# TODO docs

package EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::MetaStage;

use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings "uninitialized";

use EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Meta;

use vars qw(@ISA);
@ISA = qw(EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Meta);

sub _object_template{ 
     -name             => '', # ID for this object
     -parent           => '', # ID of parent object (Stage has none!)
     -blocks           => [], # List of child objects (i.e. blocks)

     -available        => [], # Availability. Array exp's ANDed
     -error            => [], # Error detection code_ref/regexp/value
     -cgi_processing   => [], # 'cgi value' processing code references 
     -javascript_files => [], # Javascript files to be included in the page
     -javascript_onload=> [], # Javascript functions to pre-load

     -number_summary => '%s', # Used for the 'xx Entries' label in the summary
     -page_header   => {title=>'',text=>[]},    # Para struct for head(TODO: make this an object)
     -page_footer   => {title=>'',text=>[]},    # Para struct for foot(TODO: make this an object)

     -block_list    => [], # Deprecated
