=head1 NAME

Bio::Tools::Run::Search::blat_gfclient - Search runnable for BLAT gfClient


  # Do not use this object directly - it is used as part of the
  # Bio::Tools::Run::Search system.
  use Bio::Tools::Run::Search;
  my $runnable = Bio::Tools::Run::Search(-method=>'blat_gfclient');
  $runnable->database( $database ); #DB string, eg localhost:60001:/nibdir
  $runnable->seq( $seq );           #Bio::SeqI object for query
  $runnable->run; # Launch the query

  my $result = $runnable->next_result; #Bio::Search::Result::* object


This object extends Bio::Tools::Run::Search (sequence database
searching framework) to encompass BLAT's gfClient executable. Read
the L<Bio::Tools::Run::Search> docs for more information about how to
use this.


# Let the code begin...
package Bio::Tools::Run::Search::blat_gfclient;

use strict;
use Data::Dumper;
use vars qw( @ISA 

use Bio::Tools::Run::Search;
use IO::Socket;

@ISA = qw( Bio::Tools::Run::Search );

  $SEARCHIO_FORMAT   = 'blast';
  $VERSION    = 'Unknown';
  $PROGRAM_NAME  = 'gfClient';

sub program_name{ 
  my $self = shift;
  my $pname = $self->SUPER::program_name(@_);
  return defined( $pname ) ?  $pname : $PROGRAM_NAME;
sub algorithm   { return $ALGORITHM }
sub format      { return $SEARCHIO_FORMAT }
sub parameter_options { return {} }


=head2 _initialise_search

  Arg [1]   : 
  Function  : Bypass Apache/HTTP environment vars that may affect blat
  Caller    : 
  Example   : 


sub _initialise_search {
  my $self = shift;
  return $self->SUPER::_initialise_search(@_);


=head2 command

  Arg [1]   : None
  Function  : generates the shell command to run
              the blat query
  Returntype: String: $command
  Caller    :
  Example   :


sub command{
  my $self = shift;

  if( ! -f $self->fastafile ){ $self->throw("Need a query sequence!") }

#  my $exe = $self->executable;
  my $exe = '/ensemblweb/shared/bin/gfClient';
  -e $exe || $self->throw( "$exe does not exist" );
  -X $exe || $self->throw( "$exe is not executable bu UID/GID" );

  my( $host, $port, $nib_dir ) = $self->_get_server();

  my $command = join( ' ',

  warn "$command 2> ".$self->errorfile;
  return $command." 2>".$self->errorfile;


=head2 _get_server

  Arg [1]   : None
  Function  : Internal method to convert the database string into a 
              BLAT host and port. Database string must be in format of:
  Returntype: array - $host, $port, $nib_dir
  Caller    : 
  Example   : 


sub _get_server{
  my $self = shift;
  my $database = $self->database;

  my ($host, $port, $nib_dir) = split( ':', $database, 3 ); 
  $port ||  
    $self->throw("Bad format for blat search DB: ".$database.
		 ". Use host:port:nib_path" );

  $nib_dir ||= '/';

  # Test to see whether the server is responding
  my $status = 1;
  my $error  = '';
  for( my $i=0; $i<5; $i++ ){ # Allow up to 5 attempts to contact the server
      my $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( PeerAddr => $host,
					  PeerPort => $port,
					  Timeout  => 1     ) 
	or die( "$@ $host:$port" );
    if( $@ ){ $status = 0; alarm(0); $error=$@; $self->debug($@) }
    else{     $status = 1; last; }
  if( ! $status ){
    $self->throw( "BLAT server unavailable: $error" )

  # Check for nib dir
  -e $nib_dir || $self->throw( "Nib dir $nib_dir does not exists" );
  -d $nib_dir || $self->throw( "Nib dir $nib_dir is not a directory" );
  return( $host, $port, $nib_dir );

