) = @_;
return if $g->{'start'} > $self->{'seq_len'} || $g->{'end'} < 1;
if( $g->{'fake'} ) {
$g->{'extent_start'} = 1;
$g->{'extent_end'} = $self->{'seq_len'};
} else {
my $gs = $g->{'start'} < 1 ? 1 : $g->{'start'};
my $ge = $g->{'end'} < $self->{'seq_len'} ? $g->{'end'} : $self->{'seq_len'};
my $p = 2 * $self->{bppp};
$g->{'extent_start'} = $gs - $p if !defined($g->{extent_start}) || $g->{'start'} < $g->{'extent_start'};
$g->{'extent_end'} = $ge + $p if !defined($g->{extent_end} ) || $g->{'end'} > $g->{'extent_start'};
$g->{'height'} = $st->{height} if !defined($g->{height} ) || $st->{height} > $g->{height};
$self->{h} = $st->{height} if !defined($self->{h} ) || $st->{height} > $self->{h};
sub _colour_points {
my($self,$st) = @_;
my @colour_points ;
foreach(1..9) {
my @c = $self->{'config'}{_colourmap}->rgb_by_name( $st->{"color$_"}, 1 ) if $st->{"color$_"};
push @colour_points, \@c if @c;
push @colour_points, [0,255,0] unless @colour_points;
return \@colour_points;
sub _colour {
my( $self, $val, $cps ) = @_;
my $divisions = @$cps - 1;
return $cps->[0] unless $divisions;
return $cps->[0] if $val <= 0;
return $cps->[-1] if $val >= 1;
my $division = int($val * $divisions);
my $o = $val - $division/$divisions;
return [ map { $cps->[$division][$_]*(1-$o) + $cps->[$division+1][$_] * $o } (0..2) ];
sub composite_gradient {
my($self,$g,$f_ref,$st) = @_;
return if $g->{extent_end} <= 0;
my $cp = $self->_colour_points($st);
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
my $min = $st->{'min'};
my $range = $st->{'max'}-$min;
my $y = $g->{'y'}+($self->{'h'}-$st->{'height'})/2;
'x' => $g->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $g->{extent_end}-$g->{extent_start}+1,
'height' => $st->{'height'},
'colour' => '#f8f8f8',
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'y' => $y
foreach my $f ( sort { $a->start <=> $b->start } @{ $f_ref } ) {
my($s,$e) = ($f->start,$f->end);
next if $e < 1;
last if $s > $l;
$s = 1 if $s < 1;
$e = $l if $e >$l;
my $c = $self->{'config'}{_colourmap}->hex_by_rgb( $self->_colour( ($f->score-$min)/$range, $cp ) );
'height' => $st->{'height'},
'x' => $s-1,
'width' => $e-$s+1,
'y' => $y,
'colour' => $c,
'absolutey' => 1
return ();
sub composite_extent_lineplot {
my($self,$g,$st) = @_;
return $self->composite_extent_histogram($g,$st);
sub composite_lineplot {
my($self,$g,$f_ref,$st) = @_;
return if $g->{extent_end} <= 0;
my $cp = $self->_colour_points($st);
my $strand = $self->strand;
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
my $min = $st->{'min'};
my $max = $st->{'max'};
my $range = $max-$min;
my $y = $g->{'y'}+($self->{'h'}-$st->{'height'})/2;
my $sf = $st->{'height'};
my @q = @{$f_ref};
my $t = shift @q;
my $start_x = ($t->start+$t->end-1)/2;
my $start_y = ($t->score-$min)/$range;
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $g->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $g->{extent_end}-$g->{extent_start}+1,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => 'red',
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'y' => $y + ( $strand>0 ? -$min : $range + $min ) *$sf/$range
})) if $min <=0 && $max >= 0;
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $g->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => 0,
'height' => $st->{'height'},
'colour' => 'red',
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'y' => $y
'x' => $g->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $g->{extent_end}-$g->{extent_start}+1,
'height' => $st->{'height'},
'colour' => '#f8f8f8',
'absolutey' => 1,
'dotted' => 1,
'y' => $y
foreach my $f ( @{ $f_ref } ) {
my $end_x = ($f->start+$f->end-1)/2;
my $end_y = ($f->score-$min)/$range;
next if $end_x < 0;
last if $start_x >= $l;
my $co = $self->{'config'}{_colourmap}->hex_by_rgb( $self->_colour( ($end_y+$start_y)/2, $cp ) );
my( $a,$b,$c,$d) = ($start_x,$start_y,$end_x,$end_y);
if( $a < 0 ) {
$b -= - $a * ( $d - $b ) / ( $c - $a );
$a = 0;
if( $d > $l ) {
$d = $b + ( $l - $a ) * ( $d - $b ) / ( $c - $a );
$c = $l;
unless( $start_y < 0 && $end_y < 0 ||
$start_y > 1 && $end_y > 1 ) {
if( $b < 0 ) {
$a += (-$b)*($c-$a);
$b = 0;
} elsif( $b > 1 ) {
$a += ($b-1)*($c-$a);
$b = 1;
if( $d < 0 ) {
$c += $d*($c-$a);
$d = 0;
} elsif( $d > 1 ) {
$c -= ($d-1)*($c-$a);
$d = 1;
'x' => $a,
'width' => $c-$a,
'y' => $y+($strand > 0 ? $b*$sf : $st->{'height'}-$b*$sf),
'height' => $strand * ($d-$b)*$sf,
'colour' => $co,
'absolute' => 1
$start_x = $end_x;
$start_y = $end_y;
return ();
sub composite_extent_tiling {
my($self,$g,$st) = @_;
return $self->composite_extent_histogram($g,$st);
sub composite_tiling {
my($self,$g,$f_ref,$st) = @_;
return $self->composite_histogram($g,$f_ref,$st);
# Some helper functions for the renderer.. #
# _extent - computes the extent of a glyph - and ats it to its #
# parent's extent if there is one... #
# _symbol_bg - draws the background box behind a feature! not #
# really part of the specification - but a nice to have! #
sub _extent {
my($self,$g,$f,$s,$e,$h)= @_;
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
## If we have a group
if( $e < 1 || $s > $l ) {
return unless $g;
$g->{extent_start} = 1 if $s < 1; ## Always change start extent if glyph to the left of the region!
$g->{extent_end} = $l if $e > $l; ## Always change end extent if glyph to the right of the region!
$f->{extent_start} = $s < 1 ? 1 : $s;
$f->{extent_end} = $e > $self->{'seq_len'} ? $self->{'seq_len'} : $e;
$self->{h} = $h if $h > $self->{h};
return unless $g;
## Now let us modify the containing group!
$g->{extent_start} = $f->{extent_start} if !defined $g->{extent_start} || $f->{extent_start} < $g->{extent_start};
$g->{extent_end} = $f->{extent_end} if !defined $g->{extent_end} || $f->{extent_end} > $g->{extent_end};
$g->{height} = $h if !defined $g->{height} || $h > $g->{height};
sub _symbol_bg {
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
my $s = $f->start;
$s = $s_g if $s_g < $s;
my $e = $f->end;
$e = $e_g if $e_g > $e;
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
return if $e<1 || $s>$l;
$e = $l if $e>$l;
$s = 1 if $s<1;
'x' => $s-1,
'width' => $e-$s+1,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'bgcolor'},
sub _symbol_init {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my $mp = ($f->start+$f->end-1)/2;
if( $mp < 0 || $mp > $self->{'seq_len'} ) {
$self->_symbol_bg( $g,$f,$f->start,$f->end,$st) if $st->{bgcolor} && $st->{bgcolor} ne $st->{fgcolor};
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
my $w = ($st->{'linewidth'}||$h) * $self->{'bppp'};
$self->_symbol_bg( $g,$f,$f->start,$f->end,$st ) if $st->{bgcolor} && $st->{bgcolor} ne $st->{fgcolor};
return ($mp,$h,$y,$w);
# glyph renderers - work on individual elements from the specification #
# foreach glyph type there are up to two functions - #
# extent_{glyph_type} - computes the extent of the glyph from the #
# feature and the glyph type #
# glyph_{glyph_type} - the actual code to render the particular glyph #
# types #
# Anchored Arrow <---| or |---> #
# Haven't implemented parallel=no can't work out whether it is useful #
# will do so after implementing the vertical arrows... #
sub extent_anchored_arrow {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
if( $st->{northeast} eq 'no' && $st->{soutwest} eq 'no' ) { #Not an arrow at all !liar!
return $self->extent_line($g,$f,$st);
if( $st->{'parallel'} eq 'no' ) {
## Vertical arrow! get the width - if the midpoint is in the region
## then make space for the arrow!
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{h};
my $w = ($st->{linewidth}||$h)*$self->{bppp}/2;
my $mp = ($f->start+$f->end-1)/2;
if( $mp >= 0 || $mp <= $self->{seq_len} ) {
return $self->_extent( $g,$f,$mp-$w,$mp+$w,$st->{height} );
return $self->extent_box($g,$f,$st);
sub glyph_anchored_arrow {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my($s,$e,$o) = ($f->start,$f->end,$f->strand);
my( $mp, $h, $y, $w ) = $self->_symbol_init( $g,$f,$st);
my $tw = $h * $self->{'bppp'}/2;
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
## If the width of the glyph is less than the width of the arrow section
## we draw it slightly differently!
if( $st->{'parallel'} eq 'no' ) { ## This is now like one of the X glyphs!
return if $mp < 0 || $mp > $l; ## Don't draw upwards arrow if mid point out of region...
$w = ( $st->{'linewidth'}||$h ) * $self->{'bppp'};
my $ah = $h < $st->{linewidth} ? $h/2 : $st->{linewidth}/2;
my $top = $y + $h;
my $bottom = $y;
my $bar = 0;
if( $f->strand > 0 ) {
'points' => [ $mp-$w/2, $bottom+$ah, $mp, $bottom, $mp+$w/2, $bottom+$ah ],
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor}
$bottom += $ah;
$bar = $top;
} else {
'points' => [ $mp-$w/2, $top-$ah, $mp, $top, $mp+$w/2, $top-$ah ],
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor}
$top -= $ah;
$bar = $bottom;
my $w2 = int($w/$self->{bppp}/4)*$self->{bppp};
'x' => $mp-$w2,
'width' => $w2*2,
'y' => $bottom,
'height' => $top-$bottom,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor}
'x' => $mp-$w/2,
'width' => $w,
'y' => $bar,
'height' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor}
if( $e-$s+1 < $tw ) { ## This is a small arrow!
$s = $f->{extent_start};
$e = $f->{extent_end};
'points' => [ $o>0?$s-1:$e,$y,$o>0?$e:$s-1,$y+$h/2,$o>0?$s-1:$e,$y+$h ],
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'absolutey' => 1,
## Otherwise we draw the arrow in three parts...
## Firstly the arrow head - if we are going to draw it!
$h = $st->{height}||$self->{h};
$y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
$tw = $h * $self->{'bppp'}/2;
if( $o>0 && $e == $f->{extent_end} ||
$o<=0 && $s == $f->{extent_start} ) {
'points' => [ $o>0?$e-$tw:$s-1+$tw,$y,$o>0?$e:$s-1,$y+$h/2,$o>0?$e-$tw:$s-1+$tw,$y+$h ],
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'absolutey' => 1,
} else {
## Reset the width of the triangle as we don't have the triangle to the left/right
$tw = 0; # No triangle!
## Now draw the main bar!
if( lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'line' ) {
'x' => $o > 0 ? $f->{extent_start}-1 : $f->{extent_start}+$tw-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1-$tw,
'height' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'dotted' => ($st->{'style'} eq 'dashed') ? 1 : 0,
'y' => $y+$h/2
} else {
my $n = lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'full' ? 0 : int($h/4);
'x' => $o > 0 ? $f->{extent_start}-1 : $f->{extent_start}+$tw-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1-$tw,
'height' => $h-2*$n,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'y' => $y+$n
## Are we going to draw the back! if we haven't missed it out!
if( $o<=0 && $e == $f->{extent_end} || $o>0 && $s == $f->{extent_start} ) {
'x' => $o > 0 ? $s-1 : $e,
'width' => 0,
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'y' => $y
# Arrow <-> --> <-- or the same vertically! #
# Currently to do..... #
sub extent_arrow {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
if( $st->{northeast} eq 'no' && $st->{soutwest} eq 'no' ) { #Not an arrow at all !liar!
return $self->extent_line($g,$f,$st);
if( $st->{'parallel'} eq 'no' ) {
## Vertical arrow! get the width - if the midpoint is in the region
## then make space for the arrow!
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{h};
my $w = ($st->{linewidth}||(2*$h/3))*$self->{bppp}/2;
my $mp = ($f->start+$f->end-1)/2;
if( $mp >= 0 || $mp <= $self->{seq_len} ) {
return $self->_extent( $g,$f,$mp-$w,$mp+$w,$st->{height} );
return $self->extent_box($g,$f,$st);
sub glyph_arrow {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
if( $st->{northeast} eq 'no' && $st->{soutwest} eq 'no' ) { #Not an arrow at all !liar!
return $self->glyph_line($g,$f,$st);
my $s = $f->start;
my $e = $f->end;
my( $mp, $h, $y, $w ) = $self->_symbol_init( $g,$f,$st);
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
if( $st->{'parallel'} eq 'no' ) { ## This is now like one of the X glyphs!
return if $mp < 0 || $mp > $l; ## Don't draw upwards arrow if mid point out of region...
$w = int(( $st->{'linewidth'}||(2*$h/3) )/2 )*2 * $self->{'bppp'};
my $ah = int($h/3 < $st->{linewidth}/2 ? $st->{linewidth}/2 : $h/3);
my $top = $y + $h;
my $bottom = $y;
unless( $st->{northeast} eq 'no' ) {
'points' => [ $mp-$w/2, $top-$ah, $mp, $top, $mp+$w/2, $top-$ah ],
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor}
$top -= $ah;
} unless( $st->{southwest} eq 'no' ) {
'points' => [ $mp-$w/2, $bottom+$ah, $mp, $bottom, $mp+$w/2, $bottom+$ah ],
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor}
$bottom += $ah;
my $w2 = int($w/$self->{bppp}/4)*$self->{bppp};
'x' => $mp-$w2,
'width' => $w2*2,
'y' => $bottom,
'height' => $top-$bottom,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor}
## More like a span glyph...
my $ends = ($st->{northeast} eq 'no' || $st->{southwest} eq 'no') ? 1 : 2;
if( $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1 > $ends*$h*$self->{bppp}/2 ) { ## We have room to draw all bits!
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
my $box_s = $f->{extent_start};
my $box_e = $f->{extent_end};
my $aw = $h*$self->{bppp}/2;
if( $f->{extent_start} == $f->start && ! ($st->{southwest} eq 'no') ) {
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'absolutey' => 1,
'points' => [ $box_s-1, $y+$h/2, $box_s-1 + $aw, $y, $box_s-1 + $aw, $y+$h ]
$box_s += $aw;
if( $f->{extent_end} == $f->end && ! ($st->{northeast} eq 'no') ) {
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'absolutey' => 1,
'points' => [ $box_e, $y+$h/2, $box_e - $aw, $y +$h, $box_e - $aw, $y ]
$box_e -= $aw;
'x' => $box_s-1,
'width' => $box_e - $box_s + 1,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
if( lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'full' || lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'indent' ) {
my $n = lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'full' ? 0 : int($h/4);
'x' => $box_s-1,
'width' => $box_e - $box_s + 1,
'height' => $h-2*$n,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'y' => $y+$n
} else {
'dotted' => ($st->{'style'} eq 'dashed') ? 1 : 0,
'x' => $box_s-1,
'width' => $box_e - $box_s + 1,
'y' => $y+$h/2,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'absolutey' => 1
## This is a narrow featured arrow!
$s = $f->{extent_start};
$e = $f->{extent_end};
if( $mp > $l || $st->{northeast} eq 'no' ) { ## This is a right-left arrow
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'absolutey' => 1,
'points' => [ $s,$y+$h/2,$e,$y+$h,$e,$y ]
} elsif( $mp < 0 || $st->{southwest} eq 'no' ) { ## This is a left-right arrow
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'absolutey' => 1,
'points' => [ $s,$y,$s,$y+$h,$e,$y+$h/2 ]
} else { ## This is a double-ended arrow...
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'bordercolour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'absolutey' => 1,
'points' => [ $s,$y+$h/2,$mp,$y+$h,$e,$y+$h/2,$mp,$y ]
# Box..... #
# Probably the simplest of all the symbols - just a filled box! #
sub extent_box {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my $s = $f->start;
my $e = $f->end;
my $w = $st->{'width'}*$self->{bppp};
if( $e - $s + 1 < $w ) {
$s = ($e+$s-1-$w)/2;
$e = $s+$w/2;
return $self->_extent( $g, $f, $s, $e,$st->{height} );
sub glyph_box {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
return () unless $f->{extent_start}; ## Not in region!!
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end} - $f->{extent_start} + 1,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1,
$st->{'bgcolor'} ? ( 'colour' => $st->{'bgcolor'} ) : (),
'bordercolour' => $st->{'fgcolor'}||$st->{'bgcolor'},
$st->{'pattern'} ? ( 'patterncolour' => $st->{'fgcolor'}, 'pattern' => $st->{'pattern'} ) : ()
# Cross/dot/ex..... #
sub extent_cross {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my( $s,$e ) = ($f->start,$f->end);
my $mp = ($s+$e-1)/2;
### If the mid point isn't in the region we only draw the background if it has a colour!
if( $mp < 0 || $mp > $self->{seq_len} ) {
return $self->extent_box($g,$f,$st) if $st->{bgcolor};
my $w = ($st->{'linewidth'}||$st->{'height'}||$self->{'h'}) * $self->{'bppp'};
my $l = $mp - $w/2;
my $r = $mp + $w/2;
if( $st->{bgcolor} ) { ## We have it on box
$l = $s-1 < $l ? $s-1 : $l;
$r = $e > $r ? $e : $r;
$self->_extent( $g,$f,$l,$r,$st->{'height'}||$self->{'h'});
sub extent_dot { my $self = shift; return $self->extent_cross( @_ ); }
sub extent_ex { my $self = shift; return $self->extent_cross( @_ ); }
sub glyph_cross {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my( $mp, $h, $y, $w ) = $self->_symbol_init( $g,$f,$st);
return unless $mp;
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $mp,
'width' => 0,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'}
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $mp - $w/2,
'width' => $w,
'y' => ($g?$g->{'y'}:$f->{'y'})+$self->{'h'}/2,
'height' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'}
sub glyph_dot {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my( $mp, $h, $y, $w ) = $self->_symbol_init( $g,$f,$st);
return unless $mp;
$self->push( $self->Ellipse({
'x' => $mp,
'width' => $w,
'y' => $y+$h/2,
'height' => $h,
'filled' => 1,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'}
sub glyph_ex {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my( $mp, $h, $y, $w ) = $self->_symbol_init( $g,$f,$st);
return unless $mp;
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $mp-$w/2,
'width' => $w,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'}
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $mp - $w/2,
'width' => $w,
'y' => $y+$h,
'height' => -$h,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'}
sub extent_hidden {
sub glyph_hidden {
return ();
sub extent_line {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
if( $st->{'parallel'} ne 'no' || $st->{bgcolor} ) {
return $self->extent_box($g,$f,$st);
} else {
my $mp = ($f->start + $f->end - 1)/2;
return $self->_extent( $g, $f, $mp, $mp,$st->{height} )
sub glyph_line {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
$self->_symbol_bg( $g,$f,$st ) if $st->{bgcolor} && $st->{bgcolor} ne $st->{fgcolor};
if( $st->{'parallel'} eq 'no' ) {
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
my $mp = ( $f->start + $f->end -1 )/2;
if( $mp > 0 && $mp < $self->{seq_len} ) {
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $mp,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'width' => 0,
'dotted' => ($st->{'style'} eq 'dashed') ? 1 : 0,
'absolutey' => 1
if( $st->{'style'} eq 'hat' || $st->{'style'} eq 'intron' ) {
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
$self->push( $self->Intron({
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'strand' => $f->{'strand'},
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1,
'dotted' => ($st->{'style'} eq 'dashed') ? 1 : 0,
'absolutey' => 1
} else {
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + $self->{'h'} /2;
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'y' => $y,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1,
'dotted' => ($st->{'style'} eq 'dashed') ? 1 : 0,
'absolutey' => 1
# sub extent_primers - drop to default!
sub glyph_primers {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my $s = $f->start;
my $e = $f->end;
my $o = $f->strand;
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
my $tw = $h * $self->{'bppp'}/2;
$self->push( $self->Line({ ## Draw the spanning line!
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'y' => $y + $h/2,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => $st->{'bgcolor'},
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1,
'dotted' => ($st->{'style'} eq 'dashed') ? 1 : 0,
'absolutey' => 1
$tw = ($e-$s+1)/2 if $e-$s+1 < 2*$tw;
if( $s == $f->{extent_start} ){
$self->push( $self->Poly({
'points' => [ $s-1, $y, $s-1+$tw, $y+$h/2, $s-1, $y+$h ],
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'absolutey' => 1,
if( $e == $f->{extent_end} ){
$self->push( $self->Poly({
'points' => [ $e, $y, $e-$tw, $y+$h/2, $e, $y+$h ],
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'absolutey' => 1,
# sub extent_span - drop to default!
sub glyph_span {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
if( $f->start == $f->{extent_start} ) { ## Draw left hand end!
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $f->start-1,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'width' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1
if( $f->end == $f->{extent_end} ) { ## Draw left hand end!
$self->push( $self->Line({
'x' => $f->end,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'width' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1
if( lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'full' || lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'indent' ) {
my $n = lc($st->{'bar_style'}) eq 'full' ? 0 : int($h/4);
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1,
'height' => $h-2*$n,
'absolutey' => 1,
'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'},
'y' => $y+$n
} else {
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end}-$f->{extent_start}+1,
'y' => $y+$h/2,
'height' => 0,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'dotted' => ($st->{'style'} eq 'dashed') ? 1 : 0,
'absolutey' => 1
sub extent_text {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $fh = $st->{fontsize}||($h*0.6); ## Fit inside box!
my $fn = $st->{font}||'arial';
my $str = $st->{string};
my $l = $self->{seq_len};
## @res contains - text, 'full', $w, $h
my ($t,$flag,$tw,$th) = $self->get_text_width( 0, $str, '', 'font'=>$fn, 'ptsize' => $fh );
my $bp_tw = $tw * $self->{bppp};
$h ||= $th; ## Make sure the box has a big enough height!!
my( $s, $e ) = ($f->start,$f->end);
my $mp = ($s+$e-1)/2;
$s = 1 if $s < 1;
$e = $l if $e > $l;
if( $bp_tw < $e-$s+1 ) { # Can we fit the text in the box! If so we will draw it centred to the mid-point as much as possible....
## If not if we centre the text on tddhe midpoint - will it fit in the range - if so draw it at the midpoint and
my $ts = $mp-$bp_tw/2;
$ts = 1 if $ts < 1;
$ts = $l - $bp_tw if $ts > $l-$bp_tw;
$f->{tinfo} = { 'ts' => $ts, 'tw'=> $tw, 'bp_tw' => $bp_tw, 'th' => $th, 'fs' => $fh, 'fn' => $fn, 'st'=>$str, 'extra' => 'ff' };
return $self->_extent($g,$f,$ts,$ts+$bp_tw,$h);
} elsif( $mp < 0 || $mp > $l ) { ## Out of range don't draw!!
## If midpoint not in range don't draw the text at all - and just make space for the box if a background colour is set!
return $self->_extent($g,$f,$f->start,$f->end,$h) if $st->{bgcolor};
} else {
my $ts = $mp-$bp_tw/2;
if( $ts < - 4 * $self->{bppp} || $ts + $bp_tw > $l + 4 * $self->{bppp} ) {
return $self->_extent($g,$f,$f->start,$f->end,$h) if $st->{bgcolor};
} else {
$f->{tinfo} = { 'ts' => $ts, 'tw' => $tw, 'bp_tw' => $bp_tw, 'th' => $th, 'fs' => $fh, 'fn' => $fn,'st'=>$str, 'extra' => 'pf' };
return $self->_extent($g,$f,$ts,$ts+$bp_tw,$h);
sub glyph_text {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
if( $st->{bgcolor}) {
$self->_symbol_init( $g,$f,$st );
if( $f->{tinfo} ) { ## We are drawing text between ts and ts+tw (height = th);
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
'text' => $st->{string},
'valign' => 'center',
'textwidth' => $f->{tinfo}{tw},
'x' => $f->{tinfo}{ts},
'width' => $f->{tinfo}{bp_tw},
'halign' => 'center',
'y' => $y,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'font' => $f->{tinfo}{fn},
'ptsize' => $f->{tinfo}{fs},
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1
# sub extent_toomany - drop to default!
sub glyph_toomany {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
return () unless $f->{extent_start}; ## Not in region!!
my $h = $st->{height}||$self->{'h'};
my $y = ( $g ? $g->{'y'} : $f->{'y'} ) + ( $self->{'h'}-$h ) /2;
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end} - $f->{extent_start} + 1,
'y' => $y,
'height' => $h,
'absolutey' => 1,
$st->{'bgcolor'} ? ( 'colour' => $st->{'bgcolor'} ) : (),
$st->{'fgcolor'} ? ( 'bordercolour' => $st->{'fgcolor'} ) : ()
for( my $y1 = $y; $y1 < $y + $h ; $y1+=2 ) {
'x' => $f->{extent_start}-1,
'width' => $f->{extent_end} - $f->{extent_start} + 1,
'y' => $y1,
'height' => 0,
'absolutey' => 1,
$st->{'fgcolor'} ? ( 'colour' => $st->{'fgcolor'} ) : ()
sub extent_triangle { my $self = shift; return $self->extent_cross( @_ ); }
sub glyph_triangle {
my($self,$g,$f,$st)= @_;
my( $mp, $h, $y, $w ) = $self->_symbol_init( $g,$f,$st);
return unless $mp;
my $direction = lc( $st->{'direction'} );
my ($t,$m,$b) = ($y,$y+$h/2,$y+$h);
my $points = $direction eq 's' ? [ $mp - $w/2, $t, $mp, $b, $mp + $w/2, $t ] #v
: $direction eq 'e' ? [ $mp - $w/2, $m, $mp + $w/2, $t, $mp + $w/2, $b ] #>
: $direction eq 'w' ? [ $mp - $w/2, $b, $mp - $w/2, $t, $mp + $w/2, $m ] #<
: [ $mp - $w/2, $b, $mp, $t, $mp + $w/2, $b ] #^
$self->push( $self->Poly({
'points' => $points,
'colour' => $st->{fgcolor},
'absolutey' => 1,