# Base class for Mart system panel builders
# How does the Mart panel system work?
# The logical units in each Mart panel are:
# The Panel
# containing none or more 'blocks'
# containing none or more 'entries'
# containing none or more 'forms'
# Each logical unit is made up of table rows
# Each table row contains the same number of table cells
# Table cells are defined by HTML strings.
# These HTML strings come in two main forms:
# padding/border cells, where formatting can be via <TMPL_VAR ...> tags.
# <TMPL_VAR ...> tags are substituted by the HTML::Template calls
# entry cells, where the entry placeholder is '%s'.
# The '%s' placeholder is substituted using sprintf calls.
# Each cell is identified by a /single/ letter
# Table rows are defined by equal-length text strings.
# Each letter of the text string refers to an individual table cell.
# The table row is generated by concatenating appropriate table cells.
# Built panels for any combination of 'top-level' cgi params are cached
package EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel;
use strict;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::PanelCache;
use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT $SPECIES_DEFS );
@ISA = qw( Exporter );
use EnsEMBL::Web::SpeciesDefs;
$SPECIES_DEFS = EnsEMBL::Web::SpeciesDefs->new;
# Setup cache (can be accessed using $EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::CACHE
use vars qw( $CACHE );
$CACHE = EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::PanelCache->new();
use constant IMG_ROOT => '/img/blastview';
use constant IMG_ROOT_ROVER => IMG_ROOT;
use constant IMG_BLANK => '/img/blank.gif';
use constant IMG_WARN => IMG_ROOT.'/warn.gif';
my $palette_ref = $SPECIES_DEFS->ENSEMBL_COLOURS || {};
my $palette_ref = $SPECIES_DEFS->ENSEMBL_STYLE || {};
my %palette = %{$palette_ref};
map{ $palette{$_} = "#".$palette{$_} } keys %palette;
$BORDER_COLOR = '#999999';
use constant TABLE => qq(
<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>%s
</TABLE> );
use constant ROW => qq(
</TR> );
use constant CELL => qq(
</TD> );
Arg [1] : class
Arg [2] : hashref containing 2 hashrefs
$arg->{celldefs} contains a hash of cell definitions
$arg->{rowdefs} contains a hash of row definitions
Function : Constructor method for MartPanel object
Object populated with celldefs, rowdefs and generated rows.
Returntype: MartPanel object
Exceptions: Incorrect args (i.e. celldefs or rowdefs missing)
Caller :
Example : my $panel = EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel->new({celldefs=>\%cells, rowdefs=>\%rows})
sub new{
my $class = shift;
my $args = shift;
if( ref( $args ) ne 'HASH' ){ croak('Argument not a hashref') };
if( ref( $args->{celldefs} ) ne 'HASH' ){ croak('No cell definitions' ) };
if( ref( $args->{rowdefs } ) ne 'HASH' ){ croak('No cell definitions' ) };
my $self = $args;
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
=head2 generate_rows
Arg [1] : self
Function : Uses object row and cell definitions to genetate row html
Returntype: boolean
Exceptions: Rows do not all contain the same number of cells
Rows refer to non-existent cells
Caller :
Example : $panel->generate_rows()
sub generate_rows{
my $self = shift;
my %rowlengths;
foreach my $row ( keys %{$self->{rowdefs}} ){
my $rowstr = $self->{rowdefs}->{$row}; # A text str representing the row
$rowlengths{length($_)} ++; # Add length of this rowstr to rowlength hash
my @cells = ();
my $cell_counter = 0;
my $span_counter = 0;
foreach( split( '', $rowstr ) ){ # Each char of $rowstr maps to a cell
my $previous_char = $cell_counter > 0 ?
substr( $rowstr, $cell_counter-1, 1 ) :
if( $previous_char ne $_ ){ # Not 'same as last' => new cell; reset span
my $cell = $self->{celldefs}->{$_}
|| croak("No cell referenced by '$_'");
push @cells, $cell;
$span_counter = 1;
else{ # 'same as last' => add to colspan
$span_counter ++;
unless( $cells[$#cells] =~ s/colspan=\d+/colspan=$span_counter/ ){
# Could not find colspan - add one after <TD
unless( $cells[$#cells] =~ s/<TD /<TD colspan=$span_counter/ ){
# Give up - this ain't a table cell!
croak("Cell referenced by '$_' is not a table cell!");
$cell_counter ++;
# Update self with generated row
$self->{rows}->{$row} = sprintf( EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::ROW, join( '', @cells ) );
# Check that all rows are the same length
if( scalar( keys( %rowlengths ) ) > 1 ){ croak('Rows are different lengths') };
return 1;
=head2 get_row
Arg [1] : self
Arg [2] : string - row name
Function : Accessor function for panel rows
Returntype: string
Exceptions: Arg [2] does not reference a valid row
Caller :
Example : $panel->get_row()
sub get_row{
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
if( exists( $self->{rows} ) ){
return $self->{rows}->{$name} ||
croak("No row found with name '$name'");
elsif( exists( $self->{panel}->{rows} ) ){
return $self->{panel}->{rows}->{$name} ||
croak("No row found with name '$name'. Called from ",
(caller)[1], " line ", (caller)[2]);
else{ croak("No row found with name '$name'") }
=head2 _gen_base_form
Arg [1] : string - type of form to generate (checkbox, radio...)
Arg [2] : string - form name
Function : Generates HTML forms for the MartPanel system
The returned HTML contains HTML::Template variables that must
be substituted using other MartPanel functions.
In brief, the form 'name' is converted to <TMPL_VAR _$name>.
Other form attributes (e.g. value. checked, selected) are
converted to <TMPL_VAR __$name-attribute>.
The name can therefore be set separately to the attributes,
thereby allowing for caching of part-generated panels.
Returntype: string - HTML form (using HTML::Template variables)
Exceptions: Incorrect args
Caller :
Example : my $form_tmpl = _gen_form( $type, $name );
sub _gen_base_form{
use constant FORMS =>
<INPUT type='checkbox'
<TMPL_VAR %s!!%s!!checked> %s /> ),
<IMG SRC='/img/blastview/checkbox_off.gif'
ALT='This selection is unavailable' onClick="javascript:alert(This selection is unavailable)" /> ),
RADIO => qq(
<INPUT type='radio'
<TMPL_VAR %s!!%s!!checked> %s /> ),
RADIO_OFF => qq(
<IMG SRC='/img/blastview/radio_off.gif' ALT='This selection is unavailable' onClick="javascript:alert(This selection is unavailable)" /> ),
BUTTON => qq(
<INPUT type='button'
value='%s' %s />),
SELECT => qq(
<SELECT name='%s' %s> %s
</SELECT> ),
TEXT => qq(
<INPUT type='text'
value='<TMPL_VAR %s!!value>' %s />),
FILE => qq(
<INPUT type='file'
value='<TMPL_VAR %s!!value>' %s />),
<TEXTAREA type='textarea'
name='%s' wrap='off' %s ><TMPL_VAR %s!!value></TEXTAREA>),
OPTION => qq(
<OPTION value='%s' <TMPL_VAR %s!!%s!!selected> > %s </OPTION> ),
IMAGE => qq(<INPUT type='image'
border=0 %s />),
IMAGE2 => "<INPUT type='image'
src = '".IMG_ROOT_ROVER."/%s_%s<TMPL_VAR %s!!%s!!selected>.gif' border=0 %s />",
WARNING => qq(<TMPL_VAR %s!!warning>%s),
HIDDEN => qq(<INPUT type='hidden',
value='%s' %s />),
HIDDEN2 => qq(<INPUT type='hidden',
value='<TMPL_VAR %s!!value>' %s />),
my $self = shift;
my %args = @_;
my $type = $args{-type} || croak( "No form type provided" );
my $name = $args{-name} || confess( "No form name provided" );
my $value = defined( $args{-value} ) ? $args{-value} : $args{-name};
my $src = $args{-src} || '';
my $optref = $args{-options} || [];
my $option = $args{-option};
# Any additional args?
my $multiple;
if( $args{-multiple} ){ $multiple = 'MULTIPLE' }
delete( @args{qw(-type -name -value -src -options -option -multiple ) } );
my $extra = ( join ' ',
map{ /^-(.+)/ ? uc($1). "='$args{$_}'" : '' }
keys %args );
$extra .= ' MULTIPLE="MULTIPLE"' if $multiple;
my $tmpl = FORMS->{uc($type)} || croak( "Don't have a form of type '$type'" );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'TEXTAREA' ){
return sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $extra, $value );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'SELECT' ){
# warn Dumper( $optref );
my @optelems;
if( ref($optref->[0]) eq 'ARRAY' ){
# Option elements are name/value pairs
@optelems = map{ $self->_gen_base_form( -type =>'OPTION',
-name =>$name,
-value =>$_->[0],
-option =>$_->[1]) } @$optref;
# Option elements use the same value for name and value
@optelems = map{ $self->_gen_base_form( -type =>'OPTION',
-name =>$name,
-value =>$_,
-option =>$_ ) } @$optref;
my $optstr = join( '', @optelems );
return sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $extra, $optstr );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'RADIO' ){
return sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $value, $name, $value, $extra );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'CHECKBOX' ){
my $check = sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $value, $name, $value, $extra );
#my $maintain = $self->_gen_base_form( -type=>'HIDDEN',
# -name=>'_RECOVER',
# -value=>$name );
my $maintain = $self->_gen_base_form( -type=>'HIDDEN',
-value=>0 );
return $check.$maintain;
if( uc( $type ) eq 'BUTTON' ){
return sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $value, $extra );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'OPTION' ){
$value =~ s/\s+//g;
return sprintf( $tmpl, $value, $name, $value, $option );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'IMAGE' ){
return sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $value, $src, $extra );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'IMAGE2' ){
return sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $value, $name, $value, $name, $value,
$src, $extra );
if( uc( $type ) eq 'HIDDEN' ){
return sprintf( $tmpl, $name, $value, $extra );
my @names = $tmpl =~ /\%s/g;
@names = map{ $name } @names;
pop @names;
push @names, $extra;
return sprintf( $tmpl, @names );
=head2 _populate_base_forms
Arg [1] : HTML::Template object
Arg [2] : hashref of form name->value pairs
Function : Leaves '<TMPL_VAR $name>' unchanged
Replaces '<TMPL_VAR _$name>' with '_$value'
Replaces '<TMPL_VAR __$name-$attr>' to '<TMPL_VAR _$value-$atr>'
Returntype: HTML::Template object (populated)
Caller :
Example :
sub _populate_base_forms{
my $tmpl = shift;
my $meta = shift;
# Create a template
my $t = HTML::Template->new( scalarref => \$tmpl,
croak_on_bad_params => 0,
case_sensitive => 1 );
# Build template params hash.
my %params;
my $VAR = '<TMPL_VAR %s>';
foreach my $p( $t->query() ){ # loop for each param in tmpl
my $value = $p;
my $num;
foreach ( keys %$meta ){ # loop for each key in $meta
my $name = lc($_);
my $newval = $meta->{$_};
$value =~ s/_$name/$newval/;
# Peform the substitutions
if( $value =~ s/^_// || $value eq $p ){ # retain TMPL_VAR
$params{$p} = sprintf( $VAR, $value )
else{ $params{$p} = $value } # replace TMPL_VAR
# Populate template
$t->param( %params );
return $t->output();
sub add_panel_header{
my $self = shift;
my $meta = shift || croak( 'Need meta data for this header' );
ref( $meta ) eq 'HASH' || croak( 'First arg must be a hashref' );
$self->add_block( sprintf( $self->get_row('panel_header'),
$meta->{LABEL} || '' ) );
return 1;
sub add_block_header{
my $self = shift;
my $meta = shift || croak( 'Need meta data for this header' );
ref( $meta ) eq 'HASH' || croak( 'First arg must be a hashref' );
# Dereference
my %meta = %$meta;
# Get the label
my $tmpl = $meta{LABEL} || croak ( 'Need a label for this header' );
# Do the template substitution stuff
my $t = HTML::Template->new( scalarref => \$tmpl,
die_on_bad_params => 0,
case_sensitive => 1 );
my %params;
map{ $params{$_}="<TMPL_VAR $_>" } $t->query;
$self->add_entry( sprintf( $self->get_row('block_header'),
$t->output || '' ) );
return 1;
sub add_entry_header{
my $self = shift;
my $meta = shift || croak( 'Need meta data for this header' );
ref( $meta ) eq 'HASH' || croak( 'First arg must be a hashref' );
$self->add_entry( sprintf( $self->get_row('entry_header'),
$meta->{LABEL} || '' ) );
return 1;
sub add_entry_footer{
my $self = shift;
my $meta = shift || croak( 'Need meta data for this header' );
ref( $meta ) eq 'HASH' || croak( 'First arg must be a hashref' );
$self->add_entry( sprintf( $self->get_row('entry_footer'),
$meta->{LABEL} || '' ) );
return 1;
sub add_warning{
my $self = shift;
my $meta = shift || croak( 'Need meta data for this header' );
ref( $meta ) eq 'HASH' || croak( 'First arg must be a hashref' );
$self->add_entry( sprintf( $self->get_row('warning'),
$meta->{LABEL} || '' ) );
return 1;
=head2 add_block
Arg [1] :
Function : Adds a new block to the Panel object, and updates the
block pointer. Returns the current block pointer(idx+1),
equivalent to the total number of blocks.
Caller :
Example :
sub add_block{
my $self = shift;
my $entry = shift || [];
push( @{$self->{data}}, $entry );
my $current_block = scalar( @{$self->{data}} );
$self->{pointers}->{block} = $current_block;
$self->{pointers}->{entry} = 0;
$self->{pointers}->{form } = 0;
return $current_block;
=head2 add_entry
Arg [1] :
Function : Adds a new entry to the current block, and makes this the
current entry. Returns the current entry (idx+1),
equivalent to the total number of entries for this block
Caller :
Example :
sub add_entry{
my $self = shift;
my $entry = shift || [];
my $current_block = $self->{pointers}->{block} || croak( 'Need new block' );
push( @{$self->{data}->[$current_block-1]}, $entry );
my $current_entry = scalar( @{$self->{data}->[$current_block-1]} );
$self->{pointers}->{entry} = $current_entry;
$self->{pointers}->{form} = 0;
return $current_entry;
=head2 add_form
Arg [1] :
Function : Adds a new form to the current entry. Returns the current
entry (idx+1), equivalent to the total number of forms
for this entry
Caller :
Example :
sub add_form{
my $self = shift;
my $form = shift || croak( 'Need some form data' ) ;
my $current_block = $self->{pointers}->{block} || croak( 'Need new block' );
my $current_entry = $self->{pointers}->{entry} || croak( 'Need new entry' );
push( @{$self->{data}->[$current_block-1]->[$current_entry-1]}, $form );
my $current_form =
scalar( @{$self->{data}->[$current_block-1]->[$current_entry-1]} );
$self->{pointers}->{form} = $current_form;
return $current_form;
sub set_avail{
my $self = shift;
$self->{avail} = ( $_[0] eq 'off' ? 'off' : 'on' );
return( $self->{avail} );
sub output_simple{
my $self = shift;
foreach my $blockref( @{$self->{data}} ){
ref( $blockref ) eq 'ARRAY' || next;
foreach my $entryref( @$blockref ){
ref( $entryref ) eq 'ARRAY' || next;
$entryref = join( '',
join( $self->{entry_padding_row},
@$entryref ),
$blockref = join( '',
join( $self->{block_padding_row},
@$blockref ),
return( "<TABLE cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>\n".
join( $self->{panel_padding_row},
@{$self->{data}} ).
"</TABLE>" );
# Generates the page HTML from $self->{data}
# $self->{data} is a nested array structure: blocks->entries->forms
sub output(){
my $self = shift;
my $extra = shift;
my $tab_block = 0;
my @blocks;
foreach my $blockref( @{$self->{data}} ){
if( ! ref( $blockref ) ){ # then this is a page label
push @blocks, $blockref;
elsif( ref($blockref) eq 'ARRAY' ){ # then this is a block collection
my @entries;
foreach my $entryref( @$blockref ){
if( ! ref($entryref) ){ # then this is a block label
#fix for tab block at top of export page
if ($entryref =~ /Select output type/){
$tab_block = 1;
push @entries, $entryref;
elsif( ref($entryref) eq 'ARRAY' ){ # then this is a form collection
my @forms = @$entryref;
if ($tab_block == 1){ #fix for tab block
push @entries, join( '',@forms);
push @entries, join( '',
join( $self->{entry_padding_row},
@forms ),
if ($tab_block == 1){#fix for tab block
push @blocks, join('',@entries);
$tab_block = 0;
push @blocks, join( '',
join( $self->{block_padding_row},
@entries ),
my $tmpl = sprintf( EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::TABLE,
join( '',
join( $self->{panel_padding_row},
@blocks ),
$self->{panel_base_row} ) );
my $t = HTML::Template->new( scalarref => \$tmpl,
die_on_bad_params => 0,
case_sensitive => 1 );
my %params;
map{ $params{$_}="<TMPL_VAR $_>" } $t->query;
BORDER_COLOR => $EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::BORDER_COLOR,
PAGE_COLOR => $EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::PAGE_COLOR,
MAIN_BG_COLOR => $EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::MAIN_BG_COLOR,
DARK_BG_COLOR => $EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::DARK_BG_COLOR,
VDARK_BG_COLOR => $EnsEMBL::Web::BlastView::Panel::VDARK_BG_COLOR,
NORMAL_TEXT => $self->{avail} eq 'off' ? 'text_off': 'text',
HEADER_TEXT => $self->{avail} eq 'off' ? 'head_off': 'head',
INITIALISED => $self->{avail} eq 'off' ? 'off' : '',
return( $t->output );
=head2 get_panel_warning
Arg [1] :
Function :
Caller :
Example :
sub get_panel_warning {
my $tmpl = qq(<IMG src='%s' height=15 width=15> %s);
my $text = shift || 'Unknown';
return sprintf( $tmpl, IMG_WARN, $text );